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本文意在研究加拿大政府用于引导个人资金进入矿业初级勘探阶段的个人所得税优惠政策——可抵税流转股票及与其配套实施的矿产勘探税款抵减额度政策。分析其设计思路、实施方法,把握政策的目标和流程;通过案例分析,详细阐述其作用和实践效果。该项政策在加拿大已成功应用20余年,依然在持续有效地发挥着投资导向作用,使个人投资成为矿产初级勘探行业市场融资的重要渠道之一,对于缓解当前世界面临的矿业市场低迷引发的初级勘探阶段融资困难是行之有效的方法之一,对中国制定类似的财税政策具有启示作用。  相似文献   

加拿大是世界上发达矿业国家之一。对矿业项目进行全面的、严格的环境评价,并贯穿于矿业活动的整个过程,以及全社会参与其中,是加拿大矿业的重要特色。随着我国生态文明建设的发展,矿业成为了对环境保护高度敏感的产业。本文概要介绍加拿大矿业项目环境评价的要求、程序和管理等方面的特点,以助我们开阔视野,更好地适应新的环境管理,提升矿业项目质量。  相似文献   

本文基于矿业开发中的生态环境问题分析,利用层次分析法(AHP)进行矿产资源开发环境影响评价,并对环境敏感因子进行动态识别和排序。研究发现:矿山环境问题是实现我国矿业可持续发展和生态文明的重要问题,涉及可持续发展和代际公平;安徽省矿产开发环境问题相对突出,主要表现在地面塌陷、岩溶塌陷、生态污染和地貌景观破坏等;从安徽省矿业开发环境影响因子评价识别上看,危害度及排序如下:矿区环境(0.4701)﹥生态环境(0.3498)﹥矿区地质(0.1339)﹥社会经济(0.0462);最后提出了应对矿产开发环境影响的对策建议。  相似文献   

煤炭作为一种不可再生资源,长期开采已经引起了与我国国民经济可持续发展不协调的诸多环境问题,并且这些问题也已成为影响我国社会、经济和区域环境发展的综合性制约因素。传统的观点认为采矿产业是不可能实现可持续发展的产业,这一片面的观点是采矿产业实行可持续发展的一个最大的障碍。分析了现代矿业的不足之处,提出了具体的建议措施,对我国矿业实行可持续性发展具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

加拿大的矿业环境保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿产工业是加拿大的核心工业。随着矿产工业的迅速发展 ,严重的环境问题也不可避免地出现了。毋庸讳言 ,几乎所有的矿业活动都不可避免地造成自然环境与社会环境的破坏。重要的问题是意识到这种破坏的存在并试图避免和减少这种破坏。在过去的三十年中 ,加拿大各级政府对环境问题给予了极大的关注并制定了一系列的全面、具体、详尽并易于执行的政策、法规、条例 ,这些政策法规已逐步开始实施。本文介绍了这方面的一些看法并以具体事例说明 ,同时提出了对中国矿业环境保护工作的一些建议。  相似文献   

矿产资源是人类社会赖以生存和国民经济发展的重要物质基础,矿业的可持续发展是国民经济较快、平稳发展的基础。本文结合近几年来在矿政管理工作中的一些亲身体会,客观地分析了泉州矿产资源在保障国民经济健康、稳定发展中的重要性,剖析了矿业开发与城市经济社会、生态建设、环境保护之间存在的突出问题,提出了促进泉州矿业可持续发展的若干具体思路和对策。  相似文献   

The growing popularity of platinum group metals (or PGMs, including platinum and palladium) for a wide range of applications leads to some interesting issues for mining and sustainability. The uses of PGMs includes catalytic converters for air pollution control in vehicles, growing jewellery use, catalysts for various purposes (especially petroleum and chemicals processing), hydrogen fuel cells, and many others. Given the growing importance of most of these PGM uses in more sustainable technologies or in making industrial processes more efficient, it is critical to understand the complex sustainability issues which surround PGMs. At present, South Africa is the dominant PGMs producer and holds ~88% of estimated global resources, with additional production and resources in Russia, Zimbabwe, Canada and the United States. Given the concentrated location of PGM resources, what are the likely trends in PGM mining with respect to environmental sustainability? That is, what are the costs in terms of energy, pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, water, land use impacts, social impacts, economic aspects associated with this globally important industry? This paper compiles and analyses a range of data on PGM mining. It synthesizes a unique combination of data which relates typical production aspects such as ore grade and scale with sustainability aspects such as greenhouse, energy and water costs. The findings are critical in understanding the debate about the increasing environmental and social costs of some materials and technologies which are considered crucial for sustainable technologies based on PGMs. Overall, the paper represents a valuable insight into the environmental and resource sustainability of the PGM sector.  相似文献   

