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杨玥 《通讯世界》2016,(22):224-225
当前,部分县公司乃至地市公司对涉密会议缺乏有效管理,一些单位对涉密会议的概念模糊,召开涉密会议时缺乏过程管理,存在较大的失泄密风险.笔者总结了国网衡阳供电公司关于涉密会议管理的"MADA时间轴管理法",即以会前、会中、会后为时间轴,以一张菜单(Menu)为主领,从人员(Attendees)、会议资料(Document)、会场(Assembly room)三个方面强化保密工作的标准化、规范化管理.此方法条理清晰,实用操作性强,便于推广,在公司本部各部门和县公司层面的使用上都取得了良好效果,有效的避免了失泄密风险.  相似文献   

Blu-ray Disc(简称BD)和HD DVD作为下一代高清影碟标准的两大竞争对手,都是采用蓝光技术,利用波长较短(405nm)的蓝色激光读取和写入数据,而传统DVD需要光头发出红色激光(波长为650nm)来读取或写入数据。通常来说波长越短的激光,能够在单位面积上记录或读取更多的信息,因此,蓝光技术极大地提高了光盘的存储容量。BD光盘结构为1.1mm盘片 0.1mm保护层,光盘容量大,单面单层25G,单面双层50G。而HD DVD虽然也采用蓝光,但光盘结构和DVD相同,单面单层15G,单面双层30G。由于蓝光BD和HD DVD播放机均无产品在国内上市,因此本次推荐的均为海外型号,但其中不少已经在国内亮相,下面让我们先睹为快。  相似文献   

1 蓝光光盘协会简介 蓝光或称蓝光盘(BD)利用波长较短(405 nm)的蓝色激光读取和写入数据,并因此而得名.而传统DVD需要光头发出红色激光(波长为650 nm)来读取或写入数据,BD相对DVD产品而言,容量提高了5倍以上.2002年2月,由多家企业组成的蓝光光盘工作组联合宣布,将推出蓝光光盘格式,并将其作为下一代的光学存储媒体介质.这种新格式具有超大的存储容量(最大超过50 GB),是高清视频录制、分发以及海量数据存储的绝佳解决方案.同时,由于与现有的CD及DVD光盘具有相同的外形,这种新的格式还能实现向后兼容.  相似文献   

李仪 《电子科技》2000,(19):18-20
为了对时下流行的光盘刻录软件有一个全面的了解,笔者近日对各光盘刻录软件进行了测试。测试所用的电脑主要配置及平台为:PentiamⅡ333、128MBRAM、10.1GB硬盘,Sony CD-ROM CDU611光驱,光盘刻录机采用Matsushita CW-7502,操作系统为中文Windows 98SE。测试的CD-R全部采用市面常见的普通蓝盘(标称650MB、74min)。以下测试结果除注明外,母盘读取均采用Sony CD-ROM CDU611,刻录速度均为四速写入。复制光盘这次测试所用的刻录软件全部都支持光盘复制(CD COPY)。由于光盘复制的成功与否和诸多因素有关,所有的刻录…  相似文献   

在智能电网的背景下,大量异构电力信息系统之间需要进行高频率、高可靠、大数据量和可拓展的数据交换,为此文中提出一种面向事件的消息传递解决方案。该解决方案着眼于电力系统的双向信息流的有效传递,采用消息中间件方式为电力信息系统提供能够屏蔽底层消息传递具体细节的编程接口函数,同时通过消息数据的分类与分区提高消息并行写入与读取,提高消息处理系统的性能。测试结果表明,所提出的基于消息传递的、数据交互解决方案能够在性能和拓展两个方面满足电力信息系统日益苛刻的数据交互需求。  相似文献   

通过解析EXCEL文件格式,直接读取表格数据内容,再将读取的表格信息写入到数据中,实现EXCEL表格数据信息自动批量地导入应用数据库。  相似文献   

问:请问不同品牌的MO机所刻录出来的MO光盘是不是可以通用?另外,MO机所刻出来的MO光盘是不是可以在一般的光驱上读取?MO机有分几倍写入、读取、擦写吗?答:只要使用的操作系统是相同的,例如全部都是在Windows98的环境下,则MO上的文件系统,无论是在哪个品牌的MO设备上使用,应该都可以顺利读取才对。当然,如果两台MO是不同规格的,低容量MO是无法读取高容量MO碟片的(反之则可以)。MO与CD-ROM是属于完全不同的存储媒体,当然MO光盘不可以在光驱上读取。(顺便说一句,有一种叫“PD”的光存储设备,能与普通CD碟片兼容)…  相似文献   

