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We report X-ray absorption near edge structures (XANES) study of CeAl2 thin films of various thicknesses, 40-120 nm, at Al K- and Ce L3-edges. The threshold of the absorption features at the Al K-edge shifts to the higher photon energy side as film thickness decreases, implying a decreased in Al p-orbital charges. On the other hand, from Ce L3-edge spectra, we observed a decrease in the 5d4f occupancy as the surface-to-bulk ratio increases. The valence of Ce in these thin films, as revealed by the Ce L3-edge spectral results, is mainly trivalent. From a more detailed analysis we found a small amount of Ce4+ contribution, which increases with decreasing film thickness. Our results indicate that the surface-to-bulk ratio is the key factor which affects the electronic structure of CeAl2 thin films. The above observations also suggest that charge transfer from Al to Ce is associated with the decrease of the film thickness.  相似文献   
The tight-binding linear muffin tin orbital (TB-LMTO) method within the local density approximation is used to calculate structural, electronic and magnetic properties of GdN under pressure. Both nonmagnetic (NM) and magnetic calculations are performed. The structural and magnetic stabilities are determined from the total energy calculations. The magnetic to ferromagnetic (FM) transition is not calculated. Magnetically, GdN is stable in the FM state, while its ambient structure is found to be stable in the NaCl-type (B1) structure. We predict NaCl-type to CsCl-type structure phase transition in GdN at a pressure of 30.4 GPa. In a complete spin of FM GdN the electronic band picture of one spin shows metallic, while the other spin shows its semiconducting behavior, resulting in half-metallic behavior at both ambient and high pressures. We have, therefore, calculated electronic band structures, equilibrium lattice constants, cohesive energies, bulk moduli and magnetic moments for GdN in the B1 and B2 phases. The magnetic moment, equilibrium lattice parameter and bulk modulus is calculated to be 6.99 μB, 4.935 Å and 192.13 GPa, respectively, which are in good agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   
The behavior of charge and spin persistent currents in an integrable lattice ring of strongly correlated electrons with a magnetic impurity is exactly studied. Our results manifest that the oscillations of charge and spin persistent currents are similar to the ones, earlier obtained for integrable continuum models with a magnetic impurity. The difference is due to two (instead of one) Fermi velocities of low-lying excitations. The form of oscillations in the ground state is “saw-tooth”-like, generic for any multi-particle coherent one-dimensional models. The integrable magnetic impurity introduces net charge and spin chiralities in the generic integrable lattice system, which determine the initial phase shifts of charge and spin persistent currents. We show that the magnitude of the charge persistent current in the generic Kondo situation does not depend on the parameters of the magnetic impurity, unlike the (magneto)resistivity of transport currents. Received 30 January 2003 / Received in final form 12 March 2003 Published online 11 April 2003 RID="a" ID="a"e-mail: zvyagin@fy.chalmers.se  相似文献   
We study the magnetic excitation spectrum of the spin-1 chain with Hamiltonian .We focus on the range where the spin chain is in the gapped Haldane phase. The excitation spectrum and static structure factor is studied using direct Lanczos diagonalization of small systems and density-matrix renormalization group techniques combined with the single-mode approximation. The magnon dispersion has a minimum at until a critical value is reached at which the curvature (velocity) vanishes. Beyond this point, which is distinct from the VBS point and the Lifshitz point, the minimum lies at an incommensurate value that goes smoothly to when approaches , the Lai-Sutherland point. The mode remains isolated from the other states: there is no evidence of spinon deconfinement before the point .These findings explain recent observation of the behavior of the magnetization curve for . Received 16 December 1998  相似文献   
We construct the bounce-averaged diffusion coefficients and study the bounce-averaged acceleration for energetic electrons in gyroresonance with whistler mode chorus. Numerical calculations have been performed for a band of chorus frequency distributed over a standard Gaussian spectrum specifically in the region near L = 4.5, where peaks of the electron phase space density occur. It is found that whistler mode chorus can efficiently accelerate electrons and can increase the phase space density at energies of about 1 MeV by more than one order of magnitude about one day, in agreement with the satellite observations during the recovery phase of magnetic storms.  相似文献   
