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目的探索芦山地震后现场救援队伍及一线医院对胸部外伤伤员院前处理措施的重视程度,为以后灾害救援应急预案的制定、技术培训、物资和人力准备提供参考依据。方法回顾性分析“4·20芦山地震”期间华西医院共收治的365例伤员的临床资料,其中合并胸部外伤63例,男40例(63.5%)、女23例(36.5%),年龄(49.08±19.10)岁。骨科相关伤员244例,男133例(54.5%),女111例(45.4%),年龄(41.59±22.74)岁。将合并胸部外伤伤员和骨科相关伤员在院前所接受的专科处理和一般处理进行比较分析。结果合并胸部外伤需要院前接受专科处理伤员51例,但实际只有10例(19.6%)在院前得到专科处理,骨科相关伤员中需要院前接受专科处理伤员220例,但实际有162例(占73.6%)在院前得到专科处理,二者差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。合并胸部外伤伤员与骨科相关伤员院前一般处理措施中接受镇痛和抗感染处理情况的差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论此次震后院前救援中,胸部外伤伤员在院前处理中受重视程度低于骨科相关伤员。希望在以后的灾害救援中提高对胸部外伤伤员院前处理措施的重视程度。  相似文献   

摘要:目的了解不同震级的地震对地震医学救援中三甲医院所收治伤员伤情的差异,为地震医学救援决策的制定和医疗资源的配置提供参考。方法回顾性分析2008年“5·12”汶川地震和“4·20”芦山地震中四川大学华西医院收治的住院地震伤员的临床资料,比较两次地震伤员的性别、年龄、来院时间、受伤机制、伤情分类和治疗转归。结果共纳入汶川地震伤员1856例,其中男974例、女882例,年龄(45.8±22.7)岁;芦山地震伤员316例,其中男174例、女142例,年龄(43.0±23.1)岁。两次地震伤员的性别与年龄差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。但汶川地震伤员来院的高峰明显后移,持续时间明显延长;汶川地震中,重物砸伤和掩埋伤所占比例明显高于芦山地震,伤情也明显较重,住院死亡率明显较高;与汶川地震伤员相比,芦山地震伤员中胸外、颅脑外伤的患者比例明显较高,四肢外伤的比例有所下降。结论(1)地震时地质物理破坏程度将会对地震伤员的受伤机制产生明显影响,高震级的地震,重物砸伤和掩埋伤的患者比例将会明显增高,相应的,高处坠落伤和跌伤的患者比例会下降,导致患者病情更重,死亡率更高。(2)地震时地质物理破坏程度将会明显影响到地震伤员的后送,越高震级的地震后,伤员来院的高峰会越往后推迟,甚至无明显的高峰出现,但病员流的时间会明显延长,对医院工作的影响较持久。相应的,在伤员后送影响不大的较低震级地震中,伤员来院的高峰会明显提前,病员流的持续时间不会太长,对医院日常工作的影响持续较短。(3)伤员后送的障碍将会影响到患者的及时处理,从而影响到胸外、颅脑外伤患者的预后,最后影响到到院伤员胸外和颅脑外伤的构成比例。与震级较高的地震相比,在较低震级的地震后,应更加加强胸外科、神经外科的救治力量,以保证对此类伤员的及时救治。  相似文献   

15例外伤性胸骨骨折的诊治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胸外伤中胸骨骨折很少。 1986年至 1998年 ,我们共收治各类胸外伤 6 18例 ,其中有胸骨骨折者 15例 ,现就其诊治体会报告如下。临床资料 本组男 13例 ,女 2例 ;年龄 17~ 72岁。车祸伤 10例 ,压伤 4例 ,钝器打击伤 1例。合并颅脑伤 5例 ,四肢伤 6例 ,腹腔脏器伤 1例。单纯胸骨骨折 6例 ,合并肋骨骨折者 9例 ,连枷胸 4例 ;合并血胸 11例 ,肺挫伤 7例 ,心包积血 5例 ,心包裂伤 3例 ,血气胸 2例 ,心肌裂伤 1例 ,支气管破裂 1例。骨折发生在胸骨体者 10例 ,胸骨体下 1/ 3者 3例 ,胸骨柄者 2例。骨折移位者 8例 ,无移位者 7例。胸部创伤AIS积…  相似文献   

