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序批式生物膜法处理水产养殖废水的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国水产养殖废水直接排放的现象较多, 使受纳水体富营养化和生物多样性降低; 同时养殖水体中残饵、水生生物排泄物容易引起水体溶解氧下降、病原体增加并产生有害物质如氨氮、亚硝酸盐等, 引起养殖对象发病甚至死亡。提出采用以组合填料为载体的序批式生物膜反应器处理水产养殖废水。通过试验确定了最佳运行模式: 水力停留时间12 h, 其中瞬时进水y 厌氧( 3 h) y 曝气( 5 h) y 添加原水(添加比1B 3) y 缺氧( 3 h) y 曝气( 1 h) y 沉淀( 0. 5 h) y 排水( 0. 5 h), 并考察了试验对污染物的去除特性。试验结果表明了序批式生物膜法处理水产养殖废水的可行性, 对有机物、氨氮、TN、TP的平均去除率分别为91. 1%、85. 1%、751 8%、89. 5%, 处理后出水可回用于水产养殖。  相似文献   
Information on biofumigant-green manure vegetative biomass, nutrient, and glucosinolate content sensitivity to phosphorus (P) is lacking for species used in potato and sugarbeet production. Therefore, available P effects on field-grown condiment yellow mustard (Sinapis alba, cv. IdaGold) and oilseed radish (Raphanus sativa, cv. Colonel) were evaluated (2001–03). Low soil P was generally more limiting to radish foliage P concentrations or uptake than to the mustard, suggesting inherent differences in their ability to access and accumulate P. While radish P and S concentrations increased with higher P, concentrations in mustard were either unaffected or reduced. Foliage P concentrations were more closely related to biomass of radish (r2 = 0.46) than mustard (r2 = 0.11). Mustard exceeded radish in biomass and S accumulation. Phosphorus effects on glucosinolates producing ionic or isothiocyanates were relatively insignificant. These biofumigants differ appreciably in their ability to access and accumulate P, but P effects on nutrient content or glucosinolates were minor.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of induced drought conditions and phosphorous (P) application on osmotic adjustment as reflected in the accumulation of organic solutes in the leaves of frijolillo. The experiment took place under greenhouse conditions without climate control. Plastic containers were used measuring 20 cm high × 15 cm in diameter. In each container, five plants were evaluated from emergence to vegetative growth phase. Three soil moisture regimes were evaluated (25%, 50%, and 100% of field capacity) combined with four concentrations of phosphorous (0, 50,100 and 150 mg kg?1 of soil). A completely randomized block design with a factorial arrangement of 3×4 with four replications was used. The cellular osmotic adjustment as a response to drought stress in frijolillo was associated with the accumulation of sugars, amino acids and proline in that higher concentrations than the control were measured with moisture at 25%. Concentrations of chlorophyll and carotene increased as soil moisture levels decreased.  相似文献   
家蚕对常用有机磷农药的毒性反应研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文介绍了不同条件下家蚕对常用有机磷农药的毒性反应。结果表明,家蚕对9种农药都有很强的毒性反应,表现典型的有机磷中毒症状。农药对家蚕的触杀毒力和残毒期因农药品种不同而有极显著差异。家蚕对农药的抗性因季节,农药浓度和龄期大小不同而异。  相似文献   
三峡库区澎溪河流域消落区土壤氮磷释放研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过模拟试验研究了温度和施肥对三峡库区澎溪河流域消落区冲积土、紫色土和水稻土氮磷释放的影响,估算了这3种土壤氮磷的释放量。结果表明,淹水后消落区土壤氮的释放潜力为水稻土冲积土紫色土,不同温度下消落土壤氮的释放潜力表现为20℃略高于10℃,明显高于30℃;消落区土壤间磷释放的差异因温度的不同而异,10℃时3种土壤间上覆水磷浓度相近,20℃和30℃时,土壤磷的释放潜力为冲积土紫色土水稻土,土壤磷的释放随淹水温度的提高而升高。按云阳县耕地平均施肥量(N0.21g/kg和P0.15g/kg)向消落区土壤施入氮磷肥,冲积土、紫色土和水稻土向水体释放的氮分别提高7.05~17.27,10.03~25.41,5.84~13.70倍,释放的磷分别提高1.47~4.88,4.99~16.49,1.18~3.03倍。根据澎溪河流域水温、水位变动情况及消落区土壤面积,估算出未施肥条件下澎溪河流域消落区冲积土、紫色土和水稻土的氮释放负荷为19.36,29.45,236.07t/a,磷释放负荷分别为0.49,0.94,1.91t/a。  相似文献   
为了明确河北省中南部干旱半干旱地区棉区棉花-小麦-玉米两年三熟粮棉轮作种植模式下玉米季的适宜施肥量,为生产上实现经济施肥提供理论依据,在大田条件下采用随机区组试验设计,将N、P_2O_5、K_2O施用量均分别设置0、75、150、225、300 kg/hm~2计5个水平,研究了各肥料不同施用水平对玉米产量构成及产量的影响。结果表明:随着施N量的增加,玉米穗长、穗粗、穗粒数、百粒重和产量均呈先增加后降低的变化趋势,其中,施N量为225 kg/hm~2时所有指标值均最高,在施N量≤225 kg/hm~2时产量随着施N量的增加而逐渐显著提高,而施N量225 kg/hm~2时产量增加不再明显;随着施P_2O_5量的增加,玉米百粒重和产量呈略有降低的趋势,但不同施肥量处理的调查指标差异均不显著;随着施K_2O量的增加,玉米穗粒数和产量呈逐渐增加趋势,但不同施肥量处理的产量差异均不显著。在当前粮棉轮作模式下,玉米季适宜的施肥量为N 225 kg/hm~2、K_2O 75 kg/hm~2,免施磷肥。  相似文献   
