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Vaterite otoliths were sampled from two reared populations (Celtic and Clyde Seas) of juvenile herring Clupea harengus. The crystallography, elemental composition and morphometry were analysed and compared with those of normal aragonite otoliths. The incidence of vaterite otoliths in the juveniles sampled (n = 601) ranged from 7·8% in the Clyde population to 13·9% in the Celtic Sea population, and was 5·5% in the small sample (n = 36) of wild adults examined. In all but one case fish had only one vaterite otolith; the corresponding otolith of the pair was completely aragonite. Although the majority of the juveniles sampled showed craniofacial deformities, there was no link between the skull or jaw malformation and the incidence of vaterite otoliths. All vaterite otoliths had an aragonite inner area, and vaterite deposition began sometime after the age of 90 days. The vaterite otoliths were larger and lighter than their corresponding aragonite partners, and were less dense as a consequence of the vaterite crystal structure. The vaterite areas of the otoliths were depleted in Sr, Na and K. Concentrations of Mn were higher in the vaterite areas. The transition between the aragonite inner areas and the vaterite areas was sharply delineated. Within a small spatial scale (20 μm3) in the vaterite areas, however, there was co‐precipitation of both vaterite and aragonite. The composition of the aragonite cores in the vaterite otoliths was the same as in the cores of the normal aragonite otoliths indicating that the composition of the aragonite cores did not seed the shift to vaterite. Vaterite is less dense than aragonite, yet the concentrations of Ca analysed with wavelength‐dispersive spectrometry (WDS) were the same between the two polymorphs, indicating that Ca concentrations measured with WDS are not a good indicator of hypermineralized zones with high mineral density. The asymmetry in density and size of the otoliths may cause disruptions of hearing and pressure sensitivity for individual fish with one vaterite otolith, however, the presence of vaterite otoliths did not seem to affect the growth of these laboratory reared juvenile herring.  相似文献   
The lagena (the third otolith endorgan in vertebrates)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this review, the structure and functions of the lagena (the third otolith organ) in an evolutionary lineage of the vertebrates are described and discussed. The lagenar macula appears first in the posterior part of the sacculus of elasmobranchs; in these animals, the lagena is considered to be involved in the balance support (orientation with respect to the gravitation force). The lagena as a separate endorgan has been described in teleost fishes; in some species, the lagena is connected with the sacculus, while in other species the interrelations of these structures can be dissimilar. The lagena supplements the functions of the sacculus; in fishes (animals with no special organ of hearing), it is involved in discrimination of sound oscillations, identification of the gravitation vector, and orientation in the course of movements within the vertical plane. In amphibians, the lagena is localized in the posterior part of the sacculus, near the auditory structures; it performs mostly vestibular and (to a much lesser extent) auditory functions. In amniotes, the lagena was first separated from the sacculus; it is localized in the cochlear canal, distally with respect to the hearing organ. Information on the functions of the lagena in amniotes is rather limited and contradictory. Central projections of this organ have been examined practically only in birds. Lagenar afferents project to the vestibular nuclei and cerebellum, while some fibers come to the auditory nuclei of the medulla. The lagena in birds can be related to their navigation abilities (birds are supposed to be capable of orienting within the magnetic field of the Earth due to the magnetic properties of the lagenar otoconia; this structure can also provide detection of movements along the vertical axis. The close proximity between the otolithic and auditory endorgans in the cochlear canal of amniotes can be indicative of the functional significance of these interrelations. This aspect, however, remains at present undiscovered. In mammals (except Monotremata), there is no lagena as an independent endorgan. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 160–178, March–April, 2008.  相似文献   
Otolith and somatic mass of two Gadidae ( Merlangius merlangus and Trisopterus minutus ) were compared in order to analyse the sex-specific relationship between otolith and somatic growth at age. In the present study, otolith mass appeared a reliable indicator of age in both species. Otolith growth reflected somatic growth, but the relationship between these characters varied and differed between species and sexes.  相似文献   
The growth of Hawaiian taape, Lutjanus kasmira , was studied by examining otoliths and by analysing length-frequency distribution. Annual hyaline and opaque markings were visible in whole mounts of sagittae, which were verified by enumeration of daily increments with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and through marginal increment analysis. The von Bertalanffy growth curve was fitted to the data, resulting in: where t. l . is total length (cm) and t is age (years). SEM observations revealed that the slowgrowth hyaline zones were composed of daily increments too small (0.4–0.8 μm) to be resolved optically. Thus, age estimates derived by numerically integrating otolith growth rate data obtained with a light microscope showed a negative bias, resulting in overestimation of growth rates. Parameter estimates obtained from three different types of length-frequency analysis were also unstable. This was due, at least in part, to differences in the size composition of fish sampled with different fishing gears and from different depths.
