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Shallow-water vegetated estuarine habitats, notably seagrass, mangrove and saltmarsh, are known to be important habitats for many species of small or juvenile fish in temperate Australia. However, the movement of fish between these habitats is poorly understood, and yet critical to the management of the estuarine fisheries resource. We installed a series of buoyant pop nets in adjacent stands of seagrass, mangrove and saltmarsh in order to determine how relative abundance of fishes varied through lunar cycles. Nets were released in all habitats at the peak of the monthly spring tide for 12 months, and in the seagrass habitat at the peak of the neap tide also. The assemblage of fish in each habitat differed during the spring tides. The seagrass assemblage differed between spring and neap tide, with the neap tide assemblage showing greater abundances of fish, particularly those species which visited the adjacent habitats when inundated during spring tides. The result supports the hypothesis that fish move from the seagrass to the adjacent mangrove and saltmarsh during spring tides, taking advantage of high abundances of zooplankton, and use seagrass as a refuge during lower tides. The restoration and preservation of mangrove and saltmarsh utility as fish habitat may in some situations be linked to the proximity of available seagrass.  相似文献   
Summary The gas exchange and water relations of the hemiparasite Pthirusa maritima and two its mangrove host species, Conocarpus erectus and Coccoloba uvifera, were studied in an intertidal zone of the Venezuelan coast. Carbon uptake and transpiration, leaf osmotic and total water potential, as well as nutrient content in the xylem sap and leaves of mistletoes and hosts were followed through the dry and wet season. In addition, carbon isotope ratios of leaf tissue were measured to further evaluate water use efficiency. Under similar light and humidity conditions, mistletoes had higher transpiration rates, lower leaf water potentials, and lower water use efficiencies than their hosts. Potassium content was much higher in mistletoes than in host leaves, but mineral nutrient content in the xylem sap of mistletoes was relatively low. The resistance of the liquid pathway from the soil to the leaf surface of mistletoes was larger than the total liquid flow resistance of host plants. Differences in the daily cycles of osmotic potential of the xylem sap also indicate the existence of a high resistance pathway along the vascular connection between the parasite pathway along the vascular connection between the parasite and its host. P. maritima mistletoes adjust to the different physiological characteristics of the host species which it parasitizes, thus ensuring an adequate water and carbon balance.  相似文献   
C. Preston  R.J. Pace   《BBA》1985,810(3):388-391
A combined single-turnover flash and 35Cl NMR technique has been used to monitor S-state dependence of Cl binding to PS-II particles derived from mangrove (Avicennia marina). No detectable high-affinity binding was found to particles in the S0 and S1 states, but binding with an affinity comparable to that which activates O2 evolution was found in the S2 and S3 states.  相似文献   
D. M. Alongi 《Oecologia》1994,98(3-4):320-327
Benthic oxygen consumption and primary production were measured using the bell jar technique in deltaic and fringing mangrove forests of tropical northeastern Australia. In a deltaic forest, rates of sediment respiration ranged from 197 to 1645 mol O2 m–2 h–1 (mean=836), but did not vary significantly with season or intertidal zone. Gross primary production varied among intertidal zones and seasons, ranging from –281 to 1413 mol O2 m–2 h–1 (mean=258). Upon tidal exposure, rates of gross primary production increased, but respiration rates did not change significantly. In a fringing mangrove forest, benthic respiration and gross primary production exhibited strong seasonality. In both forests, rates of oxygen consumption and production were low compared to salt marshes, but equivalent to rates in other mangrove forests. The production:respiration (P/R) ratio varied greatly over space and time (range:–0.61 to 1.76), but most values were «1 with a mean of 0.15, indicating net heterotrophy. On a bare creek bank and a sandflat, rates of gross primary production and P/R ratios were generally higher than in the adjacent mangroves. Low microalgal standing stocks, low light intensity under the canopy, and differences in gross primary production between mangroves and tidal flats, and with tidal status, indicate that benthic microalgae are light-limited and a minor contributor to primary productivity in these tropical mangrove forests.  相似文献   
