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俗话说,“你不理财,财不理你“,很多朋友可能都清楚自己的收入,但却不知道自己的消费和支出,所以每个月下来都是“月光族“。这就是由于头脑中没有“理财“的概念引起的,在新的一年开始时,我们有必要共同来探讨一下个人理财的问题,广义的理财不但包括财产资金的管理,还包括利用现在的资金“生财“,但是由于投资顶目有风险,各行各业差别也很大,因此在市专题中,我们主要探讨狭义的理财,那就是对资金的管理,让账目更明确,让消费更理性,日常生活中不但要开源,更要节流,用心理财,你才能做到“心中有账,手里有财“,从此告别“月光族“!  相似文献   

韩子善 《数码摄影》2013,(4):178-178
《数码摄影》创刊于新世纪,是本年青的杂志,有年青的感觉,年青的朝气,也有年青的躁动。杂志是智者,面对是朋友,所以我喜欢看各种杂志的卷首语,如沐春风,如听秋雨,有所闻,有所感,很难得,张韬也好,登登也好,如能再精深一些,配图收录会是很不错的图文集。  相似文献   

Jack 《电脑》2014,(12):218-223
正提到代步车这个词,可能很多人都会说出无数的车型,这其中就包括了早在2005年就上市的雨燕,它来自日本的小型车专业户铃木,对于当时的消费者来讲,雨燕有着得天独厚的优越条件,靓丽的外形以及超级别的配置,唯有那台G13B引擎多少有些拿不出手,不过小MINI的称号依旧换来了相当多的支持者,随着小改款的推出,引擎也从落后于时代的G13B换成了相对先进的M15A,双顶凸轮轴加上VVT,这些足以进入精品小型车的行列,将它视为改装对象的人也越来越多。用心修饰性格巨变和众多A0级小车相比较而言,雨燕的外观还是属于相当温顺的,甚至多少有些可爱,对于喜欢这种性格的女生来讲,的确是再合适不过了,不过对于那些喜欢追求速度和与众不同的男生来讲,就未必合适了,不过好在雨燕的可塑性还是很高的,通过了一些相当用心的手段进行修饰之后,一番凶悍的景象还是得到了良好的呈现,随着外观的变化,  相似文献   

一个警察玩魔兽,后来殉职,有玩家在游戏里为他组织了葬礼,很多战友前来祭拜。重庆一个魔兽公会的会长在网上卖号,打算凑两三千块钱给妻子治病,结果无数玩家慷慨解囊。还有一些让人哭笑不得的妙人。比如三季稻,人称三哥,他是国服里的一个传奇人物,独来独往,专杀小号。他不参加任何公会,也不参加任何活动,没有人知道他的真实身份。有个联盟玩家给自己的ID起名叫部落不是东西,然后到处躲避部落的追杀,历尽艰辛,乐此不疲。还有一玩家一根筋要当大奸商,不练级,不打怪,只是在不同种族之间倒买倒卖,囤货居奇,最终控制整个服务器的经济命脉。其实,游戏和现实世界一样.不管是谁,总有点追求。在《魔兽世界》里,有人求升级,有人求装备,有人享受打到BOSS的过程,有人追求领导公会的快感,但也有BJ这样的游侠——他最大的乐趣是发掘游戏里面各种稀奇古怪的地方。他会一个人去爬山、游泳、客串做奸商,躲在没人的地方钓鱼,或者和小妹妹在山顶看日出。为了抓一只宠物,他可以在树下连续盯上40多个小时,如痴如醉,跟谈恋爱一样。走出游戏,又觉得自己很傻。BJ今年33岁,是一个程序员,家住南京,有家庭,有事业,热爱生活。  相似文献   

高楼万丈平地起,在网络化和电子商务的时代,信息系统最重要的基础设施包括各种服务器和终端,以及网络设备等。它们是实现办公自动化的先决条件。有了这些设备,您每天坐在PC前,用鼠标指指点点,就可以完成各种日常工作,远到合作伙伴,近至邻桌同仁,不分时间和地点,可以随时沟通。因此,您的方案和计划,通过服务器,得以准确地展现,通过网络,得以快速地发送,最终得到完美地实现。的确,现代办公让人拥有从未有过的巨大能力,不由您赞叹现代办公的魅力和轻松!IT的发展日新月异,促使您的办公也越来越轻松。下面,让我们走到信息系统的后台,看看里面发生了什么变化。  相似文献   

办刊的初衷未变在四月前,我是决不会向杂志社回寄问卷调查,我一向认为,回函很多.我的一份声音很可能会被众多声音淹没,因而没寄。后来在好奇心的驱使下,我做出常识,结果便打破了固有的看法,消除了顾虑,我的建议被考虑甚至是被采纳了,这是对于我的回函的肯定,所以我从此期期回寄。令我欣喜的是,我幸运成为8月号的中奖者,并于昨晚收到奖品,在此表示我由衷的谢意!  相似文献   