万君 《现代通信》2001,(5):37-38
随着社会信息量的增长,光盘以其存储容量大的特点而深受人们的青睐,特别是在信息数据的备份中,光盘更是人们的首选。 目前市场上销售的光盘有两种:CD_R和CD_RW。CD_R盘片是一次写光盘片,只允许用户有一次写入数据的机会,写完以后,记录在光盘上的信息无法被改写,人们根据这一特点来存放需长久保存的信息。虽然CD_R盘片信息不能改写,但可以分段写入,直到整个盘片写满为止。CD_RW盘片是可擦写盘片,可重复写入,用户常用来存放短期内需要备份的信息;不需要时,擦掉重写,可写若干次。 在CD_R盘片的使用上…  相似文献   

CD-ROM是CompactDisc-ReadonlyMemory的缩写。意为具有小型激光数码唱片格式的只读式光盘存储器,或简称为只读光盘存储器。由于CD-ROM光盘具有记录容量大、操作简单,价格低和应用广等特点,自1983年在日本问世以来,已受到高度重视。一、CD-ROM光盘数据的处理为了使CD-ROM光盘装置能达到计算机所要求的性能,对记录在CD-ROM光盘上的数据进行编码调制和对读取信号进行检/纠错处理,其要求均十分严格。这里仅简述EFM调制、数据块的构成和CIRC等几个问题。  相似文献   

在政府涉密网中的不安全因素主要来自以下三个方面:(一)外部防范在涉密网络和公共信息网络之间、涉密网络之间缺乏有效的隔离防范措施。同时,由于数据信息在网络上传播为明文形式,如果入侵者通过在链路上窃听,就可以获得所有的数据信息,其中还包含一些用户名和密码信息,非常危险。(二)内部防范普通打印机、传真机、电话机等信息处理和传输设备的泄漏信息可以在一定距离内通过特定手段截获和还原。这种电磁泄漏信息的接收和还原技术,目前已经成为许多国家情报机构用来窃取别国重要情报的手段。且缺少对重要事件的记录以及记录的不可随意修改…  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》2005,42(1):38-39
This paper describes the advanced access content systems (AACS), the copy protection scheme designed to keep future generations safe from pirated DVDs. The ACCS group was founded by IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Panasonic, Sony, Toshiba, Disney, and Warner Bros. Studios. The AACS specification allow customers to move the data on an optical disc to various devices they own, including video servers and portable video players, either directly or via a home network. In all the scenarios developed by the AACS alliance, that data would exist on the disc in encrypted form. It would stay encrypted when transferred to other devices and would be decrypted by those devices. ACCS used a so-called strong key, the 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standards that has the ability to keep on protecting data even after it has been cracked.  相似文献   

《Multimedia, IEEE》1999,6(3):86-92
DVD (digital video disc, or digital versatile disc) is the next generation of optical disc storage technology. It's essentially a bigger, faster compact disc (CD) that can hold video as well as audio and computer data. DVD aims to encompass home entertainment, computers and business information with a single digital format, eventually replacing audio CD, videotape, laser disc, CD-ROM, and perhaps even video game cartridges. DVD has widespread-and unprecedented-support from all major electronics companies, all major computer hardware companies and most major movie and music studios, which says much for its chances of success. DVD-ROM holds computer data read by a DVD-ROM drive hooked up to a computer. DVD-Video is an application built on top of DVD-ROM. DVD-Video holds video programs played in a DVD player hooked up to a TV. The difference between DVD-ROM and DVD-Video resembles that between CD-ROM and audio CDs, including the important point that DVD-Video discs can be played in computers  相似文献   

