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Monogamy in black vultures: genetic evidence from DNA fingerprinting   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Recent research has indicated that avian mating systems maycommonly deviate from monogamy due to extrapair fertilizations(EPFs). Because the majority of avian species have long beenconsidered monogamous, accurate measurement of the frequencyof EPFs in a variety of species is important to enhance understandingof the evolution of avian mating systems. We used DNA fingerprintingto investigate the apparently monogamous mating system of blackvultures (Coragyps airaius) by assaying parentage within severalnuclear families. Monogamy is suggested in black vultures becausemated pairs exhibit long-term pair bonding and year-round association,and share incubation and nestling feeding duties equally. Thirtytwobreeders and 36 nestlings representing 16 complete nuclear familieswere tagged for individual identification and sampled for DNAanalysis using 2 restriction enzymes and 3 probes for hypervariableregions. Putative parents were assigned parentage in all cases.We empirically examined the probability of detecting EPFs bycomparing nestlings' fingerprints to those of a putative parentand another randomly chosen adult. All putative parents couldbe assigned with 95%confidence and all outside adults couldbe similarly excluded. There is therefore no evidence for successfulEPFs in this population, indicating a mating system that doesnot deviate from strict monogamy. The complex social behaviorof black vultures may eliminate the opportunity for EPFs dueto the prohibition of copulations in the presence of relatives.  相似文献   
Based on the breeding synchrony hypothesis, we predicted, intwo congeners that nest in simiilar habitat but differ in nestingsynchrony, that blue-headed vireos (Vireo solitarius) wouldhave fewer extrapair fertilizations (EPFs) thaii red-eyed vireos(V. olivaceus EPFs were rare in blue-headed vireos (1/37 nestlings),but common in red-eyed vireos (11/19 nestlings). We studiedthe behavior of blue-headed vireos to determine what factorscould promote genetic monogamy. We found no evidence that malesmate guarded to prevent extrapair copulations from occurring.Males did not follow fertile mates closely when mates left thenest (14–25% of female departures) and, during the egg-layingperiod, males were often alone on the nest (22.3 mm/h). Femaleblue-headed vireos, but not red-eyed vireos, obtain direct benefitsfrom social mates such as nest building and incubation (49.1%of the total), and they assess male quality long before becomingfertile. Female blue-headed vireos spent more time incubatingwhen their mates had low incubation effort. Furthermore, maleincubation effort was positively correlated with nest survivalduring incubation. We discuss the evolution of genetic monogamyand sex role convergence in blue-headed vireos in relation toasynchronous breeding.  相似文献   
Mus spicilegus has become a popular biological model species in the last decade because of the evolutionary interest of its behavioural particularities (the building of mounds, bi-parental care and monogamous mating system). The genetic structure of M. spicilegus populations should reflect those life-history traits. Although many studies have reported on mound-building mouse populations in the field or in a semi-natural enclosure, only one used hyper variable genetic markers to assess parentage and social structure. In the present study conducted in Hungary, we analysed individuals from seven highly populous mounds in autumn with the set of loci used in a previous study. Our results confirmed that mounds are inhabited by juveniles from several parental units, but revealed population differences. In a capture–recapture field session in spring, we assessed genetic relationships between individuals after dispersal from the mounds, the other key moment of the life cycle of this species. The results indicate that the social structure at this moment reflects a transition phase between the large over-wintering groups and the monogamous pairs described later in the year. Social bounds forged during the long winter cohabitation may have lasting effects on social and genetic structure of this species. This scenario is discussed in respect of the available literature on this species as well as other species.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 689–699.  相似文献   
1. Nest construction and paternity assurance are predicted to favour biparental care in insects. The horned passalus (Odontotaenius disjunctus) is a socially monogamous beetle with biparental care that breeds in decaying logs. The genetic mating system of the horned passalus was investigated to determine if paternity assurance is likely to drive the evolution or maintenance of paternal care in this system. Parental time budgets were also examined to better understand the types and frequencies of behaviours performed by parents. 2. Genotyping‐by‐sequencing revealed high levels of extra‐pair paternity, with 54.8% of offspring sired by extra‐pair males and 70% of nests containing extra‐pair young. 3. More heterozygous social males were cuckolded less than more homozygous social males. Extra‐pair mating, however, seems unlikely to increase offspring genetic diversity as extra‐pair offspring were not more heterozygous than within‐pair offspring, and average brood heterozygosity did not increase with higher rates of extra‐pair paternity. 4. Behavioural observations demonstrated that parents spent on average 46.5% of their time processing the decaying wood resource for larval offspring. Because resource processing is a by‐product of feeding and provides shareable benefits for all larvae in the brood, this form of paternal care could be favoured despite low paternity.  相似文献   
