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Mean length and mean weight at age of Atlantic mackerel in the North Sea increased significantly between 1960 and 1979, then, decreased markedly during the 1980s. In contrast, median age at maturity decreased (c. 1-1.5 years) from 1960. Median length at maturity remained stable until the 1980s, when it declined sharply. The significance of these changes is discussed in relation to variation in sea temperature, food availability and stock size. It is speculated that the changes during the 1980s resulted from immigration of western stock mackerel.  相似文献   
The age‐specific density of the red‐lipped stromb Strombus luhuanus (Mollusca: Gastropoda) was monitored over 13 years (1981–1993) at four locations on the intertidal reef flat at Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef. Densities were highly variable, but there were persistent, location‐specific differences in population density, age structure and adult body size, the latter indicating that the populations were not extensively linked by adult movement. There was relatively high recruitment at most locations in 1984, 1989 and 1993, each occurring approximately 2 years after El Niño/Southern Oscillation events, although recruit density during these years varied in both space and time. The studied strombs experienced three disturbance events: (i) experimental harvesting at two locations (1984–1985); (ii) siltation from a harbour dredging operation (1987–1988); and (iii) a severe cyclone (1992). Resilience to harvesting at a local scale (0.5–2 ha) was high: density had recovered within a year, due to immigration of adults and older juveniles. Strombus luhuanus responded much more strongly to broad‐scale changes to its environment than to localized harvesting. After dredging, there was a progressive density decline coupled with low recruitment at two locations, and a later decline at a third location, followed by a recruitment‐driven rebound after the cyclone. Generalized environmental effects of siltation and the cyclone were also reflected in substantial changes in algal cover. Long‐term variations in environmental conditions probably cause high temporal variation over large spatial scales through effects on the survival of larvae or recruits. Localized short‐term field monitoring of such species would give a misleading picture of key factors affecting population dynamics.  相似文献   
A mathematical model of the linearized growth curve and its physiological interpretation by the introduction of proper age, which is proportional to the chronological age, are presented here. In the second phase, but not in the first phase, this constant of proportionality is highly correlated with the age at menarche.  相似文献   
The process of ageing is associated with increased susceptibility to infection. Phagocytes form the primary defence mechanism against infecting microorganisms, but the influence of ageing on phagocyte function remains controversial. In this study we have applied a microtitre plate phagocyte chemiluminescence (CL) assay suitable for clinical use to compare phagocyte oxidative metabolism in younger healthy subjects (age 20–60 years) and healthy older (60–70 years) subjects. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) and monocytes were stimulated using phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), serum opsonized zymosan (SOZ), and non-opsonized zymosan (ZYM) in the presence of both lucigenin and luminol. Monocytes showed a higher luminolenhanced CL response to PMA in males compared with females in the younger age group. No PMNL differences were observed between the sexes. Although no difference were found in relation to age when cells were stimulated with PMA and SOZ, significantly lower background (unstimulated) CL was obtained from PMNL with luminol. PMNL luminol-enhanced CL responses were also lower in response to ZYM. The findings suggest a reduced response of PMNL from older subjects to minimal stimulation. This could be related to abnormalities in the triggering of the respiratory burst or myeloperoxidase release due to ageing. The influence of age and sex should be taken into account in clinical studies of phagocyte CL.  相似文献   
The Japanese Ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis Temminck & Schlegel is the sole representative of the salmoniform family Plecoglossidae. The Ayu is remarkable for its dentition which in adults comprises groups of diagonally arranged comb-like teeth in the outer tissue of the jaws. In juveniles (below 63 mm SL) the teeth are attached normally to the jaws. The transition of tooth form is correlated with a switch from zooplanktivory to algal or aufwuchs grazing. The present study follows the development of the teeth, jaws, oral cavity ethmoid and suspensorial elements in specimens ranging in size from 41–70 mm SL. The possible mode of function of the adult dentition is discussed. Comparisons are made with the jaws of other salmoniform fishes and a suite of supposed apomorphic characters are identified which are also shared with certain genera of the family Osmeridae, thus supporting the ideas of others that the Osmeridae is a paraphyletic assemblage.  相似文献   
Haibel GK 《Theriogenology》1988,30(6):1053-1057
Dairy breed goat fetuses (n = 219) of known gestational age (Day 39 to Day 100) were examined transabdominally using a real-time ultrasound scanner with a 5 MHz linear-array transducer. Maximum head width was measured in symmetrical images using electronic linear distance calipers. This biparietal diameter (BPD) can be accurately measured as early as Day 40, but measurement becomes difficult after Day 105 of gestation due to the variability of fetal location and posture. The uniform, linear increase in BPD in the second trimester should allow for the accurate assignment of gestational age for doe confinement or induction of kidding.  相似文献   
Leaf age and larval performance of the leaf beetle Paropsis atomaria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 Larval performance of the leaf beetle Paropsis atomaria Oliver was determined for larvae raised on both new and mature leaves of Eucalyptus blakelyi Maiden. Larvae were transferred to mature leaves at different ages; control larvae stayed on new leaves through all instars.
  • 2 Only larvae reared on new leaves through the third instar survived to pupate on mature leaves; developmental time was prolonged by 20% and pupal weight was reduced by 50% in these larvae compared with larvae reared entirely on new leaves. Almost all larvae died when transferred to mature leaves as first, second or third instars.
  • 3 Low survival and slow development on mature leaves was mainly due to failure by larvae to feed. Larvae palpated leaves and could discriminate among leaf ages immediately, without biting into the leaf tissue.