老年胸外伤的特点与救治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我院自1986年10月至1996年11月共收治老年胸部外伤病人86例,占同期收治非老年病人的21.1%(86/408)。现将老年胸部外伤的临床特点及救治体会报告如下。临床资料本组共86例,男62例,女24例,年龄60~81岁。致伤原因:车祸伤59例,挤压伤6例,摔伤14例,坠落伤4例,锐器伤3例。其中开放性损伤4例,闭合性损伤82例。有急性呼吸衰竭表现的13例,多发肋骨骨折sl例(其中4例为连枷胸),血气胸63例,肺挫伤12例,隔肌破裂2例,合并伤32例。治疗方法:单纯胸穿6例,胸腔闭式引流54例,肋间血管结扎2例,肺楔形切除或肺修补5例,膈肌修补2例,…  相似文献   

135例胸外伤迟发性血胸的临床分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
临床上 ,迟发性血胸往往被忽视 ,以至于出现凝固性血胸、胸腔感染、休克等并发症 ,甚至导致死亡[1 4 ] 。现分析我院的 135例迟发性血胸患者的临床资料 ,以探讨其诊断问题。1.资料和方法 :1977年 7月~ 1999年 7月 ,共收治胸外伤患者 2 5 79例 ,其中钝性伤 2 0 94例中伴有肋骨骨折的 195 3例。出现血胸的 116 3例中 ,诊断为迟发性血胸 135例 ,诊断为速发性血胸 10 2 8例。2 .结果 :135例迟发性血胸中 ,胸部钝性伤引起的 10 3例 ,均有肋骨骨折 ,以3~ 4根肋骨骨折多见 ,(χ2 =5 0 0 9,P <0 0 1) ;速发性血胸以 4根以上肋骨骨折的发生率最…  相似文献   

地震中胸部损伤病人的伤情评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 总结汶川地震后胸外伤病人的特点,比较不同伤情评估方法对预测伤员可能发生呼吸衰竭的差别,为灾难发生后的救治决策提供参考.方法 2008年5月12日到27日,共入院治疗地震伤员1823例.其中184例(10.1%)被确诊受了胸部外伤.详细记录这组病人的一般资料、诊断、治疗过程以及结局.通过Logistic回归分析导致病人发生呼吸衰竭的危险因素;通过绘制伤者特征(Roc)曲线比较损伤严重度评分(ISS)、新损伤严重度评分(NISS)和胸部外伤指数对地震伤病人呼吸衰竭的预测效果.结果 地震后胸外伤以复合伤为主,占84.78%;呼吸衰竭发生率高达20.65%(38例),且带机时间长,3.72 d,平均(18.82±15.94) d.Logistic 回归分析显示仅连枷胸、肺挫伤和挤压综合征的出现与伤后呼吸衰竭的发生有关.ROC曲线显示在预测呼吸衰竭的发生上,NISS曲线下面积大于ISs和胸部外伤指数,以得分24为标准预测呼吸衰竭,其敏感度为94.74%,特异性为79.45%.结论 地震后获救胸外伤员伤情复杂,呼吸衰竭发生率高,是导致死亡的主要原因.NISS评分可有效地预测地震伤后呼吸衰竭的发生,其最佳阈值为24.应在震后伤情评估中予以推广.  相似文献   

<正> 多发伤易导致病人呼吸衰竭、缺氧、大出血、休克等危及生命的症状。一旦诊断明确,有手术指征,需立即手术治疗。现将我院2001年收治1例多发性肋骨骨折伴血胸、肺挫伤、肝脾破裂患者的术后护理总结如下。 1 临床资料 患者男,28岁。于2001年12月13日在井下被钢丝绳绞伤左侧胸腹部,出现胸腹痛、腹肌紧张、呼吸时胸部及腹部疼痛加重,左下腹抽出不凝血。CT示:①左下肺挫伤,左侧胸部多发性肋骨骨折,左侧血胸;②肝脾破裂、腹内出血。由急诊科直接送人手术室,在全麻下行剖腹探查肝破裂修补、脾切除术。  相似文献   

