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混合衰落信道下选择中继译码转发的性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜂窝中继通信中基站到中继以及中继到移动台可以建模成混合衰落信道,即基站到中继的信道通常经历莱斯衰落,中继到移动台的信道通常经历瑞利衰落。该文研究混合衰落信道下协同通信系统中两跳译码转发方式的性能,首先通过分析推导了基于选择最佳中继的中断概率、误符号率以及误符号率的渐近线的闭式表达式,然后基于误符号率的渐近线给出了一种功率优化方法。蒙特卡洛仿真验证了理论公式,仿真结果显示优化功率分配的性能优于平均功率分配的性能。  相似文献   
现有的多小区OFDMA中继通信系统资源分配的研究主要集中在单个小区的场景下,而不考虑由相邻小区引起的共信道干扰的影响。然而,实际系统中更高的频率复用因子和较小的小区半径,会导致严重的小区间干扰。该文考虑了多小区OFDMA解码转发中继通信系统的资源分配,它是一个混合离散型优化问题,即使在单小区场景下也是NP-hard难解的。由于全局最优求解的复杂性,该文提出一种分布式的次优的资源分配算法。算法分成两步:首先基于较低的信道反馈系统开销,分配子载波以满足用户的QoS要求;然后,将功率控制问题进一步简化并分解为多个凸优化的子问题,由椭球算法不断收敛的对偶变量迭代调整各个子问题的最优求解。仿真结果表明,与参考算法相比,所提算法的系统容量和边缘用户的吞吐量性能都有很大的提升。  相似文献   
Bilayer low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are an effective coding technique for decode-and-forward relaying, where the relay forwards extra parity bits to help the destination to decode the source bits correctly. In the existing bilayer coding scheme, these parity bits are protected by an error correcting code and assumed reliably available at the receiver. We propose an uncoded relaying scheme, where the extra parity bits are forwarded to the destination without any protection. Through density evolution analysis and simulation results, we show that our proposed scheme achieves better performance in terms of bit erasure probability than the existing relaying scheme. In addition, our proposed scheme results in lower complexity at the relay.  相似文献   
This paper considers a broadcasting network in which multiple single-antenna (weak) and multiantenna (strong) users are receiving simultaneously spatial-multiplexed data streams from the multiantenna base station (BS). In order to improve the received data quality for the single-antenna users while preserving the transmission rates of the multiantenna users, we propose user cooperation schemes without the employment of space–time codes or retransmission from the BS which reduce the data rates and the spectral efficiency. Three cooperation schemes among single-antenna users, namely, decode-and-forward (DF), amplify-and-forward (AF), and hybrid cooperation, are examined and compared. Simulation results demonstrate that single-antenna users through cooperation can achieve comparable or superior error-rate performance as compared with noncooperative multiantenna users. Various configurations of the proposed cooperation schemes are studied to show the tradeoff in terms of cooperation overhead, receiver complexity, and system performance. The acquisition of the channel information and the effect of channel estimation errors on the system performance are also investigated for practical implementation of the proposed schemes. The proposed schemes are capable of avoiding modification to the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transceivers, and are readily applicable to existing MIMO broadcasting networks.  相似文献   
基于放大转发和解码转发的协作策略要求用户在协作帧内为协作伙伴转发数据。然而,当基站仅由直接发射的数据就能正确解码用户数据时,在协作帧内为该用户数据的发射则是多余的。为此,结合RCPC码,提出了一种基于基站端有限反馈的用户协作分集策略,用户根据反馈信息自适应调整协作帧内的数据发射。相比于不协作或者传统协作方法,在多种不同场景下的仿真结果均表明,所提出的协作策略不仅极大地提高了用户的性能而且节省了大量的功率和带宽,并提高了用户的吞吐率和频谱效率。  相似文献   
This paper addresses relay selection and resource allocation issues in cognitive radio sensor networks with wireless energy harvesting. We first consider a three-phase energy harvesting and information transmission protocol based on cooperative decode-and-forward relaying for a secondary system in coexistence with the primary system. In the first phase, the energy-constrained relay harvests energy through radio-frequency signals from the primary source. In the second phase, the destinations decode the primary signal. The relay uses the harvested energy to forward the primary signal and the secondary signal in the third phase. We derive the close-form upper bound of the ergodic capacity of the primary system and propose a relay selection algorithm. In particular, we calculate the critical region to ensure that the ergodic capacity of the primary system is equal or larger than that of the direct system. Finally, numerical results show that the proposed schemes achieve a satisfying performance.  相似文献   
