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汉族人群五个STR基因座的多态性调查   总被引:22,自引:9,他引:13  
应用PCR及PAG电泳技术研究了PLA2A、vWA、CYP19、TH和LPL五个基因座的多态性,调查武汉地区汉族无关个体,获得汉族人群的频率分布。五个基因座基因型频率分布与Hardy-Weinberg平衡吻合良好、分别计算基因座的杂合度(H)、个人识别能力(Dp)、非父排除率(PE)和多态性信息总量(PIC)。为法医学应用提供了基础数据。  相似文献   
新Y-STR基因座DYS709在汉族人群中的遗传多态性调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的筛选新的Y-STR基因座,调查其在汉族人群中的等位基因频率分布,评价其在法医学及其它方面的应用价值。方法在Y染色体基因组DNA中查找候选基因座,在重复顺序两端设计引物,PCR扩增后用银染法显示结果。结果一个重复单位为CTTT的Y-STR基因座DYS709被发现。在102例汉族无关男性个体血样中共检出了7个等位基因。基因多样性为0.7063,个人识别能力(PD)和非父排除率(PE)均为0.7063。结论新筛选到的DYS709具有较高的遗传多态性,在法医学及人类遗传学方面具有应用价值。  相似文献   
目的探讨建立Gc亚型检测的复合MS-PCR法及其应用价值。方法根据Gc基因中的2处点突变,设计2对片段相差5bp的等位基因特异性引物和1条公共引物进行复合MS-PCR,分析Gc多态性,并调查武汉地区218例汉族无关个体Gc多态性和鉴定10例亲子关系。结果复合MS-PCR检测的Gc基因型,与AmpliTypePM试剂盒的分型结果一致;武汉地区汉族人群Gc基因的3个常见等位基因Gc1F、Gc1S、Gc2的基因频率分别为0.4816、0.2592、0.2592,观察杂合度(Hobs)、期望杂合度(Hexp)、多态性信息含量(PIC)、个人识别能力(DP)、非父排除率(PE)分别为0.6193、0.6359、0.6253、0.7974、0.3480,基因型分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡;真三联体和非真三联体亲子鉴定各5例,前者不排除父子关系,与常规STR分型一致,后者经Gc-MS-PCR分型排除2例。结论建立复合MS-PCR法检测Gc亚型在法医物证鉴定中有实用价值。  相似文献   
当前的入侵检测技术主要有基于规则的误用检测和基于统计的异常检测。本文提出一个基于遗传算法的神经网络入侵检测系统模型,该模型将神经网络与遗传算法结合起来,利用神经网络自学习、自适应的特性,同时克服了神经网络易陷入局部最优,训练速度慢的缺点。该模型具有智能特性,能够较好地识别新的攻击。  相似文献   
贫困是导致犯罪的重要原因。相对贫困导致外来人口犯罪的客观原因包括经济因素、控制机制因素、地缘因素、就业因素和社会消极因素;主现原因包括心理承受力和心态、受教育程度。外来人口犯罪的特点表现为作案手段简单,随意性和流动性大,以宗亲或同乡关系为纽带结伙作案。作案类型主要是盗窃、抢劫、诈骗和伤害。抑制外来人口犯罪应发展经济,有效地控制贫富差距,防止两级分化;坚持精神文明与物质文明一起抓,保持社会全面、协调地发展;教育农民;完善城市治安防范控制机制。  相似文献   
量刑活动与定罪活动的相对独立性,决定了量刑事实的构成、量刑证据、量刑事实的证明要求以及量刑事实的运用等不同于定罪事实。量刑事实的证明一般奉行"谁主张,谁举证"原则,罪重事实的证明应达到排除合理怀疑标准,罪轻事实的证明达到优势证据标准即可。  相似文献   
回到马克思:解开剥削问题的死结   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
马克思将剩余价值分解为初始剩余价值、绝对剩余价值和相对剩余价值三个组成部分,其中相对剩余价值是资本通过提高劳动生产力得到的,不是靠剥削工人的劳动得来的。因此,资本家占有相对剩余价值不是剥削,不能滥用剩余价值率来衡量剥削程度。但在现实中,剩余价值三个组成部分之间的界限是模糊的,劳资双方为争取各自的利益展开博弈。政府的作为在于用法令缩短工作日,限制剥削,促进全社会劳动生产力的提高。  相似文献   
青岛地区汉族人群13个STR基因座的频率分布及法医学应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 调查青岛地区汉族人群无关个体的 13个STR基因座 (D3S135 8、VWA、FGA、D8S1179、D2 1S11、D18S5 1、D5S818、D13S317、D7S82 0、D16S5 39、TH0 1、TPOX、CSFIPO)的基因频率分布 ,研究其遗传多态性及其在法医学个体识别及亲子鉴定中的应用价值。 方法 用美国ABI - 310型遗传分析仪对ProfilerPlus和Cofiler两个系统的 13个STR基因座的复合扩增产物进行毛细管电泳及四色荧光自动分析检测 ,基因分型软件为GeneScanv3.1和Genotyperv2 .5 .2。  结果 获得 13个STR基因座在青岛地区汉族人群的基因频率分布数据 ,13个STR基因座的PIC >0 .5 ,DP >0 .71,CCE =0 .999999,TDP值接近 1,TPm =1.2× 10 -14 ,家系调查符合孟德尔遗传规律。 结论 ProfilerPlus和Cofiler两个系统的 13个STR基因座在法医学个体识别及亲子鉴定中具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   
In this study, we investigated the genetic characteristics of 25 Y-chromosomal short tandem repeat loci in 305 unrelated Chinese Han male individuals from Liaoning Province, using AmpFISTR® Yfiler® Plus amplification kit. A total of 293 different haplotypes were observed at the 25 Y-STR loci; among them, 281 were unique and 12 were occurred twice. The overall haplotype diversity was 0.9997 and the discrimination capacity was 0.9607. The gene diversity values ranged from 0.4525 (DYS391) to 0.9617 (DYS385). Population relationships between our data and other published populations were measured by Rst and visualized in two multi-dimensional scaling plots. The results showed that the 25 Y-STR loci in Liaoning Han population are valuable for forensic application and human genetics.  相似文献   
The usefulness of DNA databases is widely known and demonstrated. After the successful experiences of the UK and the USA the creation of databases increased rapidly around the world. In Latin America the implementation was slower and more problematic, with Chile and Uruguay being the first to implement them. In Argentina the problems were greater and more persistent.Although the lack of legislation or applicable laws is a generalized problem, the most difficult one to overcome was the lack of decision, interest and resources by those responsible at an institutional level.In 2016, Mendoza province modified its database law by creating the “Registro Provincial de Huellas Genéticas Digitalizadas” which allowed the process of construction and consolidation to begin. From January 2017 all prisoners, convicted and imputed of all types of crimes began to be sampled. This made the database to grow rapidly, reaching 13.821 samples in that year.During 2018, in addition to the daily imputed individuals, we began with the sampling from all the Mendoza Police Department, including the Scientific Police that deals with the crime scene. At present the database has a total of 40.652 individuals.In August 2018, the FBI's CODIS system was installed, and later the data loading process began. In 12 months we have reached 87 match or hits of which 46 correspond to sexual assault, 17 to robbery, 16 to homicides and the rest to other cases. Given that within the sexual abuse cases we were able to identify several serial sexual offenders, the 87 hits allowed clarifying 174 criminal cases.These results reaffirm the potential of the databases and gives a light of hope for victims of crime.In this work we present the advances and challenges that we faced in a chronological order.  相似文献   
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