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A Comparison Between the ATPase and Proton Pumping Activities of Plasma Membranes Isolated from the Stele and Cortex of Zea mays Roots
Authors:COWAN, D. S. C.   CLARKSON, D. T.   HALL, J. L.
Abstract:Plasma membrane vesicles of high purity, determined by markerenzyme assays, were obtained by phase partitioning microsomalfractions from stelar and cortical tissues of Zea mays (cv.LG11) roots. ATP hydrolytic activities in both of the plasmamembrane fractions were inhibited by vanadate, SW26 and erythrosinB, but were insensitive to nitrate. Activity in both fractionsexhibited a marked pH optimum of 6·5 and displayed typicalMichaelis-Menten kinetics. A high substrate specificity wasapparent in both the stele and cortex plasma membrane fractions,while the lower fractions, after phase partitioning, showedlower specificity for nucleotide substrates. Specific activitiesof the stele (67·8 µmol Pi mg–1 h–1)and cortex (78·4 µmol Pi mg–11)plasma membrane H+ -ATPases were very similar. Proton pumping activities in microsomal membrane fractions fromstele and cortex were inhibited by nitrate and insensitive tovanadate. Homogenization of stele and cortex tissue in the presenceof 250 mol m–3 KI resulted in microsomal fractions exhibitingvanadate-sensitive, nitrate-insensitive proton pumping activity,suggesting a plasma membrane origin for this activity. SW26was also an effective inhibitor of proton pumping activity,although results indicated an interaction between SW26 and thefluorescent probes quinacrine and acridine orange. The results are discussed in relation to models for the transportof ions into the stele and are consistent with a role for theH+ -ATPase activity in this process. Key words: ATPase, cortex, plasma membrane, stele, Zea mays
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