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目的 探讨重复夜间阴茎勃起测定系统(NEVA)结合国际勃起功能评分(IIEF-5)在勃起功能障碍(ED)诊断中的可行性及临床意义.方法 对90例门诊ED患者用IIEF-5对其评分,再连续3晚进行NEVA检测,回收数据并分析.结果 无器质性疾病52例(58%),第1次夜间勃起的次数、阴茎勃起时血容量变化值、最长持续时间等客观指标均要差于连续测定结果,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).IIEF-5评分值与NEVA检测阴茎勃起时血容量变化值有正相关.结论 NEVA与IIEF-5结合有互补性.重复NEVA并与IIEF-5结合分析,能减小数据误差,提高诊断ED的可靠性,能有效地区分功能性与器质性ED.尤其对怀疑夜间阴茎勃起(NPT)检查结果有误差的特殊病例更有价值.  相似文献   

Salama进行了一项研究。夜间阴茎勃起检测系统(NEVA)能够记录阴茎血容量变化以及夜间阴茎勃起的次数及持续时间。本研究评估糖尿病勃起功能障碍(ED)患者不同的NEVA检测结果以及服用他达那非对这些患者夜间阴茎勃起情况的影响程度。非胰岛素依赖性糖尿病伴勃起功能障碍患者共38例入选本研究,  相似文献   

NEVA夜间阴茎勃起测定系统的临床应用 (附83例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨应用NEVA夜间阴茎勃起测定系统检测勃起功能障碍的可行性及其中存在的问题。方法83例门诊初诊勃起功能障碍的男性,睡前正确粘贴NEVA测定仪电极,完整检测睡眠时段,次晨把数据上传入主机回放分析。结果全部病人均对测试耐受良好,62例病人资料提示阴茎无器质性疾病,14例提示阴茎动脉轻度供血不足,7例提示阴茎动脉重度供血不足,3种勃起事件分别为(4.240.6)7次(,3.600.8)1次(,1.430.)69次;平均阴茎血容量峰/基准比值为(327.2251.6)3%,(171.3423.9)2%,(127.3414.5)8%。结论NEVA夜间阴茎勃起测定系统简便、无创,可作为勃起功能障碍病人的常规检测手段。  相似文献   

目的探讨重复夜间阴茎勃起测定系统(NEVA)结合国际勃起功能评分(IIEF-5)在勃起功能障碍(ED)诊断中的可行性及临床意义。方法对90例门诊ED患者用IIEF-5对其评分,再连续3晚进行NEVA检测,回收数据并分析。结果无器质性疾病52例(58%),第1次夜间勃起的次数、阴茎勃起时血容量变化值、最长持续时间等客观指标均要差于连续测定结果,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。IIEF-5评分值与NEVA检测阴茎勃起时血容量变化值有正相关。结论NEVA与IIEF-5结合有互补性。重复NEVA并与IIEF-5结合分析,能减小数据误差,提高诊断ED的可靠性,能有效地区分功能性与器质性ED。尤其对怀疑夜间阴茎勃起(NPT)检查结果有误差的特殊病例更有价值。  相似文献   

IIEF-5与NEVA检测在阴茎勃起功能障碍诊断中的意义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的探讨应用国际勃起功能评分5(IIEF-5)问卷表结合夜间阴茎勃起测定系统(NEVA)筛选勃起功能障碍(ED)的可行性及意义。方法148例门诊ED病人,应用IIEF-5问卷表评分,再通过NEVA测定仪监测夜间阴茎勃起情况,次日数据输入主机回放并分析。结果93例为心理性ED;在19~69岁的5个年龄组中,重度ED的比例由11.8%到55.0%,NEVA中度异常者IIEF积分(12.98±2.58)分,NEVA重度异常者IIEF积分(7.32±1.04)分。结论NEVA能有效地鉴别心理性与器质性ED,IIEF-5评分值与NEVA检测阴茎勃起时血容量变化值有相关性。IIEF-5与NEVA检测结合,能提高诊断和评估ED的可靠性。  相似文献   

为探讨应用夜间阴茎勃起测定系统 (NPT)评价勃起功能的可行性及意义。我们对主诉为勃起功能障碍的 10 5例男性患者分为心理性、器质性、混合性 3组进行NPT检测 ,采用美国NEVA夜间阴茎勃起测定系统 ,用其中的实时监控功能证明合乎检查要求后带机过夜 (见表 1) ,次日将  相似文献   

