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CDIO是当前高等工程教育的一种新型教育模式,它以培养应用型人才为目标。CDIO工程教育理念经过最近十来年的研究应用,它已成为当今理念先进、系统性强、应用范围广的现代工程教育模式。如何把CDIO工程教育理念应用到机械工程教育研究、改革、实践中,本文对此进行研究,探索提高机械工程教育的水平和途径。  相似文献   

<正>本文集挑选了《连接设计、材料和制造过程》《先进工程环境:向设想迈进》等5篇涉及"先进工程环境"的研究报告,内容包括当前制造企业数字化环境的现状与问题,先进工程环境的内涵与目标,环境的构建,发展思路与实施重点,未来发展方向,中小企业实施的步骤与采用的方法,以及雷神公司在制造方面的实践经验等。本文集内容丰富、专业性强、信息量大,对我国军工制造业数字化发展具有较强的参  相似文献   

<正>本文集挑选了《连接设计、材料和制造过程》《先进工程环境:向设想迈进》等5篇涉及"先进工程环境"的研究报告,内容包括当前制造企业数字化环境的现状与问题,先进工程环境的内涵与目标,环境的构建,发展思路与实施重点,未来发展方向,中小企业实施的步骤与采用的方法,以及雷神公司在制造方面的实践经验等。  相似文献   

正本文集挑选了《连接设计、材料和制造过程》《先进工程环境:向设想迈进》等5篇涉及"先进工程环境"的研究报告,内容包括当前制造企业数字化环境的现状与问题,先进工程环境的内涵与目标,环境的构建,发展思路与实施重点,未来发展方向,中小企业实施的步骤与采用的方法,以及雷  相似文献   

正本文集挑选了《连接设计、材料和制造过程》《先进工程环境:向设想迈进》等5篇涉及"先进工程环境"的研究报告,内容包括当前制造企业数字化环境的现状与问题,先进工程环境的内涵与目标,环境的构建,发展思路与实施重点,未来发展方向,中小企业实施的步骤与采用的方法,以及雷  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展,我国不断地与诸多国家建交,跨国贸易的数量也随之增多,这为我国的发展带来了新的机遇。而港口在国际贸易中有着不可替代的作用,但在港口的发展过程中,经济与环境的矛盾也在日益突出,原本粗放式的港口发展模式已不再适用当前趋势,绿色发展在成为社会发展趋势的今天,港口也要走向节能降碳、绿色发展,秉持绿色理念,以智能化为转型风向,建立出绿色港口。基于此,本文以山东日照港为研究对象,探究绿色理念在散货集装箱化输运中的应用,将其实践为对散改集项目的智能化升级,以智能化散改集项目完成对日照港的升级,希望能够为我国经济发展以及环境保护提供助益。  相似文献   

在社会不断发展的时代背景中,国民经济也在不断进步,在这种发展形势下,电气工程越来越多地出现在人们的生活中,自动化技术也在各行各业的发展中得到了应用。国家的自动化技术水平对国家的生产力造成了直接影响,因此,要想提升国家创造力以及经济水平,就需要相关技术人员加强对电气工程以及自动化的研究,并且不断接受先进技术,不断创新,实现更好的发展,只有这样,才能推动国家经济的快速发展。  相似文献   

探索基于约束的管理与创新设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
面对经济全球化和信息技术迅速发展的挑战,工程学科,首先是工业工程只能在应对新挑战中改造自身适应经济、科技与制造业的发展,正确定位学科领域,以革新求学科的发展。在当今的竞争环境下,基于约束理论与其他先进的理论同工程技术的结合构成了新一代的管理原理与方法。为了实现各类组织的目标与性能业绩要求,文章介绍对基于约束理论的管理和创新设计的必要性、基于概念、方法的探索和应用,以期引起我国企业界和相关学科的进一步研究与讨论,共同为把我国建成“世界工厂”这一宏伟目标服务。  相似文献   

社会经济的快速发展与科学技术的不断进步,推进了机械技术尤其是先进机械制造技术水平不断提高。随着市场经济体制改革的不断深化,人们对先进机械设备、先进机械技术及其应用提出了更高要求。因此,加强先进机械技术、设备研究,并将其有效地应用到生产生活中,成为主流的发展趋势。目前,先进机械技术正朝着多样化、自动化以及快捷化方向发展,而且在提高生产质量和效率方面起到了不可替代的作用。本文将对先进机械技术特点进行分析,并探析其实际应用,以供行业人员参考。  相似文献   

要想从根本上解决发展经济与保护环境的突出矛盾,必须尽快在发展方式上实现由传统经济向循环经济的转变.本文从大力进行技改、建立一系列"蓝天碧水"工程、实施清污分流和可回收水循环工程,以及ISO14001环境管理体系等方面介绍了"九五"以来,洋河集团着力打造循环经济型企业的措施,及取得的巨大经济、社会和环境效益.  相似文献   

