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眶壁颌面部复合性骨折的早期手术治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在严重复合性颌面部骨折中,伴眶壁缺损者并不少见。如第一次手术处理不当,骨折片不能精确复位、眶壁缺损未能修复,将会造成眼眶容积增大,眼球内陷、复视、面部畸形等难以矫正的后遗症。笔者通过对伴有眶壁缺损的颌面部复合性骨折行早期手术治疗,用钛板作眶缘及颧骨上颌骨内固定联合钛网及硅胶板做眼眶重建,取得了良好的效果。现将我院2002-2004年收治的16例眶壁颌面部复合性骨折早期手术治疗的病例进行总结。  相似文献   

目的 探讨数字外科技术在眼眶损伤重建中的临床应用价值.方法 对7例眼眶缺损患者采用CT扫描获取眶区数据,通过反求与快速原型、计算机辅助设计-计算机辅助制作(CAD-CAM)数字外科技术进行术前设计,在手术达到骨折精确复位的同时完成眼眶重建,并结合坚固内固定及Medpor 填充方法解决眶骨折变形、眼球内陷及复视等问题.结果 7例眼眶缺损患者均重建了眼眶形态,获得了理想的眶周轮廓恢复,4例眼球内陷得到矫治,2例复视术后无复发.结论 数字外科技术为眼眶重建的手术设计与实施提供了精确手段,可有效减少并发症,明显改善面部形态.  相似文献   

颌间牵引钛钉在颌骨骨折整复中的应用;翼外肌一髁突解剖复位内固定治疗髁突骨折的探讨;颌面部交通事故伤237例临床分析;发际内头皮冠状切口在颧骨颧弓骨折治疗中的应用;眶底骨折钛网修复13例临床分析;颧眶骨折合并眼球内陷的治疗。  相似文献   

目的 应用镜像与快速成型技术制作个性化钛网重建眼眶,在钛网上植入多孔高密度聚乙烯(Medpor)矫正眼球内陷,评价其治疗效果。方法 对18例眼眶骨折患者术前行眼眶轴位、冠状位及矢状位CT扫描及三维重建,以CT数据为基础,应用快速成型技术制备实体模型,在其上制作个性化预成形钛网,术中植入钛网行眼眶重建,并在钛网基础上充填Medpor矫正眼球内陷。术后复查眼眶CT,检查钛网植入位置、眼及面部外形和眼功能。结果术后复查CT,18例患者的个性化预成形钛网均能精确地重建骨折的眼眶,眼及面部外形和眼功能显著恢复。术中术后均未发生严重并发症。结论 基于镜像与快速成型技术的个性化预成形钛网技术可以精确地重建骨折及伴有骨缺损的眼眶,在钛网上植入Medpor可有效矫正眼球内陷及眼球下移畸形。  相似文献   

目的:总结颧眶骨折合并眼球内陷的整复方法。方法:采用头皮冠状切口等入路,将骨折断端显露、复位、固定,回纳嵌顿的眶内软组织,颅骨外板或Medpor修复缺损。结果:7例患者经治疗,眼球内陷均得以矫正,颧部外形得以改善。结论:重建眼眶的特殊解剖结构是手术关键,术中还应对眼球内陷过矫正。  相似文献   

目的 总结复合性眼眶骨折的治疗经验,探讨治疗中的难点问题及对策.方法 回顾分析2005年1月至2010年1月中国医科大学口腔医学院口腔颌面外科诊治的89例复合性眼眶骨折患者.病例资料包括鼻-眶-筛骨折、颧-眶-上颌骨骨折、额眶骨折,其中包含复合性眼眶骨折以及创伤性眼眶骨缺损.应用冠状切口入路、经皮肤切口下睑下入路、经睑结膜切口下睑入路、眶上眉弓切口入路、上睑入路、眉间下鼻根入路、内眦内侧入路、经口腔上颌前庭沟黏膜切口入路以及小切口内镜辅助完成手术,综合应用颅颌面创伤外科、整复外科、修复重建外科、微创外科、计算机辅助和模型外科等理论和技术治疗各类型复合性眼眶骨折.对复合性眼眶骨折继发或再发眼球内陷、重度粉碎性眼眶骨折和陈旧性眼眶骨折等难点问题进行重点分析并总结疗效.结果 89例患者术后眼眶外形得以恢复,眼球内陷得以纠正,通过泪道重建恢复患者泪道系统功能.其中陈旧性眼眶骨折或眼眶骨折术后畸形的发生率为38%(34/89),经治疗后畸形得到明显改善.其中6例随访时出现眼球内陷复发,经再次或多次手术效果仍不能令人满意.结论 复合性眼眶骨折的治疗需要口腔颌面外科、眼科、神经外科、耳鼻咽喉科等多学科协作,达到修复畸形和改善功能的目的.重度眼球内陷的治疗、眼球内陷再发的防范和治疗、眶区严重软组织损伤和内眦畸形的治疗以及陈旧性眼眶损伤的治疗仍是目前所面临的挑战.  相似文献   

