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为了解我省农村妇女对儿童急性呼吸道感染(ARI)和儿童急性腹泻(CDD)的知识、行为及健康需求,对1200名2岁以下儿童母亲进行了问卷调查。母亲ARI、CDD重症识别知识:被调查对象中,有142位母亲的孩子曾患过肺炎,占11.83%;868位母亲的孩...  相似文献   

急性呼吸道感染(ARI)、儿童腹泻(CDD)是小儿常见疾病,并且农村儿童肺炎、腹泻的发病率、死亡率均高于城市儿童〔1〕。母亲是儿童最好的守护者,广大农村育龄妇女对小儿ARI、CDD的家庭护理及预防知识水平的认识可影响其发病率、死亡率。为摸清农村妇女对...  相似文献   

呼吸系统疾病在儿童中最为常见。急性呼吸道感染(主要为上呼吸道感染)在儿科门诊就诊人数中比例最高;在住院患儿中,则以肺炎为最多见。小儿呼吸系统疾病常见的症状是咳嗽、喘息和咳痰。由于小儿的解剖生理及免疫特点,这些症状如不加以控制,可促进疾病蔓延和恶化。因此,有些呼吸  相似文献   

小儿急性呼吸道感染(ARI)病例管理是WHO推荐的一种符合农村实际的儿童保健适宜技术,我区从1994年在部分乡镇推行,取得明显效果,共管理8976人次,小儿急性呼吸道感染占59.83%。其中感冒咳嗽、轻度肺炎、重度肺炎分别达到82.58%、16.16...  相似文献   

儿童急性呼吸道感染是小儿时期常见的感染性疾病.一年四季均可发病,严重地影响了小儿的健康。急性呼吸道感染中肺炎是主要死亡原因,约占全国婴儿和5岁以下儿童死亡的1/4,是我国儿童死亡的第一位疾病[1]。为厂解0~6岁儿童急性呼吸道感染的发病情况和发病季节、好发年龄组,以供儿童保健及临床提供相应依据,1994年3月1日~1995年2月28日,对我院儿科门诊急性呼吸道感染患儿进行调查,现报告如下:一、材料与方法1.对象急性呼吸道感染儿和其他疾病就诊患儿均来源于我市市区及郊区儿童。2.方法由1名护师专职负责登记每日来儿科门诊的初…  相似文献   

母亲因素对儿童急性呼吸道感染、腹泻患病及其就诊的影响分析北京医科大学郭岩常春王铸清解放军空军总医院李平急性呼吸道感染(ARI)和儿童腹泻(CDD)是儿童的常见病和多发病。据报告,ARI和CDD的发病率居儿童疾病构成的前两位。在中国儿童的死因构成中,A...  相似文献   

小儿急性呼吸道感染(ARI)监测,是WHO推荐的一种符合农村实际的儿童保健适宜技术。我市从1991年起在部分地区推行,取得明显效果。共监测39506人次,小儿急性呼吸道感染占59.83%,其中感冒咳嗽、轻度肺炎、重度肺炎分别82.58%,16.16%、1.27%。但从统计资料中反映,仍有46.78%的感冒咳嗽患儿使用抗生素,而重度肺炎患儿仅有34.11%得  相似文献   

ARI临床症状与诊断肺炎价值的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对541例5岁以下儿童急性呼吸道感染的临床症状及其与诊断肺炎价值的研究,表明呼吸增快与诊断肺炎的敏感性基本相同,但呼吸增快对诊断肺炎的特异性要较罗音为高。而乡村医生经过短期培训又不能很好地使用听诊器诊断肺炎,因此培训乡村医生学会数呼吸次数和观察胸凹陷以诊断肺炎和区别肺炎的轻重,是较简便而可靠的适宜技术,可以在我国农村推广,以降低婴幼儿肺炎的死亡率。  相似文献   

<正>慢性阻塞性肺疾病(又称慢阻肺)是一种常见的呼吸道慢性疾病,以持续性呼吸症状和气流受限为特征,通常是由于明显暴露于有毒颗粒或气体引起的气道和(或)肺泡异常所导致。最常见的呼吸症状包括呼吸困难、咳嗽和(或)咯痰,其全身性表现包括焦虑、食欲减退、体重下降等,而且常在冬季呼吸道感染后急性发作或加重。慢阻肺急性加重表现为呼吸症状急性恶化,如呼吸困难加重,咯脓痰和  相似文献   

正新型冠状病毒肺炎是一种急性感染性肺炎,是由2019新型冠状病毒(2019-n CoV)感染引起。患者初始症状为发热、乏力和干咳,并逐渐出现呼吸困难等严重表现。经呼吸道和密切接触传播是主要的传播途径。多数患者经过治疗预后良好,部分严重病例可出现急性呼吸窘迫综合征或脓毒血症休克,甚至死亡。随着疫情发展,国家鼓励三甲医院及县  相似文献   

