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Further Characteristics of Salt-Dependent Bicarbonate Use by the Seagrass Zostera muelleri
Abstract:Millhouse, J. and Strother, S. 1987. Further characteristicsof salt-dependent bicarbonate use by the seagrass Zostera muelleri.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 1055–1068. The contribution of HCO–3to photosynthetic O2 evolutionin the seagrass Zostera muelleri Irmisch ex Aschers. increasedwith increasing salinity of the bathing seawater when the inorganiccarbon concentration was kept constant. K1/2 (seawater salts)for HCO–3 -dependent photosynthesis was 66% of seawatersalinity. Both short- and long-term pretreatment at low salinitiesstimulated photosynthesis in full strength seawater. Twentyfour hours pre-incubation of seagrass plants in 3·0 molm–3 NaHCO3 resulted in increased photosynthesis at allsalinities, apparently due to stimulation of HCO–3 use(K1/2 (seawater salts) = 26%). Vmax (HCO–3) was not affectedby low salinity pretreatment. The kinetics of HCO–3 stimulationby the major seawater cations was investigated. Ca2+ was themost effective cation with the highest Vmax (HCO–3) andwith K1/2(Ca2+) = 14 mol m–3. Mg2+ was also very effectiveat less than 50 mol m–3 but higher concentrations wereinhibitory. This inhibition cannot be accounted for solely byprecipitation of MgCO3. Na+ and K+ were both capable of stimulatingHCO–3 use. Stimulation was in two distinct parts. Up to500 mol m–3, both citrate and chloride salts gave similarresults (K1/2(Na+) 81 mol m–3, Vmax(HCO–3) 0·26µmol O2 mg–1 chl min–1), but use of citratesalts above 500 mol m–2 caused a second stimulation ofHCO–3 use (K1/2(Na+) 830 mol m–3, Vmax(HCO–3)0·68 µmol O2 mg–1 chl min–1). Vmax(HCO–3)for the second-phase Na+ or K+ stimulation was of the same orderas for Ca2+-stimulated HCO–3 use. To further characterizesalt-dependent HCO–3 use, the sensitivity of photosynthesisto Tris and TES buffers was investigated. The effects of Trisappear to be due to the action of Tris+ causing stimulationof HCO–3 -dependent photosynthesis in the absence of salt,but inhibition of HCO–3 use in saline media. TES has noeffect on photosynthesis. External carbonic anhydrase, althoughimplicated in salt-dependent HCO–3 use in Z. muelleri,could not be detected in whole leaves. Key words: Zostera muelleri, HCO–3 use, salinity
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