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目的:探讨口腔颌面部异物伤的诊断与治疗及影像学诊断的重要性。方法 :选择2003-01—2010-12期间收治的,影像和病历资料完善的口腔颌面部异物存留伤36例。分析异物类型,并对临床疗效进行评估。结果:36例异物存留伤患者中,金属异物12例,非金属异物24例。择期异物取出26例;需要急诊清创者10例,而清创术可一期取出异物者6例,4例延期取出。30例经常规X线片检查后,需经CT或三维CT检查进一步定位,评估手术取出的可行性及风险。其中26例经手术取出,4例保留并观察。结论:三维CT在非金属异物存留伤诊疗中起到重要的作用;必须根据异物大小、部位及与周围大血管的毗邻关系,患者全身情况等综合因素判定是否手术及手术时机。  相似文献   

口腔颌面部金属异物手术治疗体会云南西双版纳农垦第一职工医院口腔科(666101)李来军口腔颌面部外伤所致金属异物存留的病例并非少见。尤其是深部异物存留,手术取出成为一个较困难的问题。以往手术前摄X线片定位,使用的是平面定位,手术时常有一定的盲目性,使...  相似文献   

不论平时或战时因火器伤致口腔颌面部金属异物存留的病例并非少见,尤其是深部间隙内异物存留,手术取出成为一个较困难的问题。术前异物的准确定位,将给手术途径提供方便条件。以往手术前摄X线片定位,仅是平面定位,手术时仍有一定的盲目性,使手术失败。我科收治了口腔颌面部深部间隙的金属异物共20例,在X线电视透视机屏幕下手术取出金属异物,获得了较满意的效果。现报道如下。  相似文献   

由于各种原因 ,如火器伤、交通事故 ,颌面部常有异物存留。口腔颌面部解剖结构复杂 ,有面神经、三叉神经、涎腺、导管及重要的血管 ,且颌面部窦、腔多 ,并与颅脑和咽喉毗邻 ,这在临床上给颌面部异物诊断和治疗带来困难。本文分析了颌面部不同性质异物的诊断及不同部位异物取出的特点。1 材料和方法 :1 1 临床资料 :  1988年至 1999年收治口腔颌面外科异物存留病人 2 3例 ,男性 13名 ,女性 10名 ,年龄 12~ 4 5岁 ,平均 2 5 7岁 ,其中金属异物 14例 (汽枪弹 9例、猎枪弹 1例、铁屑 4例 ) ,非金属异物 9例 (玻璃碎片 5例、木质 2例、橡皮…  相似文献   

口腔颌面部损伤可致异物存留。在临床上常见的异物为金属异物和非金属异物两大类。导致异物存留的原因与年龄、性别、职业,甚至与爱好习惯有一定的关系。口腔颌面部外伤后植物性异物的存留,多见于儿童,因儿童爱玩树枝、木棍或爬树不慎摔跤戳伤致异物存留。对这类异物的诊断,X 线片诊断难以发现异物,  相似文献   

口腔颌面部异物36例临床分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
口腔颌面部异物存留,在临床上并非少见。大多有明确的外伤史。但某些无明确病史的非金属异物存留患者,由于颌面部形态特殊、解剖复杂、窦腔重叠、血管神经丰富、与颅脑相邻等特点,在临床诊断和治疗过程中具有一定的难度。我科在近10年来共收治颌面部异物存留患者36...  相似文献   

口腔颌面部异物存留伤40例报道   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正>口腔颌面部异物存留伤,是指异物飞溅或戳刺进入口腔颌面部的盲管伤。异物是致伤物,并存留于组织内。现将40例异物存留伤患者的资料,报道如下:  相似文献   

口腔颌面部金属异物取出术53例报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨口腔颌面部金属异物取出的方法。方法:回顾分析2000~2006年期间诊治的口腔颌面部金属异物53例取出术的经验。结果:53例63枚口腔颌面部金属模具碎片异物均顺利取出,未发生伤口感染。结论:金属异物取出应根据准确的X线片或三维CT定位诊断,根据异物位置及与周围组织的关系,酌情选用手术入路方法或经X线透视下取出。  相似文献   

口腔颌面部金属异物取出61例临床总结   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨口腔颌面部金属异物最佳手术取出途径。方法:将我科1999—2008年口腔颌面部金属异物61例诊治情况进行分析总结。结果:61例中的65个口腔颌面部金属异物都顺利取出,没有发生伤口感染,创口均愈合良好。结论:口腔颌面部异物应用平板探测器X线数字成影(DDR)线片,必要时可行三维CT重建准确定位,在明确诊断后,尽量沿着原创口选择手术途径,如明视下手术取出困难可在X线透视下取出。  相似文献   

30例口腔颌面部异物临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
因意外事故等原因,常引起口腔颌面部异物存留,重者致局部功能障碍甚至危及患者生命。本文对30例口腔颌面部异物病例进行总结分析如下。临床资料30例病例均来源于作者1990~1997年门急诊患者,男22例,女8例;年龄最小5岁,最大47岁;其中火器伤20例,非火器伤10例。颌面部异物金属类主要是铅丸、铁屑等,非金属类主要是塑料、玻璃、草木等,口腔颌面部异物存留部位为见表1。治疗方法:凡疑为异物存留患者,须详尽了解病史,术前常规摄X线片,主要为颅颌正侧位片,必要时作CT扫描精确定位。对非金属类还可辅以B…  相似文献   

