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It has earlier been proposed by the author that the aetiology of schizophrenic symptomatology may be due to the presence of abnormally connected interhemispheric fibres which link specialised functions in the brains of schizophrenics that are not connected in normal subjects, and that the neuroleptic drugs may produce their action through a local anaesthetic-like effect in suppression of conduction in these fibres. This line of thought has been extended here to consider the possible mechanism of action of the neuroleptic drugs in more detail, as well as that of the tricyclic antidepressant drugs which are derivatives of the phenothiazine group. Pharmacological similarities with the local anaesthetics both structurally and functionally have been considered, as well as the effects that these drug groups may have in common with the lithium salts. It has been suggested that these drugs all produce their primary effect on cell membranes, though not necessarily at the synapse, that the time course of their clinical effect may correlate with their incorporation into various cell membranes within the CNS, and that they may thus bring about a fundamental alteration in cell membrane microstructure. The possible role of electroconvulsive therapy has also been considered. The corollary of this argument is that the affective disorders may be genetically determined diseases of cell membrane microstructure.  相似文献   
脑血管意外尿失禁的机制探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨脑血管意外引起尿失禁的可能机制。方法对42例诊断为脑血管意外伴有尿失禁的患者进行尿动力学检查(包括静止期尿道压测定、充盈期及排尿期膀胱尿道功能测定)并按Burney分类进行分析,同时研究病变部位、脑血管意外性质和病变半球侧与尿动力学的关系。结果42例脑血管意外患者中,表现为逼尿肌反射亢进者31例(73.8%):其中外括约肌无抑制性松弛19例(45.2%),逼尿肌-外括约肌不协调3例(7.1%),逼尿肌-外括约肌协调9例(21.4%);逼尿肌反射减低,外括约肌协调者11例(26.2%);无逼尿肌功能正常者。发生膀胱顺应性减低5例(11.9%),发生尿感缺失者11例(26.2%)。初感尿容量(140.00±46.97)ml;膀胱最大容量(293.20±60.71)ml;最大尿道闭合压(65.14±19.83)cmH2O。逼尿肌最大收缩力(Pdetmax)为(60.98±31.11)cmH2O;最大尿流率时逼尿肌压力(Pdet-Qmax)为(35.98±17.46)cmH2O;逼尿肌收缩时间(Tcon)为(86.07±36.09)sec;最大流量(Qmax)为(9.02±5.62)ml/s。中风后尿失禁患者其发病部位多见于基底节、皮层多灶以及额顶叶,脑出血与脑梗塞患者的尿动力学表现无明显差异,左右半球病变对尿动力学也无明显差异。结论脑血管意外后尿失禁的尿动力学异常主要为逼尿肌反射亢进,部分出现逼尿肌反射减弱,但感觉正常,感觉缺失者较少见;外括约肌功能以无抑制性松弛为主,其次为逼尿肌-外括约肌协调,少数出现不协调;较少出现膀胱顺应性降低。  相似文献   
5地市720名高中学生睡眠状况相关因素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的了解省级示范高中学生睡眠状况及相关因素对学生睡眠的影响,为相关部门制订针对性改进措施提供依据。方法采用睡眠状况自评量表(self-rating scale of sleep,SRSS)对省级示范高中学生进行睡眠状况问卷调查,用SPSS 10.0 FOR WINDOWS进行数据的统计与分析。结果发现720名省级示范高中学生睡眠状态异常者占65.42%,显著高于全国常模(45.6%)。其中轻度睡眠问题占57.36%,显著高于全国常模(35.6%)。学业负担过重、缺乏良好的学习习惯、住宿条件差、家庭状况不好、家校距离远和心理问题是导致省级示范高中在校学生睡眠状态异常的主要因素。结论应促进高中生身心健康,提高其学习能力,改善其睡眠状况。  相似文献   
Summary Rheological therapy, as an immediate treatment in conjunction with physical therapy and the removal of risc factors, plays a significant role in the management of patients with peripheral vascular disease experiencing reduced walking tolerance. An essential element of rheological therapy is hemodilution. Currently, is still uncertain which plasma substitute solution would be the most appropriate in such cases. This study compared the effectiveness of low molecular hydroxyethyl starch to low molecular dextran during a 16-day hemodilution in combination to physical therapy. The clinical improvement observed with both plasma substitute solutions was comparable, yet in view of the cardiac volume overload, dextran demonstrates greater circulatory stress due to the transient pressure increase and more side effects. For this reason, we prefer to administer low or middle molecular hydroxyethyl starch in the dilution treatment of peripheral arterial occlusive disease as a chronic degenerative vascular disease.