In insects, repeated mating by females may have direct effects on female fecundity, fertility, and longevity. In addition, a female's remating rate affects her fitness through mortality costs of male harassment and ecological risks of mating such as predation. We analyse a model where these female fitness factors are put into their life-history context, and traded against each other, while accounting for limitations because of mate availability. We solve analytically for the condition when female multiple mating will evolve. We show that the probability that a female mates with a courting male decreases with increases in population density. The extent of conflict between the sexes thus automatically becomes larger at higher densities. However, because at higher densities females meet males at a higher rate, the resulting ESS female remating rate is independent of population density. The female remating probability is in conflict with male adaptations that increase male mating rate by persuading or forcing females to mate, and also in conflict with male adaptations for protecting the own sperm from being removed by future female mates. We show that the relative importance of these conflicts depends on population density.  相似文献   
Paternity protection and the acquisition of multiple mates select for different traits. The consensus from theoretical work is that mate‐guarding intensifies with an increasing male bias in the adult sex ratio (ASR). A male bias can thus lead to male monogamy if guarding takes up the entire male time budget. Given that either female‐ or male‐biased ASRs are possible, why is promiscuity clearly much more common than male monogamy? We address this question with two models, differing in whether males can assess temporal cues of female fertility. Our results confirm the importance of the ASR: guarding durations increase with decreasing female availability and increasing number of male competitors. However, several factors prevent the mating system from switching to male monogamy as soon as the ASR becomes male biased. Inefficient guarding, incomplete last male sperm precedence, any mechanism that allows sperm to fertilize eggs after the male's departure, and (in some cases) the unfeasibility of precopulatory guarding all help explain cases where promiscuity exists on its own or alongside temporally limited mate‐guarding. Shortening the window of fertilization shifts guarding time budgets from the postcopulatory to the precopulatory stage.  相似文献   
Summary Previous studies have shown that extra-pair fertilizations are much less frequent in Non-Passeriformes, especially in raptors, than in Passeriformes. Low breeding densities, high breeding synchrony and high rates of paternal effort have been discussed as possible causes of these low extra-pair fertilization rates. Using DNA fingerprinting, we studied the mating system of Little Owls (Athene noctua) in a population of relatively high breeding density and comparatively low breeding synchrony. We found no cases of extra-pair fertilization among 53 nestlings of 16 breeding pairs. We conclude that paternal effort is probably the most important factor in preventing extra-pair fertilizations in Little Owls.
Genetische Vaterschaftsanalysen bei Steinkäuzen (Athene noctua): Beeinflußt der hohe elterliche Aufwand der Männchen das Auftreten von Vaterschaften außerhalb des Paarbundes?
Zusammenfassung Zahlreiche Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass Befruchtungen außerhalb des Paarbundes bei Nicht-Singvogelarten wesentlich seltener vorkommen als bei Singvögeln. Dies gilt insbesondere auch für Greifvögel. Als Ursache für das seltene Auftreten von Befruchtungen außerhalb des Paarbundes in dieser Gruppe werden niedrige Brutpaardichten, eine hohe Brutsynchronisation und ein hoher elterlicher Aufwand auf Seiten der Männchen diskutiert. In der vorliegenden Studie haben wir das Paarungssystem des Steinkauzes (Athene noctua) in einer Population im Kreis Viersen (Niederrhein) mit Hilfe des DNA-Fingerprinting untersucht. Diese Population wies eine relativ hohe Brutpaardichte und eine vergleichsweise niedrige Brutsynchronisation auf. Bei der Analyse von 16 Bruten, die insgesamt 53 Nestlinge enthielten, konnte kein einziger Fall einer Befruchtung außerhalb des Paarbundes nachgewiesen werden. Dies führt uns zu dem Schluss, dass der wichtigste Faktor für die genetische Monogamie — zumindest beim Steinkauz — das hohe Maß des väterlichen Aufwandes bei der Brutversorgung ist.