1 病例资料例 1,男性 ,60岁 ,矿工 ,井下作业时压伤胸部急诊入院。诊断左侧多发性肋骨骨折 ,并肺挫伤、血气胸。行左胸闭式引流 ,第 6d拔管 ,复查胸片发现左侧中下肺野 4cm× 3cm椭圆形透亮区 ,边缘整齐、光滑、壁薄 ,诊断 :创伤性肺囊肿。支持治疗 4周后透亮区消失 ,治愈出院。例 2 ,男性 ,2 5岁 ,机修工 ,因右胸部撞伤入院。诊断为多发性肋骨骨折 ,肺挫伤 ,给予输液、镇痛、止血、预防感染治疗。 1周后复查胸片发现右肺 5cm× 3cm含气囊肿。继续用药治疗 1周后复查 ,原气囊肿变为圆形致密影 ,认为符合肺内血肿 ,保守治疗 3周 ,块影缩小。…  相似文献   

漂浮肩损伤保守治疗疗效差,常导致肩关节功能障碍.2006年9月~2012年3月,笔者手术切开复位内固定治疗17例漂浮肩损伤患者,效果较为满意,报道如下. 1 材料与方法 1.1 病例资料本组17例, 男15例, 女2例,年龄21~51 岁.左侧7例,右侧10例,均为闭合骨折.合并伤:6例合并有胸肋骨骨折及不同程度的肺挫伤,2例伴有臂丛神经损伤,1例伴颅脑损伤.均在外伤后5~10 d在局部组织条件及全身状况好转后行手术治疗.  相似文献   

目的回顾性分析2008年5月12日汶川地震及2013年4月20日芦山地震中,笔者所在医院收治的8例地震肝外伤住院伤员情况,为地震肝外伤的诊治提供参考。方法于笔者所在医院病案科查询因地震伤入院且诊断为肝外伤的伤员,收集其相关临床资料并分析。结果笔者所在医院在汶川及芦山地震后共收治地震肝外伤患者8例,其中7例患者伴随有其他合并伤。入院后2例患者接受了肝脏手术治疗,其余6例患者行保守治疗。所有患者均治愈出院。结论早期明确诊断,选择恰当的治疗方式,及时处理合并伤,可以使地震肝外伤患者获得良好的预后。  相似文献   

Because of the controversy about the treatment of injured patients with steroids, each doctor treating closed chest injuries at Ullev?l Hospital, Oslo, has been free to decide whether to use steroids. However, if steroids were to be used, early administration was recommended. Thus, on admission methylprednisolone 30 mg/kg body weight was given to 107 patients having at least four rib fractures or a flail chest. The dose was repeated after 8 and 16 hours. The patients treated with steroids were compared with 159 patients not receiving steroids, but who otherwise were treated identically. Three-quarters of the patients had multiple injuries and 219 patients (82 per cent) had intrathoracic injuries such as pneumothorax (39 per cent), haemothorax (37 per cent) or contusion of the lung (59 per cent). Forty-six patients (17 per cent) were in shock on admission. Most patients could be managed with intravenous infusion, oxygen, relief of pain and chest drains. Early thoracotomy was performed in 10 patients and 91 patients needed artificial ventilation. Analysis of the two groups of patients revealed a significantly lower hospital mortality of 11.2 per cent for those treated with steroids as against 23.3 per cent for those without. Comparison of the two groups demonstrated no differences which could explain the difference in mortality. The mean Injury Severity Score (ISS) was 24.0 for the steroid treated group and 21.4 for the control group. The steroid treatment was not associated with any increase in the incidence of infection. The present analysis indicates that steroids, when given early, may improve the clinical course of patients sustaining severe closed injuries of the chest.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Physical traumas are tragic and multifaceted injuries that suddenly threaten life. Although it is the third most common cause of death in all age groups, one out of four trauma patients die due to thoracic injury or its complications. Blunt injuries constitute the majority of chest trauma. This indicates the importance of chest trauma among all traumas. Blunt chest trauma is usually caused by motor vehicle accident, falling from height, blunt instrument injury and physical assault. As a result of chest trauma, many injuries may occur, such as pulmonary injuries, and these require urgent intervention. Chest wall and pulmonary injuries range from rib fractures to flail chest, pneumothorax to hemothorax and pulmonary contusion to tracheobronchial injuries. Following these injuries, patients may present with a simple dyspnea or even respiratory arrest. For such patient, it is important to understand the treatment logic and to take a multidisciplinary approach to treat the pulmonary and chest wall injuries. This is because only 10% of thoracic trauma patients require surgical operation and the remaining 90% can be treated with simple methods such as appropriate airway, oxygen support, maneuvers, volume support and tube thoracostomy. Adequate pain control in chest trauma is sometimes the most basic and best treatment. With definite diagnosis, the morbidity and mortality can be significantly reduced by simple treatment methods.  相似文献   

