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Reproductive success (RS) in orchids in general, and in non-rewarding species specifically, is extremely low. RS is pollinator and pollination limited in food deceptive orchids, but this has rarely been studied in sexually deceptive orchid species. Here, we tested the effects of several individual (plant height, inflorescence size, nearest neighbour distance and flower position) and population (patch geometry, population density and size) parameters on RS in three sexually deceptive Ophrys (Orchidaceae) species. Inter-specific differences were observed in RS of flowers situated in the upper versus the lower part of the inflorescence, likely due to species-specific pollinator behaviour. For all three species examined, RS increased with increasing plant height, inflorescence size and nearest neighbour distance. RS generally increased with decreasing population density and increasing patch elongation. Given these results, we postulate that pollinator availability, rather than pollinator learning, is the most limiting factor in successful reproduction for sexually deceptive orchids. Our results also suggest that olfactory 'display' ( i.e. versus optical display), in terms of inflorescence size (and co-varying plant height), plays a key role in individual RS of sexually deceptive orchids. In this regard, several hypotheses are suggested and discussed.  相似文献   
Floral isolation is an important component of pollinator-driven speciation. However, up to now, only a few studies have quantified its strength and relative contribution to total reproductive isolation. In this study, we quantified floral isolation among three closely related, sympatric orchid species of the genus Ophrys by directly tracking pollen flow. Ophrys orchids mimic their pollinators' mating signals, and are pollinated by male insects during mating attempts. This pollination system, called sexual deception, is usually highly specific. However, whether pollinator specialization also conveys floral isolation is currently under debate. In this study, we found strong floral isolation: among 46 tracked pollen transfers in two flowering seasons, all occurred within species. Accounting for observation error rate, we estimated a floral isolation index ≥0.98 among each pair of species. Hand pollination experiments suggested that postpollination barriers were effectively absent among our study species. Genetic analysis based on AFLP markers showed a clear species clustering and very few F(1) hybrids in natural populations, providing independent evidence that strong floral isolation prevents significant interspecies gene flow. Our results provide the first direct evidence that floral isolation acts as the main reproductive barrier among closely related plant species with specialized pollination.  相似文献   
The RAPD technique has been used for analyzing the genetic material of seven Italian populations of theOphrys bertolonii aggregate (Orchidaceae). For comparison the related speciesO. sphegodes andO. fuciflora have also been analyzed. A high genetic variability has been observed within the same populations, and on the whole onlyO. bertolonii can be safely differentiated from the other taxa of the aggregate, which are undistinguishable with this method.  相似文献   
Local adaptation to different pollinators is considered one of the possible initial stages of ecological speciation as reproductive isolation is a by‐product of the divergence in pollination systems. However, pollinator‐mediated divergent selection will not necessarily result in complete reproductive isolation, because incipient speciation is often overcome by gene flow. We investigated the potential of pollinator shift in the sexually deceptive orchids Ophrys sphegodes and Ophrys exaltata and compared the levels of floral isolation vs. genetic distance among populations with contrasting predominant pollinators. We analysed floral hydrocarbons as a proxy for floral divergence between populations. Floral adoption of pollinators and their fidelity was tested using pollinator choice experiments. Interpopulation gene flow and population differentiation levels were estimated using AFLP markers. The Tyrrhenian O. sphegodes population preferentially attracted the pollinator bee Andrena bimaculata, whereas the Adriatic O. sphegodes population exclusively attracted A. nigroaenea. Significant differences in scent component proportions were identified in O. sphegodes populations that attracted different preferred pollinators. High interpopulation gene flow was detected, but populations were genetically structured at species level. The high interpopulation gene flow levels independent of preferred pollinators suggest that local adaptation to different pollinators has not (yet) generated detectable genome‐wide separation. Alternatively, despite extensive gene flow, few genes underlying floral isolation remain differentiated as a consequence of divergent selection. Different pollination ecotypes in O. sphegodes might represent a local selective response imposed by temporal variation in a geographical mosaic of pollinators as a consequence of the frequent disturbance regimes typical of Ophrys habitats.  相似文献   
