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民国初年我国救灾的主要特征有三:一是救灾主体多元化,这可从阶层、国籍、职业、身份等方面看出,总体上又可划分为政府和社会力量两个方面。至于救灾效能,无论是政府还是社会救济力量均存在着或多或少的局限性。二是短效机制占主导,这可从救灾因素之临设性、救灾甚于防灾两点看出。三是社会过渡性彰显,无论是思想,还是机构、制度,都呈现出明显的新旧交错性,即社会过渡性。  相似文献   
Maren Aase 《Disasters》2020,44(4):666-686
Ideal notions of efficient aid are challenged continuously by realities on the ground in the wake of major disasters, such as dire needs, limited resources, and opportunism. This paper demonstrates how ‘relief lists’ can be productive entry points for a systematic inquiry into the pervasive politics of disaster assistance. Through an analysis of qualitative data collected during the five years after Cyclone Sidr struck Bangladesh on 15 November 2007, it examines how relief lists featured in both physical and phantom forms and then developed beyond their transparency-making aims, becoming elevated sites of struggle for post-disaster resources. Three list processes, selected to indicate the temporal, material, and spatial dynamics of relief encounters, are assessed in depth. Although recipients of cyclone relief appreciated its value, the paper argues that list politics also stimulated structures of vulnerability, including inequality. Gradually, relief, as governed after Sidr, also served to restore the differential vulnerability of the country's coastal poor.  相似文献   
In Bureaucratizing the Good Samaritan , Waters (2001) argues that bureaucratic rationality distracts humanitarian agencies from the needs of the people they are supposed to assist, in favour of other values that their institutional frameworks dictate. We test his claim by investigating the response to the Pakistan 2005 earthquake. One of us (Dittemore) worked with the United Nations Joint Logistics Centre in the theatre, managing a relief cargo shipment database. The response, known as 'Operation Winter Race', was hampered by extreme logistical challenges, but ultimately succeeded in averting a second disaster resulting from cold and starvation. We use statistical models to probe whether survivor needs significantly guided decisions to deliver relief to affected communities. Needs assessments remained incomplete and incoherent. We measure needs through proxy indicators and integrate them, on a Geographic Information System (GIS) platform, with logistics and relief delivery data. We find that, despite strong logistics effects, needs orientations were significant. However, the strength of decision factors varies between commodity types (food versus clothing and shelter versus reconstruction materials) as well as over the different phases of the response. This study confirms Thomas's observation that logistics databases are rich 'repositories of data that can be analyzed to provide post-event learning' (Thomas, 2003, p. 4). This article is an invitation for others to engage in creative humanitarian data management.  相似文献   
