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引用本文:徐建明,孟俊,刘杏梅,施加春,唐先进. 我国农田土壤重金属污染防治与粮食安全保障[J]. 中国科学院院刊, 2018, 33(2): 153-159
作者姓名:徐建明  孟俊  刘杏梅  施加春  唐先进
摘    要:我国农田土壤重金属污染形势严峻,已对粮食安全构成威胁。文章针对我国农田土壤和粮食作物重金属超标现状,强调把粮食作物区域划分为禁产、限产和宜产3种类型;通过采用重金属低积累粮食作物品种、重金属钝化与阻隔技术及农艺管理等措施,实现中轻度重金属污染农田的安全利用,为粮食安全生产提供技术保障;并明确提出了重金属动态监测、低积累作物品种资源库、钝化剂市场准入、超标农田的轮作休耕、高重金属含量秸秆的处置、粮食安全生产保障体系与政策等是今后我国农田土壤安全利用的关键环节。

关 键 词:农田土壤  重金属污染  粮食安全  策略

Control of Heavy Metal Pollution in Farmland of China in Terms of Food Security
XU Jianming,MENG Jun,LIU Xingmei,SHI Jiachun and TANG Xianjin. Control of Heavy Metal Pollution in Farmland of China in Terms of Food Security[J]. Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2018, 33(2): 153-159
Authors:XU Jianming  MENG Jun  LIU Xingmei  SHI Jiachun  TANG Xianjin
Affiliation:College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China,College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China,College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China,College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China and College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
Abstract:The serious issue on heavy metal pollution in farmland of China has posed a potential threat to food security. On the basis of the current status of heavy metal pollution in farmland soils and grain in China, three categories of forbidden area, limited-yield area, and suitable yield area for agricultural producing areas should be emphasized. The application of crop varieties with low accumulation of heavy metals and passivation-barrier technology together with agricultural management could achieve the safe utilization of farmland with light-moderate heavy metal pollution. And this could definitely provide technical support for the safety of grain production of China and even the world. Furthermore, some key points and suggested strategies have also been proposed towards the safe utilization of farmland in China.
Keywords:farmland  heavy metal pollution  food security  strategies
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