Do changes in floral odor cause speciation in sexually deceptive orchids?   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
 We investigated differences in floral odor between two sympatric, closely related sexually deceptive orchid species, Ophrys fusca and O. bilunulata, which are specifically pollinated by Andrena nigroaenea and A. flavipes, respectively. We identified biologically active compounds by gas chromatography with electroantennographic detection using antennae of the pollinator bees. Alkanes, alkenes, aldehydes, and farnesyl hexanoate released electroantennographic reactions. The relative amounts of alkanes were mostly the same between the two orchid species, whereas the relative amounts of most alkenes were significantly different. On the grounds of these findings and behavioral experiments conducted in earlier studies, we suggest that the difference in relative amounts of alkenes is responsible for the selective attraction of pollinators in the two orchids. Speciation in this group of Ophrys orchids may be brought about by changes in pattern of alkenes, which lead to attraction of a different pollinator species and therefore reproductive isolation. Received November 22, 2001; accepted February 21, 2002 Published online: November 7, 2002 Addresses of the authors: Florian P. Schiestl* and Manfred Ayasse, Department of Evolutionary Biology, Institute of Zoology, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, A-1090 Vienna. *Present address: Geobotanical Institute ETH, Zollikerstrasse 107, CH-8008 Zürich. (e-mail: schiestl@geobot.umnw.ethz.ch)  相似文献   
Orchidaceae is one of the most species-rich angiosperm families, and all orchids are fully dependent on fungi for their seed germination and their life cycle. The level of specificity of the association between orchid species and fungi can be related to the number of co-occurring orchid species. To investigate orchid mycorrhizal associations in adult-photosynthetic orchids, 16 Mediterranean orchid species belonging to 4 genera (Anacamptis, Ophrys, Orchis, and Serapias) at 11 different sites were subjected to DNA-based analysis. Eighteen operational taxonomic units representing two fungal families, Tulasnellaceae and Ceratobasidiaceae, were identified. All examined orchid species associated with different mycorrhizal fungi. Interestingly, there was a positive correlation between number of orchid species and number of mycorrhizal. Monospecific populations showed a lower number of fungi, while sympatric populations had a higher number of mycorrhizal fungi. Our results showed that Mediterranean orchid species associated with a higher number of mycorrhizal fungi confirming as photosynthetic orchids are typically generalists toward mycorrhizal fungi. Thus, photosynthetic orchids exhibit low specificity for fungal symbionts showing the potential for opportunistic associations with diverse fungi reducing competition for nutrient. We suggest that these characteristics could confer symbiotic assurance particularly in habitat with resource limitations or prone to stressful conditions.  相似文献   
In the sexually deceptive orchid genus Ophrys , reproductive isolation is based on the specific attraction of males of a single pollinator species by mimicking the female species-specific sex pheromone. Changes in the odor composition can lead to hybridization and speciation by the attraction of a new pollinator that acts as an isolation barrier toward other sympatrically occurring Ophrys species. On Sardinia, we investigated the evolutionary origin of two sympatrically occurring endemic species, Ophrys chestermanii and O. normanii , which are both pollinated by males of the cuckoo bumblebee Bombus vestalis . Chemical and electrophysiological analyses of floral scent and genetic analyses with amplified fragment length polymorphisms and plastid-markers clearly showed that O. normanii is neither a hybrid nor a hybrid species. The two species evolved from different ancestors, viz. O. normanii from O. tenthredinifera and O. chestermanii from O. annae , and converged to the same pollinator attracted by the same bouquet of polar compounds. In spite of sympatry, pollinator sharing and overlapping blooming periods, no evidence has been obtained for gene flow between O. chestermanii and O. normanii indicating an unusual case among sexually deceptive orchids in which postmating rather than premating reproductive isolation mechanisms strongly prevent interspecific gene flow.  相似文献   
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