目的:探讨彩色多普勒超声(CDUS)和夜间生物电阻抗容积测定(NEVA)对勃起功能障碍(ED)诊断的相互关系及后者对ED病因的诊断价值。方法:应用CDUS及NEVA分别检测45例ED患者的阴茎勃起情况,基于CDUS检测结果将ED患者分为动、静脉性及非血管性3组,对NEVA各参数进行组间两两比较,并探讨两种检查方法之间的相互关系。结果:非血管性ED组NEVA结果正常达94.4%,而动、静脉性ED组NEVA结果异常分别为75.0%和72.7%。NEVA各参数3组间相互比较仅静脉性ED组的阴茎血容量改变明显低于非血管性ED组(P=0.033)。结论:NEVA结果正常与否和CDUS提示的动、静脉功能良好与否存在较好的一致性;NEVA在一定程度上可以反映阴茎血管功能状况,提示ED的病因。  相似文献   

目的 探讨夜间阴茎勃起监测系统对勃起功能障碍(ED)诊断的应用价值.方法 应用国产伟力NEVA夜间阴茎勃起监测系统对正常志愿者(32例)、心理性ED患者(63例),动脉性ED患者(61例)和静脉性ED患者(28例),检查阴茎血容积变化率、阴茎勃起次数、每次勃起持续时间、阴茎长度变化率及阴茎周径变化率.结果 正常志愿者组及心理性ED组的阴茎血容积变化率为231.5±112.5及221.8±96.7,每次勃起持续时间分别为(27.2±12.5)min及(25.9±11.1)min,这两项指标两组比较,差异均无统计学意义,P均>0.05.而动脉性ED组及静脉性ED组的以上两项指标为172.8±56.8及130.6±22.1,(20.1±8.6)min及(18.1±10.5)min,这两项指标两组比较,差异均无统计学意义,P均>0.05.NEVA对动脉性及静脉性ED诊断的准确率分别为91.8%和96.4%.结论 NEVA夜间阴茎勃起监测系统在ED筛选和血管性ED诊断中是有效的、易于接受的方法.  相似文献   

目的:探讨小剂量他达拉非对勃起功能障碍(ED)患者的自尊心、自信心和性关系的影响。方法:17例ED患者每晚口服他达拉非5 mg 12周,用配对t检验比较治疗前后自尊心和性关系问卷(SEAR)、勃起功能国际问卷-5(IIEF-5)和夜间阴茎勃起(NEVA测定)的情况。结果:治疗后SEAR评分、IIEF-5两者均明显提高(P<0.01);夜间阴茎勃起明显改善(P<0.05)。结论:每日小剂量口服他达拉非可显著提高ED患者的自尊心、自信心和性关系满意度,改善ED患者的夜间勃起功能,是治疗ED的有效措施。  相似文献   

多导睡眠仪监测下夜间阴茎勃起(NPT) 测定的应用价值   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的探讨多导睡眠仪监测下夜间阴茎勃起(NPT)测定在男性勃起功能障碍(ED)诊断中的作用及意义.方法我们将ED患者随机分成两组各60例、75例分别行多导睡眠仪监测下NPT和普通NPT检查,采用尼娃(NEVA)夜间阴茎勃起测定系统,以阴茎勃起幅度、勃起次数、勃起持续时间等作为评定指标.结果阴茎勃起幅度睡眠监测组为304.90±99.79,普通组为188.43±86.62,两组间存在显著差异(P<0.01),两组的勃起次数、勃起持续时间也有差异(P<0.05).结论多导睡眠仪监测下NPT测定具有准确掌握患者睡眠质量,检查数据误差小的优点,尤其对一些病情与诊断不符,怀疑普通NPT检查有假性结果的特殊病例,有较大的应用价值.  相似文献   