初征 《矿冶》2019,28(5)
矿山开采爆破过程中产生的振动影响,已成为当今矿山生产行业重点关注的环境问题之一。采用爆破振动预测模式评价甘肃镜铁山铁矿开采对周边保护对象的影响,并提出减少影响的控制措施,为国内矿山行业提供借鉴和参考。评价结果表明,镜铁山铁矿开采爆破引起的振动不会对周边保护对象产生明显的干扰影响,在采取相应振动控制措施的前提下,项目建设可行。  相似文献   

矿产资源是人类社会赖以生存和国民经济发展的重要物质基础,矿业的可持续发展是国民经济较快、平稳发展的基础。本文结合近几年来在矿政管理工作中的一些亲身体会,客观地分析了泉州矿产资源在保障国民经济健康、稳定发展中的重要性,剖析了矿业开发与城市经济社会、生态建设、环境保护之间存在的突出问题,提出了促进泉州矿业可持续发展的若干具体思路和对策。  相似文献   

矿产资源在我国的国民经济中起着至关重要的作用 ,本文用对比的方法分析出我国与国外在矿山办矿模式、矿山环境保护、采矿技术、矿业税费 4个方面的差异 ,从中找出有利于我国矿业发展的经验 ,为我国的矿业可持续发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

编制矿产资源资产负债表对把握国民经济-资源利用-生态损毁-环境效益之间的互动关系具有重要作用。本文确定了矿产资源取得价值用矿业权益金体现,矿产资源使用价值用证实资源资产和潜力资源资产两类体现。矿产资源直接负债用矿山环境治理恢复基金体现,间接负债用直接市场评价法、替代市场评价法和意愿价值评估法评估的编制方案。并提出了扩展矿产资源类别及储量范畴、提高矿产资源开采工业参数取值精确度、完善资源价值估价方法体系,可以扩大矿产资源资产负债表影响的建议。  相似文献   

为了明确未来中国新能源汽车产业发展的资源环境效应,本文对中国汽车总产销保有量、新能源汽车产销保有量的历史数据进行统计分析,通过趋势分析法预测未来变化趋势,并对新能源汽车减少油料消耗、降低大气污染物排放的效果进行分析评价,还重点探讨了新能源汽车产业发展对未来我国锂、钴、镍、石墨、稀土资源供需形势的影响。结果显示,2020年和2025年,中国新能源汽车产销量分别为200万辆和820万辆;2020年和2025年,中国新能源汽车保有量分别为632万辆和3 262万辆。短期内(2025年之前),新能源汽车保有量的增长对节约油料消耗、降低大气污染物排放的作用不大。新能源汽车产量爆发式增长,将对未来我国锂、钴资源的供需形势产生重要影响。我国有必要加强锂、钴资源的勘查与开发,并在全球对锂、钴资源全产业链进行提前布局,以支撑新能源汽车产业的稳健发展,保障中国锂、钴资源的供应安全。  相似文献   

李刚 《中国矿业》2012,21(3):24-27,31
经过漫长的起草和讨论咨询,南非《矿产与石油资源权利金法》于2010年3月1日起开始实施,这项法案对南非国内就业、外国投资和矿产资源勘查都将产生深远的影响。本文探讨了《矿产与石油资源权利金法》产生的历史背景,介绍了权利金的征收主体、新权利金公式的原理和计算公式、补贴和减免政策等。本文认为,对选矿或其他加工产品征收较低权利金率,有利于减轻企业负担;权利金率随利润变化并设定范围,既保证政府在矿业经济不景气时能够取得一定财政收入,矿业经济繁荣时能随企业效益提高增加权利金收入,又增强了企业进行风险勘查,加大矿业投资的积极性,较好协调了政府增加财产收入和维护矿业繁荣稳定两者之间的关系。然而,权利金制度是否具有国际竞争力以及对选冶企业影响还有待继续研究和探讨。通过对南非权利金制度的研究,本文认为,我国矿产资源补偿费改革,应重新界定税费关系,完善矿产品含义和计征对象,加快调整费率制度。  相似文献   

赵志龙 《有色金属》2007,59(4):156-160
结合金川有色金属公司的环境保护的实际,介绍大型有色金属采选企业成功的环境保护实例,阐明与尾矿相关的尾矿库选址、尾矿输送的原则、尾矿管线敷设的原则、尾矿事故处理、尾矿干法处理、尾矿水综合利用和排放及尾矿的综合利用等诸多方面的问题及对策,对金属采选企业的环境保护和有关项目的环境影响评价有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Discharges and emissions in the coal mining process have a strong effect both on the environment and on human health. This problem is usually be a negative one and has only been recognized qualitatively, due to the lack of effective quantitative methods. Based on emergy theory and accounting methodology, a set of quantitative methods for accounting the environmental support due to pollutants emissions was first introduced. Then impacts on environment and effects on human health were quantified using the unified units. The results indicated that water pollutants caused more impacts on the environment than air pollutants did, i.e., more environmental contributions are needed to dilute and absorb water pollutants. The occupation of land caused by coal mining gangue waste stacking has led to a huge loss of environmental services over the years. Moreover, the potential damage on the human condition health caused by CO2 through climate change cannot be ignored. Finally, the impacts of mining activities on environmental and human health in unified units are shown to provide a quantitative insight into the disadvantage of coal mining. The comparable results of the method indicate the different influence of various pollutants and the contribution of ‘natural capital’ directly. This work is a part of ongoing thermodynamic input-output analysis and life cycle analysis of coal mining systems (which are in process.)  相似文献   