本文针对Android应用中普遍存在的用户隐私窃取问题,提出了基于行为链的应用隐私窃取行为检测方法,该方法能细粒度地定位Android应用中存在的信息泄露源和信息泄露点,利用WxShall算法快速计算信息泄漏源和信息泄露点之间的可达性,自动化地追踪Android应用中存在的隐私信息传递路径,实现了对Android应用中隐私窃取行为的完整检测和分析.对1259款应用检测结果表明,本方法正确性超过95.1%,算法复杂度仅为WarShall算法的5.45%,检测效果优于Androgurad 和Kirin.  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》1992,29(1):52-54
Significant developments during 1991 are highlighted. Tests of proposed US HDTV transmission systems got underway. A trend toward TV cable systems with higher channel capacities is developing in the US. Digital compact cassette (DCC) and mini disc systems began competing with digital audio tape. Proposals for digital audio radio, which would use a data compression scheme similar to that in DCC and Mini Disc received greater attention  相似文献   

针对涉密局域网中UNIX主机的安全需求,重点研究"可信环境"下UMX主机的信息安全防护理论和技术,针对UMX系统的安全漏洞、威胁及风险,设计了UMX主机的安全保护策略,提出了主机可适应性安全管理模型.对系统总体设计方案、主要功能模块设计、开发平台以及本系统涉及的一些关键技术和方法进行了详细叙述,为内部网络中的主机系统提供了有效的安全保护手段.  相似文献   

Super-audio compact disc (SACD), conceived and developed by Philips and Sony, is viewed as the successor of the standard CD. In March 1999 the standard was set, and Scarlet Book version 1.0 was released. Since then, the format changed from an audiophile release format to a mass-consumer format. Not only does SACD provide an enhanced listening performance to the end-user, it also provides strong copy protection for the music industry. These aspects, in combination with a basic introduction in signal processing for super audio, are discussed The article is concluded with an overview of some of the latest developments in high-quality DSD generation.  相似文献   

The data collected in electronic databases by government agencies, universities, and private organizations could be of use to a public increasingly interested in participating in public policy formation. However, because most users lack skill in communicating with computers and because institutions resist the dissemination of databases, this information is not widely accessible to the public in forms it can use. The authors propose establishing a public access `data hub' to process requests for database access, download a copy of the requested data from the original source database (databases would not reside at the hub), and display the data in the form requested. The `bridge' between user and data would be an interface to process the request for data and then shape and interpret the data for the user. A single interface would allow users access to information that resides on many different computers without their having to learn to `talk' to each different system. Helping to design and implement this interface would be the task of the professional communicator  相似文献   

电子文件作为信息的主要载体,正广泛应用于各个领域,而电子文件易传播、易扩散的特点,给敏感数据的安全带来严重威胁,如何防止敏感数据泄露,是目前信息安全领域亟待解决的突出难题。文中通过分析敏感数据的查找方法,提出了以内容感知为重点,结合透明加解密的数据泄密防护方案。该方案在防止数据泄露的同时,增强数据的可审计性以及防泄密的适应性,为数据泄密防护的进一步完善提供了依据。  相似文献   

A technique is presented for deriving all of the different control signals needed for focusing and radial tracking in a digital servosystem for compact disc (CD) players, as well as the full band data from the disc. Because of the different natures of all those signals, different bandwidth and dynamic range, complex analog anti-aliasing circuits, and several types of A/D (analog-to-digital) converters would normally be required to convert the signals from the analog to digital domain. With the proposed technique it is possible to carry out the conversion of the high-frequency data as well as the low-frequency control signals with only a single type of multibit sigma-delta (ΣΔ) A/D converter in combination with digital signal processing. The use of ΣΔ type A/D conversion also has other advantages such as its suitability for integration in a CMOS VLSI process and the fact that the requirements for the anti-aliasing filters in front of the converters are relaxed due to the oversampling technique  相似文献   

The APP in smartphone contain various third-party services.However,the service providers illegally read the user’s private information.To address this problem,a privacy risk assessing scheme called PRAS was proposed.Firstly,a model was built to assess the risk of privacy leakage,by counting all the permissions acquired by each service providers and considering the non-linear impact of the permissions combination on privacy leakage.Then,by analyzing the balance between service quality and privacy-preserving,an optimal model was used to minimized the risk of private information leakage,and a permission management method was given to protect the privacy information among APP.The experiment results show that PRAS reduces the risk of privacy leakage by an average of 18.5%.  相似文献   

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