The growth rate registered in Hawaii falls within the reported growth coefficients of lutjanids, whereas it is one of the highest in the Pacific and clearly higher than a deep-water lutjanid species growth in Hawaii. Probably, this high growth rate may have been enhanced by the relative lack of competitors in the depauperate Hawaiian marine fish community.  相似文献   
Using otolith weight to age fish   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The problem of determining and verifying ages of fish, from populations having a considerable variation in size at age, has been investigated using the relationship between otolith size and fish size, which has been shown by several authors to be influenced by growth rate. In such a population of Sardinella aurita Val. an index of age can be obtained for individual fish by calculating the equivalent otolith weight at a particular fish length, using the otolith weight–fish length relationship determined for each age group. This statistic not only permits a much greater proportion of fish to be assigned ages than is possible with otolith reading alone, but also enables the age groups to be verified as year classes. However, it is concluded that, although appropriate models based on otolith-fish size relationships can predict age for groups of fish in which growth rates are known or can be assumed to be consistent, such techniques have a limited application in ageing fish from wild populations with highly variable growth rates.  相似文献   
The microstructure of otoliths from young and old Oreochromis niloticus (L.) were studied. Otoliths were prepared histologically except for those from newly hatched fish. Hatching results in the formation of a check in the otoliths, which appeared 1 day later. Other checks are rare in juvenile otoliths but common in adult otoliths. Faint and non-daily increments were observed within the hatching check. After hatching, increments were deposited daily. Sub-daily increments were faint and narrow, they were present in the area along the dorso-ventral axis of the otolith but did not continue into the lateral region. Discontinuous zones in the medial area appeared different from those in the lateral area. New growth centres were not only found in the juvenile fish otoliths, but also in adult fish otoliths.  相似文献   
The influence of metabolic rate on otolith accretion in Atlantic salmon parr was investigated by comparing oxygen consumption rate and increment width in fast and slow growing individuals. Increment width was found to be positively correlated to mean daily oxygen consumption in both fast growing (S1) and slow growing (S2) parr. The results support previous suggestions that a process related to metabolic rate, rather than somatic growth, governs the rate of otolith accretion.  相似文献   
Diet studies are fundamental for understanding trophic connections in marine ecosystems. In the southeastern US, the common bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus is the predominant marine mammal in coastal waters, but its role as a top predator has received little attention. Diet studies of piscivorous predators, like bottlenose dolphins, start with assessing prey otoliths recovered from stomachs or feces, but digestive erosion hampers species identification and underestimates fish weight (FW). To compensate, FW is often estimated from the least affected otoliths and scaled to other otoliths, which also introduces bias. The sulcus, an otolith surface feature, has a species‐specific shape of its ostium and caudal extents, which is within the otolith edge for some species. We explored whether the sulcus could improve species identification and estimation of prey size using a case study of four sciaenid species targeted by fisheries and bottlenose dolphins in North Carolina. Methods were assessed first on otoliths from a reference collection (n = 421) and applied to prey otoliths (n = 5,308) recovered from 120 stomachs of dead stranded dolphins. We demonstrated in reference‐collection otoliths that cauda to sulcus length (CL:SL) could discriminate between spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) and weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) (classification accuracy = 0.98). This method confirmed for the first time predation of spotted seatrout by bottlenose dolphins in North Carolina. Using predictive models developed from reference‐collection otoliths, we provided evidence that digestion affects otolith length more than sulcus or cauda length, making the latter better predictors. Lastly, we explored scenarios of calculating total consumed biomass across degrees of digestion. A suggested approach was for the least digested otoliths to be scaled to other otoliths iteratively from within the same stomach, month, or season as samples allow. Using the otolith sulcus helped overcome challenges of species identification and fish size estimation, indicating their potential use in other diet studies.  相似文献   
Otolith shape analysis is a powerful method for fish stock identification. We compared the otolith shape of Pagrus pagrus (Linnaeus 1758) along with its distribution in four south-western Atlantic regions where it is commercially fished: Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul in southern Brazil, the Argentine-Uruguayan Common Fishing Zone (UA) and the Argentinian Exclusive Fishing Zone (AR). Otolith shapes were compared by Elliptical Fourier and Wavelet coefficients among specimens in a size range with similar otoliths, morphometric parameters and ages. Four potential stocks were identified: one in the AR, a second along the UA which included specimens from southern Brazil with well-marked opaque bands in its otoliths (MRS), the third in southern Brazil with faint or absent opaque bands in its otoliths (FRS) and the fourth along Rio de Janeiro. The difference in the otolith shape among regions followed differences reported using other stock identification techniques. The similarity between otoliths from UA and MRS (ANOVA-like, P > 0.01) can be explained by seasonal short-range migrations. Otoliths shape differences between MRS and FRS (ANOVA-like, P < 0.01) suggest that P. pagrus does not form a homogeneous group in southern Brazil.  相似文献   
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