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心理咨询门诊与普通专科门诊抽样对照分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奚巍 《精神医学杂志》2006,19(4):245-247
目的调查本院心理咨询门诊与普通专科门诊就诊疾病谱的差异,了解两者在精神分裂症治疗上的差异以及对预后的影响。方法以1/20抽取1995~2002年间的门诊病例进行统计分析,其中心理咨询门诊病例79份,普通专科门诊病例143份。自行设计表格对就诊者的性别、年龄、初诊诊断和服药、住院情况进行统计,比较两者就诊疾病谱的差异,以及两者在精神分裂症治疗上的差异和对预后的影响。结果(1)心理咨询门诊就诊者以心境障碍和神经症为主(分别达25%和27%),普通专科门诊以精神分裂症为主(48%,t=14.66,P<0.005);(2)在精神分裂症的治疗上,心理咨询门诊第二代抗精神病药(SGAs)的应用率较高(50%vs 14%,P<0.005),两处就诊者的预后也存在差异。结论心理咨询门诊与普通专科门诊在初诊中存在一定的分工;两者对精神分裂症治疗存在差异,这种差异可能直接导致精神分裂症的预后,我国有待建立规范的精神分裂症治疗指南;全社会对非重性精神疾病的重视程度仍有待加强。  相似文献   
Ethnic minorities in British diabetic clinics: a questionnaire survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A questionnaire was sent by the British Diabetic Association to hospital consultant physicians caring for diabetic patients in the UK to estimate the number of ethnic minority patients attending British Diabetic clinics, and the availability of special facilities for their care. Sixty-two clinics were estimated to have at least 50 Asian patients, and 25 had at least 200 Asian patients. For Afro-Caribbeans the corresponding figures were 33 and 14 clinics, respectively. Clinics serving a relatively high proportion of these patient groups were situated primarily in Greater London, the Midlands and the North West. Approximately 40% of clinics with over 50 Asians had no specifically adapted diet sheets, and 34% had no hospital interpreter service. Tapes, slides or video presentations were available in only eight clinics. There is an urgent need to improve the provision of special facilities to clinics with substantial numbers of ethnic minority patients.  相似文献   
Background: One hundred sixty-eight peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCLs)were reviewed according to the Revised European–American Lymphoma (R.E.A.L.)Classification.Patients and methods: The cases, originally diagnosed on the basis of theUpdated Kiel Classification (UKC), were all provided with histologicalpreparations, immunophenotype, clinical information, and follow-up data. Theslides were reclassified by five observers, who integrated the R.E.A.Lcriteria with cell size measurements. The prognostic value of clinical andpathologic findings was assessed by univariate and multivariate analysis.Results: The R.E.A.L. Classification was reproducibly applied by all of theobservers. Clinically, anaplastic large cell lymphomas (ALCLs) differed fromthe remaining PTCLs by mean age (29.5 vs. 52.9 years), bulky disease(52.3% vs. 11.3%; P = 0.000), mediastinal mass (52.7% vs.32%; P = 0.004), and disease-free survival (68.0% vs.38.2%; P = 0.0001). Although each histological type displayed specificclinical aspects, PTCLs other than ALCL were basically characterised by a poorclinical outcome which was not influenced by the UKC malignancy grade. Atmultivariate analysis, the risk of a lower complete remission rate was relatedto bulky disease (P = 0.001), histologic group (non-ALCL) (P = 0.01), andadvanced stage (III–IV) (P = 0.0002).Conclusions: The present study supports the classification of T-celllymphomas proposed by the R.E.A.L. scheme.  相似文献   
  • ? The objective of this study was to describe the variation in provision of health checks and health-promotion clinics operating under the regulations of the 1990 Contract for general practice in the UK.
  • ? Eighteen group practices in three Family Health Service Authority (FHSA) areas of England (two in the South West Thames region and one in the Yorkshire region) were selected for the study. The nurses, largely responsible for the implementation of the health checks at these practices, were interviewed using semi-structured interview schedules. They were asked about age-groups targeted, means of recruiting patients for clinics, duration of clinic appointments, and procedures carried out in clinics.
  • ? All practices offered health checks, and 55% had started doing so before introduction of the 1990 Contract. Recruitment for health checks took place in a number of ways: self-referral (83% of practices); opportunistically in those with coronary heart disease risk factors (78%); opportunistically during attendance for cervical smears (62%); screening in at least one patient group (78%). Blood pressure, height, weight, urinalysis and life-style advice were included by all practices. Stress management and quit smoking strategies were offered only by a minority of practices. Duration of first health-check appointment ranged between 15 and 30 minutes.
  • ? The basic content of health checks, and life-style advice given appeared consistent between the widely varying practices. However, the resources available for intervention and follow up showed more variation.