品牌、广告、LOGO;视觉、形象、感性。当读图时代不可避免地到来,企业的形象识别,已跳离了标志的属性,无不关乎企业品质,俨然成为企业的精神图腾和价值地图。在消费时代,并不缺乏视觉饕餮,但是,我们觉得,珍馐美馔,更适合用细嚼慢咽的方式,来咂摸滋味,吸取营养。以后每周,我们将奉上一道精心烹饪的视觉大菜,色、香、味、营养,一应俱全。当然我们也希望您,把让自己齿颊留芳的菜品,写一纸小文,推荐给我们,与更多的读者分享。  相似文献   

苏槿 《微型计算机》2012,(26):18-33
今年的国庆长假,加上中秋节,黄金周长假多达8天!如果再加上年假、婚假等各种假期,真是想想都美啊!金秋是一年最适合出行的季节,这个季节里,许多地方展现的是一年中仅此一次的美好,大自然似乎要把全部力量都用在这个季节,然后再进入冬天的休养,于是,到处都呈现着五彩斑斓的美景。收获的霞浦,繁忙的涠洲岛,塞上的草原,婺源的红叶,拉萨河畔的秋风,梅里雪山的冰峰,还有广袤的大漠,春华秋实,哪种美景更让你倾心?  相似文献   

正工作的繁忙,城市的喧哗,生活的紧压,总会让我们不经意间忘记享受,忘记享受音乐,忘记音乐带来的快乐,忘记音乐给生活带来的意义。人生就像一场不知道终点的赛跑,一味的狂跑只会错过沿途美丽的风景,适时的放慢脚步,美丽的风景就会陪伴左右,悄悄的关上车门,将繁杂的世俗拒之门外,播放喜爱的音乐,这时,终点其实已经在你眼前,用自己喜欢的声音为到达终点而欢呼,用音乐取悦自己的耳朵,用音乐缓解生活的压力,假如你  相似文献   

喜欢漫画的朋友相信都知道赛亚人,这个《七龙珠》中的战斗民族,从骨子里就留着好战的血液,他们越战越强,当他们突破极限,就成为超级赛亚人,拥有世界上最强大的战斗力,是最强的勇士。商务精英的追求无止境,他们同样向往胜利,期待成功。当他们获得神秘的武器时,仿若变身成为商务赛亚人,拥有更强、更快、更高的能量。让工作更高效,让成功更快捷。  相似文献   

模型跟踪广义预测鲁棒自适应控制器   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文采用滤波CARMA模型,基于内模原理,提出了一种新的广义预测鲁棒自适应控制器,并分析了闭环系统性能,在新的控制器中,引入适当的前馈作用,使得跟踪和调节问题解耦,利用部分状态跟踪、模型参考以及极点配置方法解决跟踪问题,利用多步预测滚动优化方法解决调节问题;适当选择滤波器可以保证对平稳随机扰动有满意的响应,减少可调参数对闭环系统响应的影响,增强系统对未建模动态的鲁棒性,仿真结果表明:该控制器对确定性和非平稳随机扰动具有不变性,对系统时延和阶次变化具有鲁棒性,适用于非最小相位和开环不稳定系统。  相似文献   

A three-loop model-following control structure: theory and implementation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents a novel three-loop control system, which supplements control structures known from the literature as model following control (MFC). The major advantage of the proposed system is its high robustness to process parameter variations; it is much higher than that offered by single-loop or two-loop control systems. Features of the new structure are revealed by a theoretical analysis that has been carried out from the viewpoint of requirements for a force/pose controller of a Stäubli RX60 manipulator. This article shows how the proposed control structure responds to such strong process parameter variations and makes a comparison to results yielded by single-loop control structures.  相似文献   

An approach to the synthesis of control laws stabilizing motion and force in contact tasks, based on the exponential stability of the closed-loop control system, is described. When using the synthesized control laws, simultaneous stabilization of both motion and force is achieved with a preset quality of the transient responses. The task is solved in a most general form, taking into account the constraints on robot control, its position and the force of interaction of the robot and the environment, and the external perturbations and inaccuracies of the measuring sensors, when the environment dynamics is being described by nonlinear second-order differential equation, and the robot dynamics includes the third-order equations of the robot actuators dynamics.  相似文献   

