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试论民事程序法的意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从分析民事程序法与实体法的关系入手,认为两种法律之间存在相互独立而又相辅相成的关系;程序法既要具有对实现实体结果的有用性和有效性,也须具备必要的正当性和合理性,符合程序正义的价值标准;对程序正义的追求和保障是程序法最重要的价值功能。在此基础上,结合当前的审判方式改革,进一步阐述了程序正义对于实现改革目标、建设法治国家的重大意义和作用。  相似文献   

程序法与实体法关系考辨——兼论程序优先理论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
程序法与实体法的关系可以从两个方面来理解 :一方面 ,程序法对实体法的实施起着保障作用。这是程序法对于实体法的工具性价值。但是 ,不容忽视的是 ,另一方面程序法相对于实体法也具有某种独立性 ,程序法同时也具有自身的独立性价值。由于实体公正的不确定性以及程序公正的相对确定性 ,在程序公正与实体公正发生冲突的情况下 ,应当坚持程序公正优先。  相似文献   

一、序言就程序、程序法以及它们与实体法之间的相互关系来讲 ,在国外已有相当多的学者对其进行了长期细致的研究。由于法律文化传统等因素的影响 ,我国学者长期以来对该课题视而不见。近年来 ,在中西法律文化交流日益频繁和现实法律实践需要等因素的推动下 ,留日学者季卫东先生撰文指出了程序的重要意义 ,并对我国“重实体 ,轻程序”的法律传统进行了犀利而又不失建设性的批评 ,进而在我国首倡“法制程序化”的目标。①继而 ,我国学者就程序、程序法 ,以及它们与实体法之间的关系等问题展开了广泛的讨论且颇有成果 ,其中以民事实体法与民事…  相似文献   

本文主要从实体法和程序法的概念和内容、“重实体轻实体”的法律传统、法律的作用、法律的价值等多角度进行论述,进而论证了实体法和程序法你中有我、我中有你,两者缺一不可、相辅相成的关系,两者同等重要,共同实现公平正义.  相似文献   

“保全错误”及其“赔偿责任”的含义可以分别从程序法和实体法两个角度进行解释。最高人民法院通过裁判建立起单纯从实体法角度进行解释的规则,不仅不符合立法原意,而且违背保全申请行为的基本原理,导致申请人申请保全权与被申请人合法权益保护的失衡。在裁判方法上,以基础案件实体裁判结果倒推申请人主观状态的方法在逻辑上难以自洽。单纯实体法解释导向下的保全程序规则局部萎缩,担保功能变异,判断保全错误的实体标准模糊,潜藏司法不统一的危险。应当重视保全错误的程序法解释,仔细区分程序法意义上的保全错误与实体法意义上的侵权。  相似文献   

孙向阳 《河北法学》2001,19(3):70-72
通过程序对于实体法的创制和弥补、程序法对于实体法功能的发挥和排除、程序是司法公正的检验标志、程序是“法治”内容的核心等程序和程序法独立价值的分析 ,探求深刻认识实体法和程序法关系的理论根据 ,为进而纠正实践中“重实体、轻程序”的偏向提供观念上的指导  相似文献   

马虔 《法制与社会》2012,(7):232-233
如今的中国是法治的国家,政府也越来越重视法治的建设,但与西方法治国家相比,仍有一些问题困扰着我国法治的完善,“程序法”的健全和真正意义上的执行就是其中一个,其实据专家考证,中国乃至世界程序法是先于实体法的,但随着社会的进步与发展慢慢的我们忽略了程序法.程序法不仅仅指诉讼法,但诉讼法是典型的程序法,所以本文主要通过对诉讼法的资料证明程序法是先于实体法存在的,并分析了导致现今中国法律重实体轻程序的历史原因.  相似文献   