  • 4 New leaves had higher concentrations of oil and tannins than old leaves, while there were no significant differences in nitrogen concentrations in the two types of leaves. Mature leaves were more than 3 times tougher than new leaves, in terms of g mm?2 of penetrometer force.
  • 5 In drought years E. blakelyi may not produce sufficient new leaves to supply specialist herbivores with their preferred food resource. We infer that drought years reduce P. atomaria larval performance significantly, and influence the population dynamics of the insect.
Characteristics of dispersal in sexually mature dragonflies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 The population dynamics of a natural population of Sympetrum danae (Sulzer) were studied, by means of a mark—release—recapture method, to find indications of dispersal by mature adults. Additional information on orientation and the influence of phenotype (including age), density and weather was obtained by observations under natural conditions and in a large outdoor field cage.
  • 2 80% of all mature adults caught around the natural pond were estimated to be immigrants. Considerable immigration was confirmed by the abdomen length of unmarked matures which did not accord with that expected from the locally emerged population. Total numbers captured and the minimum number known to be alive fell sharply at the time when most individuals were mature. At the same time, new matures continued to enter and disappear from the study area at an increasing rate.
  • 3 Dispersive behaviour (escape flights) in the field enclosure was primarily age dependent in both sexes: it occurred from an age of 25–30 days onwards. This coincides with the time-lag between the emergence peak and increased dispersal in the field. Secondary effects on escape flights suggested that males tended to abandon low density areas.
  • 4 Males flew relatively more southward than females.
This comunication has two primary aims concerned with mineralized tissue biology (e.g. hard tissue biology of bone and tooth) research in human evolutionary studies: First, to introduce the literature and the methods (at the time of this symposium) so that one has an idea of the nature of this research and where one can go for details of the methodologies, etc; Second — and of primary concern here — to discuss issues that have come to light as a result of these studies mainly because of its recent beginnings as a subfield within paleoanthropology. Issues related to skeletal studies include; 1) whether different cortical surface pattens and bone tissue types influence the appearance and interpretation of bone growth activity states; 2) if SEM analyses of cortical surfaces in fossil hominids allow one to construct meaningful representations of remodeling patterns; 3) whether these representations can be used in phylogenetic arguments; and 4) how intraspecific variability would affect these issues. Issues related to dental studies include: 1) the relationship between the rate and pattern of eraly hominid dental development; 2) experimental support for the calibration of eraly hominid dental developmental rates; and 3) whether replica techniques are suitable for microanatomical studies of these sorts.  相似文献   
The fecundity, reproductive rates, and adult survival of Aphidius sonchi Marshall (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) parasitizing second and third instar nymphs of the sowthistle aphid, Hyperomyzus lactucae (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae) were measured at six different host densities under constant laboratory conditions. At host densities of less than 50 aphids per flowering shoot per female per day, oviposition constraints resulting from the lack of hosts reduced the number of eggs laid, enhanced the extent of superparasitization and, as a result, effectively lowered the fecundity and reproductive rates of the parasites. Above this host density the parasites laid on average 220–230 eggs, but the effective fecundity and reproductive rates continued to increase with the host density. By contrast, the survivorship of the parasites seemed unaffected by host density, with an average adult life span of 4–5 days at all densities. Analysis of the data showed that the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) of the parasite varied with the host density and could reach values higher than that of the host under identical conditions. The response of rm to changes in host density and parasite sex ratio is illustrated.Overall, A. sonchi showed a typical convex functional response, to host density. However, the response showed obvious changes through the parasite's adult life and, furthermore, the rates of changes were not consistent at all host densities. The frequency distributions of parasite eggs were generally indistinguishable from random, and the number of hosts parasitized were predicted satisfactorily by the random oviposition equation.
Résumé L'étude a porté sure l'influence de 6 densités différentes d'Hyperomyzus lactucae (L.) (Homoptera: Aphididae), en conditions constantes de laboratoire, sur la fécondité, le taux de reproduction et la survie des adultes d'Aphidius sonchi Marshall (Hym. Aphidiidae, parasite des larves de 2e et 3e stades. A des densités inférieures à 50 pucerons par tige fleurie de Sonchus oleraceus L, par femelle et par jour, la limitation de la ponte due à l'absence d'hôtes a réduit le nombre d'oeufs émis, élevé le taux de superparasitisme et, en conséquence, diminué la fécondité et le taux de reproduction des parasites. Aux densités d'hôtes supérieures, les parasites ont pondu, en moyenne, 220 à 230 oeufs, mais la fécondité réelle et les taux de reproduction ont continué à augmenter avec la densité des pucerons. Par contre, la longévité des parasites n'a pas été affectée par la densité des hôtes, avec une durée moyenne de vie de 4 à 6 jours. L'analyse des données a montré que le taux d'accroissement intrinsèque (rm) du parasite a changé avec la densité des hôtes, et pourrait atteindre des valeurs supérieures à celles de l'ôte sous des conditions identiques. Les réponses de rm aux changements de densité des hôtes et au taux sexuel du parasite sont expliquées.Globalement, A. sonchi a présenté une réponse fonctionnelle convexe typique à la densité des hôtes. Cependant, cette réponse a changé au cours de la vie des images et, de plus, les taux de changement ne sont pas logiques à toutes les densités d'hôtes La fréquence de distribution des oeufs n'est généralement pas séparable d'une distribution au hasard, et le nombre d'hôtes parasites peut être prédit d'une façon satisfaisante en utilisant une équation de ponte au hasard.
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