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Using political ecology as its conceptual framework, this paper focuses on the changes in forest utilisation and management of South Kyrgyzstan's walnut-fruit forests over the last century The aim of this study on human-environment interactions is to investigate the relationship between actors on the one side, their interests and demands, and the forests and forested lands on the other. Forest resource utilisation and management - and even the recognition of different forest products as resources - are connected with political and socioeconomic conditions that change with time. The walnut-fruit forests of South Kyrgyzstan are unique, characterised by high biodiversity and a multiplicity of usable products; and they have been utilised for a long time. Centralised and formal management of the forests started with the Russian occupation and was strengthened under Soviet rule, when the region became a part of the USSR. During this era, a state forest administration that was structured from Moscow all the way down to the local level drew up detailed plans and developed procedures for utilising the different forest products. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the socio-political and economic frame conditions have changed significantly, which has brought not only the sweeping changes in the managing institutions, but also the access rights and interests in the forest resources. At present, the region is suffering from a high unemployment rate, which has resulted in the forests' gaining considerable importance in the livelihood strategies of the local population. Political and economic liberalization, increased communication and transregional exchange relations have opened the door for international companies and agents interested in the valuable forest products. Today, walnut wood and burls, walnuts, wild apples and mushrooms are all exported to various countries in the world. Scientists and members of various international organisations stress the ecological value of the forests and are trying to establish nature conservation areas. Nevertheless, it is to fear that a multiplicity of interrelated factors - the present transformation and globalization processes, the appearance of new actors, the local population's insecure economic situation and the erosion of managing institutions - are all leading to an intensified and unregulated exploitation of the forests, resulting in their degradation.  相似文献   
土壤微生物是陆地生态系统中分解者亚系统的主要组成部分, 参与了包括有机质降解、营养转化、 植物生长的促进或抑制以及各种土壤物理过程在内的一系列反应活动. 土壤微生物则是土壤质量重要的生物指标, 可以用来监控土壤质量的变化. 等温微量热法是一种简便、快速地测量微生物活性的方法, 在土壤微生物代谢热效应的研究领域中广泛应用. 就等温微量热法在土壤微生物活性中的研究进展进行综述: 等温微量热法的简介, 微量热方法与传统方法的比较, 等温微量热法在各种外界环境和土壤条件影响下的土壤微生物活性研究中的应用, 并对等温微量热法在土壤微生物和其它方面的研究进行了展望.  相似文献   
石莉  李雪 《海洋信息》2006,(1):30-31
2005年8月18日,NOAA发布美国珊瑚礁生态系统国家研究报告。根据美国浅海珊瑚礁生态系统状况新的全国评价,美国国家珊瑚礁系统依然承受着来自自然和人类的种利压力,包括:过度捕捞、病害、污染和气候变化。  相似文献   
报据野外和遥感资料,在苏丹东北部分辨出断续的蛇绿岩推覆体残部.此带由阿拉伯一努比亚地盾西缘至片麻岩岩区(该区曾被认为是太古代至始元古代尼罗克拉通的一部分)呈西一西南至西南向出露达200km.尽管发生了强烈的解体和变质作用,  相似文献   
研究表明 :腐屑食性鱼类——梭鱼对环境中有机氮的摄入能力随体重的增加而增加 ,随温度的升高 ,体重系数显著减少。摄入氮 (CN,mg/ d)与体重 (W,g)和温度 (T,℃ )的数值关系可用如下模型表示 :CN=0 .6 370 W1 .0 642 ln(3.70 0 8T)。体重为 1 0 0 g的梭鱼每日可消耗环境中 332 mg氮有机质。梭鱼氮的吸收效率主要受温度的影响 ,而氮的转化效率与体重呈显著的正相关关系。随体重的增加 ,排泄氮所占比例降低  相似文献   
北京有许多让人着迷的地方,当你细细探究,就总有令人惊喜的发现。历史人文不说了,单就时常遭人诟病的自然环境,也非印象中沙尘暴肆虐的北方旱城。从地名上看,海淀,玉泉山,百泉山,玉渊潭,北海,中南海,永定河……可见,历史上是泉,河,潭,湖星罗棋布的地方,甚至,品味起来,总有那么一丝江南的味道飘荡在城市之中。翠湖湿地便被誉为北京的“江南水乡”。  相似文献   
随着经济的发展,基础设施建设的大量展开,公路建设活动对生态环境的压力日渐突出,已经成为生态环境破坏的主要原因之一.本文以环境经济学与生态系统服务价值为依据,从公路建设所带来的环境污染和生态破坏两个方面分析公路建设对路域生态环境的负面效应,并考虑环境保护工程带来的正面效应,兼顾环保工程建设费用,探索建立公路建设生态环境效益评价的指标体系,并分析了其计算方法和适用条件.  相似文献   
水生观赏植物在湿地建设中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水生观赏植物的利用是湿地恢复工作的重要内容之一,直接关系到湿地景观整体效果。在湿地的池边水畔、岩石缝隙、水面等不同的环境中种植各种水生观赏植物能给人一种自然美的感觉。水生观赏植物的姿态、色彩及清香,加强了水体的空间感和美感,并具有净化水体的生态作用。如北京翠  相似文献   
Acidification is considered the most important one of the primary chemical stress factors that impact on freshwater ecosystems. In unpolluted freshwater systems, the primary controls on the degree of acidification are factors such as the geological substrate of the catchment area, the presence of organic acids secreted by vegetation in the river system, and equilibrium exchange of carbon dioxide with the atmosphere. Anthropogenic factors that can impact on the degree of acidification of freshwater systems include agricultural, mining and industrial activities, either through direct runoff into river systems or through deposition of atmospheric pollutants from these sources. The capacity factors alkalinity and acidity, which represent the acid- and base-neutralizing capacity (ANC and BCN) of an aqueous system, have been used as more reliable measures of the acidic character of freshwater systems than pH. Unlike pH, ANC and BNC are not affected by parameters such as temperature and pressure. Therefore, ANC has been employed as a predictor of biological status in critical load assessments. Freshwater systems with ANC's eq/L isμeq/L are considered sensitive to acidification, ANC=0 μbelow 150 commonly used as the predictor for fish species such as trout in lakes, and an eq/L as more realistic for streams. Acid-neutralizing capacity μANC value of 40 (ANC) can be determined by titration with a strong acid to a preselected equivalence point. Alternatively, it can be calculated as the difference between base cations ([BC]) and strong acid anions ([SAA]): ANC=[BC]- [SAA]=[Ca^2+]+[Mg^2+]+[Na^+]+[K^+]-[SO4^2-]-[NO3^-]-[Cl^-] To date, there has been no attempt to establish the ANC of South Africa's freshwater ecosystems or variability therein, despite the fact that long-term water quality monitoring data exist for all the parameters needed to calculate it according to the above equations. As a result, the relationship between the acid neutralizing capacity of freshwater ecosystems in South Africa and biodiversity factors, such as fish status, is unknown. Results of the first comprehensive (country-wide scale) evaluation of the acid neutralizing capacity of river systems in South Africa will be presented. Long-term monitoring data obtained from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) from most of South Africa's river systems were used to establish geographic and temporal variabilities in ANC. The results show that the Berg and Breede River systems are most susceptible to acidification, and that geological substrate appears to explain most of the geographic variabilities observed.  相似文献   
近期完成的全国首次湿地资源调查显示,我国现有湿地面积3848万hm^2,居亚洲第一位,世界第四位。  相似文献   
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