Abkürzungen A2M Alpha-2-Makroglobulin - D0 Meßzeitpunkt 0 der später mit Dextran behandelten Gruppe - D1 Meßzeitpunkt 1 der Dextran-Gruppe - D2 Meßzeitpunkt 2 der Dextran-Gruppe - Dextran 40 kleinmolekulares Dextran (mittleres Molekulargewicht 40000 Dalton) - ETA Plasmaviskosität - Fib Fibrinogen - Geh Gehstrecke - H0 Meßzeitpunkt 0 der später mit Hydroxyäthylstärke behandelten Gruppe - H1 Meßzeitpunkt 1 der HAES-Gruppe - H2 Meßzeitpunkt 2 der HAES-Gruppe - HAES 40 kleinmolekulare Hydroxyäthylstärke (mittleres Molekulargewicht 40000 Dalton) - Hkt Hämatokrit - LZ Leukozyten-Zahl - Pro Gesamteiweiß - SEA Erythrozyten-Aggregationsindex - SER Erythrozyten-Rigiditätsindex - TY Fließschubspannung - TZ Thrombozyten-Zahl  相似文献   
The term Munchausen syndrome by proxy is used to diagnose children presenting symptoms of an organic disorder resulting from manipulations initiated by their caretakers. Even in early infancy it happens that injuries are induced, and that drugs, poisons or medicine are administered in order to provoke and feign clinical symptoms of severe diseases. Exact data on prevalence are not available but it is obvious that Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a rare psychiatric disorder. There is a body of evidence that Munchausen syndrome by proxy is nothing but the extreme of a broader clinical entity for which the term factitious illness has been introduced. In this group children are included whose mothers invent a history of disease in order to produce symptoms without actually damaging their children. It is not well established whether such a distinction is necessary and whether there are differences in long-term outcome. Onset of symptoms is as early as three weeks up to twelve years, and mean age of diagnosis according to a more comprehensive study is 3 1/4 year. The estimated mortality rate of children with Munchausen syndrome by proxy is 9 percent. In three of the four cases of children reported here clinical presentations were dominated by symptoms of central nervous disorders. All mothers showed unsure and inconsistent parental behaviour and inefficient coping. None of them received support from their partners, if present. In interaction the children always wanted to dominate their mothers. The high amount of personality disorders observed in the caretakers might be the reason for the often reported failure of psychotherapeutic interventions.
Zusammenfassung Die Diagnose Münchhausen Stellvertreter Syndrom wird bei Kindern gestellt, die Symptome einer organischen Erkrankung zeigen, die durch Manipulationen von Eltern oder anderen Sorgeberechtigten hervorgerufen werden. Vielfach werden bereits im frühen Kindesalter den Kindern Verletzungen beigebracht, Drogen, Gifte oder Medikamente verabreicht, um die klinischen Merkmale schwerer Erkrankungen vorzutäuschen. Obwohl genaue Angaben zur Häufigkeit fehlen, kann man insgesamt von einer seltenen Störung ausgehen. Es gibt zahlreiche Hinweise dafür, daß es sich beim Münchhausen Stellvertreter Syndrom um die seltene, aber sehr schwere Ausprägungsform in einer größeren Gruppe von Störungen gleichartigen klinischen Bildes handelt, für die man den Begriff der vorgetäuschte Störungen geprägt hat. In dieser Gruppe werden auch die Kinder erfaßt, deren Mütter ausschließlich Symptome und eine zugehörige Krankheitsgeschichte erfinden, die aber keine körperlichen Eingriffe (einschließlich Drogen- und Medikamentenverabreichung) vornehmen, um organische Symptome zu simulieren. Unklar ist, ob eine solche Unterscheidung notwendig und hilfreich ist. Bisher fehlen Hinweise auf Unterschiede in der Prognose im Langzeitverlauf zwischen den Untergruppen. Die Symptomatik eines Münchhausen Stellvertreter Syndroms konnte bereits bei Kindern im Alter von 3 Wochen beobachtet werden und wurde noch bei 12jährigen gefunden. In einer größeren Studie wurde ein mittleres Alter von 3 3/4Jahren für den Zeitpunkt der Diagnosestellung ermittelt. Die Sterblichkeitsrate wird auf 9 Prozent geschätzt. Bei den vier Kindern, über deren Symptomatik hier berichtet wird, standen bei drei zentralnervöse Störungen im Vordergrund. Drei Mütter gaben zusätzlich den Verdacht des sexuellen Mißbrauchs ihrer Kinder an. Die motivationalen Aspekte lassen deudiche Unterschiede erkennen. Bei drei Müttern bestand der Wunsch nach Schutz des Kindes vor realem oder vermeintlichem sexuellem Mißbrauch des Kindes. Alle Mütter hatten mindestens eine gescheiterte eheliche Beziehung. Im Erziehungsverhalten wirkten sie unsicher, inkompetent und inkonsistent; von ihren Partnern, sofern vorhanden, erhielten sie keine erzieherische Unterstützung. In der Mutter-Kind Interaktion vermochten die Kinder über die Mütter zu dominieren. Der hohe Anteil an Persönlichkeitsstörungen bei den hier beschriebenen Sorgeberechtigten könnte der Grund für das häufig berichtete Scheitern psychotherapeutischer Interventionen sein.