In India, acute respiratory infection (ARI) is responsible for 20% of all annual deaths of children under 5 years old (600,000-800,000 deaths). Children have from 3 to 5 ARI episodes a year. Thus, it is important to inform communities about ARI prevention and control. Health education activities of ARI control projects should convey knowledge, improve attitudes, and encourage health-inducing practices in such a way that a community should voluntarily assume responsibility to actively prevent and control ARI in children. These activities should empower communities to identify and report ARI in children, provide home care and supportive therapy, use the UIP cover to protect all infants, promote breast feeding, reduce indoor air pollution, and cooperate with health workers in ARI control as well as use oral rehydration therapy as soon as diarrhea starts. To design an effective health education program, planners need to interview a sample of the local population to learn the people's knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward ARI in children. Any ARI health education program should also include UIP, oral rehydration therapy, maternal and child health, and family welfare. The health educator can use 1 or more educational methods. Discussion is a 2-way process of exchanging ideas and should raise questions about ARI control, provide answers, and yield solutions. If an educator chooses the demonstration method, he or she should take the target audience to a health facility so the staff can demonstrate the clinical signs of a child with ARI, including the fast breathing, chest indrawing, cyanosis, wheezing, and stridor. The display method involves audiovisual aids, such as posters, puppet shows, and films. The health educator can use any of these methods when dealing with individuals, groups, or crowds. He or she must attune the approach and materials to the values of the community and present them so the individual can readily adapt the messages into his or her way of living.  相似文献   

廖凤霞 《现代医院》2012,12(2):148-150
目的探讨综合教育对教师群体临界高血压的影响。方法通过对顺德区200名教师在医院第一次体检时进行综合健康教育,并采取开放电话健康咨询及到学校开展健康咨询讲座等一系列措施后,在第二年再次进行体检的时候进行问卷调查,以此了解教师们在健康教育前对临界高血压的认识及健康教育后对临界高血压的认识状况。结果健康教育普遍提高了教师们对临界高血压的认识:知道了临界高血压的发生、发展以及可采取的必要的防御措施,减少了临界高血压发展成高血压的几率,提高了教师们的身体素质及生活质量。结论健康教育能有效地预防和控制高血压病的发生,并可提高教师们的生活质量和生命质量。  相似文献   

目的 了解安徽省六安老区学龄前儿童生活质量及其关键影响因素,有效指导儿童保健工作。方法 2016年5-7月采用儿童生存质量测定量表PedsQOL 4.0中文版对2 512名3~6岁儿童家长进行问卷调查并做统计分析。结果 1)单因素分析显示,儿童生理、情感、社会和角色功能四维度及总得分5~6岁均高于3~、4~岁年龄组(P<0.05);2)正常儿童生活质量指标得分高于患慢性病和近两周患病或受伤儿童(P<0.01);3)有母亲陪伴的儿童所有生活质量指标都高于没有母亲陪伴的儿童(P<0.01);4)有住房的儿童得分高于租房的儿童(P<0.01);5)多重线性回归分析显示,对生活质量4个维度有显著影响的有 4个因素,分别为最近两周是否患病或受伤、慢性病、年龄以及是否与母亲住一起(P<0.05或<0.01)。结论 影响3~6岁儿童生活质量的关键因素是儿童的健康和有无母亲陪伴。因此,加强儿童保健,宣传亲子关系对提高老区儿童生活质量意义重大。  相似文献   

目的 了解凉山州贫困地区4个重点贫困县6~24月龄婴幼儿营养状况和家长喂养行为,为开展儿童营养与健康干预促进工作提供依据。方法 2018年4-7月采用多阶段随机抽样法,抽取4个重点县1 244名6~24月龄婴幼儿进行体格测量、血红蛋白含量检测和家长问卷调查。结果 凉山州4个重点县6~24月龄婴幼儿贫血患病率为51.9%,低体重率为9.5%,生长迟缓率为25.6%。多因素分析显示,婴幼儿性别、月龄、母亲学历、母亲职业、是否认为满3个月就可以添加辅食、是否知道谷类泥糊状食物是最适合首先添加的辅食、是否知道动物血或红肉是婴幼儿补铁的最好来源、是否知道贫血与铁缺乏有关、是否吃过母乳、6月龄后是否继续母乳喂养是影响婴幼儿营养状况的主要因素(P<0.05)。结论 凉山州贫困地区6~24月龄婴幼儿营养状况亟待改善,婴幼儿看护人喂养知识不足。应加强宣传教育,提高家长的育儿素养,掌握营养包的有效服用方法,纠正不正确的的喂养方式。  相似文献   

Magnitude and distribution of Diarrhoea and Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) in children were studied within a larger broader research that focused on health education. Two household surveys were conducted in a sample of families with at least one child under five years of Recife and Olinda in April-May 1992 and 1994. The total number of children studied was 5,436. The estimated adjusted annual incidence rate (AAIR) of diarrhoea was 2.7 episodes per child. The two-week incidence rate of diarrhoea was 10.2% for both years. Risk factors associated with higher incidence of diarrhoea were age (under two years), lack of sanitation facilities, and absence of electrical appliances in the household. Estimated AAIR of ARI was 9. 5 episodes per child. The two-week incidence rate of ARI was 41.0% in 1992 and 32.6% in 1994. Majority of ARIs affected the upper respiratory tract (75.9%). The only factor consistently associated with a higher risk of ARI was age (under three years). Study results indicate that both pathologies are still an important health problem for children under five in Pernambuco. In particular, in the case of diarrhoea the need for improving the access to basic services, such as water supply and sewage system is urgently needed.  相似文献   

