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Two methods for multi-element preconcentration from copper by reductive matrix precipitation are presented. In systematic investigations on the coprecipitation behaviour of Ag, Al, Au, Bi, Cd, Co, Cr, Fe, Ga, In, Mn, Mo, NJ, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Te and Zn during precipitation of the copper matrix as Cu2O or CuSCN, the separation parameters were optimized. By combination with a hexamethyleneammonium hexamethylenedithiocarbamate collector precipitation, a concentration of 8 elements (Cu2O precipitation) or 13 elements (CuSCN precipitation) in a small volume was achieved. The limits of detection of the procedures are, depending on the element, 0.1–5 μg g?1 for flame atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and 0.01–0.1 μg g?1 for graphite furnace AAS. The relative standard deviations are about 3%. The analytical performance of the procedures is compared with that of an electrolytic copper separation.  相似文献   
We study the coupled translational, electronic, and field dynamics of the combined system “a two-level atom + a single-mode quantized field + a standing-wave ideal cavity”. In the semiclassical approximation with a point-like atom, interacting with the classical field, the dynamics is described by the Heisenberg equations for the atomic and field expectation values which are known to produce semiclassical chaos under appropriate conditions. We derive Hamilton–Schrödinger equations for probability amplitudes and averaged position and momentum of a point-like atom interacting with the quantized field in a standing-wave cavity. They constitute, in general, an infinite-dimensional set of equations with an infinite number of integrals of motion which may be reduced to a dynamical system with four degrees of freedom if the quantized field is supposed to be initially prepared in a Fock state. This system is found to produce semiquantum chaos with positive values of the maximal Lyapunov exponent. At exact resonance, the semiquantum dynamics is regular. At large values of detuning |δ|1, the Rabi atomic oscillations are usually shallow, and the dynamics is found to be almost regular. The Doppler–Rabi resonance, deep Rabi oscillations that may occur at any large value of |δ| to be equal to |αp0|, is found numerically and described analytically (with α to be the normalized recoil frequency and p0 the initial atomic momentum). Two gedanken experiments are proposed to detect manifestations of semiquantum chaos in real experiments. It is shown that in the chaotic regime values of the population inversion zout, measured with atoms after transversing a cavity, are so sensitive to small changes in the initial inversion zin that the probability of detecting any value of zout in the admissible interval [−1,1] becomes almost unity in a short time. Chaotic wandering of a two-level atom in a quantized Fock field is shown to be fractal. Fractal-like structures, typical with chaotic scattering, are numerically found in the dependence of the time of exit of atoms from the cavity on their initial momenta.  相似文献   
Molecular electroactive monolayers have been produced from vinylferrocene (VFC) via light-assisted surface anchoring to H-terminated n- and p-Si(1 0 0) wafers prepared via wet chemistry, in a controlled atmosphere. The resulting Si-C bound hybrids have been characterized by means of XPS and AFM. Their performance as semiconductor functionalized electrodes and their surface composition have been followed by combining electrochemical and XPS measurements on the same samples, before and after use in an electrochemical cell. White-light photoactivated anchoring at short (1 h) exposure times has resulted in a mild route, with a very limited impact on the initial quality of the silicon substrate. In fact, the functionalized Si surface results negligibly oxidized, and the C/Fe atomic ratio is close to the value expected for the pure molecular species. The VFC/Si hybrids can be described as (η5-C5H5)Fe2+(η5-C5H4)-CH2-CH2-Si species, on the basis of XPS results. Electrochemical methods have been applied in order to investigate the role played by a robust, covalent Si-C anchoring mode towards substrate-molecule electronic communication, a crucial issue for a perspective development of molecular electronics devices. The response found from cyclic voltammograms for p-Si(1 0 0) functionalized electrodes, run in the dark and under illumination, has shown that the electron transfer is not limited by the number of charge carriers, confirming the occurrence of electron transfer via the Si valence band. The hybrids have shown a noticeable electrochemical stability and reversibility under cyclic voltammetry (cv), and the trend in peak current intensity vs. the scan rate was linear. The molecule-Si bond is preserved even after thousands of voltammetric cycles, although the surface coverage, evaluated from cv and XPS, decreases in the same sequence. An increasingly larger surface concentration of Fe3+ at the expenses of Fe2+ redox centers has been found at increasing number of cv’s, experimentally associated with the growth of silicon oxide. Surface SiO groups from deprotonated silanol termination, induced by the electrochemical treatments, are proposed as the associated counterions for the Fe3+ species. They could be responsible for the observed decrease in the electron transfer rate constant with electrode ageing.  相似文献   
We show that, contrary to earlier reports, application of the one-parameter variational technique to the classical (image) model for H in front of an Al surface leads to energy shifts for the ground state which are very close to those obtained numerically with a more sophisticated model of the system.  相似文献   