关于程序公正与实体公正的问题,在我国提出来还不到10年的时间。曾几何时,这个话题没有人提起,不被人重视。我是搞实体法的,记得我在政法大学教书的时候,在我的思想里,程序法就没有地位,因为程序问题没人重视。在上世纪80年代甚至到90年代初期,程序正义根本提不到日程上来,谈不上程序正义与实体正义的关系。中国到了有一天重视程序的时候,中国的法治才能看到希望。现在迭一天到来了。  相似文献   

试论程序法与实体法的辩证关系——评“法即程序”之谬   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
试论程序法与实体法的辩证关系——评“法即程序”之谬杨建顺刘连泰在中国现代行政法学研究中,面临着一个复杂的哲学问题,即过程与结果、程序与实体的关系与地位的问题。众所周知,行政法上的合法性原则,既要求符合实体法,又要求符合程序法。这样看来,程序和实体并重...  相似文献   

在民行检察工作中常常看到,有的二审法院在按照上诉程序改判一审法院的民事判决书中,往往只引用有关程序法的条款,而不引用实体法条款。笔者认为,这种做法不妥。民事诉讼法第七条规定:“人民法院审理民事案件,必须以事实为根据,以法律为准绳。”这里所指的法律,既包括程序法,也包括实体法。程序法解决的是诉讼规则问题,实体法解决的则是权利义务问题。程序法是实体法得以正确实施的保证和手段,实体法是程序法产生和存在的前提。二者相互依存,缺一不可。因此,二审法院审理民事上诉案件,既要适用程序法,又要适用实体法。根据民…  相似文献   

严仁群 《法律科学》2010,28(3):30-39
在同一程序中就同一纠纷同时提起侵权之诉和合同之诉的起诉方式(重叠合并)广受排斥,然而实体法并不能为此提供依据。有侵权行为法建议稿中的责任竞合条文虽排斥这种起诉方式,但它们是自相矛盾的。从强化论证、法律具有不确定性、一次性解决纠纷等角度看,应准许甚至鼓励这种起诉方式。排斥重叠合并的深层原因是实体法与程序法的混同。可以在实体法中一并设立程序规范,但前提是已充分了解相关程序原理。  相似文献   

孙洪坤 《现代法学》2003,25(1):89-94
本文旨在从社会学的视角分析论证程序正义在我国的可适用性问题。通过分析程序正义在我国的价值,及对社会现状的剖析,揭示程序正义的形成障碍,进而对存在的问题探索较为稳妥的解决,建构了程序正义从观念到制度的立体体系。  相似文献   

A key problem in trying to manage diverse societies is finding social policies that will be acceptable to all individuals and groups. Studies suggest that this problem may not be as intractable as is often believed, since people's acceptance of policies is shaped to an important degree by the fairness of the procedures used by authorities to make policy. When policies are fairly made, they gain widespread support, even among those who may feel that the consequences of the policy for them or their group are undesirable or even unfair. These findings support an optimistic view of the ability of authorities to manage diverse societies. On the other hand, research suggests that the ability of procedural justice to bridge differences among individuals and groups may not be equally strong under all conditions. People's willingness to accept policies is more influenced by procedural justice judgments when they identify with the society that the authorities represent and view them as representing a group of which they are members. They are less influenced by procedural justice judgments when they identify more strongly with subgroups than with society and/or view the authorities as representatives of a group to which they do not belong.  相似文献   

由于基层公安机关自身的问题和民警法律意识淡薄等深层次原因,目前,全国公安机关掀起了以执法规范化建设为重点的"三项建设"战役,迫切要求其改进工作方法,树立执法为民、以人为本的执法理念,杜绝执法执勤过程中存在的"重实体,轻程序"的不规范行为,防止执法者滥用权力,以此促进社会主义和谐执法建设的进程。  相似文献   

