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引用本文:朱祯. 高效抗虫转基因水稻的研究与开发[J]. 中国科学院院刊, 2001, 16(5): 353-357,399
摘    要:植物转基因技术为培育高效抗虫水稻新品种开辟了新的途径。豇豆胰蛋白酶抑制剂 (CpTI)基因是一种广谱抗虫基因 ,该成果采用最新研究策略 ,对该基因进行体外修饰 ,使其转译产物最终定位于细胞的内质网中 ,以增加外源抗虫物质的稳定性。实验证明 ,转修饰cpti基因的植物无论是抗虫蛋白含量还是抗虫能力均比转野生型cpti基因植物有显著的提高。已获大量转基因水稻株系 ,包括著名水稻恢复系明恢 81和明恢 86,并用其配制了杂交组合。转基因抗虫杂交水稻已获国家有关部门批准进行中间试验和环境释放 ,大田试验结果表明 ,转基因杂交水稻具有优良的抗虫特性和广阔的应用前景。

关 键 词:抗虫水稻  植物基因工程  豇豆胰蛋白酶抑制剂基因  基因修饰  细胞内定位

Research and Development of Highly Insert-resistant Transgenic Rice
Zhu Zhen. Research and Development of Highly Insert-resistant Transgenic Rice[J]. Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2001, 16(5): 353-357,399
Authors:Zhu Zhen
Affiliation:Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS, Beijing 100101
Abstract:Plant biotechnology provide a new way to breed insect resistant rice. Cowpea trypsin inhibitor(cpti) gene is an insecticidal gene with wide range spectrum of insect-resistance. A novel strategy was employed in this research by modifying cpti gene in vitro. The translation product of modified cpti gene(sck gene) could be sorted in endoplasmic reticulm(ER) and protein body derived from ER and therefore increase foreign insecticidal protein stability in transgenic plant cell. Experiments result shows that both the accumulation of CpTI protein and insect resistant ability of sck transgenic plants increased greatly. Up to now, several types of transgenic rice line, include the excellent restorers Minghui81 and Minghui86, were attained and the hybridized combination have been made. Performance trial had shown that the transgenic rice had excellent insectcidal attribute and retain their eminent agrinomic trait.
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