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隆乳术后纤维包膜挛缩的预防   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
目的:探讨预防和降低隆乳术后包膜挛缩的方法。方法:回顾分析60例(其中10例假体置换)采取预防包膜挛缩综合措施的隆乳患者包膜挛缩发生的情况。结果:术后随访0.5-2年,第一次隆乳的50例患者中,47例患者乳房外观自然,挺拔逼真,手感柔软;3例患者出现包膜挛缩(Baker分级:2例Ⅲ级,1例Ⅱ级)。10例假体置换患者8例乳房外观自然,挺拔逼真,手感柔软:2例患者再次出现包膜挛缩(Baker分级:1例Ⅲ级,1例Ⅱ级)。结论:采取选择高质量假体、双切口双平面隆乳、术后引流和口服肤康片等综合措施可以预防和降低包膜挛缩的发生。  相似文献   

目的探讨假体隆乳术后严重包膜挛缩的处理方法及乳房假体置入的适应征。方法 2006年6月至2014年3月,对45例假体隆乳术后严重包膜挛缩(双侧乳房均为Baker分类法Ⅳ级)进行治疗,并进行同期或二期乳房假体置入。手术均采用乳晕切口入路,并根据情况保留或去除包膜组织,在乳腺后间隙或胸大肌后间隙置入假体。结果 38例患者均一期置入乳房假体,7例于术后6个月行二期乳房假体置入。术后切口均一期愈合,39例获门诊随访,随访率86.7%,随访时间6~58个月(平均13.5个月)。1例术后4个月时仍出现包膜挛缩Ⅳ级,予以二期手术取出乳房假体,未再置入。其余患者乳房形态良好,触摸乳房手感较柔软。结论对于严重的假体隆乳术后包膜挛缩,对包膜进行有效处理,并根据情况置入假体,可以取得较好的术后乳房外观及手感。  相似文献   

目的探讨乳房假体隆乳术后并发症产生的相关因素及预防方法.方法对198例患者乳房假体隆乳术后1~17年出现的并发症进行分析,阐述防治措施,针对不同情况进行相应的处理.结果本组198例患者,其中92例患者随访半年至1年,除Ⅲ°包膜挛缩患者术后仍出现Ⅱ~Ⅲ°包膜挛缩外(包膜松解术后3例,包膜切除术后4例),余患者对治疗效果满意.结论乳房假体隆乳术后出现的并发症,多数是可以预防和治疗的,只要术中操作规范,对并发症及早准确的处理,是提高手术效果,减少并发症发生的有效方法.  相似文献   

祁向峰  孙森  陈粤庆 《中国美容医学》2013,22(16):1672-1674
目的:探讨双平面法假体隆乳术临床应用的可行性及可靠性。方法:自2009年5月~2012年12月,行双平面法假体隆乳术92例,经有效随诊回访1个月至6个月以上者87例,其中切口选择腋下者26例,乳晕者61例。结果:87例(174只)乳房形态自然,无移位及双乳房现象,未见明显肌肉移位而产生乳房畸形的现象,无血肿、感染及包膜挛缩等并发症,医患双方均较满意。结论:双平面法假体隆乳术,由于假体处于双平面,增加了假体置入腔隙的容积,并且肌肉的收缩和腺体在假体表面的滑动,使三者处于动态的相互作用中,减少了假体与腺体的接触面积,降低了包膜挛缩的发生率。对于乳腺组织稀少者分离切断肌肉的位置应在下皱襞上2~3cm,至少应在乳腺腺体能覆盖的范围之内,否则假体易向外疝出以致术后极易触到假体边缘。  相似文献   

双平面隆乳术在矫治小乳症并乳房下垂中的应用   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
目的:讨论双平面隆乳术在矫治小乳症并乳房下垂中的临床应用。方法:选择22例患者,4例哺乳后乳房萎缩并松垂行单纯双平面隆乳术,18例小乳症并乳房Ⅰ度至Ⅲ度下垂行双平面硅胶假体隆乳及乳房下垂矫正。结果:22例术后随访1个月至1年2个月,平均6.5个月。20例(40只)乳房形态良好,无假体移位、包膜挛缩及畸形。1例(2只)Ⅲ度乳房下垂者因悬吊不够,9个月随访时仍呈现Ⅰ度下垂。1例(1只)乳房硬化,为BakerⅢ。讨论“双平面”法隆乳术,即假体同时位于两个平面(部分位于乳腺下,部分位于胸大肌下),此方法适用于各类乳房,能避免“双乳房”畸形,术后乳房下部形态美观。  相似文献   

