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This short contribution reports the results of a field study on the nearshore characteristics of waves generated by both conventional and high speed passenger ferries. The field observations took place in the late summer of 2005, at a beach close to the port of Mytilene (Island of Lesbos, Greece), and involved the visual observation of ship waves, using digital video recordings and image processing techniques. The results showed that passage of the fast ferry was associated with a longer, more complex and energetic nearshore event; this event not only did include higher nearshore waves (up to 0.74 m) and was organised in different wave packets, but it was also an order of magnitude longer (∼ 680 s) than the conventional ferry event. Regarding the effects on beach sediment dynamics, the fast ferry waves were estimated to be very efficient in mobilising the nearshore sediments in contrast to those of the conventional ferry. The fast ferry service appears to generate daily prolonged nearshore events, which contain waves with higher energy than those expected from the normal summer wind wave regime of the area; these events also include some high and very steep waves, which can be particularly erosive. Therefore, fast ferry wakes may have considerable impacts on the seasonal beach sediment dynamics/morphodynamics and the nearshore benthic ecology, as well as they may pose significant risks to bathers, affecting the recreational use of the beaches exposed to fast ferry traffic. Finally, the study has shown that satisfactory field observations of the nearshore characteristics of ship-generated (and wind) waves can be obtained using inshore deployments of calibrated poles, digital video cameras and appropriate image processing algorithms.  相似文献   
During an international workshop at the Institute for Experimental Physics of the University of Vienna, Austria, which was coordinated within the Committee on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols (IAMAS-IUGG), 10 instruments for aerosol number concentration measurement were studied, covering a wide range of methods based on various different measuring principles. In order to investigate the detection limits of the instruments considered with respect to particle size, simultaneous number concentration measurements were performed for monodispersed aerosols with particle sizes ranging from 1.5 to 50 nm diameter and various compositions.The instruments considered show quite different response characteristics, apparently related to the different vapors used in the various counters to enlarge the particles to an optically detectable size. A strong dependence of the 50% cutoff diameter on the particle composition in correlation with the type of vapor used in the specific instrument was found. An enhanced detection efficiency for ultrafine hygroscopic sodium chloride aerosols was observed with water operated systems, an analogous trend was found for n-butanol operated systems with nonhygroscopic silver and tungsten oxide particles.  相似文献   
Under seismic excitation, liquefied clean medium to dense cohesionless soils may regain a high level of shear resistance at large shear strain excursions. This pattern of response, known as a form of cyclic mobility, has been documented by a large body of laboratory sample tests and centrifuge experiments. A plasticity-based constitutive model is developed with emphasis on simulating the cyclic mobility response mechanism and associated pattern of shear strain accumulation. This constitutive model is incorporated into a two-phase (solid–fluid), fully coupled finite element code. Calibration of the constitutive model is described, based on a unique set of laboratory triaxial tests (monotonic and cyclic) and dynamic centrifuge experiments. In this experimental series, Nevada sand at a relative density of about 40% is employed. The calibration effort focused on reproducing the salient characteristics of dynamic site response as dictated by the cyclic mobility mechanism. Finally, using the calibrated model, a numerical simulation is conducted to highlight the effect of excitation frequency content on post-liquefaction ground deformations.  相似文献   