目的 调查农村5岁以下儿童肺炎死亡相关的社会危险因素.方法1995年11月—1997年2月在湖北恩施和建始两个贫困地区对5岁以下儿童肺炎死亡的危险因素进行病例—对照研究,死亡病例组226例,肺炎对照组 452例.结果 引起儿童肺炎死亡的社会-经济危险因素有:家庭的人均年收入少于 450元、母亲没有立即带孩子看病的理由是没钱看病或交通不便、家中曾有过一个孩子死亡、家长和村医生的文化程度低、父亲的职业是农民、居室内有火炉、母亲对疾病的认识不够、医生的专业培训不足等.结论 除生物相关因素外,社会危险因素同样是农村5岁以下儿童肺炎死亡的重要因素.它们中某些因素是可以借助对父母的健康教育和急性呼吸道感染病例标准管理而得到控制.  相似文献   

Acanthosis nigricans (AN) is a cutaneous marker associated with elevated risk of type 2 diabetes. This study assesses mother–father differences in perception of child’s bodyweight and health by Mexican-American parents with AN-positive children. The study used medical records in conjunction with survey data collected between 2011 and 2012 for 309 Mexican-American children with AN in South Texas. Multivariate logit models were estimated to assess mother–father differences in perception of child bodyweight and health controlling for selected child- and parent-level covariates. About 91 % of the children in the sample were obese and 6.5 % were overweight. One fifth of mothers and 38.5 % of fathers in the sample expressed no concern of their children’s bodyweight. After adjusting for selected explanatory variables at both the child and parent level, the odds for fathers, relative to mothers, to be concerned about child’s bodyweight were 82 % lower (OR = 0.18, p < 0.05). Similar findings also hold for parental awareness of child’s AN (OR = 0.19, p < 0.05). Among Mexican-American families with AN-positive children, the lack of concern over child’s bodyweight, unawareness of AN, and misconception of child’s health on the part of many parents, especially of fathers, constitutes a challenge to diabetes prevention. Health education programs targeting Mexican-American families with AN-positive children might be more cost effective to consider mother–father differences in perception of child health and bodyweight.  相似文献   

This secondary data analysis of 4373 mothers and their children investigated racial disparities in children’s health and its associations with social structural factors, social relationships/support, health/mental health, substance use, and access to health/mental health services. The study drew on longitudinal records for mother–child pairs created from data in the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study. Generalized estimating equations yielded results showing children’s good health to be associated positively with mother’s health (current health and health during pregnancy), across three ethnic groups. For African-American children, good health was associated with mothers’ education level, receipt of informal child care, receipt of public health insurance, uninsured status, and absence of depression. For Hispanic children, health was positively associated with mothers’ education level, receipt of substance-use treatment, and non-receipt of public assistance. Implications for policy and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

A population-based case control study was conducted to ascertain whether the process of primary care can be a determinant of infant mortality due to Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI). Cases were 118 infants who died from ARI, individually matched with 118 infants who suffered an ARI episode and recovered. Information was gathered through interviewing mothers. Study variables were assembled into five subsets: children's characteristics; mothers' characteristics; access to medical services; process of primary care, and; sociodemographic variables. An index per subset was built to analyze the independent influence of each on ARI death risk. The index was constructed upon the weighted sum of the adjusted odds ratios (OR) within each subset. Then, the values of each index were collapsed into high/low values with the 50 percentile as a cut-off value. Next, by means of a conditional logistic regression procedure, an explanatory model of ARI mortality was obtained. The final multivariate model included the indexes that showed an independent effect: I) Process of care (OR 9.68, CI 95% 3.59-26.1): inadequate referral, attention provided by more than one physician and being attended by a private physician; II) children's characteristics (OR 7.22, CI 95% 2.35-22.2): perinatal history, lack of breast-feeding and incomplete immunization scheme; III) access to medical services (OR 5.27, CI 95% 2.02-13.7): geographic and economic barriers, lack of confidence in public health services, and; IV) mothers' characteristics (OR 4.03, CI 95% 1.18-13.8), mainly represented by untimely care seeking. We conclude that the management of the disease is a key determinant in which factors relating to the mother and the health services are strongly related. Our study reveals untimely care seeking, difficult access and inadequate disease treatment as important factors which deserve careful attention in the future. We also confirm the importance of biological determinants previously described. A main strategy to reduce infant mortality due to ARI should be to encourage training of primary care physicians, including private practitioners, focused on providing effective case management and emphasizing the education to mothers.  相似文献   

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