目的应用计算机辅助三维CT影像分析系统,测量分析非单纯性眼眶骨折术前术后眶腔容积变化,为定量诊断和矫治骨折继发眼球内陷探索可行性研究方法。方法2004年10月~12月北京大学口腔医院颌面创伤中心经治的7例颅颌面创伤合并单侧非单纯性眼眶骨折。投照薄断层(0.625mm)CT,将图像数据以DICOM格式输入图像分析软件,对眼眶及眶内容物进行三维重建。描述眶腔破坏特征。测量眼球突度、原骨折和虚拟恢复眶外缘后的眶腔容积,并做术前术后比较分析。结果应用该系统可形象直观地显示眼眶畸形部位、范围。定量明确眼眶体积扩大量。在该类眼眶骨折中,骨折可波及整个眶壁。与眶缘骨折相比较,眶壁骨折与眼球内陷关系密切。术前术后比较,眼球内陷得到不同程度的改善,健患侧眼眶体积之差进一步缩小。结论基于CT图像数据的计算机图像分析系统可以清晰直观的显示出骨折眶壁畸形,以及健患侧眶腔体积的差异。球前和球后眶腔容积差可以为进一步探求眼眶破坏与眼球内陷的相关关系及量化诊断提供重要参数。  相似文献   

目的:通过回顾性分析,总结伴发眼球破裂的眼眶骨折的损伤特点,初步评价预成钛网在其眶壁重建中的应用效果。方法:2004-09~2008-05在北京大学口腔医学院创伤中心接受治疗的罹患合并眼球破裂眼眶骨折病例共8例。术前借助计算机软件,基于CT数据,通过镜像的方法制作预成钛网,行眶壁重建术,术后再次CT分析,评价眶壁重建的精确性和眼球突度恢复情况。结果:8例患者7例在眶壁重建前由眼科完成眼球摘除,1例与眶壁重建同期完成。所有病例均成功的实施了眶壁重建,术后未发生严重并发症。CT分析显示,该组病例在眼球内陷、眶壁缺损、骨性眶腔扩大和眶内软组织疝出等方面均较严重。手术后,眶内软组织疝出体积平均减小2.7 ml,整体眶腔容积平均缩小2.9 ml,87.5%(7/8)的病例眼球内陷矫正至3 mm以内。结论:伴发眼球破裂的眼眶骨折具有创伤严重、骨性眶腔扩大显著和眶内软组织体积降低明显等特点,预成钛网的应用可达到较为精确的眶壁重建。  相似文献   

目的:探讨外伤性眼眶缺损损伤程度的精确评估以及个体化重建方法。方法:对2003年7月—2012年6月间收治的 97例外伤性眼眶缺损患者进行回顾性研究,患者手术前、后均进行螺旋CT扫描,采用眼球空间定位方法测量眼球的三维位置,计算眶容积的变化量,利用计算机辅助技术和快速原型技术制作个体化眶模型,进行模型外科,制订手术方案,并预制植入物和接骨板等。术中回纳疝出的眶内容物,植入预制的钛网、Medpor或其他植入物,精确重建缺损区的眶外形,恢复正常的眶和眶内容物的比例关系。根据术后外形、患者满意度、眼功能检查及CT检查结果评估疗效,分析并发症。结果:除1例患者面部外形欠满意,2例陈旧性患者眼球内陷矫正不佳,术后6个月复视仍无明显改善,2例术后轻度下睑外翻外,其余病例均取得满意疗效。缺损区的眶外形、眶及内容物的比例关系恢复满意,未发生明显并发症。结论:对外伤性眼眶缺损患者进行眼球三维空间位置、眶容积变化等损伤程度的精确数字化评估,通过个体化模型外科制定手术方案,早期手术,减少创伤,在恢复眶容积、维持和纠正眼球位置的同时精确重建眶壁解剖外形,可实现眶缺损个体化的重建,提高眶畸形整复效果。  相似文献   

颧骨陈旧性骨折截骨复位术的改良方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颅面部外伤中颧骨骨折较为常见 ,以往的手术治疗多局限于眶底和颧突部植骨或一般骨折复位 ,但只能改善部分外形 ,达不到理想的效果。作者自 1 995年以来 ,应用颧骨三个突错位愈合处全部截开 ,自体骨移植延伸颧弓 ,小夹板坚硬固定、复位眶缘时部分重叠 ,同时眶壁植骨 ,矫治 1 0例单侧颧骨骨折后遗畸形 ,塌陷的颧骨得到彻底复位、外形良好 ,同时眼球内陷、下移及复视都得到不同程度的改善。1 资料与方法一般资料 :共 1 0例 ,其中男性 4例 ,女性 6例 ,年龄 1 8~ 44岁 ,平均年龄 32 .5岁 ,都为单侧性 ,左右眼比例 4∶ 6。外伤原因 ,9例为车祸 …  相似文献   