面向可持续性创新的功能设计理论研究与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中国国家自然科学基金资助项目《面向模糊前端(FFE)的机械产品创新设想产生系统化方法研究》、中国国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目《面向原始创新的模糊前端及概念设计系统化方法研究》,以及河北省自然科学基金资助项目《面向产品创新的功能设计方法研究》支持下,针对“面向可持续性创新的功能设计”所涉及问题开展理论研究与工程研发,归纳报告功能设计的基础理论、实现方法、支持工具和工程应用的研究进展。 针对不同的功能理解导致的功能认知、功能建模不一致问题,定义功能和流的内涵,建立相应的数学模型,提出3种功能表达范式,建立由操作集、流集和属性集组成的标准功能集,以支持功能的重用、共享和交流。  相似文献   

A newly designed finishing process utilizing an effective electrode and a grinding tool to execute the continuous electrochemical finishing and grinding processes following turning is described in this paper. The proposed process can be used for a variety of turning operations. Electrochemical finishing and grinding can be performed following the finishing process on the same machine by using a simple attachment. The factors affecting electrochemical finishing, grinding performance, and electrochemical finishing are discussed. The electrode was tested with both continuous and pulsed direct current. A higher work piece rotational speed produced a better finish. Changing the electrode design from a semicircle to a wedge form with a small end radius caused the electrolytic products and heat to dissipate more rapidly and provided the best finishing. Pulsed direct current finishing was slightly better than using continuous direct current finishing. However, the use of pulsed current would increase machining time and cost. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Dae-Eun Kim Dr. P.S. Pa obtained his doctorate at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. Presently he is an Associate Professor at Graduate School of Toy and Game Design of National Taipei University of Education. His fields of interest are innovative design and manufacturing processes. His current research includes ECM process for mould and die materials, precision finishing, toy design, and electro-optical engineering.  相似文献   

张义民 《机械工程学报》2013,49(20):101-114
随着整个工业生产与现代科技的发展,机械产品性能日益提高,机械系统和工作环境更加复杂,产品的性能和可靠性问题也就越来越突出。因此研究机械产品的可靠性问题,就显得十分重要、非常迫切。机械可靠性设计的基本任务是在数学、力学、物理学、材料学与机械工程等研究的基础上,结合可靠性试验以及故障数据的统计分析,提供机械产品设计的数学力学模型、方法和实践。动态与渐变是机械产品不可避免的随时间变化的形态,对机械产品进行动态与渐变可靠性探究是可靠性研究的递进与升华。结合机械动力学、劣化机理、随机过程、概率统计、可靠性设计等理论与方法,阐述动态与渐变机械系统可靠性设计的理论与方法的内涵与递进,力图阐明机械工程领域动态与渐变可靠性设计概念思路、理论方法和工程实践,从而为机械设计、制造、使用提供坚实的理论支撑。  相似文献   

支持虚拟产品设计的分布式协同开发环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要报告了在虚拟产品设计方面的研究与实践。产品设计要求与该过程相关的设计工程师协同工作。为了支持这种工作方式,建立了一个分布式协同开发环境VCDE,并提供如下工具规划与管理设计过程的过程管理者,完成设计子任务的设计者空间和能够使设计者、设计工具方便交流的智能协调机制。VCDE原型系统的开发平台为MSWindowsNT4.0并支持某型飞机涡扇发动机高压压气机的某级叶片轮盘设计过程。  相似文献   

Dimensioning and tolerancing are important engineering processes in the different phases of a product development cycle. The two main phases in a product cycle where dimensioning and tolerancing techniques are extensively employed are in the areas of product design and process planning. Tolerance and dimension assignment in both product design and process planning has an equally important role in keeping the production cost down and, hence, requires equal attention as far as research into these areas are concerned. Another important motivating factor for research is that manual dimension and tolerance assignment is often tedious, time-consuming and requires a considerable amount of skill and experience on the part of the engineer, resulting in inconsistencies and errors. Extensive research, in the area of dimensioning and tolerancing in both product design and process planning, has been carried out with the advancement in computers since the 1970s. The purpose of this paper is to review the state-of-the-art dimensioning and tolerancing techniques in both product design and process planning and explore the opportunities for future research in these areas.  相似文献   

《机械工程学报》(Journal of Mechanical Engineering, JME)和《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》(CJME)统称为《学报》,作为机械工程领域基础研究成果的有效载体,报道战略性、前瞻性和创新性基金项目研究成果,在引领机械工程领域前沿发展方向、鼓励基础理论创新、促进学科建设、发现和培养人才等方面发挥了重要的导向作用。据不完全统计,1987-2012年,《学报》共刊登国家自然科学基金委员会(National Natural Science Foundation of China, NSFC)机械工程学科(简称E05)资助项目论文3 446篇,占发表论文总数的33.63%,充分展示了NSFC资助下机械工程领域基础研究所取得的创新成果,加强了国内外学术交流。值此《学报》创刊60周年之际,对E05资助项目在《学报》发表论文情况进行统计,分析资助项目成果对人才培养、团队建设及学科发展的引领作用,并对资助项目较多的4个学科代码下的代表性成果进行介绍。谨以此文表示祝贺。  相似文献   

