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初治涂阳肺结核短程间歇全监化疗近期疗效观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的评价WHO推荐的短程间歇化疗方案近期疗效和全程督导化疗(DOTS)的可行性。方法搜集本市1993-2001年结控项目有关病例治疗管理的资料进行统计分析。结果1746例2、3月末痰菌阴转率分别为88.0%和94.6%,治愈率为96.4%,失败率1.8%。结论WHO推荐的短程间歇化疗方案是高效的,全程督导化疗管理是可靠且可行的。  相似文献   
Laparoscopic findings in female genital tuberculosis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the laparoscopic findings in genital tuberculosis (TB). METHODS: A total of 85 women of genital TB, who underwent diagnostic laparoscopy for infertility or chronic pelvic pain were enrolled in this retrospective study conducted in our unit at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India from September 2004 to 2007. RESULTS: The mean age was 28.2 years and the mean parity was 0.24. Most women were from poor socioeconomic status (68.1%). Past history of TB was seen in 29 (34.1%) women with pulmonary TB in 19 (22.35%) women and extrpulmonary in 10 (11.7%) women. Most women presented with infertility (90.6% primary 72.9%; secondary 17.6%) while the rest had chronic pelvic pain (9.4%). The mean duration of infertility was 6.2 years. A total of 49 (57.6%) women had normal menses, while hypomenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, secondary amenorrhea and menorrhagia were seen in 25 (30.1%), 3 (3.5%), 5 (5.9%), and 2 (2.4%) women respectively. Diagnosis of genital TB was made by histopathological evidence of TB granuloma in 16 (18.8%) (Endometrial biopsy in 12.9%, laparoscopy biopsy in 5.9%) women, demonstration of acid fast bacilli (AFB) on microscopy in 2(2.3%), positive AFB culture in 2 (2.3%), positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in 55 (64.7%) and laparoscopic findings of genital TB in 40 (47.1%). The various findings on laparoscopy were tubercles on peritoneum (12.9%) or ovary (1.2%), tubovarian masses (7.1%), caseous nodules (5.8%), encysted ascitis in 7.1% women. Various grades of pelvic adhesions were seen in 56(65.8%) women. The various findings on fallopian tubes were normal looking tubes in (7.1%), inability to visualize in 12(14.1%), presence of tubercles on tubes in 3 (3.52%), caseous granuloma in 3 (3.52%), hydrosalpinx in 15 (17.6%) (Right tube 11.7%, left tube 5.9%), pyosalphinx in 3 (3.5%) on right tube and 2 (2.35%) in left tube, beaded tube in 3 (3.5%) on right tube, 4 (4.7%) in left tube with tobacco pouch appearance in 2 (2.35%) women. The right tube was patent in 9 (10.6%) while left tube was patent in 10(11.7%) cases only, while they were either not seen (absent in one case due to previous salphingectomy, inability to see due to adhesion in 14.12%) or blocked at various sites with cornual end being most common in 3 (3.5%) showing multiple block in right tube and 4.7% in left tube. CONCLUSION: There is a significant pelvic morbidity and tubal damage in genital tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Ambient air sampling for nanosize particle emissions was performed during spot spray coating with a SonoTek ExactaCoat Benchtop system (ECB). Cadmium selenide quantum dots (QDs) and gold QDs, nominally 3.3 and 5 nm in diameter respectively, were applied during the evaluation. Median spray drop size was in the 20 to 60 micrometer size range. Industrial hygiene monitoring and evaluation of controls were revised when a scanning mobility particle sizer indicated a significant increase in the ambient air concentration upon early enclosure door-opening. A time delay sufficient to provide 10 enclosure air changes (a concentration reduction of more than 99.99%) before door-opening prevented the release of aerosol particles in any measurable size. As part of the evaluation, aerosol characterization in reference to background was made using condensation particle counters, atomic force and electron microscopy, and chemical analysis.  相似文献   
