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[目的]研究、探讨在矫治膝关节畸形中,矫形支具与Ilizarov外固定器结合方法、优点与临床疗效.[方法] 2005年5月~ 2012年12月本科采用Ilizarov技术结合矫形支具治疗膝关节畸形患者36例36膝,其中男23例,女13例,左20例,右16例;年龄6~56岁,平均28岁;脊髓灰质炎后遗症膝反屈畸形17例,术中行腘绳肌紧缩后临时用组合式外固定器固定于屈膝20°位,术后2周拆除股骨外固定做大腿支具并用螺纹牵伸杆跨膝关节继续固定;小腿延长致膝关节屈曲畸形10例,直接做大腿支具跨膝关节固定,后侧用螺纹牵伸杆连接,可逐渐矫正屈膝畸形;膝内翻畸形合并外侧副韧带松弛8例,行胫骨截骨矫形,同期行外侧副韧带重建并用组合式外固定器固定膝关节,术后2周拆除股骨外固定改为大腿支具并用螺纹牵伸杆跨膝关节继续固定;血管瘤致屈膝畸形1例,采用股骨外固定器结合小腿支具牵拉矫正屈膝畸形.[结果] 36例患者中,32例获得8~60个月随访,平均19个月,所有膝关节畸形均获满意矫正,下肢负重力线恢复满意,截骨端愈合时间60 ~ 150 d,平均120 d;外固定针道感染5例,经局部换药处理好转;采用HSS评分系统进行评分,优18膝,良10膝,可4膝,优良率为87.5%.[结论]遵循Ilizarov技术原理,采用Ilizarov外固定器联合矫形支具的方法治疗合并有软组织因素的复杂膝关节畸形,可以获得满意的矫形结果及良好的膝关节功能;具有创伤小、固定灵活、制作简单等优点.  相似文献   

Ilizarov技术矫治重度膝关节屈曲挛缩畸形的临床研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]探讨应用改良Ilizarov技术矫治重度膝关节屈曲挛缩畸形的方法和疗效。[方法]依据Ilizarov张力—应力法则及其应用技术,按个体化要求,设计、安装膝关节牵伸矫正器,术中穿针固定牵伸器时,两侧的关节铰链应与膝关节的旋转中心一致。术后牵伸前先牵开关节间隙5~10mm,再逐渐牵拉矫正屈膝畸形。牵伸速度应根据患者的耐受程度调整,一般不大于关节水平1mm/d。牵伸过程中应定期实施X线检查,以防止膝关节脱位和关节软骨受压。牵伸矫正的最终要求,若是单纯的软组织型屈膝孪缩,需将膝关节过度牵伸5°~10°,若合并股骨下段前弓畸形,屈膝矫正的程度应减除骨性畸形的角度。然后患肢维持牵伸位持重行走2~4周,再拆除牵伸器,配合CPM机活动膝关节,站立行走时配戴支具维持膝关节矫正位不少于3个月。8例患者因术前合并股骨下段前弓畸形,Ⅱ期实施股骨髁上截骨术矫正。[结果]49例52个膝关节,术前屈膝畸形平均58.50°±21.28°;矫正后屈曲角度平均4.12°±4.61°。38例,40个关节平均随访6.8个月,其中28个关节维持牵伸术后的效果,12个关节屈膝畸形部分复发,平均9.30°±8.24°。[结论]正确使用Ilizarov技术矫治重度的膝关节屈曲挛缩畸形,疗效满意,并发症少;是一种微创、安全、有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

