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基于内容的视频分层语义联想模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘宏哲  鲍泓  须德 《计算机应用》2005,25(8):1797-1800
提出一种视频的分层语义联想模型,构造三个层次的信息:概念层次树,场景网络和语义对象网络。利用概念层次树来适应不同的应用环境,场景网络表示视频的时间信息,而语义对象及其关系用来表示视频镜头的内容,通过分属不同镜头的语义对象的关系来表示镜头间的语义相关度。该模型采用基于时间和语义关系的检索方法,搜索结果是收敛的。  相似文献   

知识表示是自然语言理解的重要基础。知识表示不统一、语义信息无法系统化利用是目前存在的亟待解决的问题。要解决这个问题,就要解决语义知识表示的问题。该文基于概念层次网络,描述了词语、句子和篇章层面的语义知识表示方法。基于文中描述的词汇层面的表示方法,构建了一个多语言本体知识库。该知识库的知识表示方法不仅可以为知识表示理论研究提供基础,还可以为自然语言处理相关领域的应用提供资源支持。  相似文献   

一种基于本体的概念语义相似度计算研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
概念的语义相似度研究,是知识表示以及信息检索领域中的一个重要内容.通过分析两种传统的语义相似度计算方法,对它们存在的问题进行改进,提出了一种综合的基于本体的概念语义相似度计算方法.该方法结合本体网络特征和语义距离计算中的多种语义影响因素,充分利用本体中概念的语义信息计算概念间的语义相似度.实验结果比较合理,验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

论文讨论了一种通过自然语言语义层次的理解来协助提高脱机手写体识别率的方法。从识别的过程来看,这种方法是一种基于上下文关系的识别“后处理”方法。文中介绍了语义单元、语义单元表示、语义单元表示树、语义单元表示集、语义单元表示树集,并且具体讨论了通过语义单元表示树集的剪枝来提高识别正确率的方法。  相似文献   

基于语义的Web信息检索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语义万维网的研究逐渐引起了知识表示、逻辑编程、信息系统集成和开发等各个领域的广泛关注。文中概述了语义万维网的概念、技术框架,并且对含有自由文本和丰富语义标记的网络文档资源的三种语义检索系统原型进行了深入分析。最后,提出了设计Web语义检索系统应该满足的条件,可以基于它来设计语义检索系统框架。  相似文献   

一、语义网络语义网络(semantic network)是由Quillion于1968年从心理学的角度提出的,用于表达英语词组之间的语义关系。由于目前语义网络已经得到了广泛的应用,它已不仅仅用于表示语言中的词汇以及它们之间的关系,因此,也有人用"联想网络"代替"语义网络"一词。语义网络是一个有向图,它由节点与连接弧构成。节点通常表示实体、情况、概念等,连接弧表示它们之间的联系,并在连接弧边上用文字或符号加以说明。例如,语句"PID调节器是一种广泛使用的调节器"可用图1中的语义网络表示。  相似文献   

基于语义的Web信息检索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
语义万维网的研究逐渐引起了知识表示、逻辑编程、信息系统集成和开发等各个领域的广泛关注。文中概述了语义万维网的概念、技术框架,并且对含有自由文本和丰富语义标记的网络文档资源的三种语义检索系统原型进行了深入分析。最后,提出了设计Web语义检索系统应该满足的条件,可以基于它来设计语义检索系统框架。  相似文献   

基于本体的多主体网络协作学习模型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
协作学习是一种组学习方式,强调的是组成员之间的交流与合作,因此成员间的信息理解对协作的效率影响很大,本体论是概念化的明确表示和描述,因此本体可对学习资源进行语义标注.采用本体提供交流资源的统一语义描述,使学习者在语义基础上进行交流和查询,本体的引入保证了网络协作学习中知识理解和运用的一致性、精确性、不变性、可重用性和共享性.设计了基于本体的多主体网络协作学习模型,该模型不仅具有语义互操作性而且能有效支持知识的重用和共享,从而提高协作学习效率.  相似文献   

郁书好  郭学俊 《微机发展》2007,17(8):161-164
知识库是智能教学系统的基础。由于教学知识库的描述标准不统一,知识表示方法也不同,所以导致教学知识难以共享和互操作。将本体引入教学领域知识库建模过程,建立概念共享模型,提供概念语义空间,不仅可以解决智能教学系统中的知识共享和互操作问题,而且易于实现基于本体的语义检索系统,从而大大提高系统的查全率和查准率。  相似文献   

