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目的:了解国内外与支架相关的技术评估研究,初步探索研究结论与我国卫生政策之间的关联。方法:采用文献复习法,在CNKI和PubMed数据库中检索文献和指南,并在卫生部和北京、上海、广州三地的相关网站查找与支架相关的政策,据此分析文献结论和政策内容的契合程度。结果:支架相关中英文文献数量逐年增加。中文相关系统综述类文献较少,大多聚焦于安全性和有效性,缺乏对成本效果的研究。中华医学会颁布的指南对支架,尤其是药物洗脱支架的适应症做了相关的说明,与文献结论相一致。与支架相关的政策共有6项,可分为集中招标采购政策、价格管理政策和技术管理规范等三类。前两类政策与成本相关的技术评估研究之间可能存在一定联系;技术管理规范则没有相应的研究证据。结论:尽管中国目前的支架相关文献量不算小,但对成本这一重点问题仍缺乏研究。指南内容和文献结论基本一致,但其他政策相对缺乏循证依据。  相似文献   

目的:介绍荷兰卫生技术评估体系和政策转化现状,为完善我国价值医疗体系、提高卫生改革决策水平提供借鉴。方法:通过查阅国内外相关文献,描述荷兰的卫生技术评估体系,分析其常规应用的转化特点,综合评价其在新冠肺炎疫情中急性护理服务的网络构建特点。结果:荷兰卫生体系被称为“欧洲最佳医疗体系”,卫生技术评估在荷兰卫生系统决策中发挥了重要作用,特别是在降低医疗成本层面。相比荷兰,我国卫生技术评估政策转化成果相对较少。结论:我国需要完善卫生技术评估机构体系,加强研究人员与政策制定者的沟通,提升决策科学性及加快卫生技术评估转化效率。同时,筑牢分级诊疗体系,提升卫生技术评估综合性评价标准,进而推动实践价值医疗,促进我国卫生健康事业发展。  相似文献   

目的本研究旨在通过对中国卫生技术评估决策转化现状的定性研究,探索中国卫生技术评估决策转化的影响因素,为卫生技术评估在中国卫生政策制定中发挥更大的作用提供建议。方法通过关键知情人访谈收集信息,对收集到的定性资料进行主体框架法分析。结果定性分析帮助梳理了卫生技术相关决策部门的决策证据来源、决策者参与研究的主要方式、决策者需要的证据产出形式、决策者对卫生技术评估的认知、卫生技术评估与政策的融合程度和转化程度,共梳理了9个卫生技术评估决策转化的影响因素。结论中国卫生技术评估决策转化目前尚处于初级阶段,应注意对决策  相似文献   

目的分析澳大利亚假体类高值医用耗材医保准入管理经验,为我国医保部门建立相关机制提供参考。方法访问澳大利亚卫生部官方网站,检索《假体类医用耗材目录》管理相关政策、文件和指南,并进行信息提取。结果澳大利亚《假体类医用耗材目录》管理包括申报材料及证据提交、评估、评审及决策四大步骤。在基于综合价值判断进行准入和支付政策制定过程中,卫生技术评估(HTA)提供了重要的循证证据。结论我国医保部门可参考澳大利亚高值医用耗材管理经验,建立以价值为基础,以卫生技术评估为支持,经第三方委员会独立评审的高值医用耗材准入机制。  相似文献   

英国国家卫生与服务优化研究院(NICE)被认为是利用卫生技术评估研究结果促进卫生循证决策的典范,在应对新医疗技术带来的过快卫生费用增长方面发挥了重要作用,其证据开发过程和研究成果向政策的转化过程同样也成为世界各国纷纷效仿的重要方面。本文介绍了NICE在英国卫生服务体系中的法定定位、开展卫生技术评估的类别、过程和政策转化机制,以期为促进国内卫生技术评估研究成果在循证卫生政策制定中的应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

西班牙卫生技术评估的发展在全球是成功经验之一,经过多年发展,西班牙已经建立了较为成熟的卫生技术评估体系。通过文献复习,总结了西班牙卫生技术评估工作的基本特征、地位、决策过程、医院卫生技术评估发展的相关经验。提出了将HTA作为政府卫生政策的重要工具,加强卫生技术评估协作网建设,大力发展医院卫生技术评估,建立立体全面的卫生技术评估协作体系等政策建议。  相似文献   

目的:分析我国卫生政策研究成果转化的影响因素,为促进成果转化提供科学证据.资料与方法:通过文献综述、问卷调查和知情者访谈收集资料,并对相关变量进行排序,分析影响因素的重要程度.结果:决策者方面的因素是影响卫生政策研究成果转化的最重要的方面;研究项目及产出是卫生政策研究成果转化的前提条件;研究者对于政策导向和研究需求的把握能力有限;研究者与决策者之间的交流渠道初步建立,但沟通效果不够理想;社会环境对卫生政策研究成果转化有一定的阻碍.  相似文献   