多跳信道的中断性能较差,且节点接收设备上的多跳分集信道较为复杂。为此,基于解码转发多跳信道和多跳分集信道,提出一种改进的解码转发多跳中继系统,解决上述2种信道性能和复杂度的矛盾。推导中断概率的计算公式,以最小化系统中断概率为目标,利用拉格朗日乘子优化各节点的功率分配。仿真结果表明,改进系统能获得比传统多跳中继系统更低的中断概率,最优功率分配方案下系统的中断性能优于均匀功率分配方案,并且性能优势随跳数增加更为明显。  相似文献   
In this paper, symbol-error-rate (SER) performance analysis and optimum power allocation are provided for uncoded cooperative communications in wireless networks with either decode-and-forward (DF) or amplify-and-forward (AF) cooperation protocol, in which source and relay send information to destination through orthogonal channels. In case of the DF cooperation systems, closed-form SER formulation is provided for uncoded cooperation systems with PSK and QAM signals. Moreover, an SER upper bound as well as an approximation are established to show the asymptotic performance of the DF cooperation systems, where the SER approximation is asymptotically tight at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Based on the asymptotically tight SER approximation, an optimum power allocation is determined for the DF cooperation systems. In case of the AF cooperation systems, we obtain at first a simple closed-form moment generating function (MGF) expression for the harmonic mean to avoid the hypergeometric functions as commonly used in the literature. By taking advantage of the simple MGF expression, we obtain a closed-form SER performance analysis for the AF cooperation systems with PSK and QAM signals. Moreover, an SER approximation is also established which is asymptotically tight at high SNR. Based on the asymptotically tight SER approximation, an optimum power allocation is determined for the AF cooperation systems. In both the DF and AF cooperation systems, it turns out that an equal power strategy is good, but in general not optimum in cooperative communications. The optimum power allocation depends on the channel link quality. An interesting result is that in case that all channel links are available, the optimum power allocation does not depend on the direct link between source and destination, it depends only on the channel links related to the relay. Finally, we compare the performance of the cooperation systems with either DF or AF protocol. It is shown that the performance of a systems with the DF cooperation protocol is better than that with the AF protocol. However, the performance gain varies with different modulation types and channel conditions, and the gain is limited. For example, in case of BPSK modulation, the performance gain cannot be larger than 2.4 dB; and for QPSK modulation, it cannot be larger than 1.2 dB. Extensive simulation results are provided to validate the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the performance of clustered decode-and-forward multi-hop relaying (CDFMR) wireless Rayleigh fading networks, and sheds light on their design principles for energy and spectral efficiency. The focus is on a general performance analysis (over all SNR range) of heterogeneous wireless networks with possibly different numbers of relays in clusters of various separations. For clustered multi-hop relaying systems, hop-by-hop routing is known as an efficient decentralized routing algorithm which selects the best relay node in each hop using local channel state information. In this article, we combine hop-by-hop routing and cooperative diversity in CDFMR systems, and we derive (i) a closed-form expression for the probability distribution of the end-to-end SNR at the destination node; (ii) the system symbol error rate (SER) performance for a wide class of modulation schemes; and (iii) exact analytical expressions for the system ergodic capacity, the outage probability and the achievable probability of the SNR (power) gain. We also provide simple analytical asymptotic expressions for SER and the outage probability in high SNR regime. Numerical results are provided to validate the correctness of the presented analyses.  相似文献   
在多输入多输出(MIMO)解码转发(DF)双向中继系统中,分别设计了两种信道状态信息(CSI)情况下的系统传输策略,并推导了系统中断概率的闭合表达式.当已知完全CSI时,采用(最大比发送-最大比接收)MRT-MRC技术设计波束形成和合并向量;当未知完全CSI时,设计了基于有限反馈的传输策略,并采用随机向量量化和Grassmann两种码本进行数值仿真验证.仿真结论显示,所设计的双向中继传输策略的中断概率性能明显优于其他策略,所推导的闭合表达式能准确地表征系统中断概率性能.  相似文献   
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