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Summary Retinular fine structure has been compared in the superposition compound eyes of three sphingid moths, one nocturnal, Cechenena, and two diurnal, Cephonodes and Macroglossum. Cechenena and Cephonodes have tiered retinas with three kinds of retinular cells: two distal, six regular and one basal. The distal retinular cells in Cechenena are special in having a complex partially intracellular rhabdomere not present in Cephonodes. Macroglossum lacks the distal retinular cell. In Cephonodes a unique rhabdom type, formed by the six regular retinular cells in the middle region of the retinula, is divided into three separate longitudinal plates arranged closely parallel to one another. Their constituent microvilli are consequently all nearly unidirectional. The ratio of rhabdom volume to retinular cell volume in the two diurnal sphingids is 10–27%; this is about the same as that (25%) of skipper butterflies, but significantly smaller than in the nocturnal Cechenena (60%). In the diurnal sphingids retinular cell membranes show elongate meandering profiles with septate junctions between adjacent retinular cells. From the comparative fine structure of their eyes the diurnal sphingids and the skippers would appear to be phylogenetically closely related.Supported in part by grants from Ministry of Education Japan (Special Project Research in Animal Behaviors)  相似文献   
In the present study, we determined that specimens of Kentrochrysalis consimilis collected from South Korea were K. streckeri, rather than K. consimilis, based on morphology, DNA barcodes and nuclear elongation factor 1 alpha (EF‐1α) sequences. The major morphological differences between K. streckeri and K. consimilis include the shape of forewing and hind‐wing pattern elements and male and female genitalia. The DNA barcode analysis of the South Korean specimens and the Russia‐originated K. streckeri showed a maximum sequence divergence of only 0.659% (4 bp), whereas that of the South Korean specimens and Japan‐originated K. consimilis showed a minimum sequence divergence of 2.965% (18 bp), indicating that the Korean specimens are, in fact, K. streckeri and not K. consimilis. Phylogenetic analyses both by Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood methods strongly clustered the South Korean specimens and Russian K. streckeri into one group, excluding K. consimilis. The EF‐1α‐based sequence and phylogenetic analyses of the two species also supported data from the DNA barcode, indicating the distribution of K. streckeri in South Korea, instead of K. consimilis.  相似文献   
1. Diel rhythms of foraging activity by animal flower visitors can reflect niche partitioning and are considered an important component of selection on floral traits. However, it has been notoriously difficult to obtain objective information on the patterns of flower visitation by crepuscular and nocturnal insects. 2. Motion-activated cameras were used for field-based studies of hawkmoth foraging behaviour on six African plant species. 3. The results showed that short-tongued hawkmoth species forage mainly around dusk and then sporadically throughout the night, whereas long-tongued hawkmoth species feed consistently throughout the night, with a peak shortly before midnight. 4. These results provide the first quantitative estimates of diel patterns of interactions between multiple hawkmoth and plant species and, when combined with qualitative reports from other studies, suggest that differences in diel activity between the two main hawkmoth functional groups (short- and long-tongued) are consistent across the Old and New Worlds.  相似文献   
The role of the maxillary muscles in the uncoiling and coiling movements of hawkmoths (Sphingidae) has been examined by electromyogram recordings, combined with video analysis. The maxillary muscles of adult Lepidoptera can be divided into two groups, galeal and stipital muscles. The galea contains two basal muscles and two series of oblique longitudinal muscles, which run through the entire length of the galea. Three muscles insert on the stipes, taking their origin on the tentorium and on parts of the cranium and gena, respectively. Proboscis extension is initiated by an elevation of the galea base caused by the basal galeal muscles. The actual uncoiling of the proboscis spiral is accompanied by rapid compressions of the stipites which are caused by two of the stipital muscles. The study provides strong support for the hypothesis that uncoiling is brought about by an increase of hemolymph pressure by the stipites forcing hemolymph into the galeae. Recoiling is caused by the contraction of both sets of oblique longitudinal galeal muscles supported by elasticity of the galea cuticle. Finally, the remaining stipital muscle pulls down the galea base which brings the coiled proboscis back to its resting position where it is held in the U-shaped groove of the labium without further muscle activity.  相似文献   
Aim The aim of the study was (1) to describe the biodiversity of the sphingid assemblage in a Cerrado area in the Triângulo Mineiro region, south‐east of Brazil; (2) to evaluate the seasonal variations in species composition; (3) to compare the faunistic relationships between the Cerrado biome and adjacent ecosystems; and (4) to analyse the biogeographical pattern of species distribution in the Neotropical region in a historical context. Location Panga Ecological Station (PES), 30 km south of the city of Uberlândia, and other areas of the Triângulo Mineiro region, Minas Gerais state, south‐eastern Brazil. Methods Moth richness and abundance were monitored monthly at the PES from August 2003 to July 2004, with additional collections at this locality in 2001/2002, 2005 and 2006. Complementary moth richness and abundance data were also collected in other areas of the Triângulo Mineiro region. All collections were made using light traps, and the hawkmoths were mounted and identified. Cluster analysis, rarefaction