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穆兴平原北区浅层地下水水化学分布特征 及其形成机理
引用本文:崔小顺,郑昭贤,程中双,苏 晨,李 壮,吴宇龙,陈宗宇. 穆兴平原北区浅层地下水水化学分布特征 及其形成机理[J]. 南水北调与水利科技(中英文), 2018, 16(4): 146-142
作者姓名:崔小顺  郑昭贤  程中双  苏 晨  李 壮  吴宇龙  陈宗宇
基金项目:中国地质调查局地质调查项目 ( DD20160311) ; 河北省自然科学基金项目 ( D2018504011)
摘    要:采用2016年8月采集的192个地下水样品水化学数据,查明了穆棱河—兴凯湖平原(穆兴平原)北区第四系浅层地下水溶解性总固体(TDS)和地下水化学类型分布特征,并结合研究区水文地质条件和人类活动影响分析其形成原因。结果表明:穆兴平原北区浅层地下水主要以TDS小于0.5g/L的淡水为主,未见TDS大于1.0g/L的微咸水。地下水TDS受含水介质、溶滤作用和地表水-地下水交互作用影响,在区内呈多种分带规律。区内浅层地下水化学类型不具备明显的水平分带规律,主要以HCO_3-Ca·Mg型水为主,与人为活动较少的20世纪60年代背景水化学类型(HCO_3-Ca·Na型水)对照,地下水中硫酸根、氯离子及镁离子的增加与煤矿开采、生活用水污染及大范围农业施肥等人类活动相关。

关 键 词:溶解性总固体   水化学类型   水化学特征   跨界含水层   穆兴平原

Hydrochemical distribution characteristics of shallow groundwater in the north of Muling2Xingkai Plain and their formation mechanism
CUI Xiaoshun,ZH ENG Zhaox ian,CHENG Zho ng shuang,SU Chen,LI Zhuang,WU Yulong,CH EN Zong yu. Hydrochemical distribution characteristics of shallow groundwater in the north of Muling2Xingkai Plain and their formation mechanism[J]. South-to-North Water Transfers and Water Science & Technology, 2018, 16(4): 146-142
Authors:CUI Xiaoshun  ZH ENG Zhaox ian  CHENG Zho ng shuang  SU Chen  LI Zhuang  WU Yulong  CH EN Zong yu
Affiliation:( 1. College of Environment and Resources, J ilin University , Changchun 130021, China; 2. I nstitute of Water Resources and Environment, J il in University , Changchun 130021, China; 3. I nstitute o f H y dr ogeology and E nviro nmental Geology , Chinese A cademy o f Geolo gical Science, Shij iaz huang 050061, China; 4. China University of Geosciences ( Beij ing), Beij ing 100083, China)
Abstract:We studied the distribution characteristics o f to tal disso lved so lids ( TDS) and hydro chemical ty pes of shallow gr ound2 w ater in the Muling2Xingkai Plain on the basis of analy zing 192 gr oundw ater samples. Then w e explo red the cause of fo rmatio n by co nsidering the hy drog eolog ical conditions and human act ivities. The results showed that the shallow gr oundwat er in the study ar ea w as mainly fresh w ater w ith T DS less than 01 5 g/ L, and ther e w as no saline g ro undwater w ith TDS higher than 11 0 g/ L. Influenced by aquifer medium, leaching, and g r oundwater2river interaction, the gr oundwat er TDS showed zonal distributio n in the study area. T her e w as no obvio us zo nal distribut ion r egularity o f the hy dr ochemical types in the study area. Nowadays, the HCO32Ca# Mg type water has r eplaced the H CO32Ca# Na ty pe w ater in the 1960 s ( considered as backg ro und water t ype) to become the common w ater ty pe in the study area. T he incr eases of sulfate ion, chlo ride io n, and mag nesium ion in g ro undw ater wer e mainly due t o coal mining, domestic w astewater po llution, and fertilizatio n
Keywords:total dissolved so lids   hy dr ochemical ty pe   hydrochemical characteristic   t ransbo undar y aquifer   Muling2Xingkai Plain
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