双平面隆乳术86例分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
目的 探讨双平面(即部分胸大肌后间隙和部分乳腺后间隙)置人隆乳术的可行性及可靠性.方法 自2004年5月至2008年4月,共行双平面隆乳术86例,其中乳晕切口62例,乳房下皱襞切口24例.结果 对53例患者术后随访3个月至2年,除2例双侧乳房轻度不对称、1例包膜挛缩外,其余各例乳房外形良好,未见假体扭曲、血肿、感染等并发症发生,假体边缘不明显.结论 双平面隆乳术,改变了假体表面软组织覆盖及其生理力学关系,整合了乳腺下平面及胸大肌下平面的优势,是扬长避短的术式.  相似文献   

目的 探讨经乳晕切口采用多种方法综合处理假体隆乳术后包膜挛缩的效果.方法 2005年2月至2011年6月,对94例168侧假体隆乳术后包膜挛缩进行治疗并置入假体,其挛缩程度均为Baker分类法Ⅲ、Ⅳ级.94例均采用乳晕切口,根据原假体置入腔隙及乳腺、胸大肌厚度等条件,采取重新剥离腔隙、去除或不去除包膜组织,甚至二期手术,于胸大肌或乳腺后间隙置入假体等方法综合处理,术中严格止血.结果 术后94例中46例获得门诊随访,其余病例均获得电话随访,时间6 ~37个月,平均9.9个月,术后包膜挛缩复发Ⅲ级者2例、Ⅳ级者1例,其余病例乳房外观均丰满、挺拔,柔软度较好,电话随访病例均对乳房塑形效果满意.本组病例均无血肿、感染、乳房假体破裂、乳房下垂及上移等并发症发生.结论 应用乳晕切口对假体隆乳术后包膜挛缩进行综合而有效地处理,术后包膜挛缩复发率较低,可以获得较满意的乳房塑形效果.  相似文献   

目的 介绍一种治疗硅胶囊假体隆乳术后纤维包膜挛缩的有效治疗方法和新材料。方法 从1997年10月至2000年9月,用此方法治疗167只因硅胶囊假体隆乳引起纤维包膜挛缩的乳房,根据包膜囊内有无出血分为Ⅰ期置换或Ⅱ期置换,对包膜严重挛缩或乳房下皱襞高低不一致的病例提出具体的矫正方法,对取出假体后能否Ⅰ期置换水凝胶和严重挛缩的包膜腔是否能在扩大分离后Ⅰ期置入水凝胶作了分析。结果 本组167只乳房除3例4只乳房在术中分离扩大包膜腔和1只乳房置换术后因外伤造成出血更换水凝胶外,均取得了满意的术后效果。乳房形态自然、质地柔软。结论 聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶置换硅胶囊假体,治疗因硅胶囊假体隆乳术后造成纤维包膜挛缩取得良好的治疗效果。从随访的结果看,这是解决这一顽症的有效方法。  相似文献   

假体隆乳术后并发症的防治   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的探讨乳房假体隆乳术后并发症产生的相关因素及预防方法。方法对198例患者乳房假体隆乳术后1~17年出现的并发症进行分析,阐述防治措施,针对不同情况进行相应的处理。结果本组198例患者,其中92例患者随访半年至1年,除Ⅲ°包膜挛缩患者术后仍出现Ⅱ~Ⅲ°包膜挛缩外(包膜松解术后3例,包膜切除术后4例),余患者对治疗效果满意。结论乳房假体隆乳术后出现的并发症,多数是可以预防和治疗的,只要术中操作规范,对并发症及早准确的处理,是提高手术效果,减少并发症发生的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的 介绍一种治疗硅胶囊假体隆乳术后纤维包膜挛缩的有效治疗方法和新材料。方法 从 1997年 10月至 2 0 0 0年 9月 ,用此方法治疗 16 7只因硅胶囊假体隆乳引起纤维包膜挛缩的乳房 ,根据包膜囊内有无出血分为Ⅰ期置换或Ⅱ期置换 ,对包膜严重挛缩或乳房下皱襞高低不一致的病例提出具体的矫正方法 ,对取出假体后能否Ⅰ期置换水凝胶和严重挛缩的包膜腔是否能在扩大分离后Ⅰ期置入水凝胶作了分析。结果 本组 16 7只乳房除 3例 4只乳房在术中分离扩大包膜腔和 1只乳房置换术后因外伤造成出血更换水凝胶外 ,均取得了满意的术后效果。乳房形态自然、质地柔软。结论 聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶置换硅胶囊假体 ,治疗因硅胶囊假体隆乳术后造成纤维包膜挛缩取得良好的治疗效果。从随访的结果看 ,这是解决这一顽症的有效方法  相似文献   