通过对退化砂姜黑土的无机磷组成和活化方法进行研究,结果表明:砂姜黑土的无机磷以磷灰石(Ca10-P)和闭蓄态磷酸盐(O-P)的含量为高,分别占无机磷总量的27%-48%和26%-37%。砂姜黑土中无机磷的总量以及其中Ca2-P、Al-P、Fe-P的含量均随着土壤肥力的退化而显著降低。在退化砂姜黑土中施用有机肥,能够大幅度提高速效磷的含量,而施用含有一定旦溶磷细菌的肥料则可以在不增加全磷量的情况下,促进土壤中Ca10-P和Ca8-P等向Ca2-P、Al-P等形态无机磷的转化,从而提高土壤中速效磷的含量。  相似文献   
红壤的磷肥有效性差异及其土壤化学特点的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
用发育于玄武岩和花岗岩的红壤及其水稻土作水稻盆栽试验研究红壤的磷肥有效性差异及其土壤化学特点,试验表明,花岗岩发育的红壤及其水田的磷肥有效性与Fe,Al有关,而玄武岩发育者,不仅占Fe,Al,而且还与Mn有密切关系,对土壤-植物系统中磷肥有效性与Fe,Mn元素相互作用及其机理进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Thermo-chemical conversion of crop residues to produce biochar is an emerging strategy in the context of sustainable phosphorous (P) use and residue management. An incubation study for 90 d was conducted to investigate the effects of rice-residue biochar (0, 10, 20 and 40 g kg?1) in combination with inorganic-P (KH2PO4) (0, 25 and 50 mg kg?1) on phosphorous availability in medium- and high-P status soils. Increasing biochar addition rates alone or in combination with inorganic-P resulted in a significant increase in P pools, i.e. plant available P or Olsen-P (from 8 to 132 mg kg?1 in medium-P and 15 to 160 mg kg?1 in high-P soils), microbial biomass P and various mineral-bound inorganic-P fractions in the order (Ca-P > organic-P > Al-P > loosely held/soluble-P > Fe-P > reductant soluble-P). Further, lower phosphatase activity (19–50%) with increasing rates of biochar addition in both soils elucidates the ability of biochar to act as a long-term source of available P in the experimental soils. The results demonstrate that rice-residue biochar can directly or indirectly enhance the status of available P in soils and hence can be used as a beneficial amendment to meet the crop P demand.  相似文献   
Assessing the nutrient status of low-input, low-fertility desert soils poses some unique challenges. Commonly used soil analysis procedures and resin capsules generally assess nutrient status of fertile agricultural soils. Ion-exchange resin capsules (Unibest Company, Bozeman, Mont.) provide a viable alternative. A study was conducted to determine effectiveness of resin capsules to extract low levels of nutrients applied to native soils. Loamy sand and sandy clay loam desert soils from Utah were treated with combinations of four rates of nitrogen (N) as ammonium nitrate (34–0–0), three rates of phosphorus (P) as phosphoric acid (0–72–0), and two rates of iron sulfate (FeSO4·7H2O) and zinc sulfate (ZnSO4·7H2O) (include an untreated control). Each soil treatment was implanted with a resin capsule placed into either 250 or 1000 cm3 of soil after addition of water equivalent to 50% field capacity and incubated for either 60 or 120 days at 25 °C. After the appropriate incubation time, capsules were washed and extracted using 2 M hydrochloric acid (HCl), and the extract was used to measure iron (Fe), ammonium (NH4)-N, nitrate (NO3)-N, sulfur (S), and zinc (Zn). Conventional soil tests were completed on incubated soils (60 or 120 days). Resin capsules reflected NH4-N and P fertilizer applied at low rates in the loamy sand but not in the sandy clay loam. Neither Fe nor Zn application was reflected in resin capsules, but the accompanying S was clearly quantified. In comparison to conventional soil test procedures, resin capsule NH4-N was clearly a better indicator than KCl-extractable NH4-N; resin capsule NO3-N was effective, but not as good an indicator as water extraction; and resin capsule P was reflective of soil applied P in loamy sand but not in sandy clay loam, whereas sodium bicarbonate was effective in both soils. Resin capsules show promise for use in low-input conditions, but additional understanding of interactions in variable soils is needed.  相似文献   
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