If 'computing and law' as a discipline is to push forward and develop, it will do so best within the context of the law school rather than as a joint enterprise between law and other disciplines. It is in the law school that the understanding of the nature of law is at its height. Yet there are problems here-law schools have a strained relationship with technology and their concept of the breadth of 'legal scholarship' can be limited by conventional (or ideologically-biased) views of law and an undergraduate-oriented view of the law school's purpose. There are also problems arising from the nature of communications between lawyers and computer scientists. In this article, I highlight these problems and also argue for a more developed and extended view of legal scholarship which will be able to incorporate study and research of the impact of the computer upon legal society as well as the legal control of the unwanted elements arising from these new technologies. Most writings on IT and the law school concentrate upon its use as an educational tool. My interest here is not so much in this side of things, but in the research culture of the law school. Whilst there is sometimes a view that the linkage of law school and IT is purely related to the use of technology in legal education, the remit is wider and includes the understanding of the link between substantive law and the context of the new computerized world and also the impact of the computer in the practice of law. This latter aspect is becoming increasingly important with the Woolf reforms and computerization of the procedural elements of law, but also in substantive law: for example, administrative systems are becoming more and more mediated by technology, and administrative law must be reviewed and re-worked in this context.  相似文献   

论民事诉讼法修改的指导理念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汤维建 《法律科学》2007,25(6):129-135
我国当前进行的民事诉讼法修订是一项极其艰难的系统的法制建设工程,用以指导民事诉讼法修改的理念在建设过程中最为关键.指导我国民事诉讼法修改主要的理念范畴应该有:程序本位主义理念,程序主体自治性理念,程序契约化理念以及程序协同主义理念.  相似文献   

孟静 《政法学刊》2008,25(4):37-40
日本的刑事诉讼制度是公认的大陆法与英美法的“混血儿”,因其移植立法较早,大陆法传统与英美法形式结合较好.并形成独具的特色而著称于世。研究日本刑事诉讼制度,对于我国刑事诉讼制度的改革.是具有借鉴价值的。  相似文献   

程序法文化是一定时期、一定地域和一定民族范围的人们对各种程序性法律、制度、观念和一系列程序活动的整体性认识和评价,程序法文化具有抽象性、地域性、多元性、群体性和延续性等特点。程序法文化有制度程序法文化与观念程序法文化、传统程序法文化与现代程序法文化、西方程序法文化与中国程序法文化之分。中国传统程序法文化以尊尚权力、程序实体混同、程序虚无、“厌讼”等为特质,中国现代程序法文化则以尊重权利、程序独立、程序法治为指引。  相似文献   

民事诉讼法是实质诉讼规范和诉讼程序规范之集合,但通说却将其同义于诉讼程序法而尘封实质诉讼法。从法律发达史上考察,实质诉讼法曾依附于实体私法体系,且与诉讼程序法长期处于分离状态,在脱离私法体系之后于民事诉讼法中找到了安身之处,并且在公法诉权说的推动下皈依了公法。在实质诉讼法脱私法体系而入诉讼法体系的发展过程中,温特沙伊德的《诉论》发挥了主要原动力作用,因而被奉为促成民事诉讼法走向独立化的“门罗宣言”。本文拟通过解读《诉论》,阐述实质诉讼法脱离私法体系而入公法的民事诉讼法之过程,恢复实质诉讼法的本来面目,以为我们克服民事诉讼法同于纯程序法之观念提供理论上的支撑。  相似文献   

Drawing on recent experiences in the US, UK, and EU, this article suggests that regulatory analysis of corporate law policies, as currently understood and applied, suffers from severe weaknesses. The effects of proposed corporate law policies are often difficult to predict and even more difficult to quantify, which negatively impacts analytical reliability. Moreover, given its nature and strong intersections with economic, societal and political issues, corporate law is less amenable to technocratic assessments than other areas of law. Based on three case studies, the article explores these problems. It outlines a revised ‘procedural’ view, suggesting that regulatory analysis in corporate law should be understood as a process for enhancing information, transparency, and monitoring, independently of specific normative criteria. This leads to several implications. In short, regulatory analysis should combine quantified analysis with leeway for regulatory judgment and focus on increased consultation, critical engagement, review, and transparency as the dominant guiding factors.  相似文献   

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