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由于旅游过程中生活不规律,气候、环境的改变,加之长途跋涉、车船劳顿,难免会发生晕车、失眠、便秘、腹泻、感冒、中署等小毛病,或不小心发生扭伤或跌伤。有人将这些统称为"旅游病"。为了使旅游顺利进行,增添更多乐趣,动身前最好准备些药品,以备应急之用。晕车药有些人坐车、乘船或乘飞机时,会感到头晕目眩、恶心呕吐、面色苍白,可在动身前半小  相似文献   

"晓月过残垒,繁星宿故关";"明月如霜,清景无限"等古诗句,道出了人类与月亮的不解之缘。16世纪时,德国医生帕拉策尔苏斯就认识到:满月时,精神错乱的人数就会增加。因为在满月和新月时,太阳和月亮位于一条直线上,用联合的力量拉地球,大潮就是这时发生的。现代科学研究表明,满月时产生的"生物潮汐",使暴躁的人变得更加神经过敏,忧郁的人变得更加消沉,爱寻欢作乐的人更加喜欢采取异常行动。20世纪70年代,北尼  相似文献   

美国科学家做了这样一个实验:将200只猴子分为两组,每组100只;甲组吃饱为止,乙组只吃七八分饱。经过10年喂养,甲组猴子患高血脂、脂肪肝、高血压、冠心病的多,100只猴子中死亡了50只(50.0%);乙组猴子苗条健康,精力充沛,100只中死亡了12只(12.0%)。结论是低热量的饮食是健康的法宝。洪昭光  相似文献   

黄小姐5年前由于一次不当性生活而导致尿频、尿急、尿痛的症状,经输液打针、服用中西药等治疗,效果都不佳.时时袭来的尿频、尿急令她不敢贸然外出,一旦外出,把找厕所当成头等大事.刚开始1~2个小时排尿一次,以后间隔时间越来越短,甚至在咳嗽、走路时尿液不自主地流出.反复尿液检查却没有白细胞,细菌培养也不见细菌、真菌、衣原体、支原体等微生物.更可怕的是夜间反复排尿,严重影响睡眠,影响她的生活质量,给她带来巨大痛苦及心理压力.  相似文献   

血余炭为人发煅成的炭,性平味苦,归肝、胃经。功能止血散瘀、补阴利尿,善治各种出血及小便不通。为化疲止血良药,有止血而不留瘀、利尿而不伤阴之特点。外用于疮疡,有解毒、生肌敛疮之效。江某读者用血余炭治疗鼻出血,是一个很好的方法,而且此法确实如读者所述,见  相似文献   

前列腺是男性独有的附属性腺,如核桃大小,重约20克,位于膀胱下方。前列腺包绕着紧挨膀胱的尿道,它的主要功能是分泌稀薄的前列腺液,构成精液的一部分,同时也是排尿的必经之地。青壮年时期前列腺常受到各种病菌侵袭容易发生炎症。50岁以后,随着睾丸酮及分泌物的减少,同时出现前列腺增生。据统计,60岁以上男  相似文献   

小赵因双眼发红,分泌物多,到药店买了一瓶利福平眼药自行滴眼治疗。然而用药后不仅没有效果,症状反而加重。原来她用药前没有按说明书要求将眼药配好,还犯了一个啼笑皆非的错误——把本应放入药瓶中溶解的药丸,当作口服药服到肚子里了……  相似文献   

体育锻炼纠正心理缺陷,不是一般的运动训练和娱乐游戏活动。要想达到心理转移的目的,必须有一定的强度、质量和时间的要求。每天锻炼时间在30分钟左右,运动量从小到大,循序渐进。  相似文献   

法国有一位名医说过一句很精辟的话:"运动几乎可以代替任何药物,但是世界上的一切药品,并不能代替运动的作用。"科技文明带给人们无数的方便与实惠,但是如果不能正确享用现代文明的成果,也  相似文献   

色氨酸是人体所需的一种重要的氨基酸,对预防糙皮病、抑郁症,改善睡眠和增强自信心有着很重要的作用。预防糙皮病糙皮病是由于组织内缺少烟酸所致,最典型的症状是皮炎,常在肢体暴露部  相似文献   