[目的]观察用膝关节牵伸技术治疗先天性胫骨缺如伴重度屈膝畸形的效果。[方法]1例先天性右胫骨完全缺如,股骨下端呈叉状,腓骨头与股骨下端形成不稳定的膝关节,伴屈膝畸形95°,于1岁半实施股骨下端修整术,5岁和8岁时分两期安装Ilizarov膝关节牵伸器,牵拉矫正屈膝畸形达到伸膝0°位,使腓骨头与股骨下端成膝关节,拆牵伸器后装配能稳定膝关节的下肢补高矫形器行走。[结果]首次膝关节牵伸术后5a3个月随访,膝关节屈曲畸形完全矫正,腓骨已出现胫骨化的趋势,腓骨头与股骨下端组成的膝关节已稳定在0°位,患肢配戴补高矫形器能徒手行走。[结论]膝关节牵伸技术,可有效的矫正先天性胫骨缺如伴发的屈膝畸形,安装带膝关节铰链的牵伸器,可将腓骨头与股骨下端控制于中立位,在长期生理性行走应力的刺激下,腓骨发生了胫骨样的变化,可发育成具有类似膝关节形态的结构,整个患肢由于正常的行走使用而得到良好发育。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨应用计算机辅助Taylor空间支架治疗严重屈膝畸形的方法和疗效。[方法]为重度屈膝畸形患者21例24膝安装Taylor空间支架。术后复查膝关节X线片,测量各相关角度、距离及旋转等数据,将数值输入计算机软件计算出每个调节支撑螺杆每日调节距离并按结果调节。一般不大于关节水平2 mm/d。牵伸过程中应定期实施X线检查,以明确牵伸效果,同时可多次测量数据调整牵伸方式,以达到最佳目的。调节期间患者可自主生活,达到预期要求拆去外固定架。本次研究所选患者均为软组织型屈膝畸形,需将膝关节过度牵伸5°~10°,然后患肢维持牵伸位负重行走3~4周,再拆除外固定器。站立行走时配戴支具维持膝关节矫正位不少于3个月。[结果]21例24个膝关节,术后平均牵伸时间37 d(23 d~7个月)。全部病例膝关节伸直皆达到矫形需要的要求,未发生影响治疗效果的并发症。[结论]计算机辅助Taylor空间支架矫治重度膝关节屈曲挛缩畸形,疗效满意,并发症少,是一种微创、安全、有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

Ilizarov牵拉组织再生技术矫正膝关节重度复合畸形   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]探讨Ilizarov牵拉组织再生技术矫正膝关节重度复合畸形(膝关节有2种以上畸形存在,如膝屈曲合并内翻、下肢短缩等)的器械构型、手术方法、术后管理程序与疗效。[方法]遵照Ilizarov牵拉组织再生技术的原理,研制了具有三维矫形功能的膝关节牵伸矫正器,需要同期做下肢延长者,在矫正器的基础上加延长附件。根据膝关节复合畸形的不同类型和骨骼畸形部位,在股骨髁上或胫骨上端截骨,跨膝关节穿针安装固定牵伸矫正器,术后7d缓慢旋转螺纹牵伸杆及其相连的4个万向关节,膝关节的软组织屈曲挛缩、以及并存的膝内翻、外翻、旋转、下肢短缩等骨性畸形能同期缓缓矫正,在牵拉矫正畸形的过程中,患肢可以部分参与持重行走。截骨牵拉处骨愈合后,拆牵伸器,装配膝关节矫形支具行走3~6个月。自1996年5月~2004年2月,共矫正重度膝关节复合畸形14例,年龄5~41岁,平均27岁。共7个病种,其中幼年时膝关节骨骺损伤或感染致膝关节发育畸形4例,其他原因导致膝关节复合畸形10例。[结果]14个病例术后的关节牵拉及骨愈合时间80~390d,平均154d。全部病例膝关节复合畸形皆获满意矫正,双下肢基本等长,行走功能恢复良好,无1例发生针道严重感染、血管、神经损伤、骨不愈合的并发症,但皆并发不同程度的膝关节僵硬。[结论]牵拉成骨技术矫正膝关节重度复合畸形,能够用微创的矫形外科技术同期矫正重度膝关节屈曲、内翻、外翻、小腿旋转和下肢短缩畸形,畸形矫正符合生物学原理,获得了用传统骨科技术无法达到的疗效,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