为满足新时期地质勘查行业生态文明建设需要,将绿色发展理念具体实践在地质勘查领域,本文在总结分析矿区地质特征和矿床成因、调查研究矿区环境质量现状的基础上,对矿区进一步的勘查工作方向提出建议,对勘查过程中环境影响因素进行分析评价,为避免、减少或控制地质勘查活动对环境的影响,提出了有效的环境影响防治措施。  相似文献   

我国是煤炭生产大国和消费大国,梳理和总结国内外有关煤矿区土地生态系统碳源/汇研究,对于我国碳达峰和碳中和目标的实现具有重要意义。本文综述了矿区碳源/汇构成、损毁土地生态系统碳排放、复垦土地生态系统碳固存及矿区减排增汇途径。研究结果表明:矿区碳源包括植被破坏、土壤质地变化产生的碳损失和开采中化石能源使用产生的碳排放,碳汇主要来源于已复垦排土场;矿产资源开发由点—线—面—网逐渐向外扩展,碳排放量大小受经济发展水平、采矿强度、开采规模、开采方式、技术水平等影响;矿区碳固存一般经历4个阶段即原地貌未扰动阶段、开采扰动阶段、采矿后复垦阶段和平衡阶段,碳固存大小受植被类型、复垦措施、土壤理化性质、坡度等影响;矿区通过节约集约利用土地和及时有效的复垦,实现"低排放、高碳汇、高效益"的发展状态。针对煤矿区土地生态系统碳源/汇研究现状,提出未来矿区土地生态系统碳源/汇的研究重点,以期为我国减排增汇研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Ltd. (ZCCM) is planning a substantial increase in ore production in several of their underground mines on the Zambian Copperbelt over the next 10 years. The future production strategy is based on development of productive and economic mining methods through the application of mechanization and backfilling. Mechanization is designed to provide the production capability and the backfilling is designed to reduce water inflow into the mines. A similar trend can be seen in world-wide changes in mining methods from open stoping and sub-level caving to cut-and-fill stoping. Backfill is being employed worldwide, including in Australia, Canada, Sweden, Latin America, Zambia, and the U.S.A. Plans for backfill mining methods are underway for future operations in Chile, Canada, Zambia, and Mexico. The principal reasons for these changes in mining methods are twofold:
  • ? Increased ore recovery, and
  • ? Decreased environmental impact.
  • The main difference in the environmental impacts between mining with sub-level caving or open stoping and mining with backfilling methods is the reduction in subsidence or the potential for subsidence. Backfilling reduces ground movements in the rock overlying and adjacent to mine openings as well as subsidence at the surface. Reduced ground movement decreases the number and size of fracture-controlled hydraulic flow paths into a mine and, thereby, the impact of mining on surface and ground water resources. This paper deals with: 1) The impacts caused by open stoping and sub-level caving in comparison to backfilling methods; 2) The approximate impact of backfill on dewatering strategies, and; 3) The environmental benefits of backfill mining. The differences in mine drainage strategies are supported by case histories from various mines.  相似文献   

    以2011-2013年统计资料为基础,分析了河南省矿业行业废弃物排放与利用、能源和水资源消耗水平及土地资源损益情况。河南矿业万元增加值废渣排放量是全省工业平均排放量的2.2倍,万元增加值废水排放量是全省工业平均排放量的1.57倍,煤矸石和煤矿废水的利用量最大,利用率最高;矿业行业平均万元能耗0.798t标煤,接近于全省平均值,低于工业耗能平均值,煤炭采选、石油天然气开采业是矿业行业能耗大户;矿业万元增加值耗水量20.17t,低于全省工业平均水平约50%;每采出百万吨矿石,需要新增占用损坏土地2.388hm2,矿业每实现百亿元产值,需要新增占用损坏土地0.0062hm2,矿业每实现百亿元利润需要新增占用损坏土地0.053hm2。  相似文献   

    There are many problems in terms of safe coal production and the sound development of the coal industry. Accompanying the intensification and increasing efficiency of coal production and the conducting of mining operations at deeper and more remote areas of mines, the efficient recovery and utilization of Coal Mine Methane (CMM) is an important issue in improving and stabilizing the productivity in the coal mining industry with high levels of gas, where the incidence of gas outbursts is increasing. We plan to study various aspects of the development of production technology and characteristics of the mine site. This is to establish the technology for highly efficient coproduction coal and gas operation rate. As a result, the productivity at the coal mine face will increase due to the reduction in gas emissions in the mining face. Effective use of recovered gas can be expected to reduce global warming by reducing the amount of coal mine methane gas emission in the air.  相似文献   

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