本文是[1,12]的继续,研究描述架中概念的结构;本文讨论后半部分,内容涉及概念内涵与外延的转换,清晰关系的内投影与内变换,概念的结构*以及有关问题的注记。  相似文献   
The weighted oscillator strengths (gf) and the lifetimes presented in this work were carried out in a multi configuration Hartree-Fock relativistic (HFR) approach. In this calculation, the electrostatic parameters were optimized by a least-squares procedure, in order to improve the adjustment to experimental energy levels. This method produces gf-values that are in better agreement with intensity observations and lifetime values that are closer to the experimental ones. In this work, we presented all the experimentally known electric dipole S IX and S X spectral lines.  相似文献   
In this paper we report the results of a morphological and structural investigation on film properties of a soluble polydiacetylene, the poly[1,6-bis(3,6-dihexadecyl-N-carbazolyl)-2,4-hexadiyne] (polyDCHD-HS). The red films of this polymer, prepared by standard spin-coating techniques, revealed absence of linear dichroism and birefringence in contrast with the ordered mesophases detected by powder X-ray studies. In order to interpret the optical behavior of this polymer, we performed AFM and SEM studies of polyDCHD-HS films spun on hydrophylic and hydrophobic glass substrates. We found the presence of surfaces organized in rod-like particles, more regularly oriented on the hydrophylic substrate. GIXRD studies, carried out on films sufficiently thick to allow the observation of the diffraction pattern, reveled the presence of a lamellar structure with a spacing of 3.22 nm. The low intensity of the diffraction peaks and the isotropic linear optical properties of the films show that the lamellar mesophases are not extended over large areas. These findings were compared with the data obtained from AFM and SEM studies on films of two other polydiacetylenes, the poly[1-(3,6-dihexadexyl-N-carbazolyl)-6-(N-carbazolyl)-2,4-hexadyine] (polya-DCHD) and the poly[1,6-bis(3,6-dipalmitoyl-N-carbazolyl)-2,4-hexadyine] (polyDPCHD), spun on hydrophylic glass substrate. The results confirmed the presence of nodular morphologies which seem to be a general characteristic of this class of materials. The particles organization appears instead related to the chemical nature of the substituents on the carbazolyl rings.  相似文献   
The order parameter S of Fe–Pt nanoparticles is estimated from X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns. The total intensity of a diffraction peak is obtained by Rietveld analysis as well as simply integrating the intensity. The Rietveld analysis is found to provide a plausible value of S even for a sample showing an XRD pattern with broad and overlapped peaks. Another order parameter Q, which is obtained from Mössbauer spectra, is introduced, and it is confirmed that Q is equivalent to the probability of Fe atoms being in the L10-type atomic arrangement. The coercivity of Fe–Pt nanoparticles is directly proportional to Q, while it vanishes at S=0.4, indicating that the magnetic property of Fe–Pt nanoparticles has a closer relationship to Q than S.  相似文献   
In this paper the effects of surface roughness and annealing temperature (T) of latex coating films on adhesion are discussed for the different stages of the film formation process. The surface free energy of latex films was assessed in terms of practical work of adhesion (W) (or adherence) using a custom-built adhesion-testing device (ATD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and contact angle measurements. For preannealed latex films surface roughness averages (Ra) were determined from AFM height images and were related to the values of W obtained from ATD measurements at room temperature. The results obtained using these tests exhibiting surface behavior on different length scales indicate a dependence of the measured adhesion on surface roughness and temperature, as well as on the length scale of the measurements.First preannealed samples were studied, which were obtained by heat treatment above the respective glass transition temperatures (Tg). Increasing the temperature of preannealing resulted in a decrease of the adherence observed in ATD experiments at room temperature. However, on the nanoscale, using AFM, no significant variation of the adherence was observed. This observation can be explained by roughness arguments. Preannealing decreases roughness which results in lower adherence values measured by ATD while for essentially single asperity AFM experiments roughness has an insignificant effect. Specimens were also annealed over a constant period of time (90 min) at different temperatures. At the end of the heat treatment, adhesion was measured at the treatment temperature by ATD. The amplified effect of temperature observed in this case on adherence is attributed to the combination of roughness decrease and increasing test temperature. In a third set of experiments completely annealed samples were studied by ATD as well as by AFM as a function of temperature. With increasing T values ATD showed a decrease in adherence, which is attributed to a decreasing surface free energy of the annealed films at elevated T values. AFM, on the other hand, showed an opposite trend which is assigned to increasing penetration of the tip into the tip/wetting polymer samples versus increasing temperature. Finally, annealing isotherms as a function of time were investigated by ATD in situ at different temperatures. This last set of experiments allowed us to optimize annealing time and temperature to achieve complete curing.  相似文献   
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