Rabbits were fed purified diets containing either corn starch, sucrose, glucose or fructose as 39.5% of the caloric content, or were fed a commercial diet. At the end of the 12-week trial period, glucose tolerance tests did not reveal a difference by treatment, and males had a lower tolerance than females. The serum cholesterol concentrations of the various density lipoproteins varied by treatment as determined weekly; often the HDL cholesterol was higher in the rabbits fed corn starch, and the VLDL cholesterol was higher in the rabbits fed corn fructose. Cholelithiasis at the end of the trial was prevalent in rabbits fed sucrose, glucose or fructose, was infrequent in the rabbits fed corn starch, and was absent in the rabbits fed the commercial diet. Lipid and cholesterol concentrations in the liver were greater in the rabbits fed the purified diets than in those fed the commercial diet. Cholesterol concentration in the thoracic aorta was greater in the rabbits fed the commercial diet than in those fed the purified diet. Analyses of liver and kidneys for Cr, Mn, Cu and Zn revealed treatment differences only in the case of the kidneys where Cr concentration was greater in the kidneys when the commercial diet was fed.  相似文献   

A survey among 104 type 2 and 81 type 1 diabetic patients has explored their opinions on two major national educationnal programs on nutrition launched by the french health authorities: the “Program National Nutrition Santé” (PNNS1) (2001-2005) and the PNNS2 (2006-2010). The majority of the patients has acquired knowledge on the PNNS through the media and at the care setting level. The messages they have the best recorded concern the daily consumption of fruits and vegetables and the obesity. On the other hand, they know nothing on the printed educationnal guides distributed by the PNNS, nor on the local PNNS initiatives. If the half of the type 2 diabetic patients considers that the PNNS helps them to carry out food choices, a little number of patients estimates that PNNS plays an important role in preventing nutritionnal problems among the young people. Few patients considers also that the food industries may have a possible “perverse” influence on the food consumption and eating behaviors. The half of the type 2 diabetics is in favor of alternatives ways to the hospital-based therapeutic patient education programs, for example programs organized by the Health Social Insurance or by Mutual insurance companies, while respecting criteria of quality. Lastly, the majority of the patients estimates that, due to their own experience, they have a role to play in the nutritional education.  相似文献   

The starting point for any research project should be a question.Once this has been defined and the relevant scientific literaturereviewed, a protocol should be drawn up. This will be used notonly as a guide to the conduct of the study and in the preparationof the final report, but also in seeking any financial supportand approvals that are required for the investigation. A protocolis normally arranged in sections covering the background tothe study, the question(s) that it will address, the methodsthat will be used for the collection and analysis of data, thestatistical power of the investigation (where relevant), anyethical considerations, and the financial input that will beneeded. A pilot study is often helpful where aspects of thestudy method are untried or of uncertainvalidity.  相似文献   

目的 通过实验介绍在单一浓度下的Mg2 与在不同浓度情况下的dNTP及在单一浓度下的dNTP与在不同浓度下的Mg2 进行多基因PCR的反应过程。方法 通过多基因PCR分析比较Mg2 和dNTP在不同浓度下的反应结果。结果 PCR反应在 10×PCRBuffer为 0 0 2mol/LMg2 浓度时 ,随着dNTP浓度的增大 ,PCR反应增强 ,特别是较大片段PCR产物反映更为明显。但随着dNTP浓度的继续增大 ,PCR反应抑制 ,扩增条带度减弱 ,直至条带完全消失。而在0 0 0 2mmol/LdNTP浓度下 ,随着Mg2 浓度的不断增大 ,反应逐渐增强。但随着Mg2 浓度的继续增大 ,扩增条带亮度有减弱趋势。结论 在Mg2 单一浓度下 ,较大浓度dNTP有增强条带亮度的作用 ;在dNTP单一浓度下 ,过高的Mg2 浓度能抑制反应。  相似文献   

Two major functions are assumed by the testis: the production of male gametes (i.e. spermatozoa), and the production of steroid hormones. Those two functions are established during fetal life and are essentials for the adult fertility and the masculinization of the internal tract and genitalia. For many years, our laboratory has been interested in the ontogeny of those two functions in rodents and since 2003, in collaboration with Gynecology and Obstetrics service of Professor R. Frydman in A. Béclère hospital, we have studied them in human. The first aim of this work was to improve the global knowledge of the human fetal testis development by using both our experimental data and the literature. Then we focused on the different defects that can occur during the fetal testis development. Indeed, male reproductive abnormalities have been steadily increasing since the last decades and are thought to be related to the concomitant increase of the concentration of contaminants and particularly of endocrine disruptors in the environment. Thus, we decided to study the effect of endocrine disruptors on human fetal testis, and more particularly the effect of phthalates, by using an organ culture system developed for human. In contrast to the data obtained in rat, mono (ethylhexyl)-phthalate (MEHP), an active metabolite of the most widespread phthalate in the environment, does not disturb the steroidogenic function. On the other hand, it has a negative effect on the male germ cells number. This study is the first experimental demonstration of a negative effect of phthalates directly on human reproductive functions. Using a molecular approach, our aim is now to understand the mechanisms of phthalate's action.  相似文献   

