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S-Adenosyl-L -methionine (SAM) is an essential metabolite in all living organisms. In clinical research, SAM has also been suggested as a chemotherapeutic agent in various diseases. The main problem of SAM is its instability at high temperatures, at neutral and alkaline pH, and in the presence of humidity. SAM retention in spray-dried powder was determined under various conditions of spray-drying. The highest SAM retention was obtained when maltodextrin (dextrose equivalent, DE, of 25) was used as the carrier solid with the SAM feed liquid at pH 4.0. The water content in the powder had a significant effect on the stability of SAM. SAM powder with lower water content exhibited higher stability.  相似文献   
Variable effects of air-drying on leaching losses from tree leaf litter   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Leaching of soluble substances may be an important first step in leaf litter decomposition in small streams, but recent research has suggested that large leaching losses (up to 30% of initial mass in 48 h) may be an artifact created by using air-dried leaves in decomposition experiments. In laboratory experiments, we compared 3 d leaching losses from freshly fallen and air-dried senescent leaves of 27 tree species from different regions across Canada. Air-dried leaves from all species leached measurable amounts of original mass (3.6–32.8% dry mass), but leaching losses from fresh leaves (0–35%) were detectable in all but two species. Air-drying increased leaching losses in many species, but in others it reduced leaching losses or had no measurable effect. Results for leaves of the same species collected in different regions or in different years were generally similar, but species within the same genus often behaved very differently. Neither moisture content (fresh or air-dried), leaf thickness, nor cuticle thickness proved of any value as predictors of leaching losses or the effect of air-drying. The propensity of autumn-fallen leaves to leach, whether fresh or air-dried, appears to be a property of the individual tree species.  相似文献   
【目的】获得高活菌恶臭假单胞菌菌粉,提高菌体干燥及保藏存活率。【方法】选用冷风干燥法制备活菌粉,并优化吸附载体与保护剂。【结果】冷风干燥制备恶臭假单胞菌菌粉干燥存活率普遍达到65%以上,显著优于喷雾干燥(24%);对载体与保护剂进行正交试验优化,确定了载体为混合的硅藻土和碱处理玉米芯粉,混合比为1:2,保护剂(质量比)为甘露醇7%、谷氨酸钠5%、甘油1%,制得菌粉活菌数为1.03×1011 CFU/g,室温保藏30 d和4 °C保藏60 d存活率分别达到40.54%和71.67%。【结论】冷风干燥温度相对较低(10?40 °C),对菌体损伤小,碱处理玉米芯粉、甘露醇和谷氨酸钠是提高菌粉保藏存活率的重要因子,此法克服了革兰氏阴性菌菌粉不易制备和不耐保藏的瓶颈。  相似文献   
AFLP技术运用于小麦种子超干燥保存遗传完整性的初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
小麦种子被干燥和超干燥至9.0%,8.0%,7.0%,6.0%,5.0%,4.0%后,密封包装于江西南昌常温保存。保存五年后,发芽结果表明,小麦种子于亚热带地区常温保存,必须先经过干燥密封包装。种子最适含水量介于7.0%~9.0%之间。不同品种阃有差异。种子经发芽生长至三叶一心期,取幼苗(茎与叶),用AFLP分子技术对其单株及20株的混合样品进行遗传稳定性鉴定。结果表明,每对引物的AFLP图谱谱带丰富,不同引物的清晰带有26至52条,不同品种间差异带在3至6条。同一品种不同的含水量之间AFLP图谱谱带整齐划一,未见明显差异。同一含水量不同混合样品或单株样品间也未见差异,表明小麦种子经干燥、超干燥后于亚热带地区(江西南昌)常温保存五年后。在AFLP分子水平上未见遗传变异。同时本研究也为贮藏种子的遗传完整性研究提供了一个新的思路。  相似文献   

The effect of drying temperature and oxidation on the level of exchangeable ammonium ion found in sediments has been examined using samples collected from along a polluted creek and from shallow lake bays. The sediments were dried at temperatures between 20°C and 100°C (either in air or under a nitrogen atmosphere), and the ammonium ion content was extracted into 0.1 M KCl prior to analysis using an ion selective electrode. Exposure to air during the drying stage usually resulted in lower ammonium values, while increasing the drying temperature altered the amount of displaceable (i.e. available) ammonium ion extracted, generally in an upward direction. The amount detected (5–25 μ g?1) varied between sites, and surface sediment values differed from the 10–50 cm core material results. The pH of the extracts varied with the drying temperature used, indicating that the heating process promoted some chemical changes in the test samples. The study has demonstrated that in nutrient level surveys, the analytical data produced can depend greatly on the sample preparation procedure selected. It also indicated the type of changes which could occur when dredged sediments are land dumped.  相似文献   
Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) proteins are commonly found in plants and other organisms capable of undergoing severe and reversible dehydration, a phenomenon termed “anhydrobiosis”. Here, we have produced a tagged version for three different LEA proteins: pTag-RAB17-GFP-N, Zea mays dehydrin-1dhn, expressed in the nucleo-cytoplasm; pTag-WCOR410-RFP, Tricum aestivum cold acclimation protein WCOR410, binds to cellular membranes, and pTag-LEA-BFP, Artemia franciscana LEA protein group 3 that targets the mitochondria. Sheep fibroblasts transfected with single or all three LEA proteins were subjected to air drying under controlled conditions. After rehydration, cell viability and functionality of the membrane/mitochondria were assessed. After 4 h of air drying, cells from the un-transfected control group were almost completely nonviable (1% cell alive), while cells expressing LEA proteins showed high viability (more than 30%), with the highest viability (58%) observed in fibroblasts expressing all three LEA proteins. Growth rate was markedly compromised in control cells, while LEA-expressing cells proliferated at a rate comparable to non-air-dried cells. Plasmalemma, cytoskeleton and mitochondria appeared unaffected in LEA-expressing cells, confirming the protection conferred by LEA proteins on these organelles during dehydration stress. This is likely to be an effective strategy when aiming to confer desiccation tolerance to mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Several different species of freshwater Bryozoa, belonging to the genera Plumatella, Rumarcanella and Fredericella, were detected within the Northern Mallee Pipeline (NMP) system in Victoria, Australia, that required definitive identification. These organisms produce asexual buds called statoblasts, with valves composed of sclerotised chitin that bear minute micro-ornamentations of considerable taxonomical significance. Imaging and analysis of these distinctive micro-ornamentations using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is often employed for species identification. Meticulous preparation of statoblast samples is therefore required that necessitates the removal of adhering debris, dehydration and drying—whilst mitigating specimen damage and distortion. This technical note describes an approach whereby each of these three steps have been individually designed to be as benign as possible, using mild detergent/sonication to remove debris, a gradual and gentle dehydration procedure using ethanol, and critical point drying. For the overall process, these methods are chosen to optimise control and to minimise the use of harsh and hazardous chemicals.  相似文献   
Nowadays heat-sensitive protein medicines are increasingly showing their importance in the treatment of various diseases. Their popularisation and application are meeting a great challenge because of their heat lability. In this study, human insulin as a heat-sensitive protein medicine and 66 amino acids derived from a Group 3 late embryogenesis abundant protein fragment as a complex bioactive protectant, were chosen to be investigated to determine whether these amino acids can be used to protect the insulin from denaturation due to drying. The experiments were carried out by using a replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) simulation and GROMACS software with Gromos96 (53a6) force field. The REMD results indicate that those amino acids can effectively prevent the reversal between hydrophilic and hydrophobic surface. Both the configurations and secondary structures of the protected insulin were preserved very well. The H-bonding and electrostatic interactions between the insulin and the protectant play key roles in the bioactive protection of insulin. These results agree well with the water replacement hypothesis. All the results prove that these amino acids are a perfect bioactive protectant for heat-sensitive protein medicines.  相似文献   
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