Résumé On parle de Syndrôme de Munchausen par procuration chez des enfants, qui présentent des troubles organiques résultant de manipulations de leurs responsables éducatifs. Des blessures, l'administration de médicaments, de drogues ou de poison — même chez des enfants très jeunes — ont pour effet de provoquer et simuler un tableau clinique sévère. Il s'agit d'un désordre psychiatrique rare — les chiffres exacts de prévalence sont difficiles à évaluer. Le Syndrome est décrit chez l'enfant à partir de l'âge de trois semaines jusqu'à 12 ans. L'âge moyen est de trois ans et quart. La mortalité chez les enfants porteurs d'un syndrome de Munchausen par procuration est estimé à 9%. Dans trois des quatre cas présentés le tableau clinique est dominé par des symptômes d'ordre neurologique. De manière supplémentaire trois mères rapportent un abus sexuel de leurs enfants. Les mères se caracterisent par leur incompétence et inconséquence éducative; souvent elles sont sans soutien éducatif de leur partenaire. Dans l'interaction mère — enfant les enfants ont un comportement dominant envers leur mère. La non-efficacité des interventions psychothérapeutiques peut être liée a un pourcentage élevé de troubles de la personnalité chez les parents.
IntroductionStroke is the leading cause of non-traumatic disability in adults, with balance and gait disturbances representing the main limitations of body functions. Dance therapy (DT) has shown positive effects in older adults and in patients with neurological pathologies. This systematic review aims to examine the feasibility, acceptability and effects of DT in stroke rehabilitation, specifically on functional gains of gait and balance.MethodsA systematic search was carried out for articles published in the MEDLINE, PEDro, Web of Science, Scopus and CINHAL in February 2021 and updated in April 2021. Results: Eight studies were included (2 clinical cases, 5 case series and 1 randomized controlled trial), 7 of them in patients with chronic stroke and only 1 in subacute stroke phase. The most widely used dance modality was tango and ballet, with sessions ranging from 30 to 110 min. DT seems to show positive effects on post-stroke body functions and activities such as gait and balance. Reported dropout rates are inconsistent, no adverse effects were reported, and participant satisfaction was high.ConclusionGiven the heterogeneity and uneven quality of the included studies, strong conclusions cannot be put forward on the effectiveness of DT in post-stroke body function and activities. Nevertheless, DT seems to be safe and acceptable therapy for patients, and no adverse effects have been reported. More studies with a high level of evidence and feasibility are needed to determine the patient profile, the characteristics of the intervention, the participation rate and the role of the rehabilitation professional most likely to generate optimal benefit.  相似文献   
ObjectiveTo determine the circadian influence on sound sensitivity produced by temporal hearing deprivation in healthy normal human subjects.DesignParticipants underwent bilateral earplugging before completion of anthropometry, the author's developed questionnaire, the Hamilton Anxiety and Depression Inventory, pure tone audiometry (PTA), stapedial reflex thresholds (SRT), distortion products otoacoustic emissions input/output (DPOAE-I/O), and uncomfortable loudness levels (ULLs). Afterward, the participants were randomly divided into group A, starting at 8:00 a.m. and finishing at 8:00 p.m., and group B, starting at 4:00 p.m. and ending at 4:00 a.m. Serum cortisol levels and audiological test results were obtained at the beginning and end of the session and 24-h free urinary cortisol levels were measured.Study sampleThirty healthy volunteers.ResultsPTA was 2.68 and 3.33 dB HL in groups A and B, respectively, with no statistical difference between them. ULLs were significantly lower in group A compared to group B, with an average of 8.1 dB SPL in group A and 3.3 dB SPL in group B (p < 0.0001). A SRT shift was observed in group A, with no difference in group B, and a night shift in DPOAE-I/O in group B.ConclusionsReduced loudness tolerance is demonstrated during daytime hearing deprivation in contrast to nighttime; this may be due to increased central gain in the awake cortex.  相似文献   
A structured interview was used to examine the 1-year incidence and prevalence of depression among 116 first-year university students. While 24 of the subjects (20.7%) met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th ed. (DSM-IV) criteria for Major Depressive Episode (MDE), 62 (53.4%) met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 3rd ed. Revised (DSM-III-R) criteria for MDE, and 27 (23.3%) also met the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) for the 12 months prior to the interview. Moreover, 23 of the subjects (19.8%) had onset of the DSM-IV criteria for MDE, 54 (46.6%) had onset of the DSM-III-R criteria for MDE, 24 (20.7%) had onset of the RDC for MDD, during the same time period. These high rates of depression may be explained by the students' difficulties in and by their readjustment after entering university.  相似文献   
以耳穴子宫、神门、内分泌、肺为主穴,根据辨证选取配穴,埋针治疗面部色素斑患者116例,全部治愈.  相似文献   
In accordance with the feature of apoplectic dysarthria, it is divided into three types of labial pattern, lingual pattern and laryngeal pattern. The therapeutic methods are respectively explained with case examples. Translator: HUANG Guo-qi  相似文献   
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