目的:探讨屈曲挛缩畸形的膝关节行关节置换的方法,重点关注术中膝关节周围软组织平衡的方法。技巧及术后疗效。方法:自2010年6月~2012年6月共收治晚期膝关节疾病合并屈曲挛缩畸形患者156例,213膝,采取人工膝关节置换进行治疗,分别记录术前术后膝关节畸形程度,HSS评分,活动范围。并进行比较。本组病例平均年龄60.2岁(44~81岁),女92例136膝,男64例77膝。膝骨性关节炎85例,类风湿性关节炎58例,创伤性关节炎13例。膝关节活动范围平均52.6°(33.5°~94.1°)。本组病例轻度屈曲畸形:83例117膝,中度屈曲畸形:58例76膝,重度屈曲畸形:15例20膝。平均屈曲畸形程度:45.8°。每例患者均进行术前及术后1年HSS评分进行疗效评价。结果:所有病例获得随访,屈曲挛缩畸形均得到改善,膝关节HSS评分由术前20.7分提高到术后平均73.6分。膝关节活动范围术前平均52.6°提高到术后平均92.7°。结论:晚期膝关节病所致的屈曲挛缩畸形的膝关节行膝关节置换术,除了在术中注意准确截骨外,应着重注意软组织松解,调整力线。  相似文献   

目的探讨膝关节骨性关节炎合并屈曲挛缩、内翻畸形患者行膝关节表面置换术中软组织平衡及截骨技术和早期临床疗效。方法笔者自2008-02—2015-05对98例(145膝)膝关节内翻并屈曲挛缩畸形行膝关节表面置换术,通过分析患者术前畸形程度、术中截骨和软组织松解情况、术后畸形矫正程度和膝关节功能恢复的情况。结果术后内翻矫正136膝,仍有内翻残留9膝(3°~6°);膝关节活动度:伸直0°121膝,伸直受限10°18膝,11°~15°4膝;膝关节屈曲度数90°~120°,HSS评分78~94分,临床及X线片检查未见明显松动迹象。结论膝关节表面置换术治疗晚期膝关节骨性关节炎合并屈曲挛缩、膝内翻畸形是目前临床疗效较好的方法。术中准确截骨和正确的软组织平衡以及合理的术后康复锻炼是矫正膝关节内翻和屈曲挛缩畸形的关键。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨Ilizarov技术联合腘绳肌延长治疗痉挛型脑瘫重度屈膝畸形的临床效果。[方法]回顾性分析2017年8月—2020年4月采用腘绳肌延长和Ilizarov技术矫正痉挛型脑瘫重度屈膝畸形15例患者的临床资料,评价临床治疗效果。[结果]所有患者均顺利完成手术,术中无血管、神经损伤。7例患者同时行髋部及足部畸形矫正术,包括髋内收肌松解、闭孔神经缩窄术、跟腱延长术、腓肠肌腱膜切断术等。所有患者屈膝畸形在术后28 d内调整完毕,继续佩戴Ilizarov外固定架维持矫正。佩戴外固定架时间为36~50 d,平均(41.1±3.5)d。15例患者随访时间平均为(1.6±0.3)年。术后3个月、末次随访时膝关节静态屈曲角度均比术前显著减少(P<0.05),被动ROM、主动ROM较术前显著增加(P<0.05)。GMFCS分级由术前Ⅳ级提高为末次随访时Ⅲ级,根据Herzenberg标准,临床结果优9膝、良21膝,优良率100.0%。[结论]应用Ilizarov技术联合膝后内侧腘绳肌延长治疗痉挛型脑瘫重度屈膝效果满意。  相似文献   

