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论我国侦查程序中法官角色的重塑   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
侦查程序的正当化系现代法治国家刑事诉讼文明的重要标志,而法官的应然作用对侦查程序的正当化起关键性作用。我国侦查程序中法官应然角色作用缺失,形成种种弊端,严重违背程序正义理念的要求,亟待予以重新塑造,以充分保障人权,促进我国刑事诉讼文明、民主的进程。  相似文献   
内地与澳门虽然都建立了程序性违法的制裁制度,但价值理念、法律传统等诸多方面的不同导致了两地在有关刑事诉讼程序性违法法律后果的规定上存在较大差异。针对警察、检察官或法官的各种违反法定诉讼程序的行为,澳门刑事诉讼法规定了诉讼行为无效制度和非法证据排除规则,构成其较为完善的程序性裁判机制。相比而言,内地有关程序性违法法律后果的规定则存在不少问题。深入比较两地的程序性违法法律后果,研究其各自的运作机理和制度绩效,对于两地尤其是我国内地程序性违法制裁制度的改革与完善具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
李彦彦 《行政与法》2005,(5):127-128,F003
信用证(Letter of Credit简称L/C)是现在商业发展需要而非法律制度的产物,信用证平衡了买卖双方的风险负担而成为最受欢迎的一种支付方式,在国际支付中起到了不能取代的作用.严格相符(strict compliance)是信用证法律关系中一项独特的基本原则.在司法实践和商业实践中具有极高的指导意义.本文将结合案例从实质相符和程序相符两个方面讨论严格相符的条件.  相似文献   
黎四奇 《河北法学》2007,25(4):51-55
法律理论演进的历史表明,文人相攻的天性及对自我理论的偏爱决定了法学理论之间的相互搏杀.虽然这种理论的对垒确实促进了人们对法律真知认识深度的深化,但是这种理论阵地上的排斥异己现象却非一种正确的法学真理探求观,因为复杂的社会决定了任何法律的命题并不能提供法律全部的图像.与此同理,中国的法治理论观不应是一种搏杀观,而应是一种博采众长的兼收并蓄观.  相似文献   
On the basis of the uncertainty management model, we argue here that when people are uncertain about an organization's trustworthiness, they may resolve the question how they should react toward the organization by relying on their perceptions of the organization's procedures. As a consequence, we predicted that the reactions of parents whose child was in a day care center would be strongly influenced by their perceptions of the procedures used by the organization that was responsible for their children's day care when the parents would be uncertain about the organization's trustworthiness. However, when parents would be certain that the organization could be trusted they would be less in need of procedural information, yielding less strong effects of perceived procedure on parents' reactions. The findings of a survey study corroborate this line of reasoning. In the discussion it is argued that these findings suggest that people especially rely on their perceptions of procedures when they are uncertain about important aspects of their lives, such as the trustworthiness of organizations that are responsible for their children's day care.  相似文献   
This study investigates how justice or fairness issues such as procedural justice, distributive justice, and status equity affect job satisfaction among Korean employees. Incorporating cultural values and social norms salient in Korea, the study hypothesizes that perceptions of procedural justice enhance more job satisfaction than perceptions of distributive justice among Korean employees. Another hypothesis, based on Korean employees' aspiration for higher occupational status, predicts that perceptions of status equity, i.e., occupational prestige of their current jobs relative to their human capital, also increase job satisfaction more than perceptions of distributive justice. These two hypotheses were tested with a sample of 501 full-time employees in Korea. Supporting the hypotheses, the results indicated that (i) perceptions of procedural justice produce more job satisfaction than do perceptions of distributive justice; and (ii) perceptions of status equity are the most important factor predicting job satisfaction among the three fairness issues. Cross-cultural implications of these findings are discussed in more detail.The author thanks Professor Hyunho Seok and the Korean Social Science Council (KSSC) for their 1990 national survey data sets.  相似文献   
To highlight the advances and limitations in the study of organizational justice as reflected by the articles in this issue, the field is characterized as being in its intellectual adolescence. Following this analogy, some signs of scientific maturity are noted. Among these are (a) increased attention to the connections between organizational justice and various organizational processes, (b) expanded efforts toward conceptual refinement, and (c) greater reliance on research conducted in natural settings. At the same time, the adolescent state of the field is also marked by its intellectual awkwardness and immaturity. Indications of this include (a) the absence of guiding theory, (b) an underdeveloped research agenda, and (c) an overreliance on the use of ad hoc measurements. Based on these limitations, suggestions are made for ways of nurturing the field's development. The article concludes with an optimistic vision of tomorrow's field of organizational justice.  相似文献   
吴建依  徐鹏 《行政与法》2004,(11):79-80
随着程序权利观念的不断深入,世界各国对行政程序越来越重视,相对人在行政程序上的权利,已成为现代行政法学研究的重要课题。目前法学理论对行政相对人程序性权利的研究颇多,但由于程序性权利内容广泛并处于不断变化发展之中,所以笔者认为明确相对人程序性权利的设定原则最为关键。文章从行政相对人的性质、地位着手,提出了信息交流畅通原则、操作简易性原则、事前保护为主和事后保护为辅的原则、保护基本权利的原则等设定行政相对人程序性权利应遵循的原则。  相似文献   
Workplace justice and employee worth   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Distributive and procedural justice gain new meaning in light of other distinctions about how organizations value employees (the employees' “worth”). Fair compensation gives employees worth as achieved status: how the employee is like some employees (similarly rewarded) and not like others (dissimilarly rewarded). But employees also want to be treated uniquely as individuals and in other ways to be treated like all other employees, both reflecting worth as ascribed status. Such worth need not involve the distribution of outcomes; it can be gained if procedures function as ends in themselves. Different types of worth thus become the source of different criteria for justice. Based on a paper entitled “Justice as Worth,” which was prepared for the Third International Conference on Social Justice research (held in the Netherlands during July 1991).  相似文献   
犯罪学发展至今,仍然以定性分析为主,定量研究为辅,主要原因是缺少分析犯罪系统的理论和方法,无法建立犯罪模型。文章首先在M arkov骨架过程的基础上,提出了K-G过程的基本概念并给出相应定理,然后从社会犯罪的实际问题出发,以建立犯罪控制系统为目的,建立了宏观犯罪模型———社会治安稳定性模型,并用K-G过程研究了此模型,给出概率分布。  相似文献   
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