Enophthalmos is defined as a backward, and usually downward, displacement of the globe into the bony orbit. In posttraumatic enophthalmos, the mechanisms that determine globe position are: 1) the enlargement of the orbital cavity; 2) the herniation of orbital fat into the maxillary sinus; and 3) fat atrophy, loss of ligament support, and scar contracture. The aim of this article is to analyze the strategies to prevent enophthalmos and to correct late posttraumatic enophthalmos. In this study, 80 patients (52 cases of orbitozygomatic fractures and 28 late posttraumatic enophthalmos) were treated between January 1998 and January 2005. Fracture reduction in primary enophthalmos was performed. In enophthalmos as sequelae, the treatment consisted of orbital reconstruction in combination with bone grafts harvested from calvaria, iliac crest, and/or orbital osteotomies. In some cases, biomaterials were also used. All these techniques may also be combined depending on the severity of enophthalmos. The results were satisfactory in all cases. It is evident that a perfect correction of the deformity is difficult to achieve. Often soft tissue changes limit the aesthetic and morphologic results, despite adequate bony reconstruction.  相似文献   

目的研究自体耳甲软骨瓣应用于眶底重建,对眶底骨折引起的复视和眼球内陷的疗效。方法自2003年7月~2007年6月应用耳甲软骨瓣重建眶底共21例。本组患者术前均经轴位和冠状位眶部CT证实存在眶底骨折下陷,且部分眶内容物疝入上颌窦,患侧眼球突出度与健侧相差3mm以上。自患侧耳廓切取耳甲软骨瓣(保留两侧软骨膜),经下眼睑下缘切口入路,用耳甲软骨瓣修补眶底骨质缺损。术后均随访3个月以上,观察复视和眼球内陷的治疗效果,以及供区耳廓有无畸形。结果本组21例患者术后复视消失者19例(90.5%)、明显改善者2例(9.5%);双侧眼球突出度相差≤2mm共17例(81.0%),2.1mm~3.0mm共3例(14.3%),〉3mm共1例(4.7%);无一例出现耳廓畸形和耳甲软骨瓣感染。结论对于眶底骨折伴有眶底下陷,眶内容物疝入上颌窦以及双侧眼球突度相差明显的患者,应用耳甲软骨瓣重建眶底,可显著改善复视和眼球内陷等眼功能障碍,且不会引起供区耳廓畸形。  相似文献   

目的 评价经结膜切口入路行颧眶复杂骨折手术的效果。方法 对46例54侧颧眶复杂骨折,采用结膜切 口入路并向外眦延伸5~10 mm,43例附加口腔前庭黏膜切口,将骨折断端解剖复位后,采用钛板进行眶缘坚强内固定,钛网进行眶底粉碎性骨折的重建。结果 46例颧眶复杂骨折患者术后左右颧部基本对称,眼球位置解剖复位,效果满意。术后无明显不良并发症,仅1例出现右侧角膜上皮剥脱,1例出现结膜水肿消退延迟,经用药后均恢复正常。结论 经结膜切口入路能充分暴露颧眶复杂骨折,避免了面神经损伤、面部瘢痕等并发症,是治疗颧眶骨折的较好的手术入路。  相似文献   

PurposeCorrection of post traumatic orbital and zygomatic deformity is a challenge for maxillofacial surgeons. Integration of different technologies, such as software planning, surgical navigation and stereolithographic models, opens new horizons in terms of the surgeons' ability to tailor reconstruction to individual patients. The purpose of this study was to analyze surgical results, in order to verify the suitability, effectiveness and reproducibility of this new protocol.MethodsEleven patients were included in the study. Inclusion criteria were: unilateral orbital pathology; associated diplopia and enophthalmos or exophthalmos, and zygomatic deformities. Syndromic patients were excluded. Pre-surgical planning was performed with iPlan 3.0 CMF software and we used Vector Vision II (BrainLab, Feldkirchen, Germany) for surgical navigation. We used 1:1 skull stereolithographic models for all the patients. Orbital reconstructions were performed with a titanium orbital mesh. The results refer to: correction of the deformities, exophthalmos, enophthalmos and diplopia; correspondence between reconstruction mesh positioning and preoperative planning mirroring; and the difference between the reconstructed orbital volume and the healthy orbital volume.ResultsCorrespondence between the post-operative reconstruction mesh position and the presurgical virtual planning has an average margin of error of less than 1.3 mm. In terms of en- and exophthalmos corrections, we have always had an adequate clinical outcome with a significant change in the projection of the eyeball. In all cases treated, there was a complete resolution of diplopia. The calculation of orbital volume highlighted that the volume of the reconstructed orbit, in most cases, was equal to the healthy orbital volume, with a positive or negative variation of less than 1 cm3.ConclusionThe proposed protocol incorporates all the latest technologies to plan the virtual reconstruction surgery in detail. The results obtained from our experience are very encouraging and lead us to pursue this path.  相似文献   