膝关节牵伸技术治疗先天性多发性关节挛缩症屈膝畸形   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目的 探讨用膝关节牵伸技术 (Ilizarov)治疗先天性多发性关节挛缩症屈膝畸形的方法及疗效。方法  1998年 8月至 2 0 0 3年 2月收治先天性多发性关节挛缩症 6例 ,其中双膝 4例 ,共 10个膝关节。男 5例 ,女 1例 ,年龄 3岁 7个月至 13岁 ,平均年龄 8岁 2个月。术前屈膝畸形程度平均5 1° ,合并肢体其它部位畸形 13个。应用改良Ilizarov膝关节牵伸器 ,手术安装牵伸器时 ,应维持膝关节于最大伸展位 ,牵伸器的关节铰链对准膝关节的旋转中心 ,于膝上下股骨和胫骨各穿 2组 2mm克氏针与牵伸器上下的钢环固定。术后 5d旋转延长膝后的螺纹牵伸杆 ,第 1周 2~ 3mm/d ,第 2周后改成 1~ 2mm/d ,直至达到膝关节伸直到 0°位。合并髋、足关节畸形者 ,同期或第二期实施手术矫正。本组术后膝关节牵伸时间 2 3~ 4 8d ,平均 37d ,治疗期间患肢可负重锻炼 ,停止牵伸 2周后拆牵伸器再装支具行走。结果  10个膝关节屈曲畸形完全矫正 ,无严重并发症 ,其中 9个膝术后随访平均 1年 3个月 ,畸形无复发 ,患者行走功能显著改善。结论 Ilizarov技术治疗先天性多发性关节挛缩症屈膝畸形 ,方法简单、安全 ,效果确实 ,符合生物学原理和微创外科的原则  相似文献   

[目的]探讨采用手法矫正后高分子树脂石膏固定治疗婴儿先天性膝关节脱位的方法及疗效。[方法]2009年12月~2016年11月共收治先天性膝关节脱位患儿26例(32膝),其中女22例,男4例,首诊年龄1 h~1个月27 d,单纯脱位9例9膝,复合畸形14例18膝,综合征3例5膝。每日白天手法矫正逐渐增加膝关节屈曲角度,夜间采用可重复利用高分子夹板固定,达到复位后以石膏或支具维持至膝关节稳定,治疗后定期随访。[结果]所有病例均获得6个月~7年的随访。单纯性脱位与复合畸形患儿27膝关节过伸消失,膝关节屈曲功能完全恢复(100%);合并多发性关节挛缩症患儿中3膝主动屈曲角度达140°以上,关节屈曲功能恢复,1膝主动屈曲角度达120°左右,关节屈曲功能基本恢复,能达到正常生活需要,1例合并Crouzon综合征患儿,1膝屈曲有改善但未达到正常生活需要,需要手术治疗;三组间治疗前关节活动度比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但治疗后综合征患者与单纯脱位患者、复合畸形患者的屈膝位ROM差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。本组全脱位10膝,半脱位22膝。末次随访时整体优良率为96.88%,而且无论全脱位还是半脱位,膝关节治疗效果差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),其中:半脱位22膝、全脱位8膝关节功能评估"优"(93.75%);1膝综合征患儿为"良"(3.12%),1膝合并Crouzon综合征患儿为"差"(3.12%)。[结论]患有先天性膝关节全脱位及半脱位的婴儿,无论是否合并畸形,可以采用每日白天手法矫正,夜间高分子树脂石膏固定进行治疗,避免手术治疗的创伤。  相似文献   

Treatment of knee flexion contractures in patients with arthrogryposis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Knee flexion contractures in children with arthrogryposis are difficult to treat. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of posterior knee releases and gradual contracture distraction with an Ilizarov external fixator in correcting and maintaining correction of knee flexion contractures of 40 degrees or greater. METHODS: The medical records and radiographs of 7 consecutive pediatric patients (10 knees) with arthrogryposis and knee flexion contractures of 40 degrees or greater were reviewed. The mean age at surgery was 7.3 years, and the mean length of follow-up was 52.7 months. All patients' knee flexion contractures were treated with posterior soft tissue releases and an Ilizarov external fixator for gradual contracture distraction. Posterior soft tissue releases included hamstrings lengthenings, proximal gastrocnemius release, and release of posterior capsule. RESULTS: The mean total fixator time was 102 days, with a mean correction rate of 1 degree per day. The mean knee flexion contracture was 72.5 degrees preoperatively, and all knees were corrected to full extension, +/-5 degrees. At latest follow-up, the mean contracture was 20.5 degrees, and all knees were ligamentously stable. The mean total arc of motion was 56 degrees preoperatively and 54 degrees at follow-up. Five patients who were previously nonambulatory became ambulatory. Complications included 3 fractures, 2 posterior tibial subluxations requiring frame adjustment, and 3 contracture recurrences (1 in a patient with a popliteal pterygium). CONCLUSIONS: Posterior knee releases and flexion contracture distraction by Ilizarov fixator was effective in improving the mobility of pediatric patients with arthrogryposis. At follow-up, the gradual loss of correction that occurred did not impact on the ambulatory gains made.  相似文献   

