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逸家公园位于广东省湛江市霞山区,地理区位条件优越,交通较为便利,通达性较强。该项目总面积约33 043 m2,整个方案以"家里的公园,公园里的家"为设计主旨,运用现代自然的设计风格,并结合湛江当地的海洋文化和景观特色,努力寻求人性化的景观,从而营造出一个充满人性化空间和温暖舒适的"家的港湾"。在设计中,自然的圆滑曲线与现代直线相结合,同时迎合"家"的主题,并以"人性化、娱乐性、休闲性和舒适性"为设计思想,打造一个犹如"家"般舒适的景观环境,使生活在现代水泥森林中的人们在繁华的闹市中寻找到一个可以感受温暖舒适感,又能亲近自然的地方,从而让人们身在其中感受到家一般的归属感。  相似文献   
国内外茶叶产业发展情况分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对国内外茶叶产业的茶园种植面积、茶叶年产量、消费量、进出口量以及国内茶类结构进行了分析研究。结果表明:世界茶叶的种植面积和产量呈增长趋势,茶叶年消费量增加,茶叶产业规模继续扩张;国内茶叶产业受市场需求变化影响,茶叶产品结构继续调整,绿茶依然保持市场主导地位,红茶、黑茶仍是消费的热点,黄茶近两年产量增加的趋势较大,其他茶类平稳发展。  相似文献   
针对家装企业的定制家具中存在的"设计与生产效率低、材料浪费大、出错率高"等诸多问题,提出通过定制家具系列产品数据库及按需定制的家具高效设计系统的研发来提高设计效率;通过采用计算机条形码技术和"拆单、拼单"生产的制造模式提高生产效率,减少出错率;可以采用大规模定制和开料软件提高原材料利用率;还可以通过不同生产环节的操作规程的制定,提高生产效率并减少出错率。  相似文献   
农村养老问题关乎乡村全面振兴和新型城镇化进程。基于实地调研和访谈,以山东省淄博市Y村幸福院为例,对这一模式的运作过程、影响因素、存在问题以及优化路径进行了系统分析。调研发现,Y村幸福院存在资金短缺,参与主体互助意识不强,互助服务单一化,管理存在漏洞,运行效率不高等现实问题。为进一步推进该养老模式,政府应加大财政支持力度,为农村幸福院的运行提供物质基础;加强对互助养老模式的宣传力度,营造互助和谐的养老氛围;培养专业的养老服务队伍,优化养老服务体系;创新管理方式,打造特色管理团队。  相似文献   
In common with other farmland species, hares (Lepus spp.) are in widespread decline in agricultural landscapes due to agricultural intensification and habitat loss. We examined the importance of habitat heterogeneity to the Irish hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus) in a pastoral landscape. We used radio-tracking during nocturnal active and diurnal inactive periods throughout one year. In autumn, winter and spring, hares occupied a heterogeneous combination of improved grassland, providing food, and Juncus-dominated rough pasture, providing refuge. In summer, hares significantly increased their use of improved grassland. This homogeneous habitat can fulfil the discrete and varied resource requirements of hares for feeding and shelter at certain times of year. However, improved grassland may be a risky habitat for hares as silage harvesting occurs during their peak birthing period of late spring and early summer. We therefore posit the existence of a putative ecological trap inherent to a homogeneous habitat of perceived high value that satisfies the hares’ habitat requirements but which presents risks at a critical time of year. To test this hypothesis in relation to hare populations, work is required to provide data on differential leveret mortality between habitat types.  相似文献   
This study examines the behavioral ecology of a chimpanzee population on Rubondo Island in Lake Victoria, Tanzania, over 40 years after chimpanzees were first introduced to the island from captivity. Despite little pre-release habitat assessment, rehabilitation, or post-release monitoring, these chimpanzees are one of the only released populations to survive over decades without provisioning. We surveyed habitat structure and plant composition to gain insights into ecological features that have supported this self-sufficient chimpanzee population for over 40 years. We also examined possible ecological sources of chimpanzee ranging patterns on the island. We surveyed woody plant composition, and quantified densities of species producing large fleshy fruits and confirmed chimpanzee fruit foods across three chimpanzee ranging areas, each separated by several kilometers. We used non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) ordination to compare community-level patterns of plant composition across regions. The densities of trees and lianas producing fleshy fruits were high in comparison with similar measures at endemic chimpanzee study sites. There were major differences in the composition of tree species, including species of chimpanzee fruit foods, across the three regions. In contrast, liana species composition was similar across regions, and was characterized by a few super-abundant species, including one chimpanzee fallback food. The wide-ranging patterns of chimpanzees do not appear to be influenced by localized tree fruiting patterns, but may be facilitated by the wide-spread distribution of an important fallback food. In comparison with other endemic and release sites, the relatively low ecological population density of chimpanzees, the high density of both trees and lianas producing large fleshy fruits and the presence of a high-quality, widely-distributed fallback food are factors that likely contributed to the success of Rubondo chimpanzees in reverting to natural foraging behaviors after their release.  相似文献   
