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Resumen últimamente se ha dedicado una gran atención a las técnicas de aproximación de mixturas de distribuciones. En este trabajo se consideran problemas de estimación de los parámetros de mezcla en una mixtura finita, desde una metodología bayesiana, que conducen a problemas de aproximación de mixturas finitas y se proponen dos nuevos métodos de aproximación. Bajo ciertas condiciones se demuestra que ambos métodos son asintóticamente equivalentes a un tercer método, de aplicación mucho más sencilla. El trabajo se concluye con un estudio de simulación en el que se analiza la bondad de los métodos de aproximación que aquí se exponen.   相似文献   
The five members of the mammalian G subfamily of ATP-binding cassette transporters differ greatly in their substrate specificity. Four members of the subfamily are important in lipid transport and the wide substrate specificity of one of the members, ABCG2, is of significance due to its role in multidrug resistance. To explore the origin of substrate selectivity in members 1, 2, 4, 5 and 8 of this subfamily, we have analysed the differences in conservation between members in a multiple sequence alignment of ABCG sequences from mammals. Mapping sets of residues with similar patterns of conservation onto the resolved 3D structure of ABCG2 reveals possible explanations for differences in function, via a connected network of residues from the cytoplasmic to transmembrane domains. In ABCG2, this network of residues may confer extra conformational flexibility, enabling it to transport a wider array of substrates.  相似文献   
针对传统协同过滤推荐算法存在的冷启动、数据稀疏以及相似度度量的准确性问题,基于LDA主题模型对文本隐式主题挖掘的有效性和KL散度在主题分布相似性度量的准确性,提出了结合LDA主题模型的矩阵分解推荐算法。首先,利用改进的LDA算法输出项目-主题分布,并用困惑度作为主题数设置的修正函数;然后分别基于余弦相似度和KL散度计算得到项目相似度矩阵,将得到的相似度矩阵结合原评分训练集输出预评分,再将预评分填充到训练集;最后将训练集输入ALS矩阵分解算法得到推荐结果。通过MovieLens数据集的实验结果表明,该算法在不同隐式参数设定下均能得到比ALS推荐算法以及更小的预测误差,并且最优预测误差小于传统推荐算法。该实验说明了通过集成LDA主题模型的ALS算法效果要优于其他推荐算法。  相似文献   
In this paper we focus on two complementary approaches to significantly decrease pre-training time of a deep belief network (DBN). First, we propose an adaptive step size technique to enhance the convergence of the contrastive divergence (CD) algorithm, thereby reducing the number of epochs to train the restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) that supports the DBN infrastructure. Second, we present a highly scalable graphics processing unit (GPU) parallel implementation of the CD-k algorithm, which boosts notably the training speed. Additionally, extensive experiments are conducted on the MNIST and the HHreco databases. The results suggest that the maximum useful depth of a DBN is related to the number and quality of the training samples. Moreover, it was found that the lower-level layer plays a fundamental role for building successful DBN models. Furthermore, the results contradict the pre-conceived idea that all the layers should be pre-trained. Finally, it is shown that by incorporating multiple back-propagation (MBP) layers, the DBNs generalization capability is remarkably improved.  相似文献   
为了解决图像检索中聚类问题,对图像作双树旋转复小波变换,再对变换后的系数通过广义高斯模型建模后,计算Kullback-Leibler距离;对图像采用局部二值模式,计算图像之间的对数似然距离.将这2种距离采用事先计算得到的加权因子进行融合得到新的距离.在此距离的基础上构建邻接矩阵,对邻接矩阵采用谱聚类的方法进行聚类运算.实验证明,由于双树旋转复小波变换和局部二值模式之间存在互补性,在聚类过程中将2种特征距离结合起来,能够有效地提高聚类的正确性.  相似文献   
介绍了Kalman滤波的基本方程及其产生发散的原因,研究了一种抑制Kalman滤波发散的方法,此方法通过减小老数据的影响,不断更新"新息",达到对状态估计值的修正,并缩小真实值和状态估计值之间的差距,从而抑制Kalman滤波发散并将其应用到雷达跟踪问题上,通过Matlab仿真,说明了此方法有着现实的重要意义。  相似文献   
股市是金融市场的重要组成部分,对股票价格预测有着重要的意义.同时,深度学习具有强大的数据处理能力,可以解决金融时间序列的复杂性所带来的问题.对此,本文提出一种结合自注意力机制的混合神经网络模型(ATLG).该模型由长短期记忆网络(LSTM)、门控递归单元(GRU)、自注意力机制构建而成,用于对股票价格的预测.实验结果表明:(1)与LSTM、GRU、RNN-LSTM、RNN-GRU等模型相比, ATLG模型的准确率更高;(2)引入自注意力机制使模型更能聚焦于重要时间点的股票特征信息;(3)通过对比,双层神经网络起到的效果更为明显.(4)通过MACD (moving average convergence and divergence)指标进行回测检验,获得了53%的收益,高于同期沪深300的收益.结果证明了该模型在股票价格预测中的有效性和实用性.  相似文献   
Existing face aging (FA) approaches usually concentrate on a universal aging pattern, and produce restricted aging faces from one-to-one mapping. However, the diversity of living environments impact individuals differently in their oldness. To simulate various aging effects, we propose a multimodal FA framework based on face disentanglement technique of age-specific and age-irrelevant information. A Variational Autoencoder (VAE)-based encoder is designed to represent the distribution of the age-specific attributes. To capture the age-irrelevant features, a cycle-consistency loss of unpaired faces is utilized among various age spans. The extensive experimental results demonstrate that the sampled age-specific codes along with an age-irrelevant feature make the multimodal FA diverse and realistic.  相似文献   
A Bayesian approach to variable selection which is based on the expected Kullback-Leibler divergence between the full model and its projection onto a submodel has recently been suggested in the literature. For generalized linear models an extension of this idea is proposed by considering projections onto subspaces defined via some form of L1 constraint on the parameter in the full model. This leads to Bayesian model selection approaches related to the lasso. In the posterior distribution of the projection there is positive probability that some components are exactly zero and the posterior distribution on the model space induced by the projection allows exploration of model uncertainty. Use of the approach in structured variable selection problems such as ANOVA models is also considered, where it is desired to incorporate main effects in the presence of interactions. Projections related to the non-negative garotte are able to respect the hierarchical constraints. A consistency result is given concerning the posterior distribution on the model induced by the projection, showing that for some projections related to the adaptive lasso and non-negative garotte the posterior distribution concentrates on the true model asymptotically.  相似文献   
We consider the problem of exploiting a taxonomy of propositionalized attributes in order to learn compact and robust classifiers. We introduce propositionalized attribute taxonomy guided decision tree learner (PAT-DTL), an inductive learning algorithm that exploits a taxonomy of propositionalized attributes as prior knowledge to generate compact decision trees. Since taxonomies are unavailable in most domains, we also introduce propositionalized attribute taxonomy learner (PAT-Learner) that automatically constructs taxonomy from data. PAT-DTL uses top-down and bottom-up search to find a locally optimal cut that corresponds to the literals of decision rules from data and propositionalized attribute taxonomy. PAT-Learner propositionalizes attributes and hierarchically clusters the propositionalized attributes based on the distribution of class labels that co-occur with them to generate a taxonomy. Our experimental results on UCI repository data sets show that the proposed algorithms can generate a decision tree that is generally more compact than and is sometimes comparably accurate to those produced by standard decision tree learners.  相似文献   
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