curves and estimators of total species richness were used to compare the Cerrado hawkmoth assemblage with assemblages derived from other surveys in the Neotropics. Results In total, 61 hawkmoth species were recorded for the study region and their occurrence was markedly seasonal. The hawkmoth assemblage in the study area presented the closest similarity with rain forest areas and with a tropical dry forest area in Central America. The area shared species with both rain forest and seasonally dry tropical forest (SDTF) ecosystems, including supposedly endemic species previously recorded only in the latter areas. Rarefaction curves and estimators of the total number of species showed species richness to be comparable with other highly diverse forest areas in the Neotropics, such as the Brazilian Amazon and Costa Rica. Main conclusions This short‐term study is the first systematic survey of hawkmoths in the Cerrado. It has recorded around 22% of the South American fauna and highlighted the high species richness of the region, which compares favourably with that in other rain forest ecosystems. The survey indicates high regional diversity, and has shown that the Cerrado harbours a hawkmoth fauna comprising both rain forest elements, probably distributed along humid gallery forest corridors, and SDTF elements, supporting the idea of a historical Pleistocene arc connecting the Caatinga domain and other seasonal dry forest areas across the Cerrado region.  相似文献   
果园三种天蛾的DNA条形码鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA条形码(DNA Barcoding)可以利用一段通用基因短片段对物种(包括不同生活史阶段)进行区分。本文尝试应用该技术对深色白眉天蛾Hyles gallii(Rottemburg)、构月天蛾Parum colligata(Walker)、桃红六点天蛾Marumba gaschkewitschi(Bremer et Grey)等3种天蛾进行了鉴别。测定了3种天蛾的COⅠ基因序列,并在BOLD(Barcode of Life Data Systems)及GenBank中进行了检索。结果发现BOLD系统比GenBank更能帮助准确鉴定到物种,而在GenBank中只有1种能鉴定到种。将实验室获得序列与GenBank中下载的474条同源序列整合后,利用MEGA4.0的Kimura-2-Parameter模型进行了遗传距离分析,利用MEGA4.0及PAUP4.0进行了系统发育树的构建,结果发现待鉴定标本序列在各个系统发育树的位置基本一致,并能准确鉴定出一种天蛾。本研究表明,随着BOLD系统、GenBank等公共数据库的不断完善,DNA条形码将有助于更加有效地鉴定特定类群物种。  相似文献   
The pollination of Caesalpinia gilliesii (Fabaceae) , a legume species with long, brush-type flowers, was studied in wild populations in Argentina. A total of 341 hawkmoths (Sphingidae), belonging to 10 species, with tongues ranging from 1.5 to 13.5 cm in length, were captured by means of light traps. Hawkmoths could be classified in four significantly different tongue-length classes or guilds: short (15.35 ± 1.11 mm), medium (30.23 ± 2.24 mm), long (55.85 ± 4.98 mm) and very long (95.61 ± 13.63 mm). A total of 133 of the hawkmoths, belonging to seven species, carried pollen of Cae. gilliesii , mainly on their venter. Successful contact with anthers while drinking nectar depended upon hawkmoth tongue length. The relative frequency of pollen-carriage and the mean tongue length of each species were positively and significantly correlated. Considering a null hypothesis of nonspecialization, in which hawkmoths carrying pollen are distributed at random among individuals of the four guilds, long-tongued hawkmoths carried Cae. gilliesii pollen more frequently than would be expected by chance. In contrast, short- and medium-tongued guilds carried pollen less frequently than is predicted by random expectation. Individuals with short tongues accessed nectar from below without touching the anthers, whereas very long-tongued hawkmoths, with tongues longer than the length range of the flower reproductive organs, can probably reach nectar without touching the fertile organs. Results show that a pterotribic pattern of pollen deposition on the body of long-tongued hawkmoths is operating in this species. This suggests that brush-type blossoms are not necessarily unspecialized, despite popular belief.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 579–592.  相似文献   
The growth and development of final-stadium tabacco hornworm Manduca sexta (Sphingidae) larvae fed a 2.5 mM l-canavanine-containing diet is disrupted markedly. Such canavanine-mediated disruption of larval growth is intensified greatly when these organisms are fed a canavanine-containing diet supplemented with a 1 : 10 molar ratio of l-arginine, l-citrulline, l-ornithine or l-2,4-diaminobutyric acid, the larvae possess enhanced haemolymph volume (oedema) and a significant mortality results from incomplete larval-pupal ecdysis. Two other compounds, 3-aminobutyric acid and l-2,3-diaminopropionic acid, do not produce larvae showing oedema but most larvae fail to complete larval-pupal ecdysis. 4-Aminobutyric acid, l-threonine and l-glutamic acid are much less potent but they still manifest appreciable developmental aberrations. Eighteen other tested compounds have no discernible effect. In general, compounds accentuating the biological activity of canavanine have: an α-carboxyl and α-amino group; a carbon skeleton of no less than 2 nor more than 4 carbon atoms; and and ω-amino group.  相似文献   
The reproductive biology of Merremia palmeri and the pollination efficiency of its insect visitors were examined for a Sonoran Desert population in northwestern Mexico. Pollen transfer experiments proved that the plant is self-incompatible. Reproduction is, therefore, dependent upon reliable visitation by the primary pollinators, hawk moths. Many aspects of the floral structure are typical of sphingophilous flowers, and the time of flower opening and nectar secretion corresponded to the period of greatest hawk moth activity. A single hawk moth visit to a flower could be sufficient for successful fertilization. Additional visits up to five increased percentage fruit set, but flowers that received six or more visits had lower fruit and seed set. Neither the number of moth visits nor fruit and seed set were correlated with temperature or relative humidity. Over the course of the study >55% of flowers set fruit. We conclude that hawk moths are reliable and efficient pollinators for M. palmeri in a warm desert habitat.  相似文献   
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