目的了解滨州市《规划》实施情况,评价DOTS策略的执行效果。方法通过对2001年~2010年登记管理的病人,以病人登记本、月报、季报和年报为来源,进行患病登记率、流行特征、DOTS策略执行情况进行分析。结果 2001年~2010年登记患病率为35.65/10万,新涂阳登记率24.39/10万;治愈率为92.07%;避免63 164人感染结核菌,避免5 667人发病。结论滨州市积极推行现代结核病控制策略,结核病人的发现率和治愈率显著提高。  相似文献   
目的:评价我县结核病控制工作成效。方法:主要采用因症就诊、线索调查等方式发现病人,免费提供抗结核药物,按照规定的化疗方案对病人采用全程督导管理(DOTS)策略治疗,根据结核病门诊登记本、实验室登记本、季报表和督导调查等资料进行效果分析。结果:2004年-2006年共接诊可疑结核病人1493人、拍片1332人、查痰1358人、查痰率90.90%,查出活动性肺结核383人,其中涂阳283人、涂阳病人检出率为20.84%,涂阳病人年龄组以25-64岁为最多,涂阳病人化疗满2个月阴转率为87.68%,满全疗程涂阳病人284例中治愈263例,治愈率为92.61%,其中初治涂阳治愈率为93.50%,复治涂阳治愈率为85.69%。全程督导管理数满全疗程结核病人284人,规则服药病人数279人,规则治疗率为98.23%。结论:结核病控制项目我县已取得较好成效,今后应加强结核病DOTS管理,规范治疗,就能够有效控制我县结核病发病。  相似文献   
20世纪末,由于宏观控制措施的松懈、耐药率的上升及HIV病毒合并感染等众多因素的共同作用下,使结核病疫情再次上升。不正规治疗导致耐药率上升是结核病疫情难以控制的主要原因。直接面视下行短程化疗(DOTS)能有效地解决不正规治疗的问题,也是目前控制结核病疫情最为经济有效的管理手段。富阳市自2004年6月开始对所有新登记涂阳初治病人实行DOTS管理,采用卫生部推荐的短程抗痨方案,病人在村卫生室接受直接面视下免费服药。为了解、确定DOTS病人不合作原因及确定可能影响依从性的因素,掌握不合作者为什么不愿按时到村卫生室服药的原因以…  相似文献   
With the increasing incidence of tuberculosis worldwide, childhood cases now constitute 40% of the total. TB control thus has global importance. Unfortunately, control of disease is not in sight. It was always thought that adult tuberculosis is the fountainhead of childhood tuberculosis but it is being increasingly realized that it is the infection acquired during childhood that promotes reactivation of adult disease, which in turn maintains the chain of transmission.Thus childhood tuberculosis needs equal or more attention for effective control. Early detection by simple tests and ensuring treatment compliance is the goal. The small number of bacilli and inaccessible sites for bacteriological confirmation makes diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis difficult. Circumstantial evidence is often the basis of diagnosis. However, as clinical manifestations depend upon host immune response and virulence of tubercle bacilli, there is no typical clinical presentation. A large number of infected children may remain asymptomatic, undiagnosed and untreated. Conventional tests such as tuberculin test and radiology are not fully dependable and newer tests have limitations. Poor patient treatment compliance contributes to failure of a tuberculosis control program and leads to drug resistance. To combat this, direct observed treatment (DOTS) has been unanimously recommended in treatment of tuberculosis. DOTS is however estimated to be used in less than 40% of new cases. Misconceptions threaten to undermine continued success in tuberculosis control. TB control is essentially a management problem. Greater accountability of governments, donors and providers is essential  相似文献   
目的 通过对结核病患者的依从性进行调查,分析其影响因素,提出更具针对性的提高结核患者依从性的干预措施建议.方法 由调查人员逐题对四川省自贡市4区2县结核病归口治疗点2010年收治接受国家免费检查和治疗3个月以上全部144名患者进行询问,并填写调查表.结果 单因素分析的结果显示影响调查对象的治疗依从性的因素有是否复治、是否认为症状消失后就可以停止服药(P<0.05);影响调查对象的用药依从性的因素有文化程度,完成全程治疗的信念,对主治医生服务是否满意,对治疗时间满意程度,对单次治疗费用满意程度和对治疗效果的满意程度(P<0.05).多因素分析结果显示初次治疗患者的依从性较好(OR=0.290,P<0.05),认为症状消失就可以停止服药的患者治疗依从性较差(OR =3.035);文化程度较高的患者用药依从性差(OR=0.275)和不明白医生意思的患者依从性差(OR =0.116).结论 结核病防治中需注意通过多种途径增强患者的治疗信心,加强对复治患者健康教育.必须尽快开展DOTS,并有必要通过社区动员、家庭健康教育和对医生的培训等途径加强结核病治疗的社会支持.  相似文献   
[目的]探讨安顺市结核病防治工作中存在的问题,寻找解决措施。[方法]对2005~2010年安顺市肺结核病例资料进行分析。[结果]2005~2010年,合计发现肺结核病例17 752例,其中涂阳病例7 327例,占41.27%,涂阳肺结核病人登记率为49.12/10万。2005~2010年合计接诊可疑症状者27 124例,因症主动就诊占45.58%,转诊占21.87%、追踪占26.59%、因病推荐占2.23%。合计查痰17 752例,查痰率为65.45%,初治涂阳病例2月末、3月末的痰菌阴转率分别为96.25%、87.73%,复治涂阳病例2月末、3月末的痰菌阴转率分别为92.09%、93.91%;17 752例病人中,治愈12 987例,治愈率为73.16%,其中初治涂阳治愈率为72.55%,复治涂阳治愈率为79.44%(P<0.01),活动性肺结核、初治涂阳病例及复治涂阳病例治愈率呈逐年上升趋势。[结论]2005~2007年安顺市肺结核病例发现呈上升趋势,2008年后呈下降趋势。  相似文献   
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