Objectives. Electrobioimpedance volumetric assessment is a procedure that can measure penile length, cross-sectional area, and volume. From these variables, the number and duration of erectile events, volume change, and percentage of volume increase from baseline can be determined. This procedure was performed on patients with erectile dysfunction (ED) and findings were compared with patients with no history of ED. Examples of etiology are reported.Methods. Two groups of patients with ED were evaluated by electrobioimpedance assessment. Group 1 patients (n = 23), ranging in age from 26 to 60 years (mean 50), were involved in simultaneous electrobioimpedance assessment and duplex Doppler ultrasound penile volume measurements. A tissue correction was derived. Group 2 patients (n = 10), ranging in age from 38 to 64 years (mean 50), used nocturnal electrobioimpedance volumetric assessment (NEVA) at home for 2 consecutive nights.Results. After deriving an expression to correct for tissue volume, simultaneous measurement of penile blood volume by NEVA and duplex Doppler showed that the regression line for study participants and the identity line was not significantly different by analysis of variance. Using NEVA in comparing patients with ED to a reference population with no history of ED, and using a two-tailed Student’s t test for means, the data demonstrated a statistically significant (P ≤0.05) difference in the number of erectile events and percentage of volume change over baseline. With NEVA data, it was possible to distinguish arterial insufficiency from veno-occlusive dysfunction.Conclusions. The present study demonstrates that electrobioimpedance volumetric assessment can be used in patients with ED. Compared with a reference population with no history of ED, the group with ED had fewer nocturnal erectile events that resulted in a smaller increase in penile blood volume change over baseline. Although the time dependence of the measured variables identifies the cause of ED, the application of NEVA to a larger population will allow further analysis of the dynamic information contained in the NEVA data.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Electrobioimpedance volumetric assessment is based on the principle of delivering a constant, nondetectable alternating current to a tissue segment. A potential difference measured between the electrodes is converted to impedance. Since impedance changes with variations in blood flow, penile volumetric change is measured noninvasively. We applied this procedure to the development of a new device to evaluate erectile activity nocturnally, and we report our findings in men with no history of erectile dysfunction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Our study group comprised 10 men with a mean age of 44 years who had no history of erectile dysfunction. The NEVA device consists of a small recording device attached to the upper thigh, and 3 small adhesive electrode pads placed over the hip and on the penile base and glans, respectively. Each subject used the NEVA device for 2 nights. RESULTS: Overall 20 nights of electrobioimpedance volumetric assessment were recorded. Tumescence monitoring revealed 3 to 6 erections per night per subject (mean 3.45) lasting 10 to 50 minutes (mean 17). As determined from the impedance measurements, mean volume change was 14.4 ml. with a 213% mean volume change over baseline. CONCLUSIONS: The new NEVA device is small, comfortable to wear and easy to use. It determines the number and duration of erectile events and percentage increase of blood volume changes during these events in normal men in a noninvasive manner. Future directions of study include a comparison to men with erectile dysfunction and analysis of the dynamic information of the NEVA data.  相似文献   

Nocturnal electrobioimpedance volumetric assessment (NEVA) is a procedure that can measure penile volume changes together with the number and duration of nocturnal erectile events. This study was conducted to evaluate the different NEVA patterns in diabetic patients with erectile dysfunction (ED), and demonstrate the extent to which tadalafil may affect the characteristics of nocturnal penile erections in these patients. Therefore, 38 patients with noninsulin-dependent diabetes and ED participated in this study. They were assessed with history intake including evaluation by the abridged five-item version of International Index of Erectile Function, clinical and psychiatric assessment and NEVA for three consecutive nights where placebo was given on the second night and tadalafil on the third night. In all, 14 potent males were taken as a control group. Data were analyzed using t-test. Results showed normal patterns in only six (16%) patients (central organic group), while abnormal patterns were observed in the remaining 32 (84%) patients (peripheral organic group). These abnormal patterns showed significant decrease in both the number (P=0.0001) and duration (P=0.03) of erectile events compared to those of controls. The percentage of penile blood volume change over baseline also decreased significantly (P=0.0002) relative to controls. Veno-occlusive dysfunction was the main pathology (23 patients, 72%) as suggested by NEVA. Tadalafil did not significantly change basal nocturnal penile tumescence results in either the central organic or control groups, but it did so significantly in the peripheral organic group (P=0.02 for duration change and P=0.01 for % blood volume change). In conclusion, NEVA may suggest some evidence about the pathophysiology of an underlying vasculogenic cause, thus directing towards the next specific step needed for a precise diagnosis. Tadalafil improves nocturnal erections in diabetic patients with peripheral but not central organic impotence.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sexual dysfunction, including erectile dysfunction, is common in patients with uraemia. Despite successful treatment of male sexual dysfunction with sildenafil in non-uraemic population, its efficacy in dialysis patients is unknown. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this study, 35 male HD patients (mean age 48+/-12 years) and 15 male CAPD patients (mean age 44+/-12 years) were included. In the baseline period, haemoglobin, serum urea, and albumin, Kt/V, several hormonal parameters, Beck depression scale, and penile Doppler blood flow, (peak systolic velocity after intracavernous papaverine administration) were measured. The international index of erectile function (IIEF) form was used to evaluate erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil was given to patients with erectile dysfunction at a dose of 50-100 mg/day twice a week. RESULTS: The percentage of erectile dysfunction was similar between patients on HD (71%) and those on CAPD (80%). Patients with erectile dysfunction were significantly older and had lower free-testosterone serum levels and penile blood flow than those without. In linear regression analysis for baseline IIEF score, penile blood flow was the only independent variable associated with erectile dysfunction. IIEF score increased to a similar extent after sildenafil treatment in both HD patients (from 8.10+/-5.54 to 21.70+/-9.61, P<0.001) and CAPD patients (from 9.90+/-3.87 to 21.60+/-10.18, P=0.011). Changes in IIEF scores after sildenafil treatment were associated with baseline penile blood flow as an independent variable by linear regression analysis. Adverse events observed during sildenafil treatment were dyspepsia in two patients and headache in one patient. CONCLUSION: The rate of erectile dysfunction is high in dialysis patients. Penile blood flow is the most important factor for predicting both the development of erectile dysfunction and the response to sildenafil therapy in such patients. Oral sildenafil is an effective, reliable, well-tolerated treatment for uraemic patients with erectile dysfunction.  相似文献   