The diagnosis of foreign bodies (such as radiolucent bristles) in the maxillary sinus, particularly in a child, is difficult. We report an unusual case of a 9-year-old boy who presented with 42 bristles in his left maxillary sinus. The presence of these foreign bodies was noted only during operation for removal of nasal polyps. All the foreign bodies were removed at the same operation. The route of entry of the foreign bodies was found to be a rare self-inflicted oroantral fistula in the interdental region of the upper premolar and molar teeth.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The removal of foreign bodies in the head and neck area is often a surgical challenge due to a combination of difficult access and a close anatomical relationship of the foreign body to vital structures. Recent developments in computer-assisted surgery (CAS) have brought major improvements to the operating rooms for maxillofacial surgeons. The purpose of this paper is to report our experience in computer assisted removal of foreign bodies from the head and neck area, based on various clinical cases. PATIENTS: Computer assisted removal of foreign bodies from the head and neck area was performed in 11 patients. Three patients sustained gun shot wounds with remaining projectiles or fragments in the soft tissue. In six cases, objects related to a preceding surgical intervention were removed. Two patients presented with dislocated teeth in the facial or cervical soft tissues after 3rd molar surgery. METHOD: For surgical planning and intra-operative navigation, a computer based image guided surgery system (VectorVision(2), BrainLab) was used. RESULTS: In 10 of 11 cases the foreign bodies could be removed without major complications by a minimal invasive manner. More than 40 % of surgery time could be saved compared to similar interventions operated upon using conventional methods. CONCLUSION: In our opinion, the use of a computer based image guided surgical system is of great benefit when removing foreign bodies from the head and neck area. The minimally invasive access helps to prevent major complications such as injury to vital structures and allows a quicker operation.  相似文献   

Hypodermic needles have sharp cutting edges along their bevels. These can be used to enlarge canal openings and to cut around a broken instrument or other object to be removed. Means of attaching the needle to such foreign objects for removal are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:总结运用电磁吸铁器吸取颌面部铁金属异物的体会。方法:对1998年以来我院采用电磁吸铁器吸取颌面部铁金属异物15例资料进行回顾性分析。结果:15例铁金属异物经X线头颅正侧位片定位后,用吸铁器全部取出,最长时间20min,最短时间3min,创口均Ⅰ期愈合。结论:电磁吸铁器吸取铁金属异物,具有快速、操作简便、损伤小等优点,能取出深度<4cm的金属异物,是一种值得推广的方法。  相似文献   

Accidental foreign body ingestion or aspiration is a common problem in children. Children often have a habit of inserting objects into their mouth. Some of these objects can be accidentally ingested or even aspirated which can be frightening and a stressful experience. But the presence of foreign objects in the teeth are rare. The foreign objects in the teeth may act as a potential source of infection and pain. In most of the cases, children avoid informing their parents due to fear of punishment. This paper presents two cases of foreign objects embedded in the deciduous teeth. In both the cases, parents were not aware of foreign body ingestion by their children.  相似文献   

目的:研究超声联合CT导航行颅颌面颈部金属异物取出术的手术方法和临床疗效。方法:回顾分析32例颅颌面颈部金属异物滞留患者的临床资料,通过超声联合CT导航实施异物取出。结果:32例患者的颅颌面颈部共滞留金属异物194颗,其中通过超声导航取出36颗,通过CT导航取出153颗,取出率达97.4%;术中定位准确,出血量少,术后患者均无明显手术并发症。结论:采用超声和CT导航,可精确定位并安全取出滞留于颅颌面颈部的金属异物,避免损伤重要的生理解剖结构,取得了良好的临床疗效。  相似文献   

The removal of a large number of foreign bodies in the maxillofacial region can be complicated and challenging. In this case report, a specific strategy for removal of multiple foreign bodies in the maxillofacial region is presented. A girl diagnosed with 24 foreign bodies in her left lower face and neck underwent the surgery using a computer‐assisted navigation system. A specific strategy was used in this case, which included from one sub‐region to the next and from the easiest to the most difficult. This strategy is recommended for the removal of a large number of foreign bodies in the maxillofacial region with a navigation system.  相似文献   

The cases of 37 patients who had incurred penetrating injuries to the maxillofacial region, with retention of foreign bodies, are described. Primary surgery was performed when possible. In some cases the foreign bodies were removed several years after the injuries, and in others the objects were never removed. Methods for locating and removing foreign bodies lodged within the maxillofacial region are discussed.  相似文献   

高频超声检查在颌面部非金属异物中的应用价值   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的 探讨超声在颌面部非金属异物定位诊断中的价值和引导手术的意义。方法 采用高频超声对颌面部 33例患者 7种非金属异物的声像图特征及探查定位情况进行总结分析 ,并与手术后结果进行对照。结果  33例患者颌面部非金属异物共 5 2块 ,超声明确诊断并清晰定位 4 7块 ,定位诊断准确率 90 .4 %。对翼颌间隙、眶内及上颌后区的异物 ,超声诊断准确率受到一定的限制 ,5块诊断不准确。术前超声引导穿刺针定位或美兰标记异物 9块 ,手术顺利取出 9块 ;术中超声定位异物 11块 ,引导手术顺利取出 11块 ;超声引导手术成功率 10 0 %。结论 超声对软组织非金属异物图像显示清晰 ,定位准确 ,引导手术方便有效 ,对临床治疗和制定手术方案具有重要的指导意义。对翼颌间隙、眶内及上颌后区的异物应结合MRI检查  相似文献   

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