土地利用动态管理系统研发中的若干问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土地利用管理是土地管理的核心内容之一。土地利用动态变化加剧了土地管理的压力,建设具有辅助决策功能的土地利用动态信息系统是大势所趋。本文在阐述建设此系统的重要意义基础上,讨论了系统研发中几个关键问题,即“动态”管理的实现、空间数据和属性数据集成管理和决策的初步实现等。本文提出的解决方法,对于类似土地信息系统的建设具有普遍的指导意义。  相似文献   
森林灭火决策的参与人员可能来自不同的组织、不同领域,他们有不同知识结构、专业背景、学识和各自的经验、偏好,这往往不利于决策过程中的交流、协同进行。本文把本体引入协同式森林灭火决策中,解决决策成员在协作中对他人所述的内容理解一致问题。分析了现有建立领域本体的主要方法,并借鉴软件开发的生命周期理论,提出建立面向森林火灾的领域本体的具体实现方法。以森林灭火决策为应用导向,通过对森林灭火决策的内容分析及与领域专家相互交流,根据领域中概念分类体系和概念的组合结构,从相关领域(林业、气象学、消防工程、地理学)抽象出概念术语集、关系集、函数集、规则集等,建立可共享、理解、重用、互操作的概念模型;利用本体建模工具,建立森林灭火本体库;设计与实现了本体的解析与可视化工具,用户可以交互式的查询术语的概念内涵,利用可视化工具,显示概念之间的关系。研究成果将为学科或领域间的高效协作打下通信与交流的基础,为林业、消防的信息化研究、林火本体服务提供可借鉴的框架和成果,为林火管理和应急指挥决策提供一个语义层级次上的重要途径。  相似文献   
南海毛蚶形态特征对体重的相关分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
随机选取同龄南海毛蚶Scapharca subcrenata雌性62只、雄性59只,测量壳长、壳厚、壳高、后闭壳肌直径、放射肋数及活体重。采用通径分析方法研究南海毛蚶5个形态特征对体重的总效应,并以综合决定系数为确定形态性状重要性的准则。结果表明,两性中壳厚、壳高和壳长与体重均为正相关(p<0.01),直接和间接途径都不是体重的限制因素。壳厚、壳高的平均综合决定系数分别为0.423和0.412,是影响体重最主要因素且都具有育种意义。  相似文献   
煤层底板突水是华北型煤田煤矿生产过程中一种常见的水害类型,为解决水害防治工程的科学决策问题,进一步提高防治水工程的可靠性,提出构建智能决策支持系统的技术思路。智能决策支持系统是传统决策支持系统与人工智能技术相互融合的产物,在分析底板水害防治决策支持功能需求的基础上,提出“数据-模型-方案”一体化设计流程,从数据导入、模型驱动、智能决策等3个层次构建底板水害防治智能决策支持系统的基本框架。将模型驱动层进一步细分为方法库、模型库、知识图谱构建3项专业化服务,模型库包括底板突水空间点预测模型、疏水降压数值模拟模型、注浆改造工程可靠性分析模型、隔离工程设计模型及底板水害监测预警模型。系统最终输出的决策方案包括底板突水危险性分区、疏水降压Q-t-s方案、区域注浆改造设计及工程可靠性评价、隔离工程设计、底板突水监测预警警情发布。系统通过注浆过程的反馈-控制、突水监测预警的深度学习、疏水降压方案的动态优化等实现其智能决策。智能决策支持系统将会在煤层底板水害防治可靠性保障方面提供新的技术支撑。  相似文献   
罗飞  王华忠 《地球物理学报》2021,64(6):2050-2060

随着地震数据采集技术的进步,地震数据量日益增加,全自动、高精度的地震初至走时拾取技术受到了更加广泛的关注.本文将初至拾取看作特征空间内带约束的Markov决策过程,在奖励函数空间,按一定准则全局寻优获得积累奖励值最大的路径,从而达到在高维空间自动拾取初至信息的目的.同时,状态值函数中包含与距离相关的折扣因子γ,使Markov决策过程拾取初至能够考虑地震数据的横向连续性,并且回避地震数据中的坏道信息.在此基础上,本文方法进一步引入受空间几何信息约束的动作(Actions)和转移概率(Transitions Probability),从而降低了对起始状态和折扣因子选取的难度,让地震数据初至走时拾取更加准确和自动化.实际数据测试结果表明,在初至能量较弱(信噪比较低)情况或浅层存在相邻较近复杂波形时,本文提出的约束Markov算法仍能准确地进行初至走时的自动拾取,并且具有一定的质量监控能力,让拾取结果更有物理意义.

This article follows the industry employment histories of all individuals who at some point have been affiliated with the declining German or the dismantling Swedish shipbuilding industry during 1970–2000. We analyse the situation of the individual workers leaving shipbuilding, investigating the extent to which they were employed at all, tended to move to related sectors within or outside the region, and whether such moves were beneficial for the individuals. Combining insights from labour geography and redundancy studies with evolutionary economic geography, we find remarkably similar results for the West German and Swedish cases. Our findings indicate a notable impact of the regional industry structure on the labour market outcomes for workers leaving shipbuilding. This suggests that more attention should be devoted to the specific structures of the absorptive capacity of regional labour markets. The findings are discussed within the context of a mature industry.  相似文献   
孙文彬  熊婷 《测绘学报》2016,45(11):1328-1334
针对低频(采样间隔大于1min)轨迹数据匹配算法精度不高的问题,提出了一种基于强化学习和历史轨迹的匹配算法HMDP-Q,首先通过增量匹配算法提取历史路径作为历史参考经验库;根据历史参考经验库、最短路径和可达性筛选候选路径集;再将地图匹配过程建模成马尔科夫决策过程,利用轨迹点偏离道路距离和历史轨迹构建回报函数;然后借助强化学习算法求解马尔科夫决策过程的最大回报值,即轨迹与道路的最优匹配结果;最后应用某市浮动车轨迹数据进行试验。结果表明:本文算法能有效提高轨迹数据与道路匹配精度;本算法在1min低频采样间隔下轨迹匹配准确率达到了89.2%;采样频率为16min时,该算法匹配精度也能达到61.4%;与IVVM算法相比,HMDP-Q算法匹配精度和求解效率均优于IVVM算法,16min采样频率时本文算法轨迹匹配精度提高了26%。  相似文献   
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