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Summary Central projections of the nervus terminalis (n.t.) in the goldfish were investigated using cobalt- and horseradish peroxidase-tracing techniques. Single n.t. fibers were identified after unilateral application of cobalt chloride-lysine to the rostral olfactory bulb. The central course and branching patterns of individual n.t. fibers were studied in serial sections. Eight types of n.t. fibers are differentiated according to pathways and projection patterns. Projection areas of the n.t. include the contralateral olfactory bulb, the ipsilateral periventricular preoptic nucleus, both retinae, the caudal zone of the periventricular hypothalamus bilaterally, and the rostral optic tectum bilaterally. N.t. fibers cross to contralateral targets in the anterior commissure, the optic chiasma, the horizontal commissure, the posterior commissure, and possibly the habenular commissure. We propose criteria that differentiate central n.t. fibers from those of the classical secondary olfactory projections. Branching patterns of eight n.t. fiber types are described. Mesencephalic projections of the n.t. and of secondary olfactory fibers are compared and discussed with regard to prior reports on the olfactory system of teleosts. Further fiber types for which the association with the n.t. could not be established with certainty were traced to the torus longitudinalis, the torus semicircularis, and to the superior reticular nucleus on the ipsilateral side.  相似文献   
Summary The connections of the olfactory bulb were studied in the piranha using the Nauta and horseradish-peroxidase methods. Three olfactory tracts project to seven terminal fields in the telencephalon and one in the diencephalon, all of them bilaterally. The contralateral olfactory bulb also receives a small input. All contralateral projections decussate in the anterior commissure and are relatively weak compared to the ipsilateral projections. HRP-containing cells were found in all of the ipsilateral telencephalic aggregates receiving an olfactory tract projection; the contralateral side was free of labeled cell bodies. Although only about one fourth of the entire telencephalon receives a direct olfactory input, the high degree of differentiation of the olfactory system suggests that the piranha depends substantially on the sense of olfaction and that this species may be a good model for further studies on olfactory mechanisms.  相似文献   
Wnt inhibitor factor-1 (WIF-1) is an extracellular antagonist of Wnts secreted proteins. Here we describe the expression pattern of Wif1 throughout the development of the mouse central nervous system (CNS). Wif1 mRNA can be detected as early as the developmental stage E11, and expression persists to adulthood. In embryonic stages, the level of Wif1 expression was very prominent in several areas including the cerebral cortex, the diencephalon and the midbrain, with the strongest level in the hippocampal plate and the diencephalon. However, after birth, the expression level of Wif1 decreased in the cortex and diencephalon. By adulthood, Wif1 is mainly expressed in the medial habenular nucleus (MHb) in the epithalamus, the mitral layer cells in the olfactory bulb and a few nuclei in the hypothalamus. Our data shows that the expression of Wif1 was very strong during embryonic development of the CNS and suggests that Wif1 may play an essential role in the spatial and temporal regulation of Wnt signals.  相似文献   
The Drosophila gene four jointed (fj) codes for a secreted or cell surface protein important for growth and differentiation of legs and wings and for proper development of the eyes. Here we report the cloning of the mouse four-jointed gene (fjx1) and its pattern of expression in the brain during embryogenesis and in the adult. In the neural plate, fjx1 is expressed in the presumptive forebrain and midbrain, and in rhombomere 4, however a small rostral/medial area of the forebrain primordium is devoid of expression. Expression of fjx1 in the neural tube can be divided into three phases. (1) In the embryonic brain fjx1 is expressed in two patches of neuroepithelium: in the midbrain tectum and the telencephalic vesicles. (2) In fetal and early postnatal brain fjx1 is expressed mainly by the primordia of layered telencephalic structures: cortex (ventricular layer and cortical plate), olfactory bulb (subependymal layer and in the mitral cell layer). In addition expression is observed in the superior colliculus. (3) In the adult, fjx1 is expressed by neurons evenly distributed in the telencephalon (isocortex, striatum, hippocampus, olfactory bulb, piriform cortex), in the Purkinje cell layer of the cerebellum, and numerous medullary nuclei. In the embryo, strong expression can further be seen in the apical ectodermal ridge of fore- and hindlimbs and in the ectoderm of the branchial arches.  相似文献   
The adult cerebral hemispheres are connected to each other by specialized midline cell types and by three axonal tracts: the corpus callosum, the hippocampal commissure, and the anterior commissure. Many steps are required for these tracts to form, including early patterning and later axon pathfinding steps. Here, the requirement for FGF signaling in forming midline cell types and commissural axon tracts of the cerebral hemispheres is examined. Fgfr1, but not Fgfr3, is found to be essential for establishing all three commissural tracts. In an Fgfr1 mutant, commissural neurons are present and initially project their axons, but these fail to cross the midline that separates the hemispheres. Moreover, midline patterning defects are observed in the mutant. These defects include the loss of the septum and three specialized glial cell types, the indusium griseum glia, midline zipper glia, and glial wedge. Our findings demonstrate that FGF signaling is required for generating telencephalic midline structures, in particular septal and glial cell types and all three cerebral commissures. In addition, analysis of the Fgfr1 heterozygous mutant, in which midline patterning is normal but commissural defects still occur, suggests that at least two distinct FGF-dependent mechanisms underlie the formation of the cerebral commissures.  相似文献   
The secreted frizzled-related proteins (Sfrp) are a family of soluble proteins with diverse biological functions having the capacity to bind Wnt ligands, to modulate Wnt signalling, and to signal directly via the Wnt receptor, Frizzled. In an enhancer trap screen for embryonic expression in zebrafish we identified an sfrp1 gene. Previous studies suggest an important role for sfrp1 in eye development, however, no data have been reported using the zebrafish model. In this paper, we describe duplicate sfrp1 genes in zebrafish and present a detailed analysis of the expression profile of both genes. Whole mount in situ hybridisation analyses of sfrp1a during embryonic and larval development revealed a dynamic expression profile, including: the central nervous system, where sfrp1a was regionally expressed throughout the brain and developing eye; the posterior gut, from the time of endodermal cell condensation; the lateral line, where sfrp1a was expressed in the migrating primordia and interneuromast cells that give rise to the sensory organs. Other sites included the blastoderm, segmenting mesoderm, olfactory placode, developing ear, pronephros and fin-bud. We have also analysed sfrp1b expression during embryonic development. Surprisingly this gene exhibited a divergent expression profile being limited to the yolk syncytium under the elongating tail-bud, which later covered the distal yolk extension, and transiently in the tail-bud mesenchyme. Overall, our studies provide a basis for future analyses of these developmentally important factors using the zebrafish model.  相似文献   
Organizing centers in the developing brain provide an assortment of instructive patterning cues, including Sonic hedgehog (Shh). Here we characterize the forebrain phenotype caused by loss of Ttc21b, a gene we identified in an ENU mutagenesis screen as a novel ciliary gene required for retrograde intraflagellar transport. The Ttc21b mutant has defects in limb, eye and, most dramatically, brain development. We show that Shh signaling is elevated in the rostral portion of the mutant embryo, including in a domain in or near the zona limitans intrathalamica. We demonstrate here that ciliary defects seen in the Ttc21b mutant extend to the embryonic brain, adding forebrain development to the spectrum of tissues affected by defects in ciliary physiology. We show that development of the Ttc21b brain phenotype is modified by lowering levels of the Shh ligand, supporting our hypothesis that the abnormal patterning is a consequence of elevated Shh signaling. Finally, we evaluate Wnt signaling but do not find evidence that this plays a role in causing the perturbed neurodevelopmental phenotype we describe.  相似文献   
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