Chest injuries in childhood.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Differences in anatomy and mechanisms of injury are believed to contribute to the unique response of children to thoracic trauma. To characterize the scope and consequences of childhood chest injury, we reviewed the records of 105 children (ages 1 month to 17 years, mean 7.6 years) with chest injuries admitted to a level I pediatric trauma center from 1981 to 1988. Nearly all injuries (97.1%) were due to blunt trauma, and more than 50% were traffic related. Rib fractures, commonly multiple, and pulmonary contusions occurred with nearly equal frequency (49.5% and 53.3%, respectively), followed by pneumothorax (37.1%) and hemothorax (13.3%). One fourth of all pneumothoraces were under tension. Significant intrathoracic injuries occurred without rib fractures in 52% of cases with blunt trauma. Associated head, abdominal, and orthopedic injuries were present in 68.6% of children reviewed. One in five received endotracheal intubation and ventilatory support for 1 to 109 days. Presence or absence of head injury neither increased the need for respiratory support (29.4% vs. 17.2%, respectively; p = 0.24) nor affected the duration of support for those who were ventilated (6.8 +/- 8.9 days vs. 3.3 +/- 2.6 days, excluding one ventilator-dependent head-injured patient and five early deaths). The presence of associated injuries, intubation, and pneumothorax or hemothorax all resulted in significantly longer hospitalizations and more severe injury as measured by Injury Severity Score (ISS). Age, rib fracture, and contusion had no effect. Rarely encountered were ruptured diaphragm (2 cases), transection of the aorta (1), major tracheobronchial tears (3), flail chest (1), and cardiac contusion (2). Only two of the three children with penetrating injuries and three of the 83 (3.6%) with blunt injuries underwent chest operations. Six children (7%) died, one from a penetrating injury and five from blunt mechanisms. Chest Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) and ISS correlated significantly with mortality; age and head AIS did not. Rib fractures, lung contusions, and associated head, abdominal, and skeletal injuries are common because of the predominance of blunt-injury mechanisms. Nearly one half of chest injuries occurred without rib fractures. The need for ventilatory support is uncommon; when required, its duration is generally brief. Aortic transection, flail chest, and penetrating injuries more frequently encountered in adults and are uncommon in children. Thoracotomy generally is not required.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Of 174 multiple trauma patients undergoing abdominal CT examination for suspected abdominal trauma, 65 patients had 109 chest injuries detected by abdominal CT, chest film, or both examinations. Forty-one patients had 55 chest injuries at the base of the thorax which were not detected on the initial chest film. The most frequent chest injuries detected only by CT were pneumothroax, fracture (rib, thoracic spine, and sternum), lung contusion, aspiration pneumonia, hemothorax, and post-traumatic atelectasis. Seven patients whose chest injury initially was seen only at abdominal CT required treatment of the injury, suggesting that a variety of chest injuries which may vitally affect patients can be detected early in multiple trauma patients by abdominal CT, and that all abdominal trauma CT scans should be scrutinized for signs of a chest injury.  相似文献   

