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掠夺性使用的制度环境对农民工城市适应的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农民工的城市适应问题被学者们广泛关注。现实中农民工处于一种掠夺性使用的制度环境中,使得农民工不能适应城市社会,为此要加强对农民工的培训和培养。  相似文献   
本文以Verschueren的顺应理论为基础,探讨了商标词的翻译过程中,译者该如何使译文对标识性,对消费者的文化、心理认知,以及目的语的语言系统做出各种顺应。  相似文献   
气候变化对豫西旱地冬小麦生育的影响及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵苗稳  张国莉  尚晓立 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(32):15776-15778
以豫西伊川县为例,分析丘陵区旱地冬小麦生育期气候变化规律。观测资料表明,冬小麦生育期气温呈上升而降水呈减少趋势,以春季气温增幅和降水减幅最大。气候变暖,使冬小麦发育进程加快,除分蘖期、越冬开始期和抽穗期推迟外,其余发育期均有所提前,以成熟期表现最为明显,每10年提前4.90d,其次为返青期,每10年提前3.30d。生育前期,播种至起身期发育间隔日数明显缩短,越冬期推迟,开花至乳熟期间隔日数稍有缩短。起身至开花期发育期间隔日数延长,全生育期每10年缩短了9.05d。产量结构因素表现为:有效穗数每10年减少44.65茎/m2,穗粒数每10年减少3.70粒,千粒重每10年增加2.24g。针对气候变化对豫西旱地冬小麦生长发育、产量因素的影响,提出了适应气候变化的对策。  相似文献   
This paper reviews the knowledge on effects of climate change on agricultural productivity in Europe and the consequences for policy and research. Warming is expected to lead to a northward expansion of suitable cropping areas and a reduction of the growing period of determinate crops (e.g. cereals), but an increase for indeterminate crops (e.g. root crops). Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations will directly enhance plant productivity and also increase resource use efficiencies.

In northern areas climate change may produce positive effects on agriculture through introduction of new crop species and varieties, higher crop production and expansion of suitable areas for crop cultivation. Disadvantages may be an increase in the need for plant protection, the risk of nutrient leaching and the turnover of soil organic matter. In southern areas the disadvantages will predominate. The possible increase in water shortage and extreme weather events may cause lower harvestable yields, higher yield variability and a reduction in suitable areas for traditional crops. These effects may reinforce the current trends of intensification of agriculture in northern and western Europe and extensification in the Mediterranean and southeastern parts of Europe.

Policy will have to support the adaptation of European agriculture to climate change by encouraging the flexibility of land use, crop production, farming systems etc. In doing so, it is necessary to consider the multifunctional role of agriculture, and to strike a variable balance between economic, environmental and social functions in different European regions. Policy will also need to be concerned with agricultural strategies to mitigate climate change through a reduction in emissions of methane and nitrous oxide, an increase in carbon sequestration in agricultural soils and the growing of energy crops to substitute fossil energy use. The policies to support adaptation and mitigation to climate change will need to be linked closely to the development of agri-environmental schemes in the European Union Common Agricultural Policy.

Research will have further to deal with the effect on secondary factors of agricultural production, on the quality of crop and animal production, of changes in frequency of isolated and extreme weather events on agricultural production, and the interaction with the surrounding natural ecosystems. There is also a need to study combined effects of adaptation and mitigation strategies, and include assessments of the consequences on current efforts in agricultural policy to develop a sustainable agriculture that also preserves environmental and social values in the rural society.  相似文献   

