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目的探讨交通事故所致颅脑损伤患者的人格特点.方法采用明尼苏达多相个性测查表、韦氏成人智力量表、韦氏记忆测验量表和脑电图对成都市因交通事故造成颅脑损伤的333例幸存者的临床资料进行统计分析.结果与常模进行比较,共有309例存在人格的异常,大部分患者是在下列几个分量表上有异常:D、Sc、Hs、Hy和Pt.剖析图显示高得分的主要组合类型为12/21测图、28/82测图、18/81测图和78/87测图.在性别上,男女在Hs、D、Pd、Mf、Pt、Sc这6个分量表上有差异,男性得分的均值大于女性.经Logistic回归分析,与人格异常有关的因素是文化程度和硬膜下血肿.大脑各叶损害与MMPI各分量表之间的关系显示,额叶损害与Hy、Pd、Ma,颞叶损害与Si 、D,枕叶损害与Hy临床分量表的分值增高有关.结论人格异常是颅脑损伤后一常见的后遗症,并有其独特的特点,在伤残评定中应引起重视.  相似文献   
目的 :浅析父母养育方式与中学生社会适应能力的关系。方法 :使用明尼苏达多相个性测查表 (MMPI)量表、父母养育方式问卷 (EMBU) ,对来心理门诊进行心理咨询的 4 2名中学生进行测量。结果 :4 2名中学生中 A分 (社会适应 )大于 6 5分有 2 8人 ,占 6 6 .7%。母亲的情感温暖、过度保护、偏爱各因子得分均高于父亲 ,而父亲的拒绝因子得分高于母亲。结论 :由于父母亲养育方式的不一致 ,易导致孩子社会适应不良。  相似文献   
青年男性MMPI-215F量表应答时间效应分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的分析青年男性心理测评中F量表条目应答时间,研究其相关影响因素和变化规律,并对该测评计算机化过程中应答时间的设定提供一定的参考.方法使用MMPI-215对全国18个省市的青年男性进行测试,利用计算机对时间记录,汇总分析.结果青年男性在F量表各条目平均应答时间(以下简称F均时)为4.57s;低于总测试的各条目平均应答时间(6.34 s)(P<0.01);F均时与F分数、应答前后不一致的条目数以及漏答条目数有显著相关;F均时受文化程度、年龄、城乡结构多种因素影响;每个条目的应答时间主要取决于条目汉字的个数.结论 F均时在测评中表现出一定的变化规律,可以结合临床进一步深入研究,使其成为评价青年男性性格特征的客观性指标之一.  相似文献   
Randall Weeks  PhD  ; Zach Weier  BA 《Headache》2006,46(S3):S110-S118
Most clinicians agree that psychological factors are important considerations in the evaluation and treatment of headache patients. There has been a lack of systematic research, however, that has examined the relationship between these variables. Attention to such factors may become a greater concern as the frequency of a patient's headaches increases, there is increased disability secondary to headaches, and/or there is an inadequate response to usually effective treatment. In addition, there is no consensus as to the proper method to assess psychopathology in headache patients.  相似文献   
55对独生与多生子女MMPI配对研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
按同班、同性别、学号最邻近1:1配对原则从16~18岁青少年中选出55对(男34,女21)独生与多生子女作为被试。MMPI测试结果:各量表T值,男性两组间无显著性差异;女性K量表独生组高于多生组,D和Si两量表独生组低于多生组,其余11项量表两组间亦无显著性差异。提示:总体上独生与多生子女间无显著个性差异,但独生女与多生女间有所差别。  相似文献   
Cluster analysis of the MMPI has been utilized widely in the chronic low back pain literature to try to identify reliable patient subtypes predictive of treatment outcome. We extended this methodology to patients with heterogeneous chronic medical conditions by replicating prototypic MMPI cluster group profiles and by relating cluster groups to clinical baseline and outcome data. Subjects were two independent samples (n=254 and n=263) of chronically ill patients admitted to an inpatient medicine/psychiatry unit. Using a four-cluster solution, similar cluster profile groups were replicated in both samples. Consistent differences emerged between cluster groups on functional impairment, psychiatric diagnoses, depression, and psychosomatic symptoms. Cluster group membership also predicted changes in functional impairment and depression six months after treatment. Results are discussed in terms of similarities between chronic low back pain and chronic illness and tailoring treatment to different patient types.This research was supported in part by a grant from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.  相似文献   