知识库是智能教学系统的基础。由于教学知识库的描述标准不统一,知识表示方法也不同,所以导致教学知识难以共享和互操作。将本体引入教学领域知识库建模过程,建立概念共享模型,提供概念语义空间,不仅可以解决智能教学系统中的知识共享和互操作问题,而且易于实现基于本体的语义检索系统,从而大大提高系统的查全率和查准率。  相似文献   

Data-driven conceptual design is rapidly emerging as a powerful approach to generate novel and meaningful ideas by leveraging external knowledge especially in the early design phase. Currently, most existing studies focus on the identification and exploration of design knowledge by either using common-sense or building specific-domain ontology databases and semantic networks. However, the overwhelming majority of engineering knowledge is published as highly unstructured and heterogeneous texts, which presents two main challenges for modern conceptual design: (a) how to capture the highly contextual and complex knowledge relationships, (b) how to efficiently retrieve of meaningful and valuable implicit knowledge associations. To this end, in this work, we propose a new data-driven conceptual design approach to represent and retrieve cross-domain knowledge concepts for enhancing design ideation. Specifically, this methodology is divided into three parts. Firstly, engineering design knowledge from the massive body of scientific literature is efficiently learned as information-dense word embeddings, which can encode complex and diverse engineering knowledge concepts into a common distributed vector space. Secondly, we develop a novel semantic association metric to effectively quantify the strength of both explicit and implicit knowledge associations, which further guides the construction of a novel large-scale design knowledge semantic network (DKSN). The resulting DKSN can structure cross-domain engineering knowledge concepts into a weighted directed graph with interconnected nodes. Thirdly, to automatically explore both explicit and implicit knowledge associations of design queries, we further establish an intelligent retrieval framework by applying pathfinding algorithms on the DKSN. Next, the validation results on three benchmarks MTURK-771, TTR and MDEH demonstrate that our constructed DKSN can represent and associate engineering knowledge concepts better than existing state-of-the-art semantic networks. Eventually, two case studies show the effectiveness and practicality of our proposed approach in the real-world engineering conceptual design.  相似文献   

本体作为一种概念模型建模工具,被应用到计算机的各个领域,用来信息组织和知识管理。本体扩展是一种将新概念以及概念间的关系添加到已有本体的合适位置,以扩大本体为目的的方法。提出一种基于词间语义关联性从文本中扩展本体的方法,该方法主要利用共现分析、词过滤技术和词间语义关联性从文本中发现潜在的概念,作为待扩展概念,并使用扩展规则、包含分析等关系识别技术将概念添加到已有本体中。以电子政务领域的教育子领域为例,使用该方法扩展了一个教育领域的领域本体,结果表明该方法扩展的本体比较合理,具备较强的应用能力。  相似文献   

A proper semantic representation of textual information underlies many natural language processing tasks. In this paper, a novel semantic annotator is presented to generate conceptual features for text documents. A comprehensive conceptual network is automatically constructed with the aid of Wikipedia that has been represented as a Markov chain. Furthermore, semantic annotator gets a fragment of natural language text and initiates a random walk to generate conceptual features that represent topical semantic of the input text. The generated conceptual features are applicable to many natural language processing tasks where the input is textual information and the output is a decision based on its context. Consequently, the effectiveness of the generated features is evaluated in the task of document clustering and classification. Empirical results demonstrate that representing text using conceptual features and considering the relations between concepts can significantly improve not only the bag of words representation but also other state‐of‐the‐art approaches.  相似文献   

炮兵军事概念模型是对炮兵领域知识的第一次抽象,它具有极其丰富的语义。描述炮兵军事概念模型时引入语义网技术,按知识工程的过程与步骤,逐步描述相关炮兵概念模型的语义,并在Prot6g6工具的支持下以本体的形式表示概念模型及其相关知识。然后用推理器对具有语义的概念模型进行语义的一致性检验、约束冲突检查并报告检查结果,通过检查维护语义的一致性。该方法能够全面、严格、简便地表示与管理、维护炮兵军事概念模型。  相似文献   