摩擦学设计主要是摩擦学系统的设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在一般意义下的讨论了摩擦学设计,涉及 摩擦学设计的目标和特征。强调摩擦学设计不能仅仅被理解为理解为摩擦副的设计,更能被理解为摩擦,磨损或润滑的设计。介绍了国内在转子-轴承-密-齿轮系统、推力轴承系统、缸套-活塞-活塞环系统、主动磁轴承系统和摩擦学机敏材料系统设计方面所做的一些工作。国家自然科学基金委员会对这些 强有力的经费支持。  相似文献   

我国链传动行业的技术研究现状及其发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了“十一五”期间我国链传动行业的技术研究现状,总结了链传动行业产学研结合的主要研究成果,介绍了目前链传动行业正在承担的国家“863计划”项目和国家自然科学基金项目的研究方向,分析了“十二五”期间产品研发的主要方向和技术发展趋势,提出了构建国家级链传动工程研究中心和国家级博士后工作站的建议,以期对于人才培养、学科建设和行业发展具有重要指导意义.  相似文献   

The micro factory, a miniature manufacturing system, is a means of achieving higher throughput with minimal space, and minimal consumption of energy and resources by downsizing of production processes. Even though, a micro factory is able to perform whole manufacturing processes like the macro factory, the possibility of improving its manufacturing efficiency has not been considered enough. In this paper, an efficiency index is proposed to calculate the efficiency of the micro factory to manufacture a micro pump. The efficiency index has been proposed based on efficiency definition with input and output parameters of the system. Input parameters include cost of system, processing time and energy. Output parameters represent number of product manufactured from the microfactory. Cost of the system has been categorized by micro assembly machine cost, cost of resources, manipulators’ cost, manufacturing space value, and human operators. Processing time has been categorized by assembly time and material handling time. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Dae-Eun Kim Murali Subramaniyam received his B.E. and M.Tech. from India in 2003 and 2005, respectively. Currently, he is pursuing his Ph.D. in Me-chanical Design Engineering under Brain Korea 21 program fellowship at CNU (Chungnam National University), Korea. Also he is working as a research associate in LID (Laboratory of Intelligent Design and manufacturing) at CNU, under Professor Sangho Park. His research interests include CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/ Computer Aided Manufac-turing), Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Rapid Prototyping and DHM (Digital Human Modeling). Sangho Park is currently a Professor in Mechanical Design Engineering at CNU. He received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. from Seoul National University, Korea in 1988, 1990 and 1995 respectively. He was a Senior Research Scientist at ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), Korea. His areas of expertise and research interest includes CAD/CAM, Virtual Reality, DHM and Micro Assembly. LID (renamed from CAD/CAM) is doing research under his advice. Sung-il Choi received a B.S. form Konyang University in 1995, Korea. He then received an M.S. from CNU in 1997. Currently, he is pursuing his Ph.D. in Mechanical Design Engineering at CNU. He was a researcher at ETRI. His research intersts include the areas of development of CAD interface, virtual simulation, 3D Web solutions, geometric modelling, micro-assembly, and application of distributed environment. Jun-Yeob Song is a Team Leader in the IT Machinery Research Team, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, Korea. Also, He is a Chief of National Research Laboratory on Knowledge Evolution based Manufacturing Devices. He received a Ph. D. from the School of Industrial Engineering at Busan National University in 2001. He has extensive experience in design & control of automation and autonomous manufacturing systems, and reliability engineering. In recent years, Dr. Song’s research interests are in the area of micro assembly, bonding, and multi chip packaging (MCP). Jong-Kweon Park received a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Inha University in 1977. He then received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from Changwon National University in 1993 and 1997. Dr. Park is currently a principal research at Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials in Daejeon, Korea. His current research areas are cutting dynamics and control, structural dynamics and optimization, ultra precision machining systems, micro/nano manufacturing systems, and design and evaluation of machine tool systems. He is currently a project leader for the project, “Development of Microfactory System Technologies for Next Generation.”  相似文献   

协同软件工程概述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
参考国内外对协同软件工程的研究情况,力图在高度概括的基础上,对协同软件工程的概念、模型和支撑给予明确的描述.分布式团队开发是大型复杂软件项目开发的先决条件,协同软件工程作为传统软件工程的发展和延伸,主要研究和解决分布式团队合作中体现的协同性.以协同软件开发过程模型为出发点,开发者可以更好地分析、创建、管理和同步实现分工后的子软件开发任务.然后,归纳了关于协同软件项目开发环境的通用的设计原则、关键因素及组件,并将它们作为实施上述模型的基础.  相似文献   

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