魏晔 《林产工业》2020,57(4):93-96
定制家具已经成为追求个性化和私密家居环境者的一个方向,但其多变性较强,在工业化生产过程中很难实现“无缝式”衔接,从而导致部分家装业定制家具的设计方案与家具产品之间产生差异。介绍了家装业定制家具的主要特征,论述了计算机集成制造家具的基本模式,具体分析了家装业定制家具设计与计算机集成制造系统中的衔接问题,有针对性地提出优化家具设计与计算机制造系统衔接的三项措施。  相似文献   
We evaluated support for four alternate hypotheses explaining the distribution of breeding Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) in forests at varying distances from the forest edge in three Midwestern USA landscapes with varying amounts of forest fragmentation (core forest area ranged from 5 to 70%). We focused on breeding cowbirds’ use of forest because of the risk of nest parasitism to forest-dwelling hosts and to identify factors affecting breeding cowbird habitat selection. We compared distances of cowbird locations in the forest from the forest edge (“edge distances”) to distances of random forest locations in the entire landscape or within individual cowbird home ranges. We analyzed 1322 locations of 84 cowbirds across three landscapes. We found support for the landscape context hypothesis that breeding cowbird preference for forest edge varied with landscape context. Ninety percent of cowbird locations were within 150–350 m of forest edge, despite the overall availability of forest at greater distances from edge (as far as 500–1450 m) both within cowbird home ranges and the entire forested landscape. Cowbird preference for edge varied by landscape context largely due to differences in the availability of forest edge. In a highly fragmented forest cowbirds utilized the entire forest and likely viewed it as “all edge.” In less fragmented forests, cowbirds preferred edge. We consider how variation in cowbird edge preference might relate to patterns in host abundance, host diversity, and host quality because cowbird movements indicate they are capable of using forest farther from edges.  相似文献   
The successful introduction of captive bred takhi or Przewalski’s horse, Equus ferus przewalskii, into Mongolia in the 1990s is a good example of the benefits of ex situ conservation and one of the few examples of the recovery of an animal after it became extinct in the wild. This is also particularly interesting because virtually nothing was known about how takhi lived before they died out, and the introductions have enabled us to study how they have settled, and their ecology and behaviour within their former natural range. In this paper, we describe the movement, home range size and shape, and habitat use of takhi at one of the release areas, the 570 km2 Hustai National Park in Mongolia. Harem home ranges varied between 129 and 2399 ha, with 80% core areas of between 61 and 1196 ha. There was no relationship between range size and harem size, or length of time since release. Initially, harems stayed near their release enclosures, but over time they established home ranges further away. There was little overlap between home ranges of different harems, but neither was there evidence of exclusive range use. The more nutritious vegetation at lower elevations was preferentially selected. Thus the present situation looks good, but, as the population continues to grow, we anticipate that there will be potential problems related to intraspecific competition for water and vegetation resources, and the potential for hybridisation with domestic horses belonging to the local people. We consider the time it may take for takhi to reach carrying capacity within Hustai National Park and emphasise that continual monitoring of the population is essential because interventional management is likely to be required in the future.  相似文献   
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