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Peripheral populations of eight species of freshwater bivalves (Unionidae.) extending their geographic ranges into Nova Scotia, Canada, were examined electrophoretically to determine both the extent of genetic variability within such populations, and whether the hypothesized pathway of colonization across the Isthmus of Chignecto is reflected in patterns of genetic resemblance among these populations. The Nova Scotian species examined could be separated into two groups based on levels of observed heterozygosity and levels of variability in allele frequencies. The first group is characterized by low levels of heterozygosity and polymorphism compared with north-eastern American populations, and in the case of one species, Elliptio complanala, considerable variability in allele frequencies among populations occurring in similar habitats in different drainages. Populations of E. complanata from Nova Scotia can be differentiated from conspecific populations on the southern Atlantic Slope by possession of fast alleles at two loci. Multivariate analyses define subgroups within populations of E. complanata consistent with hypothesis that the species invaded Nova Scotia by way of the Isthmus of Chignecto, and then split into two groups, one of which colonized Cape Breton to the north and the other of which colonized southern areas of the Province. The second group of Nova Scotian species is characterized by little reduction in heterozygosity and polymorphism compared with values observed among north-eastern American conspecifics or congeners, little variability in allele frequencies from population to population, and little evidence to suggest that these species were dependent on the land bridge to invade the Province. The type of dispersal is hypothesized to be responsible, in part, for these differences: larvae of species in the first group rely on a parasitic attachment to fish with territorial habits limited to fresh water, and are thus likely to invade new drainages separated by salt water by chance, in small numbers, and in stepping-stone fashion. Species in the second group parasitize anadromous or saltwater tolerant hosts, are likely to be introduced into new habitats in greater numbers and/or receive greater amounts of gene flow subsequent to colonization, and seem less dependent on land-bridges to colonize new habitats.  相似文献   
There is a lack of data on fatigue changes within 24 h among patients with multiple sclerosis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of time of day on central and peripheral fatigue during a continuous 2-min maximal voluntary contraction of the quadriceps muscle in women and men with multiple sclerosis (MS). We studied age-matched MS patients (range, 40–50 years). The inclusion criteria for patients were: a Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status score and a Fatigue Severity Scale score. We found a significant gender difference in central activation ratio (CAR) in the evening. At the end of the 2-min maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), the voluntary torque decreased by about 65% in men and women with MS in both the morning and evening. We also observed that, in women, CAR decreased markedly during the first 30 s in the evening test. The most interesting finding of our study is that central fatigue increased, whereas peripheral fatigue decreased markedly in the evening only in women. It remains unclear why women’s central fatigue is greater in the evening than in the morning.  相似文献   
Neurotoxic Esterase in Human Nervous Tissue   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Transecting the axons of neurons in the adult superior cervical ganglion (SCG; axotomy) results in the survival of most postganglionic neurons, the influx of circulating monocytes, proliferation of satellite cells, and changes in neuronal gene expression. In contrast, transecting the afferent input to the SCG (decentralization) results in nerve terminal degeneration and elicits a different pattern of gene expression. We examined the effects of decentralization on macrophages in the SCG and compared the results to those previously obtained after axotomy. Monoclonal antibodies were used to identify infiltrating (ED1+) and resident (ED2+) macrophages, as well as macrophages expressing MHC class II molecules (OX6+). Normal ganglia contained ED2+ cells and OX6+ cells, but few infiltrating macrophages. After decentralization, the number of infiltrating ED1+ cells increased in the SCG to a density about twofold greater than that previously seen after axotomy. Both the densities of ED2+ and OX6+ cells were essentially unchanged after decentralization, though a large increase in OX6+ cells occurred after axotomy. Proliferation among the ganglion's total non‐neuronal cell population was examined and found to increase about twofold after decentralization and about fourfold after axotomy. Double‐labeling experiments indicated that some of these proliferating cells were macrophages. After both surgical procedures, the percentage of proliferating ED2+ macrophages increased, while neither procedure altered the proliferation of ED1+ macrophages. Axotomy, though not decentralization, increased the proliferation of OX6+ cells. Future studies must address what role(s) infiltrating and/or resident macrophages play in regions of decentralized and axotomized neurons and, if both are involved, whether they play distinct roles. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 53: 68–79, 2002  相似文献   