目的 探讨胸大胸后间隙乳房假体置入术后纤维包膜挛缩所致远期并发症的手术治疗原则及方法。方法 乳晕切口行假体转换术,在充分保留原纤维包膜的原则下,针对手感较硬,乳房变形等并发症行相应的手术处理。结果 24例术后均取得满意效果。结论 转换假体结合对症处理可有效纠治隆乳术后纤维包膜挛缩所致并发症,充分保留原纤维膜可获得较好远期效果。  相似文献   

隆乳术后纤维包膜挛缩的手术治疗初步报告   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:探讨胸大肌后间隙乳房假体置入术后,由纤维包膜挛缩所致各远期并发症的手术治疗原则及方法。方法:经乳晕切口行假体置换术,在充分保留原纤维包膜的原则下,针对手感较硬,乳房变表,乳头异位等并发症行相应的手术处理。结果:1995年以来治疗29例均取得满意的近期效果。结论:置换假体结合各对症处理可有效治疗隆乳术后纤维包膜挛缩所致各并发症,充分保留原纤维包膜可获得较好远期效果。  相似文献   

目的探究隆乳术后包膜囊挛缩的手术治疗方法。方法采用原切口(腋窝顶或乳房皱襞下),对隆乳后包膜挛缩者采用包膜囊保留并在其浅层再置人假体的方法进行治疗。结果治疗12例14侧乳房包膜囊挛缩症均取得良好效果。结论保留挛缩的包膜囊并在其浅层置人假体的乳房假体包膜囊挛缩治疗术具有创伤小、出血少、操作简便、安全性高、复发率低、并可通过腋窝顶小切口完成等优点,是治疗乳房假体包膜囊挛缩的较好方法。  相似文献   

目的探索治疗聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶注射隆乳术后并发症的最佳方法。方法对15例水凝胶注射隆乳术后出现严重并发症者,于注射物取出及残腔灌洗后,应用乳腺下平面与胸肌下平面双平面隆乳术进行治疗。结果随访12例术后患者,随访时间3个月-1年,平均6.8个月,无假体移位及畸形出现,10例(20只)乳房形态良好,2例(3只乳房)可触及假体边缘,1例(1只)乳房轻度硬化达BakerⅡ级。结论双平面隆乳术是治疗水凝胶注射隆乳术后并发症切实有效的方法。  相似文献   

Capsular contracture after breast augmentation is a distressing, troublesome event both for the patient and the surgeon. Fibrosis transforms the prosthesis into a hardened sphere, turning the initially satisfactory cosmetic result into a deformed mass. Treatment for capsular contracture can be either surgical, consisting of capsulotomy or capsulectomy with implant replacement, or pharmacologic, consisting of intracapsular instillation of steroids and antibiotics. The success rates for both types of treatment vary. Although capsular contracture is a multifactorial process, one common denominator in the successful treatment of this complication is believed to be the abatement of inflammation. Leukotriene antagonists have emerged recently as effective prophylactic agents for reactive airway diseases. Anecdotal reports have indicated that zafirlukast and montelukast effectively reverse capsular contracture. The authors investigated whether capsular contracture varies significantly over time after zafirlukast therapy by studying 20 women who had breast prostheses implanted and then experienced the development of capsular contracture. The results suggest that capsular contracture responds favorably to treatment with zafirlukast. The findings indicate that zafirlukast may reduce pain and breast capsule distortion for patients with long-standing contracture who either are not surgical candidates or do not wish to undergo surgery.  相似文献   

