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This paper explores links between transport and housing security issues for the urban poor using the example of the Klang Valley in Malaysia. The interface between these issues is identified as a gap in the literature, including policy debates, on both housing and transport. A number of linkages are shown to be important and likely to be relevant in many cities of the South, especially those with rapid motorisation and large numbers of "squatters". A simple framework for understanding these linkages is presented. Key examples include displacement to make way for transport infrastructure and the impact on transport problems for the poor of policies affecting the location of urban poor housing, including relocation sites and transit accommodation. The case study of the Klang Valley is used to illustrate and test the relevance of a focus on this issue and the utility of the conceptual framework. Some policy implications of the investigation and case study are suggested.  相似文献   
More is known about the policies that produce forced evictions and their consequences than about the agencies whose responsibility it is to conduct them. Understanding the nature of forced evictions requires greater comprehension of responsible agencies since the ways in which they implement policies may be a crucial intervening variable influencing the outcomes. In this paper, I use documentary and ethnographic research to describe the Squatter Control and Clearance Division of the Hong Kong Housing Department. Responsible both for evicting squatters and for controlling squatter areas that are permitted to remain for the time being, officers must respond to the conflicts and challenges of their twin, partially conflicting, mandates. Examination of changes in squatter control and clearance practices since 1954 is followed by a brief case study of the most recent squatter clearance that occurred in July 2001.  相似文献   
Modern urban transportation systems continuously challenge, and are challenged by, the changing nature of 21st‐century travel demand. Today, congestion is the norm in cities of the United States, and researchers and practitioners are seeking solutions to these problems. Urban commuting is identified as contributing to the suboptimal performance of transportation systems. This paper offers a review and critique of recent research on urban commuting, emphasizing geographical dimensions of this topic. Three broad areas of research related to urban commuting are discussed. These include (1) urban sustainability, (2) land use, and (3) geographic information systems (GIS). Major themes are examined in an effort to elicit thought on future geographic research. At the conclusion of the paper, summary remarks are provided and avenues for research are outlined.  相似文献   
中国城市房价、收入与房价收入比的时空分异格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈艳如  谷跃  宋伟轩 《地理研究》2021,40(9):2442-2458