块扩句是一类概念预期知识十分明确的句子。基于概念层次网络理论介绍了块扩句对应的块扩句类,总结了能够激活块扩句类的典型块扩动词。根据块扩动词的概念知识得到句子的特征语义块及块扩句类,依据块扩句类的知识对句子进行检验后可给出句子句类的分析结果。在已有的句类分析系统的基础上对真实语料中的块扩句进行了自动分析,实验表明正确率达到了71.29%,错误主要来自特征语义块动词辨识、动词多句类代码等。正确分析块扩句将有助于解决汉语句子的多动词处理难点。  相似文献   

针对目前中文词语语义相似度方法中,基于信息内容的算法研究不足的问题,对知网信息模型上使用基于信息内容的中文词语相似度算法进行了研究。根据知网采用语义表达式表示知识而缺乏完整概念结构的特点,通过抽取知网语义表达式中的抽象概念,结合原知网义原树构建具有多重继承特征的知网义项网作为基于信息内容的计算本体。根据该义项网,对基于信息内容的词语相似度算法进行了改进,提出了新的信息内容含量计算方法。经过Miller&Charles(MC30)基准平台的测试,验证了基于信息内容方法在计算中文语义相似度方面的可行性,也证明了本文的计算策略和改进算法的合理性。  相似文献   

姚伟凡  马力 《计算机应用研究》2021,38(7):2091-2095,2102
知识图谱补全旨在预测三元组中缺失的部分使知识图谱趋于完整.针对基于神经网络等模型的链接预测方法忽略了实体间的关联信息,导致模型不能覆盖三元组周围局部邻域中固有的隐藏信息,提出图注意力机制与谓词感知结合的方法.首先,利用图注意力机制定义了一个关系嵌入矩阵,描述任意给定实体邻域内实体间的关系;其次,引入谓词增强实体间语义理解程度,构造了基于谓词嵌入向量的注意力值计算公式,以便有效地度量实体间语义联系的强度;此外,利用实体邻居间的边关系预测多跳实体间的直接关系以补全知识图谱.在数据集WN18RR、Kinship、FB15K的实验结果表明了该方法能有效提高三元组的预测精度.  相似文献   

It has become progressively more evident that a single data source is unable to comprehensively capture the variability of a multi-faceted concept, such as product design, driving behaviour or human trust, which has diverse semantic orientations. Therefore, multi-faceted conceptual modelling is often conducted based on multi-sourced data covering indispensable aspects, and information fusion is frequently applied to cope with the high dimensionality and data heterogeneity. The consideration of intra-facets relationships is also indispensable. In this context, a knowledge graph (KG), which can aggregate the relationships of multiple aspects by semantic associations, was exploited to facilitate the multi-faceted conceptual modelling based on heterogeneous and semantic-rich data. Firstly, rules of fault mechanism are extracted from the existing domain knowledge repository, and node attributes are extracted from multi-sourced data. Through abstraction and tokenisation of existing knowledge repository and concept-centric data, rules of fault mechanism were symbolised and integrated with the node attributes, which served as the entities for the concept-centric knowledge graph (CKG). Subsequently, the transformation of process data to a stack of temporal graphs was conducted under the CKG backbone. Lastly, the graph convolutional network (GCN) model was applied to extract temporal and attribute correlation features from the graphs, and a temporal convolution network (TCN) was built for conceptual modelling using these features. The effectiveness of the proposed approach and the close synergy between the KG-supported approach and multi-faceted conceptual modelling is demonstrated and substantiated in a case study using real-world data.  相似文献   

The problem of handling both the integration and the cooperation of a large number of information sources characterised by heterogeneous representation formats is a challenging issue. In this context, a central role can be played by the knowledge about the semantic relationships holding between concepts belonging to different information sources (intersource properties). In this paper, we propose a semiautomatic approach for extracting two kinds of intersource properties, namely synonymies and homonymies, from heterogeneous information sources. In order to carry out the extraction task, we introduce both a conceptual model, for representing involved sources, and a metrics, for measuring the strength of the semantic relationships holding among concepts represented within the same source.  相似文献   

概念结构研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概念结构由概念之间的依赖关系构成,它是知识的核心,并且一直潜伏在后台发挥作用,人的认知能力皆来源于此。因此对概念结构的研究有助于提高知识系统的问题求解能力,尤其是领域开放的问题求解。对概念结构的研究要求解决三个问题,即概念结构如何表征与存储、概念结构如何逐步构建、概念结构如何运用于各种智能任务。主要讨论概念结构的表示和构建问题,并对概念结构相关的知识表示方法及其应用作了比较系统的阐述。  相似文献   

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