Capsular contracture is the most common long-term complication of breast augmentation. In subfascial breast augmentation, there had been reports of 0% to 2% of capsular contracture (Serra-Renom et al., Plast Reconstr Surg 116:640–645; Ventura and Marcello, Aesthetic Plast Surg 29:379–383; Tijerina et al., Aesthetic Plast Surg 34:16–22; Graf et al., Plast Reconstr Surg 111(2):904–908). Graf et al. mentioned a 2.3% of capsular contracture grade II in 263 patients that underwent subfascial breast augmentation (Graf et al., Plast Reconstr Surg 111(2):904–908). There are several theories that can explain the presence of a capsular contracture, and the most described are: the microbiology theory and the contamination of the pocket due to a foreign body (Araco et al., Plast Reconstr Surg 124(6): 1808–1819; Schaub et al., Plast Reconstr Surg 126(6): 2140–2149). In 5?years, 35 patients with breast augmentation were considered for surgical treatment for capsular contracture. From 35 patients, only 4 patients were operated by us initially, the remaining 31 came to us as new patients with a capsular contracture. Each patient had different characteristics and was classified with the Baker scale. Depending on the grade (I–IV) and clinical characteristics of the patient, the surgical treatment was selected between a subcapsular pocket, total capsulectomy with or without implant, or radiation of the capsule. Thirty-five patients were considered for surgical treatment for a capsular contracture. All of our patients had great outcome at short and long term without any signs of complications. Twenty-seven patients were followed for 2?years postop, and 8 patients treated with a subcapsular pocket have less than 2?years of follow-up. In patients with less mammary gland tissue, a subcapsular pocket had reduced the risk of complications of a total capsulectomy due to close relationship between the skin and the capsule. There are several complications that could be present with a total capsulectomy, which are: tissue necrosis, breast irregularities, and/or damage to the skin. This technique had produced great results in patients with lo mammary tissue and a capsular contracture. Capsular contracture is the most common long-term complication in breast augmentation. There are several techniques that can be reproduced to have better outcomes and reduce the risk of complications. We recommend the use of these strategies to help in the treatment of capsular contracture.  相似文献   

微小组合假体隆乳术的初步报告   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的通过使用微小组合假体隆乳术,观察是否可较好地解决减小切口长度,减少包膜挛缩的发生率及硅胶渗漏.使隆乳术后的双侧乳房大小更加理想。方法切口可位于乳晕外缘周、乳房下皱褶或腋窝。在胸大肌后剥离腔穴,然后将10ml微小硅凝胶假体逐一置入,堆积塑形。结果已行5例10侧隆乳术,术后随访最长6年,最短3个月,无论外形手感,医生与隆乳者双方均感满意。结论微小组合假体隆乳术较传统单一大假体隆乳术有切口小、容易获得理想的乳房体积、便于双侧调节对称、外观自然、假体渗漏相对较少、包膜挛缩率低等优点。该法适用于隆乳术或乳房再造,尤其适用于乳房部分缺损的修复。  相似文献   

Background The authors present a new type of dual-plane mammaplasty and preliminary results obtained with it. The technique is aimed at improving the final natural appearance of breasts without adding additional risks of dislocation. Methods The eligibility criteria specified patients with sufficient breast tissue to disguise the implant, patients with asymmetric hypoplasia, and patients with an intense workout activity. The exclusion criteria specified patients with very little breasts. The technique is based on combined subglandular positioning in the superior part of the breast and retrofascial–precostal positioning in the inferior part. Results Beginning in January 2000, 57 patients were recruited. No postoperative bleedings, hematomas, or seromas were observed. In 93% of cases, good final shapes were obtained. After 1 year of follow-up evaluation, no displacement, asymmetry, or rupture was recorded. Only three patients (5.3%) showed mild monolateral capsular contractures (Baker II type), which resolved using capsulotomy without prostheses removal. Conclusions “Reverse” dual-plane mammaplasty is a new technique that gives a good anatomic final appearance with no risk of displacement. The low risk of complications renders it feasible and safe for aesthetic breast augmentation. Further studies are necessary to compare this technique with retroglandular and retropectoral approaches.  相似文献   

Since its introduction in 1895, augmentation mammaplasty has gained widespread acceptance. The choice of breast augmentation procedure is determined almost entirely by three variables: the selection of incision location, the pocket plane for implant placement (either subpectoral or completely subglandular), and the appropriate implant. The current study evaluated 210 cases of augmentation mammaplasty retrospectively. A capsular contracture rate of 8% was found. Rupture and gel bleeding were observed in eight cases (4%). For various reasons, such as capsular contracture or implant rupture, the prostheses were renewed once in 16 patients (8%) and twice in 5 patients (2%). Submammary incision was used in 42 cases (20%). The patients in 23 cases responded that they had implant folds or edges they could feel (11%). Only 4 of these 23 patients stated that feeling the edge of the implant was a concern for them. Of the 210 augmented breasts, 5 had diminished sensation postoperatively (2%), as interpreted by the patient.  相似文献   

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