Long‐term monogamy is most prevalent in birds but is also found in lizards. We combined a 31‐year field study of the long‐lived, monogamous Australian sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa, with continuous behavioural observations through GPS data logging, in 1 yr, to investigate the duration of pair bonds, rates of partner change and whether either the reproductive performance hypothesis or the mate familiarity hypothesis could explain this remarkable long‐term monogamy. The reproductive performance hypothesis predicts higher reproductive success in more experienced parents, whereas the mate familiarity hypothesis suggests that effects of partner familiarity select for partner retention and long‐term monogamy. Rates of partner change were below 34% over a 5‐yr period and most sleepy lizards formed long‐term pair bonds: 31 partnerships lasted for more than 15 yr, 110 for more than 10 yr, and the recorded maximum was 27 yr (ongoing). In the year when we conducted detailed observations, familiar pairs mated significantly earlier than unfamiliar pairs. Previous pairing experience (total number of years paired with previous partners) had no significant effect. Early mating often equates to higher reproductive success, and we infer that is the case in sleepy lizards. Early mating of familiar pairs was not due to better body condition. We propose two suggestions about the proximate mechanisms that may allow familiar pair partners to mate earlier than unfamiliar partners. First, they may have improved coordination of their reproductive sexual cycles to reach receptivity earlier and thereby maximise fertilisation success. Second, they may forage more efficiently, benefiting from effective information transfer and/or cooperative predator detection. Those ideas need empirical testing in the future. Regardless of the mechanism, our observations of sleepy lizard pairing behaviour support the mate familiarity hypothesis, but not the reproductive performance hypothesis, as an explanation for its long‐term monogamous mating system.  相似文献   
More than 90% of birds are socially monogamous, although genetic studies indicate that many are often not sexually monogamous. In the present study, DNA fingerprinting was used to estimate the genetic relationships between nestlings belonging to the same broods to evaluate the mating system in the socially monogamous macaw, Ara ararauna. We found that in 10 of 11 broods investigated, the nestlings showed genetic similarity levels congruent with values expected among full-sibs, suggesting that they shared the same parents. However, in one brood, the low genetic similarity observed between nestlings could be a result of intraspecific brood parasitism, intraspecific nest competition or extra-pair paternity. These results, along with available behavioral and life-history data, imply that the blue-and-yellow macaw is not only socially, but also genetically monogamous. However, the occurrence of eventual cases of extra-pair paternity cannot be excluded.  相似文献   
The 'social intelligence hypothesis' was originally conceived to explain how primates may have evolved their superior intellect and large brains when compared with other animals. Although some birds such as corvids may be intellectually comparable to apes, the same relationship between sociality and brain size seen in primates has not been found for birds, possibly suggesting a role for other non-social factors. But bird sociality is different from primate sociality. Most monkeys and apes form stable groups, whereas most birds are monogamous, and only form large flocks outside of the breeding season. Some birds form lifelong pair bonds and these species tend to have the largest brains relative to body size. Some of these species are known for their intellectual abilities (e.g. corvids and parrots), while others are not (e.g. geese and albatrosses). Although socio-ecological factors may explain some of the differences in brain size and intelligence between corvids/parrots and geese/albatrosses, we predict that the type and quality of the bonded relationship is also critical. Indeed, we present empirical evidence that rook and jackdaw partnerships resemble primate and dolphin alliances. Although social interactions within a pair may seem simple on the surface, we argue that cognition may play an important role in the maintenance of long-term relationships, something we name as 'relationship intelligence'.  相似文献   
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