Generalized terminal state constraint for model predictive control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A terminal state equality constraint for Model Predictive Control (MPC) laws is investigated, where the terminal state/input pair is not fixed a priori but it is a free variable in the optimization. The approach, named “generalized” terminal state constraint, can be used for both tracking MPC (i.e. when the objective is to track a given steady state) and economic MPC (i.e. when the objective is to minimize a cost function which does not necessarily attains its minimum at a steady state). It is shown that the proposed technique provides, in general, a larger feasibility set with respect to the existing approaches, given the same prediction horizon. Moreover, a new receding horizon strategy is introduced, exploiting the generalized terminal state constraint. Under mild assumptions, the new strategy is guaranteed to converge in finite time, with arbitrarily good accuracy, to an MPC law with an optimally-chosen terminal state constraint, while still enjoying a larger feasibility set. The features of the new technique are illustrated by an inverted pendulum example in both the tracking and the economic contexts.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new methodology to design multivariable proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers based on decoupling control. The method is presented for general n × n processes. In the design procedure, an ideal decoupling control with integral action is designed to minimise interactions. It depends on the desired open-loop processes that are specified according to realisability conditions and desired closed-loop performance specifications. These realisability conditions are stated and three common cases to define the open-loop processes are studied and proposed. Then, controller elements are approximated to PID structure. From a practical point of view, the wind-up problem is also considered and a new anti-wind-up scheme for multivariable PID controller is proposed. Comparisons with other works demonstrate the effectiveness of the methodology through the use of several simulation examples and an experimental lab process.  相似文献   

The robust feedforward (FF) output-feedback (OF) control problem of (possibly open-loop unstable) continuous exothermic jacketed reactors with isotonic kinetics with respect to reactant concentration is considered. The volume, temperature, and concentration must be regulated by manipulating the feed, exit and coolant flowrates on the basis of volume and temperature measurements. The problem is addressed as an interlaced controller-observer design within a constructive control framework. The result is a quasi linear-decentralized (qLD) FF-OF dynamic controller which: (i) recovers (up to observer convergence) the behavior of a robust nonlinear FF-SF controller, (ii) has closed-loop stability conditions coupled with conventional-like tuning guidelines, and (iii) constitutes an add-on to the PI control scheme commonly employed in industrial reactors. The approach is tested with an open-loop unstable reactor example through simulations.  相似文献   

讨论被控对象相对阶大于1且高频增益符号未知时的变结构模型参考自适应控制问题,从而将相对阶为1时的结果推广到任意相对阶.首先对关键信号构造监控函数,并在此基础上提出了一种控制信号切换律.进而证明,当被控对象相对阶大于1、高频增益符号未知时,在监控函数的监测下,相关控制信号经至多有限次切换后将停止切换,跟踪误差将收敛到一个残集内,且该残集可通过减小某些设计参数而变得任意小.特别,本文证明,与相对阶为1时相同,当对象相对阶大于1时,若系统的某些初始条件为零,则至多只需要一次切换.  相似文献   

In this paper, a completely event-based two-degree-of-freedom proportional-integral controller is presented. The architecture of the controller is based on event-based decoupled solutions for the set-point following and the load disturbance rejection tasks. For the first task, the solution is a design procedure that, by considering a first-order-plus-dead-time model of the process and a predesigned open-loop control action, produces an event-based feedforward controller that provides the required process variable transition with just two events. The second task is solved by applying two separate event-based proportional and integral control actions. Because the two tasks are initially solved independently, two solutions for coupling them are described. Illustrative examples of the performance of the controller are included as well as experimental results.  相似文献   

鲁棒低增益变结构模型参考自适应控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
就对象含未建模动态且其建模部分相对阶大于1时的变结构模型参考自适应控制 (VS-MRAC)系统,提出了一种鲁棒低增益变结构控制方案,特点是系统变结构律在低增益状态 下仍可保证所有辅助误差均在有限时间内收敛到零,从而提高了系统跟踪精度.此外,还研究了 平均值滤波器对系统稳定性的影响.  相似文献   

Model predictive control (MPC) is of interest because it is one of the few control design methods which preserves standard design variables and yet handles constraints. MPC is normally posed as a full-state feedback control and is implemented in a certainty-equivalence fashion with best estimates of the states being used in place of the exact state. This paper focuses on exploring the inclusion of state estimates and their interaction with constraints. It does this by applying constrained MPC to a system with stochastic disturbances. The stochastic nature of the problem requires re-posing the constraints in a probabilistic form. Using a gaussian assumption, the original problem is approximated by a standard deterministically-constrained MPC problem for the conditional mean process of the state. The state estimates’ conditional covariances appear in tightening the constraints. ‘Closed-loop covariance’ is introduced to reduce the infeasibility and the conservativeness caused by using long-horizon, open-loop prediction covariances. The resulting control law is applied to a telecommunications network traffic control problem as an example.  相似文献   

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