The significance of scapular fractures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Scapular fractures in the multiply injured patient have received little attention. Fifty-six patients with 58 scapular fractures secondary to blunt trauma were reviewed. The patients averaged 3.9 major injuries excluding their scapular fractures. The injury pattern associated with blunt scapular fracture is unique. Patients with scapular fracture have a high incidence of injury to the ipsilateral lung and chest wall and to the ipsilateral shoulder girdle and its contained structures: rib fractures, 53.6%; pulmonary contusions, 53.6%; clavicular fracture, 26.8%; brachial plexus injury, 12.5%; subclavian, brachial, or axillary artery injury, 10.7%. Eight patients died (14.3%). Although no patient died from the scapular fracture, half of the deaths in this series were the result of pulmonary sepsis arising in an associated ipsilateral pulmonary contusion. Scapular fractures provide the trauma surgeon with a reliable clinical clue that the patient is at inordinate risk to have associated injuries of major consequence to the ipsilateral lung and chest wall, the ipsilateral shoulder girdle, and the ipsilateral subclavian, axillary, or brachial artery.  相似文献   

Blunt chest trauma produces a variety of injuries. Penetrating cardiac injuries from rib fractures are extremely rare. We report the unusual case of a patient with multiple rib fractures and penetrating cardiac injury from dislocated segment of fractured VIII left rib. We did find eight patients reported in the literature having penetrating cardiac injuries from rib fractures. The clinical finding and the diagnosis of this injuries are discussed.  相似文献   

Significant injuries to the thorax comprise pneumothorax, rib fractures, lung contusion, cardiac contusion, aortic laceration, ruptured diaphragm, and the very rare injuries to the tracheo-bronchial tree and the esophagus. A surgeon dealing with chest trauma patients needs to be familiar with the indications for and execution of chest tube insertion for thoracic drainage, pericardial puncture, and thoracoscopy and thoracotomy. Interventional techniques are gaining increasing acceptance in the management of major vascular injuries. The vast majority of patients with chest injury do not need an operative intervention, but it is necessary to place a thoracic drain in 10–15% of cases or to perform in a much lower proportion a pericardial puncture or a thoracotomy.  相似文献   

Waydhas C  Nast-Kolb D 《Der Unfallchirurg》2006,109(10):881-92; quiz 893-4
Significant injuries to the thorax comprise pneumothorax, rib fractures, lung contusion, cardiac contusion, aortic laceration, ruptured diaphragm, and the very rare injuries to the tracheo-bronchial tree and the esophagus. A surgeon dealing with chest trauma patients needs to be familiar with the indications for and execution of chest tube insertion for thoracic drainage, pericardial puncture, and thoracoscopy and thoracotomy. Interventional techniques are gaining increasing acceptance in the management of major vascular injuries. The vast majority of patients with chest injury do not need an operative intervention, but it is necessary to place a thoracic drain in 10-15% of cases or to perform in a much lower proportion a pericardial puncture or a thoracotomy.  相似文献   

One hundred twenty-eight cases of chest injury were seen in a Paediatric Trauma Unit over a 5 1/2-year period. One hundred patients sustained motor vehicle accident (MVA)-related blunt chest injuries, 91 of them as pedestrians. Nine children had blunt chest injuries from falls, 10 had stab wounds (3 assault, 7 accidental), and 9 had gunshot injuries (6 from birdshot used by police during civil disturbance). MVA-related injuries were studied separately, as an etiologically homogeneous group. Sixty-five of these patients were under the age of 6. All but 3 also had serious extrathoracic injuries. The mean injury severity score (ISS) in MVA-related injuries was 25. Eight patients died, all with an ISS of 34 or more, 7 of whom had fatal head injuries. In MVA-related injuries, pulmonary contusion (n = 73) was the most frequent lesion seen, followed by rib fracture (n = 62), posttraumatic effusion (n = 58), pneumothorax (n = 38), and pneumatocele (n = 5). In MVA-related injuries, 18 children required ventilation. Thirty-nine (69%) of 56 children with radiologically evident posttraumatic pleural effusion had intercostal chest drainage. Analysis suggests that lung injury is a central event in MVA-related blunt chest trauma. Primary lung injury, radiologically visible as contusion, is complicated by hematoma, posttraumatic effusion, and pneumothorax.  相似文献   

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