Recognised 30 years ago, hospital nutritional depletion remains a major problem of public health which concerns from 30% to 50% of all patients at admission. The circular DHOS/E 1 n? 2002-186 of the 29 March 2002, recommending the implementation of both the committee for food-nutrition (CLAN: Comité de Liaison Alimentation Nutrition) and the nutrition support team within the hospital, is the result of 10 years effort in regard to food-nutrition and the accreditation process in health care. The dietician, previously accountable for the quality of food and dietary services, has now the opportunity to play a leading role within the nutritional care team for the screening and treatment of nutritional depletion. However, the initial training and the present status of the dietician don’t allow him to follow this evolution effectively. Updating of his training and the redefinition of his missions seem indispensable to respond to today's health care needs. This will help to ensure that above legal recommendation can be applied.  相似文献   

This study was conducted as part of the Human Exposure Assessment Location (HEAL) Project which comes under the United Nations Environment Programme/World Health Organisation (UNEP/WHO) Global environmental Monitoring System (GEMS). The objective of the study was to evaluate workers' exposure to lead in industries with the highest exposure. All subjects were interviewed about their occupational and smoking histories, the use of personal protective equipment and personal hygiene. The contribution of a dietary source of lead intake from specified foods known to contain lead locally and personal air sampling for lead were assessed. A total of 61 workers from two PVC compounding and 50 workers from two lead acid battery manufacturing plants were studied together with 111 matched controls. In the PVC compounding plants the mean lead-in-air level was 0.0357 mg/m3, with the highest levels occurring during the pouring and mixing operations. This was lower than the mean lead-in-air level of 0.0886 mg/m3 in the lead battery manufacturing plants where the highest exposure was in the loading of lead ingots into milling machines. Workers in lead battery manufacturing had significantly higher mean blood lead than the PVC workers (means, 32.51 and 23.91 mcg/100 ml respectively), but there was poor correlation with lead-in-air levels. Among the lead workers, the Malays had significantly higher blood lead levels than the Chinese (mean blood levels were 33.03 and 25.35 mcg/100 ml respectively) although there was no significant difference between the two ethnic groups in the control group. There were no significant differences between the exposed and control group in terms of dietary intake of specified local foods known to contain lead. However, Malays consumed significantly more fish than the Chinese did. There were no ethnic differences in the hours of overtime work, number of years of exposure, usage of gloves and respirators and smoking habits. Among the Malays, 94.3% eat with their hands compared with 9.2% of the Chinese. Workers who ate with bare hands at least once a week had higher blood lead levels after adjusting for lead-in-air levels (mean blood lead was 30.2 and 26.4 mcg/100 ml respectively). The study indicated that the higher blood lead levels observed in the Malay workers might have been due to their higher exposure and eating with bare hands.  相似文献   

In May 1993, an outbreak of pruritic skin lesions occurred amonga group of employees located in tour laboratories in the basementof an office building. Medical interviews with the affectedworkers were performed and an industrial hygiene survey of thesite was conducted. Workers commonly reported a prickling sensationon exposed skin. Four of the workers had small (<5mm) erythematouspapules on their forearms. Just prior to the outbreak, the installationof fibrous glass insulation had commenced in the mechanicalrooms which provided air to the basement of the building. Becauseof the nature of the symptoms and the temporal relationshipwith the nearby insulation work, direct skin contact with fibrousglass fibres was thought to be the cause of the outbreak. Thepoorly maintained air handling unit supplying air to the laboratoriesprobably contributed to this outbreak by inefficient filteringof the circulating air.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies of calcium and osteoporosis have been hampered by the lack of a suitable tool for assessing calcium intake. This report describes a new frequency and amount questionnaire for measuring present and past calcium intake in the elderly. The validity of the questionnaire was tested against two commonly used standards of dietary assessment, five-day duplicate diets and seven-day weighed dietary inventories. The resulting correlation coefficients were, respectively, r = 0.76 and r = 0.69, while that for repeatability was r = 0.84. Furthermore, the questionnaire categorized subjects into thirds of the distribution of intake with almost no gross misclassification. It is suggested that the present findings may be extended to the majority of normal, healthy elderly subjects, implying wide application for the questionnaire in the assessment of calcium intake in the elderly.  相似文献   

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