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目的 探讨晕可宁颗粒的主要药效学 ,为临床提供药效学资料及治疗学基础。方法 采用三氯甲烷破坏豚鼠一侧膜迷路感受器模型 ,探讨受试药对眼震颤、摆头及旋转的影响 ;采用内淋巴囊和内淋巴管阻塞手术复制豚鼠膜迷路实验性膜迷路积水模型 ,研究内耳组织平均中阶面积 (SMA)增加率及形态学的变化。结果 抑眩宁阳性对照组、晕可宁颗粒 (8、16g/kg)模型给药组豚鼠眼球震颤次数减少 ,差异有显著意义 (P <0 .0 5 )。成功复制了不同程度膜迷路积水豚鼠模型 ,表现为前庭膜重度膨出 ,前庭阶缩小 ,膜蜗管增大 ,SMA增加率变大 ,差异有显著意义 (P <0 .0 1) ;晕可宁颗粒灌胃后可减轻豚鼠实验性膜迷路积水的程度 ,差异有显著意义 (P <0 .0 1) ;但与空白对照组比较SMA增加率差异无显著意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 晕可宁颗粒可以减轻内淋巴囊积水程度 ,对梅尼埃病症状有对抗治疗作用。  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Bericht über ?dintraoperative maschinelle autotransfusion?, kombiniert mit ?pr?operativer plasmapherese?. Mit maschineller autotransfusion kann intraoperativer blutverlust durch rückführung eigener erythrozyten halbiert werden. In kombination mit pr?operativer plasmapherese werden weitere fremdblutkonserven eingespart. übertragung von infektionskrankheiten und erzeugung irregul?rer antikōrper kōnnen verhindert werden. Bei der derzeitigen AIDS-situation wird das infektionsrisiko auf null reduziert.   相似文献   
Zusammenfassung.   Bei einem 39 j?hrigen ?sterreichischen Staatsbürger chinesischer Herkunft wurden nach einer Latenzzeit von etwa 20 Jahren nicht nur in dem chirurgisch entfernten Rectumcarcinom, sondern auch in der das Carcinom umgebenden chronisch entzündlich ver?nderten Rectumschleimhaut mit verschiedenen Schweregraden der Dysplasie und in einem tumor?s befallenen benachbarten Lymphknoten, Wurmeier nachgewiesen und daher ein kausaler Zusammenhang angenommen. W?hrend aber der ?tiologische Zusammenhang einer chronischen Infektion mit Schistosoma haematobium und dem geh?uften endemischen Auftreten von Blasenkrebs als gesichert gilt, wird bei den intestinalen Formen der chronischen Schistosomiasis eine erh?hte Carcinomkoinzidenz kontrovers beurteilt. ?tiologisch und pathogenetisch ist die Kausalit?t zwischen Wurmeiablage und sp?terem Carcinom ?hnlich zu sehen wie bei anderen entzündlichen Dickdarmerkrankungen, wo es über die Sequenz chronische Entzündung/schwere Dysplasie zur sp?teren Carcinomentstehung kommen kann. Neben einer übersicht über die Parasitologie und Pathologie dieser Trematodenerkrankung wird der ?tiologische und pathogenetische Zusammenhang zwischen Rectumcarcinom und Schistosomiasis japonicum anhand entsprechender Literaturstellen hergestellt.   相似文献   
This report describes a new case of chronic myeloid leukemia with an unusual Philadelphia chromosome translocation involving chromosomes No. 4,9, and 22; t(4,9,22) (q31;q34;q11).  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Praktische ?rzte und Internisten empfinden die Impfsituation in Deutschland zum Gro?teil als unbefriedigend. Obwohl sie sich selbst die wichtigste Rolle beim Impfen zuschreiben, sehen sie die Ursachen für die niedrigen Impfzahlen vor allem in der Unwissenheit bei den Patienten, in der Angst vor der Spritze und in mangelhafter Compliance und Kontrolle. Um zu einem verbesserten Impfverhalten zu kommen, setzen die ?rzte vorwiegend auf positive Informationen in den Medien, aber auch auf die Kontrolle durch Beh?rden und Krankenkassen sowie die bessere Integration des Impfens in die Praxisorganisation. So lauten im Kern die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung, die das Marktforschungsinstitut „Resultate” in Neu-Isenburg im Auftrag des Impfstoffherstellers Chiron Behring durchgeführt hat. Im Vergleich zu den Daten einer repr?sentativen Patientenumfrage von 1995 lassen sich übereinstimmungen finden: Tats?chlich sind die meisten Patienten schlecht informiert, insbesondere über die Notwendigkeit von Auffrischimpfungen. Ein Drittel der Befragten besitzt keinen Impfausweis, wodurch die Kontrolle erschwert wird. Im Gegensatz zu den Annahmen der ?rzte existiert jedoch eine hohe Impfbereitschaft, w?hrend Angst kaum ein Impfhindernis darstellt. Für die überwiegende Mehrheit der Patienten ist der Arzt der erste Ansprechpartner bei Impffragen.   相似文献   
In 1995 the Ethics Commission of the Medical University of Lübeck was asked to rule on whether a preimplantation diagnostic procedure (PID) could be performed on a husband and wife who were both carriers of the cystic fibrosis mutation Δ F508. The couple had previously given birth to a child with cystic fibrosis and had twice terminated a pregnancy following prenatal screening. Ethically, the performance of a PID was certainly warranted for this couple. The risk of violating §§8 Section 1 and/or 2 Section 1 (“totipotent cells shall not be removed for diagnostic purposes”) of the Law for the Protection of Embryos (ESchG) was judged to be nonexistent in written statements from two expert witnesses (Prof. K.V. Hinrichsen and Prof. H.M. Beier, both embryologists). In the view of the Ethics Commission, only §1 Section 2 (“an ovum shall be fertilized only for the purpose of inducing pregnancy”) of the ESchG currently prohibits PIDs. In light of the social and biological arguments in favor of PIDs, however, the Ethics Commission questioned whether this section of the ESchG is still morally justifiable.  相似文献   