Objective:Interphalangeal joint contracture is a challenging complication of hand trauma,which reduces the functional capacity of the entire hand.In this study we evaluated the results of soft tissue d...  相似文献   

The influence of joint distraction force on intraoperative soft tissue balance was evaluated using Offset Repo-Tensor® for 78 knees that underwent primary posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty. The joint center gap and varus ligament balance were measured between osteotomized surfaces using 20, 40 and 60 lbs of joint distraction force. These values were significantly increased at extension and flexion as the distraction force increased. Furthermore, lateral compartment stiffness was significantly lower than medial compartment stiffness. Thus, larger joint distraction forces led to larger varus ligament balance and joint center gap, because of the difference in soft tissue stiffness between lateral and medial compartments. These findings indicate the importance of the strength of joint distraction force in the assessment of soft tissue balance, especially when using gap-balancing technique.  相似文献   

Joint distraction and reconstruction in complex knee contractures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We retrospectively reviewed the results of joint distraction and reconstruction in complex knee contractures in 6 patients with 9 knees. The circular Ilizarov fixator was used in all cases. Extensor mechanism alignment with frame in situ was performed in 4 cases and alignment of mechanical axis of the lower limb was done in 2. All patients had a mean total arc of movement of 79 degrees before operation; however, this was nonfunctional because of the degree of flexion contracture. Three of the 6 patients were nonambulant before surgery. After joint distraction and reconstruction, mean total arc of movement remained unchanged, but this was more functional with improvement in the mobility status.At an average follow-up of 53 months, the mean flexion contracture was 100 degrees (range, 0-70 degrees), with further flexion possible up to 90 degrees (range, 60-120 degrees). Four patients had no recurrence. All 6 patients were ambulant with or without orthosis. Rebound phenomenon with loss of achieved correction was observed in 2 patients. Four patients were quite satisfied with results of surgery.Realignment of the extensor mechanism and mechanical axis is an important part that needs to be addressed in flexion contractures of the knee. Proper preoperative planning and staged procedures reduce the risk of recurrence. A treatment protocol is proposed to help in planning and further management.  相似文献   