新型农村合作医疗两级医疗机构门诊处方分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解云南省禄丰县乡、村两级医疗机构合作医疗实施后其处方用药的现状与存在问题,并提出促进合理用药的对策,进一步规范乡村医生用药行为。方法采用描述性统计分析方法和生物统计学分析方法。结果调查地区乡镇卫生院和村卫生室处方中,包含3~6种药品的比例分别为79.8%和76.9%,农村卫生室使用抗生素和激素的比例(分别为81%和32.5%)高于乡镇卫生院使用的比例(分别为77.3%和20.2%)。参加合作医疗病人门诊处方中含3~6种药品的比例均高于非参合病人,且其处方中药品费用和治疗总费用也高于非参合病人。结论乡村两级医疗机构的门诊处方中均存在一定程度的不合理、不安全用药现象,应通过规范供方服务行为和购药渠道和改革现行的村医报酬支付机制等措施,以改善乡村两级医疗机构不合理,不安全用药状况。  相似文献   
在本文中,结合项目实践,对中医临床信息采集系统建设项目的特点进行分析,提出在中医临床信息采集系统建设中应用项目管理的思路。通过对项目阶段划分、工作任务分解、责任矩阵构建以及项目管理规范体系的探讨,以期加强对中医临床信息采集系统建设项目管理的认识,指导项目管理和系统建设。  相似文献   
目的调查并分析陕西省乡镇卫生院与社区卫生服务中心的卫生人力资源现状,为建立充满生机与活力的人力资源管理体系和高效灵活的用人机制提供理论依据。方法根据陕西省经济发展状况和地理分布,在陕北、陕南以及关中地区共抽取60所乡镇卫生院、35所社区卫生服务中心作为本研究的样本机构,采用描述性统计分析方法分别从其基本情况、任职资格、医护比例结构和培训情况等方面对乡镇卫生院和社区卫生服务中心2012年人力资源进行初步研究。结果对陕西省基层医疗卫生机构2012年人力资源样本数据分析结果显示:①全省乡镇卫生院平均每院的卫生人员与卫生技术人员数量较2011年减少;全省社区卫生服务中心平均每中心卫生人员及卫生技术人员数量较2011年减少;而执业(助理)医师数量和注册护士数量比2011年增加。②47家乡镇卫生院的351名医师中,持有执业医师资格证的平均每院为3.85人,占51.57%;持有助理执业医师资格证的平均每院为2.26人,占30.20%;无证人员平均每院1.36人,占18.23%。35家社区卫生服务中心的449名医师中,持有执业医师资格证的平均每中心10.09人,占比78.62%;持有助理执业医师资格证的平均每中心1.97人,占15.37%;无证人员平均每中心0.77人,占6.01%。③47家乡镇卫生院平均医护比为1∶0.55,35家社区卫生服务中心平均医护比为1∶0.65。④47家乡镇卫生院中,25.93%的医师参加了住院医师规范化培训;20.22%的医师参加了半年以上培训,46.72%的医师参加了短期培训。结论陕西省乡镇卫生院与社区卫生服务中心的人力资源存在人员数量不足、人员质量不高、结构分配不合理及医务人员培训较少等问题。  相似文献   
周磊  胡国威 《职业与健康》2012,28(5):622-623,626
目的了解柳州市村卫生室人员结构现状,为进一步加强农村卫生三级服务体系网底建设提供参考。方法统一使用《广西乡镇卫生院信息录入系统》并培训,由各乡镇卫生院将村卫生室及人员基本情况录入系统并调查分析。结果该市村卫生室共计1 083个,在册村卫生室人员1 423人,其中取得国家执业助理医师以上资格96人,取得广西乡村医生从业资格1 072人,学历以小学及无学历为主。仅配备部分基本医疗设备,近75%的村卫生室业务用房面积未达标。结论柳州市村卫生室卫生人员素质低,基础设施不达标,基本设备缺乏,已经成为制约农村县、乡、村三级卫生服务体系健全的主要因素。  相似文献   
针对新医疗改革对医疗信息化提出的要求,分析虚拟化技术的内涵,提出建设基于虚拟化技术的医师多点职业信息系统,从医院内网实现、虚拟桌面分配、安全措施等方面介绍系统实现过程,阐述应用效果。  相似文献   
沈阳市综合医院焦虑障碍患病率及特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解沈阳市综合医院内科门诊焦虑障碍的患病率和焦虑患者的特征。方法采用分层随机整群抽样方法抽取沈阳市23家综合医院调查,共调查5750例内科门诊患者。使用扩展的一般健康问卷(GHQ-12)为筛查工具,对筛查高、中、低危险组按比例进行诊断工具《美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册》第四版科研版轴Ⅰ障碍定式临床检查(SCID-I/P),以确定患病率。结果沈阳市综合医院内科门诊躯体疾病所致焦虑障碍患病率为0.468;任何焦虑障碍(非躯体疾病所致)现患率为4.92%,未特定焦虑障碍患病率最高(2.91%),其次为广泛性焦虑障碍(1.51%)。焦虑障碍者的特征为分居/离婚、年龄≥45岁、受过高等教育、高收入者多。结论沈阳市综合医院内科门诊焦虑障碍患病率较高,多为分居/离婚、年龄≥45岁、受过高等教育、高收入者。  相似文献   
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