Reproductive strategies of coastal marine fishes in the tropics   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Synopsis A synthesis of ethnobiological, behavioral and physical oceanographic information leads to the conclusion that temperate zone models of reproductive strategy are inapplicable to many fishes of the coastal tropics. Intense predation appears to exert heavy selection pressure on fishes that spend their adult lives in coral, mangrove or tropical seagrass communities. Many exhibit spawning behaviors and spawn at times and locations that favor the transport of their pelagic eggs and pelagic larvae offshore where predation is reduced. This creates a countervailing selection pressure — the need to return the larvae to shallow water once they are ready to colonize their post-larval habitats. Accordingly, spawning is often concentrated at times of the year when prevailing winds or currents are at their weakest, thereby reducing the transport of larvae long distances from where they originated. Spawning is also concentrated in the vicinity of nearshore gyres which similarly favor the ultimate return of the larvae to their natal area. Among these species, therefore, offshore larval dispersal does not seem to be an adaptation for dispersal of the species, but rather an evolutionary response to intense predation pressure in the adult habitats. Lunar reproductive periodicity is more common among these species than has previously been recognized, and is one of the strategies employed to enhance the offshore flushing of eggs and larvae.This paper forms part of the proceedings of a mini-symposium convened at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 18–19 May 1976, entitled Patterns of Community Structure in Fishes (G. S. Helfman, ed.).Contribution No. 524, Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu.  相似文献   
红树林水生动物栖息地功能及其渔业价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红树林生长于热带、亚热带海陆交界的生态敏感带,其根系为生活于潮间带高度异质环境下的生物提供了适宜生境:藻类、双壳类、甲壳类等大量附生于红树根部;红树的呼吸根、支柱根、树干、倒落的枝条和残骸等,与沉积物形成的松软基质为大量底栖动物提供栖息地,根部结构间的空隙成为虾类、蟹类和鱼类等游泳动物的优良避难所和索饵场。红树林凋落物以碎屑形式进入食物网,连同浮游植物、附生藻类和底栖微藻等,是红树林生态系统的碳循环重要组成部分,为红树林区水生动物提供了丰富的食物来源。可见,食物来源丰富、隐蔽性强、捕食压力低等特点使得红树林成为水生动物的理想栖息地,许多水生动物选择在其中度过部分或完整生活史。另外,红树林也是重要经济动物(鱼、虾、蟹类)的育苗场,为近岸鱼类种群的补充和渔业活动提供支持。为合理开发红树林区渔业和有效保护红树林湿地生态系统,从生境价值、凋落物在红树林生态系统食物网中的贡献等方面总结了红树林栖息地功能及其渔业价值,提出今后的研究方向应将红树林的栖息地功能从其它河口、近岸栖息地中分离出来,甄别不同栖息地间的动态关系及其对渔业的影响。  相似文献   
Mangrove forests are characterized by distinctive tree-height gradientsthat reflect complex spatial, within-stand differences in environmentalfactors,including nutrient dynamics, salinity, and tidal inundation, across narrowgradients. To determine patterns of nutrient limitation and the effects ofnutrient availability on plant growth and within-stand nutrient dynamics, weused a factorial experiment with three nutrient treatment levels (control, N,P)and three zones along a tree-height gradient (fringe, transition, dwarf) onoffshore islands in Belize. Transects were laid out perpendicular to theshoreline across a mangrove forest from a fringe stand along the seaward edge,through a stand of intermediate height, into a dwarf stand in the interior ofthe island. At three sites, three trees were fertilized per zone for 2yr. Although there was spatial variability in response, growth byR. mangle was generally nitrogen (N) -limited in thefringe zone;phosphorus (P) -limited in the dwarf zone; and, N- and/or P-limited in thetransition zone. Phosphorus-resorption efficiency decreased in all three zones,and N-resorption efficiency increased in the dwarf zone in response to Penrichment. The addition of N had no effect on either P or N resorptionefficiencies. Belowground decomposition was increased by P enrichment in allzones, whereas N enrichment had no effect. This study demonstrated thatessential nutrients are not uniformly distributed within mangrove ecosystems;that soil fertility can switch from conditions of N to P limitation acrossnarrow ecotonal gradients; and, that not all ecological processes respondsimilarly to, or are limited by, the same nutrient.  相似文献   
Fish use of a mangrove habitat was studied in a small mangrove forest on the West coast of Madagascar. A sand bar near the inlet retains water in parts of the channel (pools) at low tide. Fishes in four of these pools were examined daily at all phases of the tidal cycle for 3 weeks using underwater visual census. During week 1, fishes were diverse and abundant in all pools: the dominant species were cardinalfish (related to Apogon lateralis); monos, Monodactylus argenteus; black spotted snappers, Lutjanus ehrenbergi; double bar bream, Acanthopagrus bifasciatus; emperors, Lethrinus lentjan and L. sp., surgeon fish, Acanthurus nigricauda; red-lined sweetlips, Plectorhinchus plagiodesmis; and butterflyfish, Chaetodon kleini. Some species were more abundant in shaded pools; others in more open pools. During week 2 a dramatic difference was noted: the only fishes found were schools of cardinalfish and one moray eel. This week had neap tides, with high tides in the morning and low tides in the afternoon. As the week progressed and during week 3 (spring tides), fishes slowly repopulated the habitat and diversity increased. Monos, absent in week 2, now had increasing numbers of small individuals. While large emperors were scarce, small individuals appeared. The larger butterflyfish and surgeonfish seen in week 1 were replaced by small ones during week 3. Species that had been rare in week 1 were more abundant, including pipefish and small barracudas. While species richness increased during week 3, the community was strikingly different from that seen 2 weeks earlier. Only Pool 1, closest to the entrance, recovered its original species richness. Abundance was much lower than in week 1. Our snapshot study apparently captured a time when older juveniles left the mangrove forest and smaller fishes recruited into it. Utilization of this habitat will likely vary throughout the year depending on the reproductive cycle of the different species whose juveniles utilize it. Longer studies are needed to learn about cycles in fish use of the mangroves.  相似文献   
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