The Premorbid Adjustment Scale (PAS) was developed by Cannon-Spoor et al. 1982 for research use and has gained importance internationally. This scale is designed to measure the extent of attaining developmental goals premorbidly. The German version is presented here, with first data on the reliability and validity of the scale. In a sample of schizophrenic and schizoaffective patients (n = 86) and healthy parents of the patients (n = 38), DSM-IV diagnosis was made and PAS and Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) data were taken along with information on the course of the disorder. Using Cronbachs alpha, the estimated reliability for the scale and subscales lay between 0.809 and 0.931. High PAS scores, representing poor premorbid adjustment, correlated significantly with low age of onset, high PANSS scores, insidious onset, long hospitalisation, and serious course of the disorder. The threshold of PAS scores between healthy and sick probands was at 0.23. Patients with scores > 0.53 appeared to have an unfavourable course. With test results > 0.23, an odds ratio of 27.9 was ascertained (95% CI 9.39-82.89). The findings presented correspond with those from previous reports in literature.  相似文献   
In an earlier published study [16, 17, 18], it was demonstrated that migraine sufferers have personality traits significantly more strongly associated with the typus melancholicus than healthy individuals and patients with other mental and physical illnesses. They display a fixation on tidiness which manifests itself in an excessive striving for quality and quantity in performance-oriented situations. The main features of their social relationships are excessive helpfulness combined with an exaggerated tendency towards guilt avoidance and symbiotic attachment to their own families. They do not differ from unipolar depressives in these respects. The major aim of the new study is to examine whether the concept of the typus melancholicus in relation to migraine sufferers as proposed in the first study is adaptable to explaining the personality characteristics of migraine sufferers ("typus migraenicus"). Age-matched samples of 42 female migraine sufferers, 40 female patients with unipolar depression, and 41 female control subjects took part in the new study. The test instruments used were von Zerssen's Munich Personality Test (MPT) and a questionnaire specially designed by the first author for assessing the typus migraenicus (German "Fragebogen zur Erfassung des Typus migraenicus," or FETM). The results obtained using univariate and multivariate analyses demonstrate a confirmation of the typus migraenicus concept, although to a less pronounced degree than the previous study. This can be seen as supporting evidence that, independently of the study sample and the investigators, migraine sufferers display with higher random frequency a personality profile very similar to the premorbid personality structure in unipolar depressives.  相似文献   
Available data on the epidemiology of interstitial cystitis (IC) are heterogeneous. Its prevalence ranges between 16 and 510 females/100,000 inhabitants and the incidence at 1.2-2.6/100,000 females with a mean age of 42-52 years. The disease tends to affect women (female:male ratio 9-10:1) and Caucasians (> 90%). The quality of life of patients suffering from IC is reduced to a significant degree in almost every aspect (work, social events, leisure activities). Financial expenses (medical as well as economical) associated with the disease are considerable. There is an enormous need to promote IC education and research in order to support affected patients effectively in the future.  相似文献   
Computerassistierte Chirurgie   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Kinzl L 《Der Unfallchirurg》2000,103(8):612-617
The term "computer-assisted surgery" (CAS) contains a variety of different applications. Priorities in trauma surgery have navigation systems. In fact, two basically different developments can be distinguished: on one hand, the possibility of navigation, based on preoperative CT data sets; and on the other hand navigation in intraoperative C-arm images. With the present available navigation technology, it can be assumed that intraoperative CT-based tracking in the field of spinal surgery can be performed accurately, regardless of whether active or passive markers are used. Another navigation option is C-arm-based osteosynthesis of the proximal femur. An application of navigation assistance in the field of pelvic surgery is osteotomy and placement of iliosacral screws. Future developments will have to concentrate on the technical characteristics of each navigation system. Advantageous concepts of visualization may generate required information to the surgeon in a way that unconstrained interaction at the operation table is combined with simultaneous integration of virtual and computer-aided visual information. New tracking systems will allow the reconstruction of data sets after reposition of segmented bone fragments, so that also in complex pelvic fractures the implantation of screws after reposition will be possible. Computer-aided surgery is able to improve the precision of operations in trauma surgery. In future, further developments of navigation systems can be expected. This fact is supported by the establishment of faster and cheaper hardware, as well as more intelligent and user-friendly software.  相似文献   
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