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Red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) defend food-based territoriesyear round, and juveniles must acquire a territory before winterto survive. We experimentally removed territory owners duringthe time that juveniles were becoming independent to examinethe effect of local vacancies on dispersal patterns. Juvenilesattempted to take over removal territories most frequently.However, females with offspring still on the natal territoryactually took over twice as many territories as juveniles. Thesefemales did not appear to move because of low reproductive potentialor to increase territory quality. Instead, moving to a removalterritory allowed more of their offspring to remain on the natalterritory, which appeared to increase juvenile survival.  相似文献   
Most empirical attempts to explain the evolution of parental care have focused on its costs and benefits (i.e. fitness consequences). In contrast, few investigations have been made of the other necessary prerequisite for evolutionary change, inheritance. Here, we examine the fitness consequences and heritability (h2) of a post‐weaning parental care behaviour (territory bequeathal) in a wild population of North American red squirrels. Each year, a subset (average across all years = 19%) of reproductive females bequeathed their territory to a dependent offspring. Bequeathing females experienced higher annual reproductive success and did not suffer a survival cost to themselves relative to those females retaining their territory. Bequeathing females thus realized higher relative annual fitness [ω = 1.18 ± 0.03 (SE)] than nonbequeathing females [ω = 0.96 ± 0.02 (SE)]. Additive genetic influences on bequeathal behaviour, however, were not significantly different from 0 (h2 = 1.9 × 10?3; 95% highest posterior density interval = 3.04 × 10?8 to 0.37) and, in fact, bequeathal behaviour was not significantly repeatable (R = 2.0 × 10?3; 95% HPD interval =0–0.27). In contrast, directional environmental influences were apparent. Females were more likely to bequeath in years following low food abundance and when food availability in the upcoming autumn was high. Despite an evident fitness benefit, a lack of heritable genetic variance will constrain evolution of this trait.  相似文献   
Territorial bequeathal by red squirrel mothers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) defend individual, food-basedterritories year round. These territories are crucial for overwintersurvival, yet some female red squirrels in northern populationsbequeath their territories to offspring and search for a newone. Bequeathal involves active, strategic dispersal by breedingfemales. Our study documents this unusual behavior and investigatesits correlates in two red squirrel populations in northern Canada.Thirty percent of breeding females dispersed. Bequeathal wasrelated to breeding date, with late-breeding females more oftendispersing, but was not related detectably to female conditionor territory quality. As an underlying trade-off, early-bornjuveniles more likely acquired a territory independently, butearly-breeding females lost mass and may have increased theirrisk of territory loss. We suggest that bequeathal has evolvedas a consequence of condition dependence in breeding date coupledwith limited resources.  相似文献   
The lifetime movements of an individual determine the gene flow and invasion potential of the species. However, sex dependence of dispersal and selective pressures driving dispersal have gained much more attention than dispersal at different life and age stages. Natal dispersal is more common than dispersal between breeding attempts, but breeding dispersal may be promoted by resource availability and competition. Here, we utilize mark–recapture data on the nest‐box population of Siberian flying squirrels to analyze lifetime dispersal patterns. Natal dispersal means the distance between the natal nest and the nest used the following year, whereas breeding movements refer to the nest site changes between breeding attempts. The movement distances observed here were comparable to distances reported earlier from radio‐telemetry studies. Breeding movements did not contribute to lifetime dispersal distance and were not related to variation in food abundance or habitat patch size. Breeding movements of males were negatively, albeit not strongly, related to male population size. In females, breeding movement activity was low and was not related to previous breeding success or to competition between females for territories. Natal philopatry was linked to apparent death of a mother; that is, we did not find evidence for mothers bequeathing territories for offspring, like observed in some other rodent species. Our results give an example of a species in which breeding movements are not driven by environmental variability or nest site quality. Different evolutionary forces often operate in natal and breeding movements, and our study supports the view that juveniles are responsible for redistributing individuals within and between populations. This emphasizes the importance of knowledge on natal dispersal, if we want to understand consequences of movement ecology of the species at the population level.  相似文献   
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