In this study we examined the relationship of psychopathology and personality dysfunction to neuroendocrine functioning. MMPI profiles were examined for 30 psychiatric inpatients with major depression who were suppressors (60%) and nonsuppressors (40%) on the dexamethasone suppression test. There were no differences between suppressors and nonsuppressors on any of the MMPI scales or on DSM-III Axis-II diagnosis. When subdivided according to T-score elevations above 70 on MMPI scales 4 and 6, or 4 and 9, 30% of the sample, however, met criteria for personality dysfunction. Furthermore, a significantly higher proportion of suppressors (50%) evidenced personality dysfunction than did the nonsuppressors (8%). This suggests that certain MMPI scales are able to identify a subgroup of depressed patients with personality disturbances who also have a hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal dysfunction.  相似文献   
Fifty-seven male chronic pain patients admitted to an inpatient multimodal pain treatment program at a Midwestern Veterans Administration hospital completed the MMPI, Profile of Mood States (POMS), Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (TSCS), Rathus Assertiveness Schedule (RAS), activity diaries, and an extensive pain questionnaire. All patients were assessed both before and after treatment, and most also were assessed 2–5 months prior to treatment. No significant changes occurred during the baseline period, but significant improvements were evident at posttreatment on most variables: MMPI, POMS, TSCS, RAS, pain severity, sexual functioning, and activity diaries. MMPI subgroup membership, based on a hierarchical cluster analysis in a larger sample, was not predictive of differential treatment outcome. Possible reasons for comparable treatment gains among these subgroups, which previously have been shown to differ on many psychological and behavioral factors, are discussed.This paper originally was presented at the Fourth World Congress on Pain, Seattle, Washington, September, 1984.  相似文献   
武警用简式明尼苏达人格调查表的适用性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:根据武警部队大规模群体测验的需要,将MMPI进行分量表及条目筛减后构成简式MMPI,检验其作为人格评估工具进行武警部队兵员筛选、工作安置之适用性。方法:对940名战士施测MMPI后,根据武警部队特点及测验目的筛选分量表,根据测验条目区分度筛选条目,组成简式MMPI,随机整群取样3095名战士,对简式MMPI进行条目分析及信度和效度分析。结果:简式MMPI60%的条目鉴别指数在0.2以上,比原MMPI条目的鉴别指数(53%)提高。各分量表的重测相关系数在0.58-0.85之间(P<0.01)。实证效度检验显示,简式MMPI对精神分裂症患者与正常人群的区分达到显著水平(P<0.01)。各分量表与领导评定的各维度间有不同程度显著相关,量表总分与领导评定总分相关0.49。结论:武警用简式明尼苏达人格调查表符合心理测量学的要求,可做武警部队的人格评估工具。  相似文献   
目的:探讨明尼苏达多项人格调查量表(MMPI)及事件相关电位(ERP)在海洛因依赖患者中的临床应用价值。方法:对44例海洛因依赖患者和43例正常健康者分别进行了MMPI及ERP测定,并将两组的结果加以比较。结果:海洛因依赖患者中MMPI测定异常率为63.64%(28/44),其量表中Hs(疑病),D(抑郁),Pd(心理变态)、Pa(偏执)、Pt(精神衰弱),Ma(轻躁狂)分显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。海洛因依赖患者ERP测定异常率为52.27%(23/44),其中N2波及P3波(即P300)潜伏期较对照组明显延长,波幅也降低,两组间比较差异有显著意义(P<0.01)。结论:MMPI及ERP电位对海洛因依赖患者临床诊治及预后判断有较高的价值。  相似文献   
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