我国南方冰雪灾害的特征与城市救灾对策研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在对2008年初中国南方所发生的冰雪灾害的损失、影响和成因进行分析的基础上,指出该次灾害具有受灾范围的全面性、灾害过程的发展性和救灾行动的艰难性等特征,阐明冰雪灾害在城市会造成停电停水、交通瘫痪和通讯中断等严重灾情,进而引发断油断粮、物价飞涨和人心恐慌等综合性灾害。通过冰雪灾害对城市救灾行动的总结,指出冰雪灾害给城市政府的深刻启示在于城市规模的急速扩张必须同时加强防灾救灾的软硬件建设,并提出城市必须采取持久开展防灾救灾知识宜传教育、大力加强防灾救灾基础设施建设、科学制订各类灾害的专业性应急预案和努力构建协同联动救灾机制等对策,有效提升城市应对灾害的能力,减少灾害造成的损失。  相似文献   
随着开采深度的增加,辛置煤矿瓦斯涌出量显著增大。为了提高瓦斯抽采效率,拟采用水力压裂卸压增透技术。理论分析了水力压裂对煤层的卸压增透作用,基于此利用RFPA模拟软件对辛置煤矿2-559回采工作面水力压裂卸压增透进行了数值模拟。研究表明,水力压裂主要在以下3个方面对煤体起到增透作用:使煤体卸压、提高煤层透气性;湿润煤体,增加塑性;改善瓦斯抽放环境。辛置煤矿2-559回采工作面水力压裂所需压力约为15MPa,压裂半径为5-6m,以此可以初步确定现场施工过程中水力压裂钻孔间距以不大于10m为宜。  相似文献   
加气站压缩机间气体爆炸数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加气站压缩机间安全设计时,需要评估内部气体爆炸危害,确定爆炸能量和影响因素。采用CFD技术,建立加气站压缩机间三维模型,模拟不同点火源位置、泄压板不同泄压压力和重量下,压缩机间气体爆炸时的爆炸压力及火焰传播行为。结果表明点火源位置以及泄压参数是影响加气站压缩机间气体爆炸的重要因素;点火源位置距离压缩机间放空位置越近,爆炸压力越小;对于泄压参数,爆炸压力与泄压板开启压力和重量之间均为正比关系。为减缓压缩机间内的气体爆炸危害,需要合理布置点火源位置,选择容重轻、泄压压力小的泄压材料,并同时需要考虑爆炸导致的物体破碎危害以及火焰次生灾害。  相似文献   
软岩保护层在深部低渗透强突出煤层群首采保护层选择中具有潜在的应用前景。在阐述下保护层开采覆岩移动与采场裂隙演化及瓦斯运移关系的基础上,以芦岭矿为工程背景,通过FLAC3D数值试验,研究软岩保护层开采后的卸压效果,并和不同层位的薄煤层开采卸压效果对比分析。结果表明,在采厚相同的情况下,开采10煤保护层相对于软岩保护层,卸压程度弱,保护范围小,保护效果差。软岩保护层开采后,被保护层处于弯曲下沉带的下限范围。受采动影响,有大量的离层裂隙生成。考察期范围内上覆被保护层(8、9煤层)瓦斯抽采率达62.9%,表明软岩保护层开采能够对上覆被保护层(8、9煤层)起到显著的卸压效果。研究结果可为其他矿区保护层开采选择提供参考,丰富国内保护层开采实践。  相似文献   
Tank discharge gas/vapor flow problems are frequently encountered in both practice and design. To perform this type of design calculation, the first step is to identify whether the flow is choked or not through a trial-and-error solution of an equation for adiabatic flow with friction from a reservoir through a pipe. Developing a direct method without any trial-and-error to identify a choking condition would be helpful for expediting the flow calculations. This paper presents an easy and quick method to identify the choking of gas flow for an emergency relief system consisting of a rupture disk and vent piping. This greatly simplifies the design calculations. The proposed method for validating the venting adequacy of existing ERS circumvents the iteration calculation and the use of Lapple charts. Three case studies for the design of vent piping for rupture disks support the proposed method.  相似文献   
为研究加氢站用高压储氢容器在火灾下的安全性能,采用计算流体力学(CFD)方法对45 MPa高压储氢瓶式容器火烧试验过程进行模拟研究,结合气瓶火烧试验,分析高压储氢容器火灾下的热响应过程,研究不同因素对储氢容器压力泄放装置动作时间的影响.结果表明:613 s以内试验压力与模拟数据的最大相对误差为3.9%,模型误差在可接受...  相似文献   
本不仅从安全的角度分析了常用压力容器超压保护装置-安全阀与爆破片的动作性能,而且从减少排放总量的角度出发分析了它们由于安全泄放与泄漏对环境带来的不利影响。依据上述分析,对安全阀与爆破片的各种性能和优缺点进行了对比。针对安全阀密封面容易泄漏和爆破片一次性安全排放都存在向环境排放介质过多的问题,提出两种安全阀与爆破片的组合结构,并从安全的角度出发,依据国内有关标准和规范,对这两种结构设置的安全阀,爆破片及相关附件的型式、压力参数、技术要求等有关安全设计的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
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