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1 临床资料   患者男性,46岁,主因“酗酒,肝功能异常5年,神志恍惚一天”于2002年3月21日收入我院。患者有饮酒史,每日一斤左右。5年前体检时发现肝功能轻度异常,B超示肝脾轻度异常。自服保肝药半个月后自觉无不适即停药,坚持正常工作。1999年曾因“感冒”收入我院中医科,化验肝功能轻度异常,对症治疗一个月,肝功能正常后出院。今日饮酒后出现神志恍惚,急收入院。否认肝炎及其它传染病病史,否认输血及外伤史,否认药物过敏史。嗜烟,每日20支。酗酒,每日一斤.  相似文献   
抗氧化性药物的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来的研究表明,不少疾病的起因均与自由基有关。人体由于受到外源辐射、体内酶促或非酶促反应与一些有毒药物及毒物侵害都会产生自由基,适量的自由基可显示出独特的生理作用,而在某些病理情况下,生物体内过剩的自由基可损伤生物大分子脂肪、蛋白质、核酸分子,生成丙二醛等有害物质,影响生物膜功能或破坏蛋白质构象,引起机体损伤变性,产生生理病理变化。  相似文献   
对付非法行医,卫生部门不再单打独斗。6月29日至7月7日,由卫生部医政司、卫生政策法规司、卫生监督中心等七部门组成的督察组,抽查了北京市和福建省打击非法行医专项行动进程。在两地的卫生监督执法队伍中,出现了公安、药监、城管、计生等部门的力量,连科技部也参与了。事故频发重灾重治在北京市朝阳区卫生局一层大厅里,记者看  相似文献   
<正>冰河解冻,残雪消融,隆冬即将过去,春天悄然来临。我们听到了春天的脚步,我们闻到了春天的气息。满怀着理想,满怀着激情,我们中研医药产业集团的全体员工期盼着和共和国一起在二00七年的春天里播下  相似文献   
探讨妇科肿瘤病人血清锌、铜、、锰含量与肿瘤发生关系。采用火焰原子化原子吸收测定法对271例妇科肿瘤病人血清锌、铜、、锰含量进行测定及分析。结果显示子宫颈癌、卵巢癌、外阴癌及子宫内膜癌病人血清锌值明显降低(P〈0.05),血清铜值明显升高(P〈0.05),子宫肌瘤病人血清明显降低(P〈0.001)。结果提示:血清铜升高及血清锌降低可做为判定妇科恶性肿瘤的一项参考指标。  相似文献   
为了了解吉林省长白县山区所产卫矛科雷公藤属植物黑蔓的药理作用,扩大它的药用部位和应用范围,我们从无机元素与中药药效有密切关系的角度出发,实验测出黑蔓含有Ba、Si、Cu、Fe、Zn、Sn、Co、Mn、Mg、Ca、Se等无机元素,本文重点对其中人体必需的微量元素Cu、Fe、Zn、Se作了定量分析。  相似文献   
Objective To study the protective effects of adenovirus-mediated human beta-nerve growth factor gene (hNGFβ) transfer combined with iron fortified nutrition on blast hearing damage in guinea pigs. Methods Deafness was induced by blast (172dB SPL) in 35 healthy guinea pigs. Seven days after noise exposure, 10 guinea pigs were inoculated with adenovirus-mediated hNGFβ (Ad-hNGFβ) into the perilymphatic space (the gene group), another 10 guinea pigs were given hNGFβ combined with iron fortified nutritional diet (the combination group), still another 10 guinea pigs were inoculated with artificial perilymphatic fluid (APF), and 5 guinea pigs served as control, given neither medicine nor noise exposure. Auditory brainstem response (ABR) threshold shifts were monitored in the guinea pigs before blast exposure and after gene transfer. Changes in cochlear morphology were examined with immunohistochemical and HE staining. Results One week after successful inoculation of hNGFβ, it was noted that Ad-hNGFβ protein was expressed in each turn of the cochlea, and its intensity was almost equal. After gene transfer in the combination group and the gene group, ABR threshold shifts at week 1 and 4 were significantly smaller than those of the APF group. HE staining showed that the number of the spiral ganglion cells in the combination group and the Ad-hNGFβ group was significantly higher than that of the control group after 4 weeks (P<0.01). Conclusions Ad-hNGFβ combined with iron fortified nutritional diet was effective in the prevention and treatment of blast hearing damage of cochlear hair cells.  相似文献   
铁代谢与肝癌预防   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
离子是人体中含量最大的金属元素,主要作为红细胞内的血红蛋白和肌肉中的肌红蛋白而从事分子氧的运输作用。它还存在于一切细胞之中,催化细胞内的氧化还原而形成多数的酶活性中心,并与细胞生长和凋亡等机制相关。离子如果在体内存在过剩,则其毒  相似文献   
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