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and relaxation of 63Cu and 65Cu in a powder sample of the heavy-fermion paramagnet CeCu6 is measured and analysed quantitatively. Five different Cu sites are accessible to a detailed analysis. We derive quadrupolar splitting frequencies, Ce to Cu transferred hyperfine field coupling constants, and transversal as well as longitudinal relaxation behaviour. Only small relaxation anomalies are observed at the orthorhombic to monoclinic structural phase transition of CeCu6. We point to the different importance of transferred hyperfine interaction and local conduction electron density for static or dynamic part, respectively, of Cu hyperfine interaction. The different sign of the transferred hyperfine interaction from Ce3+ to different Cu neighbours reveals the different competing interaction mechanisms, giving rise to the heavy-fermion paramagnetic behavior of CeCu6. Received 20 November 2001  相似文献   
Various temperature-, pressure- and field dependent investigations on CePd2Ga3 indicate this ternary compound as belonging to the group of ferromagnetically ordered Kondo lattices, with the Curie temperatureT C =6K and the Kondo temperatureT K =4K. The first excited crystal field level of this hexagonal compound is about 40 K above the crystal field ground state, while the overall splitting is much larger.  相似文献   
We discuss the effects of an applied magnetic field on the low-energy excitations in the low temperature phase of Yb4As3. We show also why the magnetic interaction of the Yb3+ ions is nearly of an isotropic Heisenberg spin-1/2 type. A small anisotropy due to an intrachain dipolar interaction leads to the opening of a gap when a magnetic field is applied. The model agrees with available experimental data. Simple experiments are suggested in order to further test the present theory. Received 3 February 1999  相似文献   
We consider a symmetric Anderson impurity model with a soft-gap hybridization vanishing at the Fermi level, with r>0. Three facets of the problem are examined. First the non-interacting limit, which despite its simplicity contains much physics relevant to the U>0case: it exhibits both strong coupling (SC) states (for r<1) and local moment states (for r>1), with characteristic signatures in both spectral properties and thermodynamic functions. Second, we establish general conditions upon the interaction self-energy for the occurence of a SC state for U>0. This leads to a pinning theorem, whereby the modified spectral function is pinned at the Fermi level for any U where a SC state obtains; it generalizes to arbitrary r the pinning condition upon familiar in the normal r=0 Anderson model. Finally, we consider explicitly spectral functions at the simplest level: second order perturbation theory in U, which we conclude is applicable for and r>1 but not for . Characteristic spectral features observed in numerical renormalization group calculations are thereby recovered, for both SC and LM phases; and for the SC state the modified spectral functions are found to contain a generalized Abrikosov-Suhl resonance exhibiting a characteristic low-energy Kondo scale with increasing interaction strength. Received 26 August 1999  相似文献   
We report the results of 69Ga- and 71Ga-NMR measurements on NdGa2 at temperatures between 0.1 and and in applied magnetic fields between zero and 74 kOe. NdGa2 orders antiferromagnetically below and undergoes several metamagnetic transitions in external magnetic fields. In zero applied magnetic field and below the temperature dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation rate T1 -1 ( T ) shows a large linear-in-T term, about two orders of magnitude higher than for the reference compound LaGa2. This strong enhancement confirms the presence of low-energy excitations in the antiferromagnetic phase of NdGa2 as was previously indicated by specific heat data. Above , T1 -1 ( T ) is dominated by an exponential term, which we associate with excitations between the lowest energy levels of the f-electron system. The separation of these energy levels is determined by exchange, crystal-field and Zeeman interactions. Received 3 September 1998 and Received in final form 3 November 1998  相似文献   
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