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Biotic and abiotic factors that influence the avian distribution in a dry zone wetland was investigated by studying the distribution of Asian Openbill (Anastomus oscitans), Cotton Pygmy-goose (Nettapus coromandelianus) and Pheasant-tailed Jacana (Hydrophasianus chirurgus) in Anavilundawa Ramsar sanctuary in Sri Lanka in 2006. Their distribution was recorded in Anavilundawa, Suruwila and Maiyawa reservoirs, their catchments and respective paddy fields, through line transects. The floral cover of surface water was recorded by floating quadrates. Water lily (Nymphea spp.) was the dominant flora in Anavilundawa reservoir, invasive water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in Suruwila reservoir and a native lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) in Maiyawa reservoir, respectively. Anavilundawa area had a higher distribution of birds than in the other two areas. Among the three species observed, Asian Openbill distribution was mainly restricted to Anavilundawa whereas Pheasant-tailed Jacana was present in all three areas. Nesting of Asian Openbill occurred only in Anavilundawa while nesting of Pheasant-tailed Jacana was only observed in Maiyawa. Among the three species recorded, Cotton Pygmy-goose numbers were the least. Asian Openbill preferred dead trees and trees with no leaves for nesting and perching over live trees. It is concluded that the spread of invasives such as Water hyacinth and Salvinia (Salvinia molesta) forming mats over surface water have reduced the abundance of habitat specialists like Cotton Pygmy-goose.  相似文献   
Homoploid hybrid speciation--speciation via hybridization without a change in chromosome number--is rarely documented and poorly understood in animals. In particular, the mechanisms by which animal homoploid hybrid species become ecologically and reproductively isolated from their parents are hypothetical and remain largely untested by experiments. For the many host-specific parasites that mate on their host, choosing the right host is the most important ecological and reproductive barrier between these species. One example of a host-specific parasite is the Lonicera fly, a population of tephritid fruit flies that evolved within the last 250 years likely by hybridization between two native Rhagoletis species following a host shift to invasive honeysuckle. We studied the host preference of the Lonicera fly and its putative parent species in laboratory experiments. The Lonicera fly prefers its new host, introduced honeysuckle, over the hosts of both parental species, demonstrating the rapid acquisition of preference for a new host as a means of behavioral isolation from the parent species. The parent taxa discriminate against each other's native hosts, but both accept honeysuckle fruit, leaving the potential for asymmetric gene flow from the parent species. Importantly, this pattern allows us to formulate hypotheses about the initial formation of the Lonicera fly. As mating partners from the two parent taxa are more likely to meet on invasive honeysuckle than on their respective native hosts, independent acceptance of honeysuckle by both parents likely preceded hybridization. We propose that invasive honeysuckle served as a catalyst for the local breakdown of reproductive isolation between the native parent species, a novel consequence of the introduction of an exotic weed. We describe behavioral mechanisms that explain the initial hybridization and subsequent reproductive isolation of the hybrid Lonicera fly. These results provide experimental support for a combination of host shift and hybridization as a model for hybrid speciation in parasitic animals.  相似文献   

Invasive non-indigenous species (NIS) are a threat to marine biodiversity and marine reliant industries. Recreational vessels are recognised as an important vector of NIS translocation, particularly domestically. This paper reports on a novel application of multilevel modelling and multiple imputation in order to quantify the relationship between biofouling biomass (wet weight) and the vessel-level characteristics of recreational and fishing vessels. It was found that the number of days since the vessel was last cleaned strongly related to the biofouling biomass, yet differed dependent on vessel type. Similarly, the median number of trips undertaken was related to the biofouling biomass, and varied according to the type of antifouling paint (AF) used. No relationship was found between vessel size and biofouling biomass per sample unit. To reduce the spread of NIS, vessel owners should use an AF paint suitable to their vessel’s operational profile, and follow a maintenance schedule according to the paint manufacturer’s specifications.  相似文献   
To effectively manage multiple biological invasions, information on their distributions must be generated rapidly and over large spatial scales. Using public surveys in a false‐positive occupancy framework, we reliably estimate the distributions of three synanthropic invasive species on the Andaman Islands.  相似文献   
We assessed the impacts of co‐occurring invasive plant species on fire regimes and postfire native communities in the Mojave Desert, western USA. We analyzed the distribution and co‐occurrence patterns of three invasive annual grasses (Bromus rubens, Bromus tectorum, and Schismus spp.) known to alter fuel conditions and community structure, and an invasive forb (Erodium cicutarium) which dominates postfire sites. We developed species distribution models (SDMs) for each of the four taxa and analyzed field plot data to assess the relationship between invasives and fire frequency, years postfire, and the impacts on postfire native herbaceous diversity. Most of the Mojave Desert is highly suitable for at least one of the four invasive species, and 76% of the ecoregion is predicted to have high or very high suitability for the joint occurrence of B. rubens and B. tectorum and 42% high or very high suitability for the joint occurrence of the two Bromus species and E. cicutarium. Analysis of cover from plot data indicated two or more of the species occurred in 77% of the plots, with their cover doubling with each additional species. We found invasive cover in burned plots increased for the first 20 years postfire and recorded two to five times more cover in burned than unburned plots. Analysis also indicated that native species diversity and evenness as negatively associated with higher levels of relative cover of the four invasive taxa. Our findings revealed overlapping distributions of the four invasives; a strong relationship between the invasives and fire frequency; and significant negative impacts of invasives on native herbaceous diversity in the Mojave. This suggests predicting the distributions of co‐occurring invasive species, especially transformer species, will provide a better understanding of where native‐dominated communities are most vulnerable to transformations following fire or other disturbances.  相似文献   