The authors present the clinical results of their method of customized reconstruction of orbital wall defects using titanium mesh or sheet. High resolution computed tomography (CT) data are imported and processed to create a three-dimensional (3D) image which is used to reconstruct the orbital defect. Mirror imaging of the air in the contralateral maxillary sinus is used to overcome artefact defects in the floor. A stereolithographic model is constructed, from which titanium mesh or sheet is shaped and sized to the required contours for implantation. Twenty-two patients were treated using this technique from 2003 to 2008. Postoperatively 10 patients reported early resolution of their diplopia. Six patients noticed significant improvement of their symptoms with mild residual diplopia in one direction only and at the extremes of gaze at final review. One patient required ocular muscle surgery. Enophthalmos resolved in eight of the nine cases. No patients developed enophthalmos or diplopia as a postoperative complication. The use of titanium mesh for orbital floor reconstruction has been shown to be safe and effective. Customized titanium implants accurately reproduce orbital contours thus restoring orbital volume. This reduces operative time and improves the functional and aesthetic outcomes of post-traumatic orbital reconstruction.  相似文献   

Silent sinus syndrome (SSS) is a rare disease exhibiting unilateral enophthalmos and hypoglobus. A 26-year-old white female presented with right side enophthalmos and hypoglobus. There was no history of previous trauma or maxillary sinus diseases. A CT scan showed an opacified right maxillary antrum with decreased volume and downward bowing of the right orbital floor. From clinical and radiological findings the diagnosis SSS was made. Biopsies were collected from the maxillary sinus for the exclusion of malignancy. Two months later orbital floor reconstruction was carried out. Before antrostomy of the affected maxillary sinus, a relative enophthalmos of 4mm was determined. Five days after antrostomy the value reduced to 2.3mm. During the following 2 months the enophthalmos remained constant. At the end of the operation for orbital floor reconstruction it was 0.1mm. Five days after surgery the relative enophthalmos increased to 0.8mm. The value remained constant during the following 3 months. Initial antrostomy of the affected maxillary sinus may lead to a relevant, spontaneous reduction of enophthalmos. After a minimum period of 2 months a re-evaluation should be made, if a reconstruction of the orbital floor is still necessary for the correction of the globe position.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe outcomes of the reconstruction of post-ablative and post-traumatic orbital defects are often unpredictable when considering the restoration of the orbital dimensions. Intraoperative navigation offers the surgeon visualization of bony landmarks via comparison to preoperative computed tomography, aiding in bony reduction and implant placement. The purpose of this study was to assess whether intraoperative navigation-guided orbital reconstruction re-establishes orbital volume and globe projection in subjects with post-ablative and post-traumatic orbital defects.Material and methodsThe investigators initiated a retrospective cohort study and enrolled a sample of subjects that underwent primary or secondary reconstruction for unilateral orbital deformities secondary to traumatic injury or tumour surgery. Pre- and post-operative orbital volume and globe projection were measured using Analyze (Mayo Clinic Biomedical Imaging Resource, Rochester, MN, USA). A matched pairs t-test was used to assess the difference in pre- and post-operative orbital volume and globe projection.ResultsTwenty-three subjects underwent intraoperative navigation-guided orbital reconstruction. The mean difference in orbital volume and globe projection between the non-operated orbit and operated orbit in the post-operative period was ?1.3 cm3 and 2.4 mm respectively. Both final measurements were within the margin of error of clinically noticeable enophthalmos. The mean absolute difference in orbital volume and globe projection between the pre- and post-operative period was 5.1 cm3 (p = <0.001) and 4.1 mm (p = <0.001) respectively.ConclusionThe results of this study suggest that orbital reconstruction using intraoperative navigation is effective in establishing normal orbital volume and globe projection in post-traumatic and post-ablative defects, therefore restoring the orbit and globe to pre-traumatic and pre-ablative conditions.  相似文献   

目的:探讨经下睑结膜入路手术治疗陈旧性眶底骨折的治疗效果。方法:陈旧性眶底骨折经结膜切口入路,用网状眶底接骨钛板眶底重建。结果:8位患者的眼球内陷和眼球运动障碍都得到纠正,除2例术后早期有结膜水肿,经治疗后消退外,8例术后切口均恢复良好,没有瘢痕遗留,疗效满意。结论:睑结膜入路提供了足够的手术视野,术后不留瘢痕,美观效果好,并发症较少,特别是对美观要求较高的患者,是处理陈旧性眶底骨折的有效方法之一,值得推广。  相似文献   

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