中国城市房价快速增长背景下,城市房价、收入与房价收入比空间格局既有相似性,也表现出差异性,其空间异质性与空间依赖性特征显著。本文以中国337个地级行政单元为研究对象,运用泰尔指数、位序-规模和空间马尔科夫链等方法,对2009—2018年中国城市房价、收入和房价收入比的时空分异格局、整体稳定性和空间依赖性特征进行分析发现:(1)中国城市房价增长呈现出波动性特征,整体分异程度增强,房价城市体系呈现"金字塔型"结构,收入则表现出平稳增长态势,整体分异度降低,城市体系呈现"橄榄型"结构,在房价与收入共同影响下,房价收入比整体差异性显著加强;(2)城市房价空间格局表现出"地带性"与"等级性"差异并存,而收入更多表现出"地带性"差异,房价收入比则以"等级性"差异为主;(3)城市房价和收入类型的稳定性和空间依赖性较强,高、低水平城市存在两极分化与"俱乐部收敛"现象,房价收入比稳定性相对较弱。对中国城市房价、收入和房价收入比时空分异格局和空间关联效应的分析,可以为探索中国城市房价收入比空间分异模式与机理提供必要研究基础。  相似文献   
通过对济南市商品住宅价格空间分布的研究,了解济南市商品住宅价格的空间分布的特征与规律,确定影响济南市商品住宅价格空间分布的因素,为促进济南市商品住宅市场的发展,政府制定住宅产业政策,合理进行城市规划等提出合理化的建议。  相似文献   
有效分析城市不同经济水平人群的分布特征和活动模式对优化城市资源配置和揭示空间隔离现象有着极高的价值。但人群活动和社会经济等级数据较敏感,使得以往研究仅停留在宏观层面,难以合理划分人群经济等级并对其空间分布和活动模式进行定量分析。本研究以深圳为研究区,基于空间位置关联分析方法,耦合手机信令数据和细尺度房价数据实现了人群经济水平的准确划分,通过计算活动指标定量的分析了不同经济水平人群的空间分布和行为活动特征。研究表明:深圳市不同经济水平人群活动分布与各行政区经济发展相关,呈现“南高北低,西高东低”的格局;深圳市不同经济水平人群之间活动模式存在差异,活动范围、出行距离、出行速度与经济水平存在正向相关;高经济水平人群职住地点相距较远,存在跨行政区分布的现象。本研究分析了城市不同经济水平人群的空间分布特征和活动模式,对城市规划和解决社会不平等问题具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
上海市三甲医院对周边地区住房价格的空间影响效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取上海市区7家三级甲等综合性医院,运用特征价格模型和多元回归分析方法,实证分析它们对周边住宅价格的空间影响效应。研究结果显示:① 总体上,相比其他环境区位因素,三甲医院对周边住宅价格的影响程度较小,而建筑面积、物业管理费、学区房、轨道交通、建筑楼高、至 CBD 的距离等因素的影响程度较大。② 三甲综合医院对周边住宅价格产生负面影响。在相同情况下,住宅离医院距离越近,则价格越低。住宅与医院的距离每缩短50 m,住宅价格平均下浮0.602%。③ 由于三甲综合医院区位各不相同,距离CBD远近不一,对住宅价格的影响也存在空间差异。一般来说,距离CBD越近,住宅价格受医院的负面影响也越小。  相似文献   
南京城市住宅“售租比”时空格局与分异机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋伟轩  陈培阳  陈浩  尹上岗 《地理科学》2018,38(12):2084-2092
“售租比”是国内外学者测度房价健康水平或泡沫风险的关键指标之一。利用中国房价行情平台提供的南京居住小区2009~2017年期间分季度平均售租价格信息,采用GIS空间分析等方法,考察南京中心城区“售租比”空间格局与演变过程。研究发现: 城市整体“售租比”随房价波动变化明显,2016~2017年间快速增长;分异度先降后升,以城区内部差异为主,城区间差异越来越小; 高“售租比”小区多集聚于河西新城、江北新区等房价增速较快的投资热点区域。南京住宅“售租比”过快上升和空间离散加剧,意味着城市房价快速增长的合理性在降低。从地租视角解读,绝对地租决定着城市整体“售租比”的高低,级差地租和垄断地租则影响着城市内部“售租比”的空间分异。“售租比”可为判断城市内部房价相对合理性提供重要依据,但能否通过该指标准确预判城市房价风险程度及空间格局尚有待深入研究。  相似文献   
As the state’s primary means of both redistributing wealth and incentivizing private investment, tax plays an outsized role in a range of critical urban processes, including (re)development, gentrification, financialization, and local and regional governance. We argue, through reference to existing literature in urban and economic geography, as well as our own research on taxation and the state, that urban scholarship could benefit by close and careful engagement with taxation and the tax system. We term this new vein of research “fiscal geographies” and see it as offering potential for more nuanced study of urban political economy, politics, and processes.  相似文献   
俞孔坚  游鸿  许立言  袁弘 《地理研究》2012,31(7):1173-1184
基于城市经济学的一般理论,从市场机制下的供给方视角出发,提出了预测大都市区住房建设区位选择的一个新模型,并利用2005~2009年北京市新增住宅项目的抽样空间数据进行了实证研究,进而应用阻力面模型模拟了北京市未来住宅建设用地开发压力和城市扩张的空间格局。研究表明:北京市的新增住房用地区位选择总体上符合单中心同心圆的基本模型,但正在逐渐向等级制特征下的多中心格局演化,北部、西北部区县的中心城区以及南部新城、新开发区周边更有可能成为潜在的下一轮住宅建设核心区,从而成为城市扩张的重点区域。  相似文献   
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