Introduced species can cause major disruptions to ecosystems, particularly on islands. On Christmas Island, the invasive yellow crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes) has detrimental impacts on many animals ranging from the iconic red crabs (Gecarcoidea natalis) to the Christmas Island Thrush (Turdus poliocephalus erythropleurus). However, the full extent of its effects on the island's fauna is not yet known. In this study, we investigated the impact of the yellow crazy ants on the island's last native mammal: the Christmas Island flying‐fox (Pteropus natalis). This species has been described as a keystone species, but has recently experienced substantial population decline to the extent that it is now listed as Critically Endangered. We examined the impacts of the yellow crazy ants on the roosting behavior of the Christmas Island flying‐fox, and on its local and island‐wide distribution patterns. We showed that the crazy ants increased behaviors in the flying‐foxes that were associated with avoidance of noxious stimuli and decreased behaviors associated with resting. Roost tree selection and roost site location were not related to variation in the abundance of crazy ants on the island. Our results indicate that the crazy ants interfere with the activity budgets of the flying‐foxes. However, the flying‐foxes failed to relocate to ant‐free roost trees or roost sites when confronted with the noxious ant, suggesting that the flying‐foxes are either not sufficiently disturbed to override strong cultural attachment to roosts, or, are behaving maladaptively due to ecological naïveté.  相似文献   
Cousine Island, Seychelles, is of major conservation significance as it is in a biodiversity hotspot. Furthermore, it is relatively pristine, and is apparently the only tropical island over 20 ha with no alien invasive mammals. This study focuses on the island's log and litter arthropods, which were sampled by extraction methods from the dominant species, Pisonia grandis, Ficus spp. and Cocos nucifera. Stage of decomposition, and forest type in which the logs occurred, both significantly influenced the composition and structure of the arthropod assemblages. Young logs were significantly richer in species than older logs, possibly because they had the most resources and microhabitats. There were some significant changes in arthropod species richness, composition and abundance between species of young logs, but not old ones, because as logs decomposed, arthropod assemblages converged. Nevertheless, each old log species had some arthropod species not present in other log species, which has important implications for conservation. Arthropod assemblages in woody litter varied according to the forest type in which they occurred, and were different from those in logs in the same forest type. Cousine Island arthropod species richness, both in logs and litter, was comparable to figures from other tropical areas. As the logs, especially P. grandis, are home to many Seychelles endemic species, their conservation is essential. Furthermore, as the arthropods are also the main food of certain threatened Seychelles vertebrates, their conservation also underpins a food chain on this unique tropical island.  相似文献   
Although the presence/absence of aquatic invertebrates using environmental DNA (eDNA) has been established for several species, inferring population densities has remained problematic. The invasive American signal crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana), is the leading cause of decline in the UK's only native crayfish species, Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet). Methods to detect species at low abundances offer the opportunity for the early detection, and potential eradication, of P. leniusculus before population densities reach threatening levels in areas occupied by A. pallipes. Using a factorial experimental design with aquaria, we investigated the impacts of biomass, sex ratio, and fighting behavior on the amount of eDNA released by P. leniusculus, with the aim to infer density per aquarium depending on treatments. The amount of target eDNA in water samples from each aquarium was measured using the quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction. We show that the presence of eggs significantly increases the concentration of crayfish eDNA per unit of mass, and that there is a significant relationship between eDNA concentration and biomass when females are egg‐bearing. However, the relationship between crayfish biomass and eDNA concentration is lost in aquaria without ovigerous females. Female‐specific tanks had significantly higher eDNA concentrations than male‐specific tanks, and the prevention of fighting did not impact the amount of eDNA in the water. These results indicate that detection and estimate of crayfish abundance using eDNA may be more effective while females are ovigerous. This information should guide further research for an accurate estimation of crayfish biomass in the field depending on the season. Our results indicate that detection and quantification of egg‐laying aquatic invertebrate species using eDNA could be most successful during periods when eggs are developing in the water. We recommend that practitioners consider the reproductive cycle of target species when attempting to study or detect aquatic species using eDNA in the field.  相似文献   
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