Distraction osteogenesis is useful for correcting limb length inequality, deformities, or short stature. Despite success with bone formation, soft tissue maladaptations including muscle and joint contracture may lead to undesirable results. Botulinum toxin A has been useful in treating spasticity in cerebral palsy, and has been used clinically in select cases to allay contracture in distraction osteogenesis. This study examines the toxin's efficacy in preventing distraction-induced loss of muscle strength and range of motion. The left tibias of 15 New Zealand White rabbits were distracted 1.5 mm/day until approximately a 20% gain was achieved. Each treatment group was divided into animals injected with saline or botulinum toxin in either the gastrocnemius or tibialis anterior muscles. A control group of two additional animals underwent no surgical procedure. Strength and range of motion were assessed prior to, and following, the experiment. At the study's end, animals were euthanized and muscles were harvested, when lengths and weights were recorded. All muscles injected with botulinum toxin showed decreased wet weight and persistent weakness upon completion of the study. Range of motion decreased in all distracted animals. When the gastrocnemius was injected, its strength was reduced but the tibialis anterior strength was preserved, and the limb achieved 22% greater dorsiflexion than saline controls (p = 0.016). When the tibialis anterior received the toxin, plantarflexion was increased by 23% (p = 0.049). Botulinum toxin injection prior to limb distraction increases the "post-lengthened" excursion of the injected muscle and this increased length may have a protective effect on its antagonist. In toxin-injected gastrocnemius muscles, the level of equinus contracture is reduced due to length gains in the Achilles tendon while the anterior tibialis maintains its ability to generate torque. Injection of botulinum toxin in the gastrocnemius may minimize equinus contracture and protect the anterior tibialis from damage during human tibial lengthening. Longer follow-up studies are needed to ensure that toxin-induced muscle weakness resolves with time.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Studies concerning adult patients with spastic flexion contracture of the knee are rare. Such patients frequently have cutaneous and vascular complications as well as recurrence of the contracture after treatment. We present a strategy consisting of simultaneous correction of all deformities of both lower limbs, distal hamstring releases, and application of femorotibial external fixation when extension of the knee is limited by excessive posterior soft-tissue tension. METHODS: A consecutive series of fifty-nine patients (ninety-seven knees) between the ages of twenty-one and seventy-seven years received surgical treatment for a flexion contracture of the knee secondary to neurological impairment. The flexion contracture was bilateral in thirty-eight patients. Preoperatively, the mean flexion contracture angle was 69 degrees and the mean passive range of motion was 61 degrees. The contracture was corrected, through medial and lateral approaches, with distal hamstring lengthening. A posterior capsulotomy was performed in thirty-five knees. Full extension of thirty-four knees was achieved intraoperatively. In seventy-seven knees, partial correction was maintained with a unilateral external fixator, and passive and active mobilization was performed four times daily after temporary removal of the spanning external fixator rod. RESULTS: At the time of final follow-up, ranging from one to five years postoperatively, the mean residual flexion contracture was 6.2 degrees. Forty-five knees had complete extension, and thirty-nine knees had a residual flexion contracture of <10 degrees. No recurrence of the flexion contracture or instability was noted in any knee at the time of follow-up. There were four cutaneous complications but no vascular or neurological complications. CONCLUSIONS: We believe that our surgical strategy for correction of fixed knee flexion contracture in adult patients is safe and effective. The correction improves nursing care and sitting posture, facilitating the upright position of patients who are unable to walk, and improves walking ability for patients who are able to walk.  相似文献   

We assessed the efficacy of progressive soft tissue distraction using monolateral external fixation in the management of severe knee flexion contractures. We prospectively evaluated 10 knee deformities in seven pediatric patients. After gradual distraction using the modified Orthofix Limb Reconstruction System (LRS), most recent functional status and knee range of motion were determined. This treatment was applied to 10 extremities in seven patients, ranging in age from 2 to 16 years. Diagnoses included arthrogryposis (4), sickle cell disease (1), previous sepsis (1), and congenital pterygium (1). Average preoperative flexion contracture was 80.5 degrees. Each patient achieved full extension. There was one recurrence, despite bracing, which was managed with replacement of the fixator and soft tissue procedures. Management of knee flexion contractures using a monolateral fixator appears to be a viable alternative to extensive release or femoral osteotomy. Long-term follow-up will be essential to assess the overall risk of recurrence and complications.  相似文献   

Five patients (eight knees) with diagnosed congenital dislocation of the patella and well-documented charts were reviewed. Age at diagnosis ranged from 4 days to 6 years. A flexion contracture of the knee and femorotibial rotatory dislocation of varying degrees were present in all the cases. The quadriceps was active in all the cases, producing knee flexion in four cases. Foot deformity was associated in all the cases (clubfoot, calcaneovalgus, or congenital vertical talus). Gradual correction of knee flexion contracture with serial casting was attempted in five cases leading to an almost complete extension in two cases. Treatment of patellar dislocation was surgical in all the cases, consisting in extensive quadriceps release (seven knees) or V-Y lengthening (one knee), division of lateral soft tissues, and reefing of the medial retinaculum and capsule. Intraoperative anomalies were recorded. At an average follow-up of 6.9 years, all the patients are able to walk on their operated limb, and the patella is centered in the trochlea in all the cases. Knee mobility, rotatory dislocation, and daily function were improved in seven cases.  相似文献   

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