目的探讨夜间生物电阻抗容积测定(NEVA)在诊断血管性勃起功能障碍(ED)中的临床应用价值。方法对临床怀疑血管性ED的58例患者进行NEVA测定,其结果与阴茎海绵体造影联合彩超的诊断结果进行比较,从而了解NEVA在诊断血管性ED中的临床应用价值.结果58例患者中确诊血管性ED的患者有30人,其中18名为动脉性ED,12名为静脉性ED,非血管性ED的患者有28人。应用NEVA发现在30名血管性ED的患者中有6名NPT正常,在28名非血管性ED的患者中有4名NPT有异常。NEVA对血管性ED诊断的敏感度为80%,特异度为85.71%,准确度为82.76%。在非血管组、动脉组、静脉组中有统计学差异的NEVA参数为:每晚勃起次数、勃起持续时间、血容量改变、横截面改变。结论NEVA对临床上怀疑血管性ED的诊断有参考价值。  相似文献   

尿道外伤患者勃起功能障碍相关因素的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究尿道外伤患者勃起功能障碍相关因素。方法对40例外伤所致尿道损伤患者采用IIEF-5量表、夜间阴茎勃起监测、血管活性药物注射下阴茎血流彩超检查并进行统计学分析。结果40例中,11例存在明显勃起障碍,3例有血管病变依据。所有患者受伤前后IIEF-5评分有显著性差异(P<0.05);耻骨联合有分离病人较不分离者在IIEF-5评分变化上幅度更大(P<0.05);两组患者在背深动脉收缩期流速上显示出统计学差异(P<0.05)。后尿道损伤患者在阴茎勃起长度变化、周径变化以及勃起持续时间上较前尿道损伤患者明显变小,且ED概率更高。背深静脉流速>5 cm/s患者的比率在两组人群中有显著性差异(P<0.05)。而静脉流速>5cm/s人群主要集中在30-40岁。结论尿道外伤患者发生勃起功能障碍与损伤部位尤其是耻骨联合分离与否、前后尿道损伤位置、神经受损受伤年龄相关,与心理因素也有一定关系。  相似文献   

小剂量服用他达拉非对阴茎夜间勃起作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨他达拉非对阴茎夜间勃起的作用。方法:14例器质性勃起功能障碍(ED)患者予以小剂量他达拉非(10mg/3d)治疗,睡前口服,1个月后用夜间生物电阻抗容积测定(NEVA)监测患者阴茎夜间勃起情况。结果:14例器质性ED患者小剂量他达拉非治疗1个月后,其勃起功能比治疗前有明显改善(P<0.05)。结论:小剂量服用他达拉非可改善器质性ED患者夜间勃起。  相似文献   

目的:研究对比男性尿毒症患者接受肾移植与接受血液透析治疗勃起功能的变化及与生殖激素水平变化的关系。方法:收集2009年5月至2012年1月在我院门诊进行随访的肾移植男性患者35例、血液透析治疗的尿毒症患者30例,应用国际勃起功能指数(IIEF-5)调查表、夜间勃起功能(NEVA)测定仪评估阴茎勃起功能,同时测定生殖激素水平。结果:接受肾移植手术者勃起功能障碍(ED)患病率为51.4%,血液透析者ED患病率为73.3%(P<0.05);肾移植后的ED患者发病情况要明显轻于单纯血液透析的ED患者;肾移植中重度ED患者(25.7%)要明显少于单纯血液透析者(46.6%);肾移植组中ED患者夜间阴茎勃起次数、勃起强度及持续时间均强于单纯血液透析组ED患者(P<0.05);接受肾移植患者较单纯血液透析血清睾酮水平上升[(4.32±1.37)vs(2.53±1.12)ng/ml,P<0.05],雌二醇[(19.57±2.29)vs(43.38±5.58)pg/m)]和催乳激素[(8.59±1.19)vs(17.22±3.31)mIu/ml]明显下降(P均<0.05)。结论:肾移植受者肾功能良好时其总体勃起功能要优于单纯血液透析的尿毒症患者。  相似文献   

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