Axonal transport of peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) activity was studied in rat sciatic nerves from 12 to 120 h after double ligations. The anterograde axonal transport increased and reached a plateau between 48 and 72 h and then decreased. The flow rate was 100 mm/day, and the molecular mass of the active entity was 70 kDa, which was determined by gel filtration. In contrast, there was no evidence for significant retrograde axonal transport. Anterograde axonal transport of immunoreactive cholecystokinin, a carboxy-terminal-amidated putative neuropeptide, was also found. These results suggest that PAM is transported by a rapid axonal flow and may play a role as a processing enzyme during transport or in the terminals of rat sciatic nerves.  相似文献   
Prion colonization of secondary lymphoid organs (SLOs) is a critical step preceding neuroinvasion in prion pathogenesis. Follicular dendritic cells (FDCs), which depend on both tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) and lymphotoxin β receptor (LTβR) signaling for maintenance, are thought to be the primary sites of prion accumulation in SLOs. However, prion titers in RML-infected TNFR1−/− lymph nodes and rates of neuroinvasion in TNFR1−/− mice remain high despite the absence of mature FDCs. Recently, we discovered that TNFR1-independent prion accumulation in lymph nodes relies on LTβR signaling. Loss of LTβR signaling in TNFR1−/− lymph nodes coincided with the de-differentiation of high endothelial venules (HEVs)—the primary sites of lymphocyte entry into lymph nodes. These findings suggest that HEVs are the sites through which prions initially invade lymph nodes from the bloodstream. Identification of HEVs as entry portals for prions clarifies a number of previous observations concerning peripheral prion pathogenesis. However, a number of questions still remain: What is the mechanism by which prions are taken up by HEVs? Which cells are responsible for delivering prions to lymph nodes? Are HEVs the main entry site for prions into lymph nodes or do alternative routes also exist? These questions and others are considered in this article.  相似文献   
Moraxella sp., a native soil organism that grows on p-nitrophenol (PNP), was genetically engineered for the simultaneous degradation of organophosphorus (OP) pesticides and p-nitrophenol (PNP). The truncated ice nucleation protein (INPNC) anchor was used to target the pesticide-hydrolyzing enzyme, organophosphorus hydrolase (OPH), onto the surface of Moraxella sp., alleviating the potential substrate uptake limitation. A shuttle vector, pPNCO33, coding for INPNC-OPH was constructed and the translocation, surface display, and functionality of OPH were demonstrated in both E. coli and Moraxella sp. However, whole cell activity was 70-fold higher in Moraxella sp. than E. coli. The resulting Moraxella sp. degraded organophosphates as well as PNP rapidly, all within 10 h. The initial hydrolysis rate was 0.6 micromol/h/mg dry weight, 1.5 micromol/h/mg dry weight, and 9.0 micromol/h/mg dry weight for methyl parathion, parathion, and paraoxon, respectively. The possibility of rapidly degrading OP pesticides and their byproducts should open up new opportunities for improved remediation of OP nerve agents in the future.  相似文献   
Inositol Phospholipid Hydrolysis by Rat Sciatic Nerve Phospholipase C   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Rat sciatic nerve cytosol contains a phosphodiesterase of the phospholipase C type that catalyzes the hydrolysis of inositol phospholipids, with preferences of phosphatidylinositol 4'-phosphate (PIP) greater than phosphatidylinositol (PI) much greater than phosphatidylinositol 4',5'-bisphosphate (PIP2), at a pH optimum of 5.5-6.0 and at maximum rates of 55, 13, and 0.7 nmol/min/mg protein, respectively. Analysis of reaction products by TLC and formate exchange chromatography shows that inositol 1,2-cyclic phosphate (83%) and diacylglycerol are the major products of PI hydrolysis. [32P]-PIP hydrolysis yields inositol bisphosphate, inositol phosphate, and inorganic phosphate, indicating the presence of phosphodiesterase, phosphomonoesterase, and/or inositol phosphate phosphatase activities in nerve cytosol. Phosphodiesterase activity is Ca2+-dependent and completely inhibited by EGTA, but phosphomonoesterase activity is independent of divalent cations or chelating agents. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) and lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC) inhibit PI hydrolysis. They stimulate PIP and PIP2 hydrolysis up to equimolar concentrations, but are inhibitory at higher concentrations. Both diacylglycerols and free fatty acids stimulate PI hydrolysis and counteract its inhibition by PC and lysoPC. PIP2 is a poor substrate for the cytosolic phospholipase C and strongly inhibits hydrolysis of PI. However, it enhances PIP hydrolysis up to an equimolar concentration.  相似文献   
胆碱能神经对人餐后神经降压素释放的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文比较了6名健康成人进食、餐前肌注阿托品以及单纯咀嚼食物后的血浆神经降压素样免疫活性物质(NTLI)水平的变化,以探讨胆碱能神经对神经降压素释放的影响。用放射免疫测定法分别测定NTLI和胰多肽(PP)的含量,以便同时比较两者释放的状态。6人的基础血浆NTLI和PP的水平平均分别为15.7±2.4和16.6±9 7pmol/L。进食后,血浆NTLI和PP水平均显著增高,并呈双相反应。第一个血浆NTLI高峰平均为60.7±13.2pmol/L,出现于餐后的20min。餐后90min,又出现另一个高峰,其平均水平为58.8±8.2pmol/L。在进食前肌注阿托品1mg,餐后的第一个血浆NTLI高峰消失,而第二个高峰仍存在。单纯咀嚼食物后,血浆PP水平明显增高,而对NTLI的释放无刺激作用。本文结果提示,餐后早期的神经降压素释放的调节是由非迷走胆碱能神经参与的,而后期的释放不受胆碱能神经的影响。  相似文献   
电刺激大鼠下丘脑室旁核(PVH),在同侧中脑中央灰质(CG)内寻找逆行及顺行反应单位,然后观察它们对躯体感觉刺激的反应。实验结果表明:CG 及邻近网状结构内有10%(32/318)的单位呈逆行反应。逆行传导速度平均为0.37±0.24m/s(均数±标准差);推测这种CG→PVH 投射纤维属于细有髓或无髓神经纤维。这些单位分布于 CG 的腹外侧及背外侧亚核。50%(14/28)的逆行单位对坐骨(胫)神经的强电刺激和夹尾等损伤性刺激起反应,但对触毛或低强度的神经干刺激无明显反应。以上结果表明:外周躯体感觉,特别是损伤性信息传入 PVH 时,CG 是其中枢驿站之一。电刺激 PVH 还能顺行激活7.55(24/318)、抑制0.7%(2/318)的 CG 单位。有69%(18/26)的顺行反应单位对外周躯体神经强电刺激及夹尾起反应。提示 PVH 可能通过影响 CG神经元的活动而参与中枢痛觉的整合。  相似文献   
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