目的分析上海市某区社会卫生技术服务机构公共场所卫生检测报告质量状况,为规范该行业健康发展、降低公共场所卫生管理风险提供建议。方法通过随机抽取该区2009-2012年公共场所卫生许可档案,对其中由社会卫生技术服务机构在2009-2012年期间出具的公共场所卫生检测报告进行质量评估分析。结果上海某区社会卫生技术服务机构参与公共场所卫生许可比例逐年增加,其出具的公共场所卫生检测报告质量不断提高,但部分仍在采样、检测、报告格式内容方面存在问题。结论建议继续加强对社区卫生技术服务机构监管,完善管理措施,推动行业自律,针对严重违法违规行为加强与业务主管部门沟通反馈和处理。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市卫生厅局,新疆生产建设兵团卫生局:为规范人工髋关节置换技术的临床应用,保证医疗质量和医疗安全,根据《医疗技术临床应用管理办法》,我部组织制定了《人工髋关节置换技术管理规范(2012版)》(可从卫生部网站下载)。现印发给你们,请遵照执行。  相似文献   

目的:描述我国卫生政策与体系研究政策转化情况,分析影响卫生政策转化的主要因素。方法:本研究利用问卷调查、关键人物访谈中有关政策转化的指标,从环境、研究者、政策转化过程及政策制定者四个维度,对我国的卫生政策与体系研究政策转化情况进行评估。结果:2015—2017年,65.79%的研究机构认为我国循证决策文化改善,卫生政策与体系研究需求增加,超过半数的研究者认为相关研究资助情况改善。2017年,平均每所研究机构产出10.84篇英文文章、52.79篇中文文章、11.39篇研究报告及14.39篇会议论文,政策简报的数量仅为4.53篇。卫生部门是研究成果的主要传播对象。对阻碍政策转化的因素进行评分,研究机构与政策制定者之间缺乏有效的沟通以及政策建议的可行性方面评分最高。结论:整体来说,我国卫生政策与体系研究的政策转化情况有所改善,但尚待规范的循证决策过程,不够畅通的沟通渠道,不恰当的成果传播形式及有限的卫生政策与体系研究能力仍是政策转化过程中关键的阻碍因素。  相似文献   

This article examines the health crisis that followed the diagnosis of 15 cases of poliomyelitis in Israel late in 1988. The article reviews the recommendations, decisions and activities undertaken by the health authorities during the episode. Consequently, it analyses the role in policy making of each of the principal players: the leadership of the Ministry of Health, the professional Advisory Committee and the executive level of the Public Health Service. The conclusion, that changes in policy are expedited by crises, appears to hold for every health system. In Israel those changes were reflected by the introduction of a new immunization policy and, most important, the establishment of a national Ministry of the Environment.  相似文献   

Systematic reviews of studies of effectiveness are the centrepiece of evidence‐based medicine and policy making. Increasingly, systematic reviews of economic evaluations are also an expected input into much evidence‐based policy making, with some health economists even calling for ‘an economics approach to systematic review’. This paper questions the value of conducting systematic reviews of economic evaluations to inform decision making in health care. It argues that the value of systematic reviews of economic evaluations is usually undermined by three things. Firstly, compared with effectiveness studies, there is a much wider range of factors that limit the generalisability of cost–effectiveness results, over time and between health systems and service settings, including the context‐dependency of resource use and opportunity costs, and different decision contexts and budget constraints. Secondly, because economic evaluations are more explicitly intended to be decision‐informing, the requirements for generalisability take primacy, and considerations of internal validity become more secondary. Thirdly, since one of the two main forms of economic evaluation – decision analytic modelling – is itself a well‐developed method of evidence synthesis, in most cases the need for a comprehensive systematic review of previous economic evaluations of a particular health technology or policy choice is unwarranted. I conclude that apparent ‘meta‐analytic expectations’ for clear and widely applicable cost–effectiveness conclusions from systematic reviews of economic evaluations are optimistic and generally futile. For more useful insights and knowledge from previous economic studies in evidence‐based policy making, a more limited range of reasons for conducting systematic reviews of health economic studies is proposed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo identify and summarize published systematic reviews that report results of meta-analyses that combined direct and indirect comparisons.Study Design and SettingNarrative review of mixed treatment comparisons (MTCs) reported in systematic reviews of health interventions. MEDLINE, MEDLINE In-Process, Embase, CINAHL, DARE, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and SIGLE were searched for reviews published up to June 2012 in which a meta-analysis had been conducted that combined direct and indirect comparisons among more than two interventions.ResultsReviews reporting MTCs are difficult to identify when searching major databases. These databases offer no way to identify MTCs, and authors use various names when reporting them. Of the 201 eligible reviews identified, more than three-quarters had been published in full. MTC methods have been used to study a wide range of clinical topics. The reported use of these methods has increased rapidly since 2009, and results from MTCs are commonly used in health policy decisions, through the evidence considered in health technology assessments.ConclusionIn view of the increasing use of MTCs, indexing of this study type in databases and a consensus on terminology and standards for conduct and reporting would be timely.  相似文献   