Drought response of three Douglas-fir clones (slow, intermediate and fast growing) inhabiting two different climatic regimes in France was examined. We used the hydraulic conductivity and the percent loss of conductivity due to embolism from stems and branches as well as wood microdensity measurements to determine the role of genetics in the control of embolism in this species. Conductivity and tree-ring’s microdensity variables (ring width: RW, mean ring density: MRD, minimum ring density: MID and maximum ring density: MAD) were compared in growth rings in all three clones during a typical year (2002) vs. an extremely dry year (2003). A new method was developed in order to assess axial hydraulic specific conductivity (Ks) within tree rings. The results show that branches are more resistant to embolism than stems, and that there are significant differences in embolism resistance among the clones between the two sites. Ks varied between years, sites and clones but the site exerted the most significant effect. Lartimache (more humid site during 2003) trees showed substantially higher Ks than those inhabiting Chassenoix (strongly affected by the 2003 heat and drought wave site). Wood analysis showed a significant year effect for all ring variables and a significant clone effect for all ring variables except for MAD, while the site effect was significant for MRD and MAD. The existence of a genetic control for the study traits indicates that Douglas-fir populations introduced in France may have a selection potential to face extreme climate events like the 2003 heat and drought wave.  相似文献   
尽管非洲是世界上温室气体排放总量或人均排放量最少的地区,但在承受气候变化造成的恶劣影响方面首当其冲。气候变化已经给非洲的水资源、农业、生物多样性、人类健康和国家安全等带来诸多严重影响,粮食生产和水资源一直是非洲长期面临的两大难题,也是深受气候变化影响的两大领域还较欠缺,需要在未来的研究中进一步加强,以探寻减缓气候变化对非洲水资源和农业不利影响的有效途径。本文系统梳理了气候变化对非洲水资源系统和农业生产影响的研究成果和不足,以期为非洲气候变化影响评估工作提供一定参考和借鉴。已有的观测结果表明,气候变化导致非洲许多山脉冰川面积正在大范围缩减、大部分地区降水量有所减少,降雨的年际间分布也更为不稳定,通过水文模型的模拟预测,未来气候变化将进一步影响降水量和非洲部分地区河流的径流量,导致非洲水资源供给压力加大。同样,气候变化也给非洲农业生产带来了巨大的挑战,无论是观测结果分析,还是统计模型和作物模型等对不同气候情景和时间尺度下非洲农业的模拟研究,都显示气候变化对非洲农业以负面影响为主,导致非洲干旱加剧、生长季改变和粮食产量下降,并可能危及非洲的粮食安全。然而,现有研究结果还存在较多不确定性,其主要集中在未来气候情景数据、研究方法、数据的质量和数量等方面。与世界其它地区相比,非洲气候变化影响研究无论是研究的深度和广度都  相似文献   
崇西湖滩湿地高潮区引种工程物种成活率及生长状况的研究结果表明:(1)根据物种的成活率来看,对潮汐干扰适应性表现最好的物种有落雨杉、沼生栎和喜树;表现较好的有细叶水团花、江南桤木、木麻黄、枫杨、重阳木、鸟桕和白杜;表现一般的有彩叶杞柳、海滨木槿和构树;表现较差的为常青白蜡;不能适应的有美国复叶槭、朴树、榉树、苦楝、枸杞、桑和枣。除了喜树和构树没有变化外,其他工程物种第2年的成活率较第1年都有了不同程度的下降;(2)综合各工程物种引种2年后的生长指标(高度、冠辐和胸径等),成活的乔木物种中,江南桤木的生长态势最好,生长速度最快,其他生长态势较好的有落雨杉、沼生栎和木麻黄;成活的灌木中,海滨木槿、彩叶杞柳和细叶水团花的生长态势较好;(3)综合引种物种的成活率和生长指标,崇西湿地高潮区在今后大规模营建有林湿地的过程中,江南桤木是应该重点引种的乔木物种,其他推荐的引种乔木还有落雨杉、沼生栎、木麻黄;细叶水团花是最适宜引种的灌木,而彩叶杞柳和海滨木槿可以进行适量的引种,并加以精细的维护和管理,同样可以达到增加景观多样性的效果。  相似文献   
姚明桃  江洪  余树全 《安徽农业科学》2009,35(19):8841-8843
利用国内外有关文献,对辐射胁迫影响植物的形态特征与光合作用进行了分析和评述,讨论了辐射胁迫影响下植物的生理生态和生化等特征的响应,指出了该领域研究中存在的问题,对今后应加强研究的内容提出了建议。  相似文献   
与香蕉种质离体保存相关的几个遗传学问题   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目前香蕉种质的离体保存主要有缓慢生长保存和超低温保存两种方法。综合有关文献综述和讨论了香蕉种质离体保存过程涉及的遗传多样性、遗传稳定性和完整性、适应等遗传学问题。在开展香蕉种质离体保存的过程中,对离体保存所带来的遗传学方面的影响加以重视并设法减少其影响十分重要:(1)香蕉的生物学特性决定了香蕉种质的离体保存主要以始于吸芽茎尖的培养物作为保存材料;为减少取样环节样本容量较小带来的影响,建议保存数量较大的种质份数。(2)离体保存尤其是缓慢生长保存会引起香蕉种质的遗传不稳定性,因此有必要进行定期的检测。目前香蕉种质遗传稳定性的检测方法主要有形态鉴别、超微结构的观察、同工酶分析和分子标记等。(3)与缓慢生长保存相比较,超低温保存除了在保存过程中香蕉种质遗传稳定性较高,在实现对香蕉种质的长期保存方面也具有明显的优越性。  相似文献   
There is limited documentation of soil and water management technologies that enhance adaptation to climate change in drylands of Kenya. Rainfall patterns were analyzed in the semi-arid Machakos and Makueni counties of eastern Kenya using historical data. A total of forty-three smallholder farmers implementing soil water management practices were sampled, and an estimate of the seasonal water budget for current crop and livestock production systems computed. Analysis of rainfall amounts and distribution shows increasing variability, with the average annual total amounts decreasing over the past 50 years. Furthermore, the number of rainy days within the March-April-May season that can support crop growth is gradually decreasing. These decreases are however not significant at P < 0.05. There were more seasons with low rainfall amounts compared to those with high rainfall amounts. All these subject the smallholder crop and livestock production system to limited soil moisture. Farmers address the risk by harnessing and utilizing green (rainfall stored in soil) and blue (rainfall collected into storage tanks) water technologies. The study found that farmers in these semi-arid counties practice fifteen diverse soil and water management interventions on their farms. The most popular practices are cut-off drains, retention ditches, terracing, run-off harvesting, and agroforestry. The estimated seasonal water budget indicates the need for integrated soil and water management interventions to address the crop and livestock production constraints.  相似文献   
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