目的:本研究系统梳理改革开放以来我国老年健康服务的相关政策,分析政策的演变历程和发展特征,为我国老年健康服务政策的进一步完善提出建议。方法:经系统检索得到老年健康服务相关政策文件148份,提取关键信息并梳理政策内容与时间节点,采用Nvivo 11软件对21份主要政策进行文本分析,归纳总结中国老年健康服务政策体系的演变历程。结果:中国老年健康服务的政策演变过程可划分为三个阶段:起步酝酿阶段(1984—2008年)、快速发展阶段(2009—2016年)及系统整合阶段(2017年之后)。在这一过程中逐步明确了“健康老龄化”的目标与内涵,建立了老年健康服务体系的整体框架。结论:本文从政策演变角度总结了我国老年健康服务政策发展的阶段,并针对现存问题与挑战提出应进一步完善相关配套政策、通过试点示范促进政策方案的细化、加大对能力建设的政策支持力度以及在大健康理念下促进多部门协作等建议。  相似文献   

This paper, which focuses on the Brazilian Ministry of Health's agenda as the national health authority between 1990 and 2002, identifies and analyzes Ministry priorities. Three main policies were identified for the period: decentralization, establishment of a family health program, and the policy to combat AIDS. In general, the initial design of these policies was consistent with the guidelines of the Brazilian public health system (SUS). However, discrepancies were found between the universalistic agenda of the Brazilian health reform carried out in the 1980s and the hegemonic agenda of state reform that prevailed in the country in the 1990s, which had liberal roots and did not favor the expansion of government actions and comprehensive social policies. Within this unfavorable political and economic context, the development of specific health policies prioritized by the Brazilian Ministry of Health revealed unsolved problems and gaps in the public health system and limitations in the Ministry's ability to exercise its role as national health authority.  相似文献   

Context: Legislatures and executive branch agencies in the United States and other nations are increasingly using reviews of the medical literature to inform health policy decisions. To clarify these efforts to give policymakers evidence of medical effectiveness, this article discusses the California Health Benefits Review Program (CHBRP). This program, based at the University of California, analyzes the medical effectiveness of health insurance benefit mandate bills for the California legislature, as well as their impact on cost and public health. Methods: This article is based on the authors’ experience reviewing benefit mandate bills for CHBRP and findings from evaluations of the program. General observations are illustrated with examples from CHBRP's reports. Information about efforts to incorporate evidence into health policymaking in other states and nations was obtained through a review of published literature. Findings: CHBRP produces reports that California legislators, legislative staff, and other major stakeholders value and use routinely in deliberations about benefit mandate bills. Where available, the program relies on previously published meta‐analyses and systematic reviews to streamline the review of the medical literature. Faculty and staff responsible for the medical effectiveness sections of CHBRP's reports have learned four major lessons over the course of the program's six‐year history: the need to (1) recognize the limitations of the medical literature, (2) anticipate the need to inform legislators about the complexity of evidence, (3) have realistic expectations regarding the impact of medical effectiveness reviews, and (4) understand the consequences of the reactive nature of mandated benefit reviews. Conclusions: CHBRP has demonstrated that it is possible to produce useful reviews of the medical literature within the tight time constraints of the legislative process. The program's reports have provided state legislators with independent analyses that allow them to move beyond sifting through conflicting information from proponents and opponents to consider difficult policy choices and their implications.  相似文献   

This article reviews relevant US health education actions which are pertinent to understanding the possibilities for enhancing health education in Brazil, and discusses the interconnections between theory, policy, practice, and evaluation. One common assumption underlying most health education policy and practice is that participation of the population will increase involvement in programs. Economic theories of socialism and capitalism are implicit in short term policies, while long term policies imply understanding of cultural ideologies. The cycle: theory affects training and policy, policy affects training and practice, and practice affects evaluation which in turn affects theory and training. For instance, in the US the theory of life style's influence on health led to policy to change lifestyle. Ineffective health education led to more complex theories which changed health programs. Drunk drivers were penalized and smokers were restricted. Professional training programs increased to meet the demand. Policy had the most significant impact, and where it is absent, health education practice can become diffused and have an insignificant impact. The US cycle of underfunded policy for health education (professional poverty) began to change with the following initiatives: 1) improvement in research, 2) evaluation, 3) involvement of disciplines such as psychology and sociology in the study of health education problems, 4) significant policy analyses in the 1970's with the President's Committee on Health Education, and 5) new policy initiatives in the 1980's with the creation of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in conjunction with the Center for Disease Control under the Public Health Service. Training in central in affecting practice and being affected by evaluation, theory, and policy.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a rapid health sector policyanalysis carried out in Ghana in October 1990. Its purpose isto illustrate the dynamics of the policy debate at a time ofmajor change, and to provoke discussion about the practicalimplications of current policy directions. In addition, it demonstratesthe range and nature of issues of concern to decision makersin the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Local Government andNational Development Planning Commission. Issues discussed include:the restructuring of the Ministry of Health; resource allocationunder decentralization; health planning responsibilities atdifferent levels; the case for an intermediate level of managementin a decentralized health system; the relationship between differentforms of cost-recovery programme; the future of EPI and; theimplications of establishing a national health service. Thefinal section presents some preliminary conclusions concerningthe process of organizational change in the health sector resultingfrom decentralization policies.  相似文献   

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